
Later In Years Of Time

"Let me be your sunlight and hope, Audrey." "Hope? Sunlight? Hudson, the sunlight I see has no light and there was never a sun in the light I see." Hudson looked at her, "I want to be with you, Audrey. What am I supposed to do if you leave me here alone?" Audrey shook her head in bitterness, "Shut it. Don't make me hope..." "I am doing that now." "So, stop it! Hudson, you already know what is happening. Stop being a kid and accept!" Audrey yelled at him, having snapped her patience. Hudson's eyes slightly widened as he gulped from shock. "Audrey...." "Hudson, stop making me think there is a hope. You can clearly witness how wretched my situation is." "And I will never let you go, Audrey." *** “Miss Audrey Bella Catalina, died at 09:43 PM, Tuesday night.” The doctor bowed his head and deep sighs flew from his mouth. Hudson's body trembled and weakened at an instant. He held her hand and it was the first and the last time he ever held the hand of his beloved. === Author's Note: Don't forget to check my two other books! AFTER I TOOK OFF MY TIARA - COMPLETED MASKS TO UNVEIL!- COMPLETED

LiLiNa · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

What Happened To The Usual 'Audrey'?


CHAPTER 3: What Happened To The Usual 'Audrey'?

She sat on the bed and stared at her phone that has nothing. She really turned back time, but the situation was still the same. If this second life of hers was fated to end like it did the first time, then why was she even here? Was it because heaven didn't want to make her peace? She doesn't even want to know. She doesn't want to hold onto something that will disappear briefly.

Why was she given this second life if everything's the same? Nothing changed, even her disease, and disorder was still in her body.

Maybe this life was given for her to seize and do something different that she would enjoy. She doesn't have to be so bitter about having this kind of opportunity, but she just doesn't like the fact that everything seems to be the same. In the past, she used to have friends, but she couldn't enjoy the friendship they shared because her time was limited. Nothing will be special. She doesn't want to make them feel that she loved them, but she had to bid farewell. She doesn't want them to feel that way.

But what if she put aside the bitterness and maybe create a new and be anew as her life?


Her mother smiled at the doctor widely while she was patting Audrey's head as if she was still a young kid. She sort of hated the way her mother showers her with affection. She hated the fact that her parents still loved her when she has nothing to offer than stress, depression, and hardships. She hated the fact that they didn't want to abandon her in the Hospital or leave her on some sort of street, leaving her half-dead there. She hated the fact that her parents tried so hard for her to recover. She hated her parents the most in her first life because they tried so hard when she didn't stand the chance of living like an ordinary person like others.

But now, she doesn't want to feel that way again. She realized after being alone in that room for a long time, she doesn't need to be so bitter about her past. This is the second life; therefore, it has something different to offer and not only hurt and hardships.

No matter how bitter or sweet it is, she has to swallow the life that was given to her. Maybe this other life is different or will be different that the first life she had.

Her father also smiled at her, and it was the first time for her to feel so emotional. Her parents were still smiling at her even if they were struggling at making money. They own a small Enterprise company, but it wasn't enough for their finances and needs for daily lives. There were times when their finances are enough and are sufficient for a calculated time, but because she has many difficulties, that money are only enough for her diseases and needs.

She realized how hard it must have been for her parents to watch their daughter worsen now and then, but they throw money to the Hospital so that she could recover. In her past life, she was not grateful for what they were doing because her mindset was to abandon her so that her parents would have their own life and will enjoy it. She was in their way of happiness; she didn't want to accept how much her parents loved her and will never admit that she longed for their affection every day.

She sweetly smiled at her father, and he nodded at her as if assuring her that everything will be fine. The look in his eyes was so genuine and sweet that she felt that the 'love' she always longed for was always at her parents' side. Why must she be cruel to them in the past?

Her father looked away as he chose to listen to what Doctor Lawrence was saying. Of course, Angela was there since she is Audrey's nurse and Doctor Lawrence's assistant.

Lawrence looked at Mother Catalina (her surname), and said with a soft smile, "We observed how Audrey was doing and it seemed that she is recovering more than the last time she woke up. This is a piece of good news I wanted to tell you." He handed the folder to Angela and she took it without hesitation as she waited for the couple's reaction.

Father Catalina (his surname), looked at Audrey and his smile was bigger and sweeter than earlier. He was so happy that his little sweet daughter was finally recovering. How long had it been since Audrey first battled with her disease?

He controlled the tears that were clear from underneath his Iris and he held his wife's hand.

Mother Catalina let out a relieved sigh and told the doctor and the nurse, "Thank you, thank you for the hard work. My baby is finally recovering. Ah… I can't thank you both enough." She continuously bowed her head and Lawrence put his hand into his pocket, saying,

"I didn't do much. It was because my assistant was doing well in taking care of and not leaving Miss Audrey alone in this huge room. Thank you for not leaving your hopes and still fighting even if this was so long. I may have been only her doctor for three years, Miss Audrey is a strong lady, so we are hoping that her recovery will be complete. We will make sure that she will have more progress than the last time."

Angela slightly blushed at the compliment her crush said to her. But she cleared her throat and said to the couple, "I also want to inform you that Miss Audrey's memories are magically coming back so this time, we will ensure that she will be better."

The couple thanked the two before the two left the room. The family was left inside the room and Mother Catalina said to her daughter, "Your older brother is going here after hearing that you have woken up."

Audrey's eyes widened and asked again, "… Ol-older brother…?" she couldn't believe what her parents said. Her older brother…. Is here!!

Her older in her first life died due to an accident. And the accident took place when he was in a hurry to see his younger sister, who woke up from a long coma. He died because of the want to see her, but she will see her older brother again. She was in a daze because she had completely forgotten her older brother. Her eyes blinked on their own and she gulped. Her tears swelled in her eyes and they fell without notice.

Her father saw her tears and was shocked.

"Audrey… why are you crying? Does something hurt? Where does it hurt? Tell me."

Her mother also came to her and touched her shoulder, asking in a concerned voice, "Why are you crying, Audrey? Are you hurt somewhere? Tell us and we'll buy the appropriate medicine for you."

Audrey looked at her parents, teared-eyed and sniffed like a child. Her mother spread her arms and put Audrey in her arms preciously, "Audrey, my child, why are you crying?" Her mother patted her back worriedly, but Audrey continued to cry.

After a long time, Audrey was still sniffing because she missed her older brother so much that she couldn't wait anymore but hug him tightly. Her older brother sacrificed so much for her but what she only gave was cold treatment and not appreciate him fully.

Someone opened the door and it was her older brother, Zachary. Audrey looked at who opened the door and her tears fell again after seeing her older brother.


Audrey hurriedly went down from her bed, put the blanket out of her way, and didn't even bother to put on her slipper and directly hugged her brother who was too stunned to even speak. Her brother's eyes blinked in confusion and glimpsed at his parents, who were fairly surprised as well.

Zachary frowned and didn't know where to put his hands when Audrey suddenly hugged him out of nowhere and on top of that, she was crying!

Zachary didn't know what to do since Audrey has never been this affectionate towards him.

"… Audrey….?" He unsurely and softly called for her. He blinked his eyes.

Audrey looked up as she cried her heart out and whined, "Wh-why did you onl-only visit m-me now?? Do you not love me any-anymore??" She was yelling that her brother dropped his jaw.

"… Wh-what did you sa-say?" her brother thought he misheard her question. He tilted his head and was surely unfamiliar with this kind of Audrey.

Audrey whined and told him, "Are you no-not going to hug your s-sister?! You only came here n-now! Do you know how much I-I miss-missed you?" She stuttered as she said that but Zachary was still questioning what was happening.

Was Audrey this open to him? In the past, he used to give her food or flowers, but they were always thrown into the garbage bin, but now, she was hugging him?? For sure?