
"Pennibernek is evil"

This novel is a direct sequel to "The Towers: The Most Powerful Being in Fiction trilogy".

and set in the same verse as "The boy's gang" and "possessing".

It has been years since the great battle of the towers.

Pennibernek won, but much of the fiction that knows about Pennibernek hates him.

Pennibernek was a guardian who abandoned his tower when Laura was the supreme creator, something forbidden Pennibernek turned enemy and after thousands of years Pennibernek returned and attacked every tower and cosmology he could fight at the time he attacked while some never knew what happened because of what happened afterwards many still know and hate Pennibernek for it.

Even the people who saw "The towers" were killed but were resurrected and had their memories modified and don't even know about it even bad author I died but resurrected had my memories modified or not I don't know.

I don't know if this story is just fiction anymore .

thousands of angels demons and beings died in this battle and not all of them were resurrected or had their souls remade and just let it go this caused even more discord.

Thousands of Ceres now hate Pennibernek.

a boy who managed to kill pennibernek's avatar in 1989 had a horrible life and has never been the same, paulo is traumatized to this day. as well as paulo's friend Vinícius, paulo's girlfriend Eduarda and paulo's friend Maria have also never had their lives the same.

variceres to this day are plotting to take over all the towers and the fiction and get Pennibernek out of there, and get revenge on him.

New rules have also been established.

Pennibernek now no longer wears the same avatar from the battle, the life of wears a black avatar, with purple Maura, and all over his chest and has glowing eyes. sometimes he seems to wear another avatar like an avatar that looks like a cloud or a sea full of teeth with a large tongue that devours everything it is capable of a fearsome creature with pointy teeth in a large mouth, and glowing purple eyes.

The former supreme creator, who now goes by the name Laura keeps traveling between fiction and the towers doing whatever she wants or interfering in important things or things like stopping already failed attempts to defeat Pennibernek, even if it's just for fun in a battle.

As Pennibernek gets stronger over time these days he is so much more powerful that even an avatar could go head to head and defeat Laura even though she is using the true form.

Laura was also outclassed by Blank a creation of her own.

Laura could use her true form to discover everything that everyone in the existence intends to do bad but her botar form she has no hand of gray because she imitates herself not to destroy the existence. if the existence was destroyed only three beings would be left alive, Pennibernek, Laura and Blank.

but there are also very powerful beings such as: cosmic kid cane, Lula robbery mode and Bolsonaro with the multiverse sword. but these three are not even close to the other beings that exist.

currently Laura is looking for Dracula but not just any Dracula that usually exists in several universes but a supreme Dracula.

This Dracula was another normal vampire that usually exists in several universes but with time he devoured many people and then he began to absorb cities, countries, continents and planets then stars, with time he began to consume galaxies after consuming everything he managed to consume his own universe and then was consumed thousands, billions of universe until he managed to consume the whole multiverse so he began to consume several multiverses and hypervises or homini verses until one day he managed to consume a tower and now he starts to devour several Towers and is also trying to devour infinite dimensional layers that exist.

Dracula supreme upon learning that Laura was searching and started to create an army with super powerful to see if one day he would be able to hit it head on but in the meantime he sent only a few super powerful people against her.

Laura teleports to a planet Earth in a universe she thinks Dracula has been to.

With her speed she can scan the whole universe.

when she was leaving the universe a group of 6 people appears.

a woman from this group runs towards Laura and grabs her hand and teleports Laura to a dimension that the more time a person spends there the bigger the dimension gets.

the girl who teleported Laura to this dimension unzips her jacket and opens it.

Several flaming chains come out of the infinite space between the girl's belly and chest that was covered by the jacket.

Laura leans back down and shoulds it.

The chains in the air make a turn and go towards Laura again, who deflects and teleports behind the girl and lands a punch on the girl's back and goes through her chest with her hand.

The girl falls and the endless chains that always came out of her belly start to return, the girl gets up with a hole in her chest. A thin chain begins to wrap around her hand like a glove,

the girl tries to hit Laura with a punch with her chain hand. The pressure of the punch destroys thousands of walls and structures in the green dimension.Laura stops the punch with one finger and breaks the girl's hand, which falls to the floor in pain

—That's it? That was pretty pathetic - says Laura.

—Shut up, you bastard! - shouts the girl angrily.

On the girl's back appears a single angel wing and a celestial sword that angels can have.

The girl tries to hit Laura with the sword, but Laura deflects and touches the sword, the sword shatters and turns to dust.

—You probably absorbed an angel to try to have his powers, but you are so weak to absorb that you are only able to make a wing and a mediocre sword - says Laura in a tone of debauchery.

—Shut up, now I'm going to use a real sword - says the girl.

The girl with her fingernail makes a cut on the broken hand and with the blood makes a circle with a sword inside. A black-bladed sword with a brilliant white aura that heals all the girl's wounds.

—You took the sword from the multiverse, it's not even good enough! - says Laura and starts laughing at the girl.

The girl tries to hit a diagonal blow from left to right in Laura, who dodges it bending down

—I will show you what a good real sword is -speaks Laura.

Laura creates a curved point sword and stretches the blade, with one pass of the sword without touching, Laura cuts the girl in half and destroys the dimension. Laura leaves the dimension and goes to the other five, and before they have a reaction, Laura decapitates two guys of the five, and imprisons the other two in a sphere universe and points the sword at the only guy left.

—Where's Dracula? - Laura asks.

—I won't tell you bitch -says the guy and teleports from there.

Pennibernek appears where Laura is and destroys the homini verse where Laura was

Pennibernek knew that Laura was going to be okay.

Laura and Pennibernek go to the white void.

Continued in part 2

Link with images of Pennibernek in this purple avatar: https://imagempennibernek.art.blog/2022/11/26/imagens-e-pennibernek/