
Later In Years Of Time

"Let me be your sunlight and hope, Audrey." "Hope? Sunlight? Hudson, the sunlight I see has no light and there was never a sun in the light I see." Hudson looked at her, "I want to be with you, Audrey. What am I supposed to do if you leave me here alone?" Audrey shook her head in bitterness, "Shut it. Don't make me hope..." "I am doing that now." "So, stop it! Hudson, you already know what is happening. Stop being a kid and accept!" Audrey yelled at him, having snapped her patience. Hudson's eyes slightly widened as he gulped from shock. "Audrey...." "Hudson, stop making me think there is a hope. You can clearly witness how wretched my situation is." "And I will never let you go, Audrey." *** “Miss Audrey Bella Catalina, died at 09:43 PM, Tuesday night.” The doctor bowed his head and deep sighs flew from his mouth. Hudson's body trembled and weakened at an instant. He held her hand and it was the first and the last time he ever held the hand of his beloved. === Author's Note: Don't forget to check my two other books! AFTER I TOOK OFF MY TIARA - COMPLETED MASKS TO UNVEIL!- COMPLETED

LiLiNa · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

Brother-Sister Pair


CHAPTER 4: Brother-Sister Pair

Zachary didn't know what to do, he was s to stunned that he was about to lose energy. He sighed and gathered his courage to pat Audrey, who was crying in his arms like a child. He didn't know how to react since Audrey, after realizing and hearing, accidentally, that her days were limited, became distant. Well, even before that, Audrey was already putting a firm borderline against anyone. It appeared as if she didn't want anyone to get close to her. Maybe it was for the reason that, she didn't want anyone to get hurt once she leaves this planet or she didn't want her feelings to be attached to anyone.

Those are the things Zachary thought about so he suppressed himself from visiting her like he usually does since he realized that he might be only putting effort in vain. He decided to choose to support her with finance. Alas, it was what she needed among anything else anyway.

Once, when they were still a bit close to each other, he asked her if she was interested in love or finding love in this world and her answer hurt him.

「 "Love... why are you asking me that?"」

「 "What do you mean why? Of course, it is because I am interested in my sister's wants and needs." 」

「 "Love… hmm, if you ask me what is that, outside of parental love, or family affection… I don't know. They said it comes unexpectedly. But never in my situation would I ever find one. Because look, I am even incapable of giving it all to our parents and you asked me about love. What is that if I can't even love those who are near to me every day?" 」

「 "No, not that.. just, are you interested?" 」

「 "I don't want to be interested, it will be in vain anyway." 」

Zachary closed his eyes briefly and looked at her sister, who was still crying. He could feel that Audrey misses him like in the old days. In the past, she used to hug him so tight and giggle every time he visits, but once heard that her time was counted, she became cold and unable to open up to anyone. He doesn't know how to talk to her because he was afraid he might trigger something that would make her afraid even more and he was also afraid that his beloved sister, whom he cherishes so much from the bottom of his heart, would leave this world sooner than they expected that she would live healthy and happily.

He didn't talk to her for months due to the uncertain reaction she would give him. He might act like he was happy to see her, but what if she sees that he was happy that she would leave this world early? What if she thinks that he doesn't love her? He didn't want her to feel that way, so he let nature takes its course before he does. It was also his way to think of a better solution but who would think that she would fall into a coma once again?

He really couldn't believe that she was alive and even better than the last time he saw her. Her usual mood and attitude also returned. He can't be happier than this. He looked at his parents and nodded at them, motioning that they could leave him alone with his sister. His parents were satisfied and went out gently and silently as possible.

After they left, Zachary pulled out his sister from the hug, who was still tugging the hem of his suit. He chuckled and took the handkerchief from his pocket, wiping her snot and tears from her eyes.

"Audrey, did you miss me that much?" He giggled happily and patted his sister's head affectionately.

Audrey looked at him, sniffing and sobbing like there was no tomorrow, and told him, "Ho-how can you not vi-visit me? F-father said that you we-were so busy th-that you couldn't visit m-me. Why is th-that? Do you fi-finally hate m-me?" She was sobbing that her eyes turned swollen after crying aggressively. Zachary didn't know how to respond since she uttered such nonsense and he led her to her bed, scolding gently,

"What did I tell you last time? Didn't I tell you to be very careful around your IV drip? You know that your body is also weak, how can you act such stunt?" He sat beside her and patted her head as he nagged at her gently.

Audrey sheepishly looked away from him, saying, "I-It was not li-like you vi-visited m-me that m-much. Wh-who was t-the one who ma-made me miss hi-him? Hmph!"

Zachary deeply sighed and told her, "Didn't father tell you that I am busy? I had just booked a flight last night. I haven't even eaten after father informed me that you have woken up. Tell me, did I do something wrong?"

Audrey flinched and blinked her eyes as if she had realized her mistake. She cleared her throat and clearly said, "Even so! It was not like you can not take a day off and visit your sister. Hmph. What are you even doing at your work?"

Zachary smiled at her naughty attitude. This what the real Audrey looked and feels like. He smiled and felt relieved that she came back. The doctors told him that she was better than the last time she woke up and the chances of her recovering even increased. He couldn't believe that things are finally doing better to his sister. He just wished that she'd recover, and he will sacrifice anything if it means she will recover.

He was really relieved that her naughty and silly sister was back. He thought that his sister wouldn't be back like she used to be.


"Say ah~" Zachary said as he motioned to Audrey that she opens her mouth as he fed her as if she was still a kid. Audrey was very happy about her being spoiled but her mother said to her,

[ "Daughter, I am very aware that you have woken up and you will recover fast. But.. you know that your brother is already lacking rest. Rather than making him do work, why don't you suggest him to rest?" ]

Audrey humphed and defended herself, [ "I haven't seen him for a long time, can I not ask for this small favor?" ] She looked at her mother, teary-eyed and her mother could only sigh and said, as if stressed, [ "I guess my daughter was back but with an overly clingy personality." ] She shook her head and took a long inhale.

Audrey looked at her brother and foolishly smiled at him, "This is delicious. Hehe."

Zachary nodded his head, "Of course. This is what you should eat so you can recover. Can you do that for me? Hmm?" He asked gently and looked like he was calm and not mad that she made him feed her even though she was already well to do this kind of thing.

Audrey pondered about it for a while and wittingly answered, "Only if you feed me!"

Zachary was busted with her answer. "I can't be always beside you. I am here to take care of you for a few days but that doesn't mean I will stay here forever. I need to make money and help our parents with our finances." He sighed, looking how the atmosphere had changed and he explained himself, "I am saying this because I know you're in your exact age to know this thing. You will need to take care of yourself, and I want you know slowly be used to do that."

Audrey sighed and ate the food on the spoon that was given to her and grumbled. "Is it that hard to feed me? I just missed you, that's all."

Zachary smiled at her, "I know what you mean. I missed you a lot too. But, just saying, if I am not here, you should do things your own, alright? Mother and Father are already busy with their own works. Can you promise that you'll be a good girl?"

"… Yes… I will." She pouted and scrunched her nose. Zachary pinched her nose and said,

"Your nose is quite lying huh."

"I am not lying, I am just being obedient."

"Really? I'll see that from our parents once I leave then?"

Audrey was confident and nodded her head excitedly, "Of course! But when are you going to leave?"

"Me?" Zachary thought about his words earlier and said with her eyes squinted, "Well, I might leave this Sunday. Today is Wednesday, so we still have three days to be with you." He smiled at her with his words.

Audrey was also happy and rejoiced, "Well, I will seize this time. But, uhh, well, I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

Audrey played with her fingers and cleared her throat, as if embarrassed of what she would say next, "W-well, you know before I got into coma, I was cold at you. I… I was so full of myself and didn't think of my actions well…"