
An Average Shift

In the meantime, time continued moving on:

POV ???:

A solitary figure, shrouded in a tattered cloak, stood atop a jagged cliff and surveyed the valley below—a vast chasm that cleaved the land asunder, its tendrils of destruction even piercing the tall mountains at either horizon.

From it, a sinister glow emanated, bathing the desolation in a haunting, mind-torturing scarlet hue. Shadows of monsters silently moved across the expanse.

Amidst the reddened stone ground, there wasn't even the slightest sign of green, everything was dead.

"Even after all these years, the corruption lingers," the man whispered to himself, a tinge of sorrow lacing his words. With a solemn grace, he unsheathed his blade, its surface catching the sun's rays and throwing them back into the evil chasm.
