Rivalry between the two best detectives in the world. The secretive emotionless insomniac and the impulsive bold smartass were forced to work on a case together. However both sides of the rivalry aren't as the other perceives it, no, there is something more to it. But that blossoms a moment too late.
"𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬?" 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐭, a thick French accent laced his words. That helped the spaced out girl finally remembered where she was. "Miss Arai. I told you I can't give you more than 5 minutes-" The man was cut off. The girl whose attention he was trying to catch just opened her phone, seemingly uninterested in what he had to say.
He twitched his eye before speaking up once more. "Are you listening?" She only hummed in response. Her chestnut brown hair, blown in all directions due to the strong wind on the shore and her lost gaze gave her a sort of mysterious look.
A sigh escaped her lips. With a swift motion she closed her phone and finally looked up at the two police men who were waiting for her take on this. "Man is in his late 30s. Probably working in a bank or office judging by his clothes... They are far too expensive, look at the material of the jacket. So if it was in an office, it would be in a higher position." She walked around the corpse and kneeled down looking closely at his lower body.
"He is clearly in good shape. He walks great distance everyday going by the state of his shoes." She deduced as the detectives looked at her rather baffled.
"What about his shoes?" One of the men spoke up with uncertainty in his voice. The woman pointed to the shoes of the victim.
"Everything else in his outfit is worth more than 100 euro a piece yet his shoes are a cheap brand and not looked after. They aren't specifically running shoes but could work for long distance walking. He enjoys it though..." She took a deep breath. This happened very rarely when deducing. Her mouth and lungs couldn't catch up with her brain. "He did only pick up this healthy lifestyle a couple of months back. Probably the realization of being in his 30s without a wife hitting him, trying to change for the better." She stood up dusting her jacket off. "So... Distant from family and no romantic relationship. The killer wasn't someone from his private life." She rambled, biting on her nail as the police tried writing down most of what she had just said. Although their scribbles were almost undistinguishable due to the speed the woman spoke with.
"Now. Cause of death?" She inquired, for the first time that afternoon the police were quick with their answer.
"Asphyxiation. He choked up on his own blood. His vocal cords have been cut. He must have been drugged in the process seeing as the cut is so clean-" but the guy didn't get to finish that, being cut off by the girl's phone going off.
She groaned, taking out the white device looking at the contact ID. Her eyes suddenly widened and her posture straightened. "Excuse me I need to take this" she quickly walked away from the two men and picked up the phone, stopping that familiar tune of Toxic by Britney Spears.
"Hello?" She asked as she heard the warm familiar voice of an old friend from the other end of the line.
"Hello Mi." He greeted her a smile grew wide on her face.
"What makes you call out of nowhere?" But her question was met with a deep sigh from the man. She started to get a faint idea of where this might be going.
"Have you heard of Kira?" He asked straight away. She nodded before realizing he couldn't see her.
"I am familiar, yes. I'm guessing L has taken on the case." She remarked, her tone getting more resentful speaking of the notorious detective. They had what you would call a friendly rivalry. Although she assumed the insomniac detective, being the drama queen he was, probably thought of her as an arch nemesis.
"Mi he hasn't done any progress and has been beating himself down. And you know what happens if he can't solve a case. He needs you..." he tried to reason with her but all he got was a laugh.
"Oh does he now?" She asked, doubting his words. "I'd like to have him say it to me directly, Watari, or I'm not gonna believe it." She announced proudly. It took a moment for the older man to reply, he was probably contemplating what his next sentence should be.
"Miyoko please." The girl flinched at the usage of her real name. The pleading voice didn't seem to work and her real name seemed to frustrate her even more.
"I am in the middle of a case!" The young detective hissed over the phone.
"What? The one in France with the banker dying from choking on his own slit vocal cords? Please it's obvious isn't it?" He mocked the simplicity of the cases she took. She did have a reason to take such mundane cases and Watari knew that very reason. Yet that seemed to hit her too hard.
For one, she always folded when someone outsmarted her, beating her in her own game. It always humbled the younger one. Watari used to do that same technique back at the orphanage and it never seemed to fail. Still, it was tricky, but getting the right moment resorted in indisputable success.
"Well yea but-" her voice got quieter, unpleasant memories flooding her mind. She tried arguing back but instead got cut off. Rude.
"Then I am booking you the first flight to Japan tomorrow. Have it solved by tomorrow." And with that the line went dead leaving a frustrated Miyoko alone with her thoughts.
"Solve it by tomorrow" she mocked his voice, quite irrtated that it didn't go her way. "You could have given me more than 4 hours." She mumbled to no one in particular - or maybe it was to the small sea creatures hiding in the rocky beach, or even the two detectives that needed her expertise. In any case she couldn't be bothered with any form of lowlife, weather that was a crab or the French police.
The girl spun around dramatically and walked back to the two officers. "I'm off to Japan first thing in the morning." She notified the two policemen who looked at her shocked from the sudden news.
"But what about the case?"
She just shrugged.
"As I said. If he is a banker..." She took a pause mumbling her next words "Which looks more and more like it." Watari had basically given her that information, which she didn't particularly enjoy but she saw from where he was coming from. "Arrest Mrs. Serres. One of the accounts." she stated confidently leaving the two men stumped.
"C-care to explain?" They questioned, rather weirded out by her quick deduction with the lack of evidence. You would think a murder case where the body was thrown in the ocean and all form of DNA was removed this would take at least a few days even for a detective of her calibre. But here she was. Solving it in 5 minutes. She smiled staring at the dead body.
"Nope" The young genius popped the end of the word turning around. "You'll get the same conclusion if you just look more into it and I really can't be bothered with formalities" the girl waved her hand dismissively. "Text me if I am right!" She called out walking away.
"But-" they tried to interrupt her as she chuckled.
"Please! I finally have a fun case!" She practically shouted as she laughed slightly more. "A fun case with an even funnier partner" she mumbled. "This will be very interesting!" she spoke out loud.
"What?" They asked, not really hearing her words well from the distance that separated them.
"Kira!" And with that she ran off to get a taxi to the apartment she stayed at as to get ready for tomorrow.
The ride was slow and boring but her anticipation for the Kira case filled her with excitement. So even if she had to watch paint dry she wouldn't care if the next day she would be meeting with him.
Sure the two hated each other's guts, but that's precisely why she looked forward to working with him.
"A supernatural force killing thousands of criminals each day and he is stuck! It's a miracle!" She laughed spinning around her small room. "I'm not religious but whichever force caused this! Thank you!" She wasn't even trying to contain her excitement ant longer, it's not like it mattered. No one was around to see her.
With a few twirls she made her way to her suitcase to pack everything. By the end of the night she was done with everything and after all her clothes were neatly tidied and put away she walked over to her bed. The girl's head hit the pillow and she was immediately fast asleep. The exhaustion from the sudden outburst of emotion was quite evident in the way she didn't even bother changing her clothes to her nightwear.
coming soon