
Chapter 5

Years have been gone by... Time passes, wind flows, leaves fall, Naruto and Renji turned out to be great friends, despite not knowing they are the family, they lived together in the apartment that Lord Hokage provided them.

Naruto was given permission by Lord Hokage to start attending the academy early on...but not Renji.

Naruto needed to learn how to control his chakra so that he could control Kyuubi better, but even if he fails 1000 times it wouldn't bring any disaster.

Renji was Different... His bloodline makes him melt people, and the stronger he gets, the tougher it will be to control his bloodline.

So Hatake Kakashi was ordered to taught him how to control chakra for 2 years after he turned 8 he will join academy like a normal kid.

But it's heartbreaking to see Naruto getting ahead of him by entire 2 years, but what could he do... At least he was not being sealed this time, it feels so bad and it hurts.

For 2 years, he needs to learn how to control the Chakra at least to the basic level so that they can safely send the kid back to the group of people full of civilians.


It's been 6 years since then...

A blond-haired boy sat on a dirty swing tied to a tree, right hand dangling off its seat while the back of his left supported his forehead resting against the thin rope. He drifted back and forth slightly as the wind swept through the courtyard, a gentle, almost polite breeze picking up leaves and dust in its light, nuzzling wake. Normally the placid afternoon gust would have been supportive to him in a strange way, a way that he could never find the right words to explain. But the feeling from it was gone. Instead, he felt cold and alone, just like every other day of his life.

He had failed the Genin exam... again. It's been the 3rd time he failed.

Already he had proven that he was the 'dead-last' of his class, but failing the test again for the third time just seemed too much for him. The physical side of things was fine for him. His taijutsu was passable but not brilliant, his skill with the Kawarimi, the Body Replacement, was average and his henge was decent. The written exam was difficult but he managed to get an acceptable grade, a great triumph for the blond-haired Genin hopeful. But where his basic skills faltered was the Bunshin no Jutsu, the Clone Technique. No matter how much he focussed, no matter how much of his chakra – the life source of all things and the energy that gave him the ability to form ninjutsu – he pushed into its final Tiger seal and no matter how many times he tried in quick succession, he could never form a passable clone. Every single time, it appeared as a sickly apparition of himself that merely collapsed into a slight dust cloud when it dispelled after a few seconds.

Three times now, the Bunshin no Jutsu had been his downfall, three times now the clones he had attempted to produce failed him and three times now he had failed the one test he needed so desperately to pass so he could prove, not only to his classmates, not only to the entire village that looked down at him, spat at him, overcharged him for the basic necessities of life, threatened him with death and generally treated him like a blight upon their very existence in the world, but to his only friend the red hair named 'Uzumaki Renji' and for himself as well, that he was not a complete failure.

He simply sat on the swing outside Konoha's Shinobi Academy, looking at the ground and wallowing in his own misery as newly graduated students... genins were congratulated by their parents and the Academy's chuunin instructors. All he could do was watch as the things he so desperately wanted... needed to have shirked just out of his grasp. And there was nothing he could do about it.

"Hey Naruto, I'm sorry you didn't pass the test this time."

The boy, hearing his name, turned his head upwards towards the sound. A relatively tall man with blue-white hair and a shinobi flak jacket looked down on him kindly.

"Oh hey Mizuki-sensei," Naruto said simply. There wasn't much reason for him to say anything else, not to one of the two instructors who had failed him, who had prevented him from becoming a ninja.

"Come with me for a second, I think I can show you something you'll like," the chuunin smiled at him sympathetically. Naruto didn't see any reason not to follow him, not like he had anything to lose.

A minute later, the orange-jumpsuit-clad boy and his white-haired sensei sat on the balcony of an apartment block looking down on a village.

"Mizuki-sensei, I don't really get why Iruka-sensei is so hard on me... it just seems kind of unnecessary when I really think about it," Naruto digressed to his teacher.

"I know it's tough, not having parents, being alone for so long. Iruka's just like you in that regard, you know? His parents died when the fox attacked the village. He was only a kid when it happened. He's tough on you because he want you to be the best you can be. That's all there is to it kid,"

Mizuki answered quietly.

"That still doesn't let me become a genin..." Naruto moped, his head hanging slightly.

"You really want to pass Naruto, and that's the kind of spirit we need out of Konoha's shinobi, so it seems I'm going to have to let you in on a little secret, a little extra-credit assignment that'll let you pass."


"You heard me right," Mizuki answered the kid's confusion. "You see Naruto, it's a fairly old and little known practice among some of the ninja villages that when a prospective genin fails the exam a number of times while maintaining a high standard of enthusiasm and work ethic that they are allowed to become a genin under the condition that they complete a difficult test mission within the village. So, if you do this, you not only prove that you have what it takes to be a genin but also the importance of secrecy on missions for the village. No one can know that I told you about this."

That clinched it for the blond genin-hopeful. He was being allowed a chance to become a genin in a super-secret way that hardly anyone knew about and he was going to do a mission inside the village.

"Alright, I'm in, sensei! What do I have to do?" Naruto asked eagerly, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Well it's pretty simple, Naruto, but remember that it's not going to be easy. What you have to do is-


(At the center of the village, at the Tower of Hokage)

"Hokage-sama, the Scroll of Sealing has been stolen!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sandaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, was woken just before dawn by a motley group of chuunin and low-ranking jounin with bad news. The Professor was not pleased.

"Then what are you still doing here? FIND THAT SCROLL!" Sarutobi thundered at the still-standing group of green-clad ninja. They scattered quickly into the surroundings, leaving the aged Kage in his rescinding frustration. He took a few deep breaths before heading back into the Hokage Mansion to find his crystal ball and look for the one responsible. Though the old man had the unshakable feeling he knew the perpetrator quite well...


"Okay, I think I got this! Yeah, this is going to be kick-ass!" A boy's excited voice exclaimed quietly.

Naruto was excited, and with good reason. He had retrieved the objective, a large and somewhat cumbersome old scroll, from inside the Hokage's Mansion without being seen by anyone and the next step of his extra credit mission from Mizuki was almost complete.

The blond had found the perfect jutsu to learn: the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. It was a kind of clone that had its own physical mass formed from chakra and could actually fight, retrieve information, be henged into different weapons and a bunch of other really versatile uses. It was exciting to think that his worst ninjutsu, a clone jutsu, was about to become his best by a long way.

"Naruto what are you doing with that scroll?!"

"Hey Iruka-sensei, I just finished with the extra-credit assignment Mizuki-sensei gave me so I could graduate without having to do that stupid Bunshin test of yours," Naruto beamed at him. It was so awesome. He got an amazing high-rank jutsu and he got to graduate as well. This is going to be AMAYZAH!

"Naruto, do you even know what the scroll is?!" Iruka looked furious, the scarred chuunin instructor's left eye twitching madly. Naruto just shook his head quizzically. "That's the Sacred Scroll of Sealing made by the Shodai Hokage. That scroll holds the village's entire collection of kinjutsu!"

"But Mizuki-sensei said that-"

"-you should hand the scroll over to me," a new voice interrupted as a green-clad shadow landed on the rundown shack on the far side of the dark forested clearing Naruto and Iruka stood in. Mizuki, with two over-sized and deadly Fuuma shuriken strapped to his back and his hitai-ate strapped to a dark blue bandana covering the top of his head.

"Mizuki, you traitorous bastard! What reason could you have to betray the village like this?" Iruka yelled angrily.

"Because I'm sick of Konoha keeping that demon alive for so many years, and now I've finally taken enough of their shit! Now it's time for me to take what's rightfully mine, what I should've taken a long time ago, Iruka!"

"What are you talking about Mizuki?" Iruka was shocked. He had no idea how his childhood friend and teammate had gotten this way. What had turned his friend into the vindictive and twisted shinobi before him?

"I'm talking about the thing standing right there, that thing that has ruined so many lives!" Mizuki roared at him, jabbing a finger at the stunning form of Naruto standing with the Scroll of Sealing dangling loosely at his side.

With a flash of movement, Mizuki suddenly tossed at least a dozen kunai towards Iruka, and though he dodged away, a single blade stabbed into his leg, stopping him from moving. The chuunin groaned and slumped to the ground slightly, clutching at the weapon lodged in his thigh.

"Something has been hidden from you Naruto; something has been hidden from your entire generation!" Mizuki shouted. "Have you ever wondered why you have always been looked down upon, spat at, beaten almost to death by the villagers on your birthday? Well, you're about to find out!"

"No Mizuki, stop!" Iruka yelled at his treacherous comrade, a pained groaning sounding beneath his voice. "You'll have to be killed if you speak anymore."

"I don't care anymore Iruka; this has gone on too long!" Mizuki spat back at him from a distance.

"Thirteen years ago, when the Kyuubi no Youko attacked the village, it was not killed by the Yondaime Hokage! No, it is impossible to kill a beast of such immense power, such immense chakra...so instead it was sealed away by the Hokage at the cost of his life... into you Naruto! YOU ARE THE KYUUBI REINCARNATE!"

The blond boy looked to the ground, silent as the grave, scroll dropping to the ground. The words didn't register in his head for a few seconds. It all made sense in that disjointed instant. All the abuse, the angry glares, the interruptions in his learning, the lack of help he received during his years at the Academy, even why he failed the final test and why Mizuki had tried to trick him by using his desperation to become a shinobi to manipulate him into helping him betray the village: He had slaughtered them.

"Now, I will finally finish the Yondaime's work! DIE, DEMON!" (Its sad people mistook Yondaime's Intentions, and tried to finish the very legacy of Kushina and Minato)

Mizuki bellowed at the young teenager, unfurling one of the Fuuma shuriken off of his back and flinging it at insanely high speeds towards the unmoving and shocked form of Naruto. Iruka lunged forward, trying, desperately, to stop the shuriken from cleaving his beloved student into pieces. But it wasn't good enough. It was too close, and he was too far away. The blade Mizuki had tossed was doing its work; his legs were failing him and he was failing Naruto. Something he could have prevented, if had just been slightly faster, slightly more skilled, slightly less rusty in his shinobi training and he could've saved him. But it was too late...

A dark blur moved in front of his eyesight, just faster than his pained eyes could follow. Whatever it was, it batted away the massive shuriken spiraling towards Naruto into the trees, the bladed star cut through branches and tree limbs and headed off far into the distance. The darkness around the blur faded and revealed the extreme Red Hair boy-

"Wait a second...Renji? What are you doing here?" Iruka questioned the student.

His other student had appeared out of nowhere, just flashing into their midst and saving Naruto's life like it was nothing. The Red-haired teenager stood motionless, hands at his side.

He was wearing his usual gear, consisting of dark pants, black shinobi sandals, and a dark tee-shirt partially covered by a black hooded jacket with a white zipper. His new and still perfectly reflective hitai-ate was tied around his forehead, a fast nod to tradition. His appearance was relatively unchanged, but the look on his face was twisted with murderous intent. The concise message relayed through his vividly murky brown eyes told Iruka all he needed to know: Renji was not happy.

The dark skinned teenager flexed his right hand before clenching it tightly into a fist. Fury was building in the air, and anger-filled chakra began to spread out into the clearing.

"Doing what needs to be done Iruka-sensei...that is what I am doing," the genin muttered to his sensei. He glanced at Naruto for a second.

"Don't let him twist your thoughts, I don't care what this bastard told you, No Matter what's inside of you, I don't care what you are Naruto, You might be a big monster that will destroy this entire village one day, But... I don't care, Naruto, you will always be my best and only friend... Not everyone hates you Naruto, I don't, Grandpa Hokage doesn't, and... Iruka Sensei too" Renji murmured near-inaudibly. A faint smile passed quickly over his features before he looked back, his expression hardening.

"You son of a bitch..." Renji whispered as he looked directly at the ninja standing atop the roof of the rundown shack, the quiet suddenly pierced by the shaking rage behind his deepening voice.

"Mizuki...we trusted you...all of us."

His tone of voice began to rise, pitch increasing as the ground around him began to crack under his feet. "We trusted you... you fucking... Kami-damned... traitorous... PIECE OF SHIT! I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO TREAT MY KIND AS BENEATH YOU FOR ANY LONGER! THIS ENDS NOW!"

And with his roar, Renji shot forward to Mizuki, anger powering his movements and unnaturally powerful killing intent flowing like a river out of the boy. The teenager leaped up to Mizuki in a distorted blur, kicking out with force while Mizuki leaped into a nearby tree. His foot missed by mere centimeters and the entire tree shook violently from the brute force behind it. The place where the sole of his sandal had hit had dug into the tree viciously, cutting through nearly half of the trunk in a single strike. It was a terrifyingly powerful blow and Iruka could visibly see the amount of force placed behind it. Renji recovered almost instantly from his exertion and dashed after Mizuki's fleeing form, bounding from tree to tree with practiced ease.

Iruka shook the confusion out of his head and looked back to Naruto. He had to get the boy and the scroll out of here desperately, but he couldn't leave Renji to face off against Mizuki on his own. A freshly-minted genin, no matter what the level of power they held, couldn't hold out forever against an experienced chuunin. Despite Renji's skill, he wouldn't be able to take down his traitorous ex-teammate on his own.

"Naruto," Iruka barked, "Get the scroll out of here. I'll go fight Mizuki and get Renji out of danger!"

"No, sensei," Naruto said quietly, still facing towards the ground. "You're not going to help Renji... we are going to help Renji together. BELIEVE IT!", he said with his usual grin and thumbs up gesture

Iruka was slightly taken aback by Naruto's brazen mindset in the face of danger. If this is how he handles danger, then he should become a ninja no matter what, Iruka thought absently. But then again the scroll was still at risk if it remained with them, but they couldn't very well leave it behind.

"Okay Naruto," he agreed, "We do this together, but if we get overwhelmed by Mizuki, you need to get away with the scroll, and that's an order."

"Got it sensei," the solid reply came as Naruto swung the bulky cylinder onto his back via the strap of its container.

The two set out in the direction that Renji had forced Mizuki into, following a trail of destroyed tree branches, randomly scattered weapons and the occasional patch of still smoldering ground; a telltale sign of Lava jutsu. It wasn't long before the sounds of battle began to clash in the near distance.

They were closing in rapidly.

Iruka leaped up to the next tree branch in absolute silence, gazing out into the clearing as Naruto settled alongside him gently, holding the scroll steady by its strap. A fierce battle raged below in the next clearing.

Renji settled into his next taijutsu stance, moving in and around Mizuki's strike with practiced ease. He simply watched which muscle group tightened before he stepped forward into his former sensei's guard and brought a heavy-handed fist up into Mizuki's jaw, knocking him to his feet. That was just one strike, one single strike he somehow managed to connect with great difficulty, but the Great Strength of his father that he got in inheritance was not just for show, that One punch took nearly everything out of Mizuki, The traitor recovered quickly, he swear inside his breath, he is not going to take another one of those blows, no, never.

It was insane. The kid, who was only scarcely shorter than the former chuunin instructor, just kept coming at him with taijutsu, moving with fluidity and ease that Mizuki had never been able to achieve. It was said that the great offense is a great defense, and the kid just keeps attacking never giving the chance to counter-attack, Renji's stamina is Gigantes, His chakra levels are off the chart as well. And to make the matter worse no matter how many times he counters his moves, the boy heals, he heals to the naked eyes. It was like he had no weakness, this boy is made for doing the Taijutsu battle.

With proper training, he might even be better than might Guy. Mizuki gave all he could do to stay conscious. There was no chance for him to attack or flee, as the genin simply rushed him again and again, each time coming at the traitor with more and more resolve. Each time the teenager struck out with a well-aimed fist or expertly-timed spinning kick, it was done with a slightly more refined movement or with slightly better placement and speed than the one before it. The longer the fight went on, the stronger the gaki got and the weaker he became. It was time to pull out all the stops in his arsenal.
