
Laments of the rued - The first tower

The world is brought to ruins with the sudden emergence of supernatural beings and trials to destroy humanity as a whole, for their corrupted pleasure. Luna, a normal high school girl with a peculiar past, strives to survive in the harsh reality as a mysterious voice and memories of a war unknown guide her. Through the sorrows she faces and faced with the bitter truth about her parents, she aims to end these trials plaguing humanity and find clues about the voice. *** "The only hope eh?" muttered a woman with short white hair, as she sat leaning against a wall painted with blood. The lance sticking through her stood tall and proud. It irritated her. She looked at her broken arm and then at the piles of corpses of short green creatures with pointy ears and noses. She chuckled at the irony. She was told she was the only hope and yet here she was, dying to a mere thousand goblins. Her ears perked as she heard footsteps. Through the musty tunnel across her came a hooded man. He was tall, and had a long beard, the only part of his face she could see. He had bandages wrapped around his hands and was covered in piles of cloth armor. He had a large bow in his hand, but he didn't have an arrow in sight. She once again chuckled at the appearance of the strange man as her painful grunts grew quieter and quieter and to silence.

comic_nerds · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 11 - Acceptance (2)

Blood splattered throughout the dimly lit room, and the white uniforms of the three students that stood inside were now coloured red. 

I was growing tired. Slowly, I could feel my arm give out. 

My legs shook, each goblin I stabbed brought about pain, and both my arms trembled as I looked down, gasping for air, a dagger flew by me scarring my face. 

Blood dripped from the wound, and I fell onto my back. I was covered in blood from head to toe. I quivered and crawled behind Ryan, who, too, was tired. 

I could see his arm tremble with each arrow he shot. 

The guilt of killing another creature was being overwhelmed by the terror of death, a painful death at that.

Michel was quivering behind us. He was of no help.

I looked at the door, only to find it almost broken. We had but 15 minutes in the timer and whatever would come after I knew would kill us if this didn't. 

Was this how we were fated to die? I wondered. 

No! I am made for glory! I need to somehow escape death. 

"Let's get out through the door", I said sternly. 

"Okay!" shouted Ryan as he shot a goblin through the barred widow. Blood splattered as the arrow penetrated its eye and it fell back with a blood-curdling scream. 

"Are you crazy?", shouted Michel who was behind us. 

"We will die if we exit this room!" He shouted.

"That is the only choice we have, the door will fall anytime soon, if they storm in we will die!" I shouted as I hurried to our bags and shoved in the energy bars and water bottles. 

"You can stay here if you wish," I said as I wobbled back behind Ryan.

I pocketed the daggers thrown by the goblins.

I left our bags near the door and rushed towards the metal shelf.

"Give me a hand Michel," I shouted as I slowly pushed the heavy shelf towards the window. 

The number of goblins had decreased, but there were still too many. 

"Why me?" He shouted as he remained squatted behind Ryan, clutching his head. 

"Because he is busy trying to get us not killed, " I shouted as I put more force into pushing the shelf.

Michel gritted his teeth and bolted towards me. 

He quickly moved the shelf toward the window. I stood baffled at his strength. 

The steel shelf blocked the goblins but was being dented rapidly by them. 

Ryan fell to the floor in exhaustion, and I soon followed. 

My arms were numb and felt as if made of slime. I slowly grabbed the bags with what little strength was left in me.

I gave Ryan his bag filled with arrows, which he was quick to grab. 

He opened the zip, took out a water bottle, and gulped half the bottle. 

All three of us remained silent, worrying about our next move. 

I grabbed my bag, took out an energy bar, and gulped it down with water.

"Pass me one too, ", muttered Michel.

I stood up, though weary and tired, and threw Michel a bar before helping Ryan up. 

My arms trembled and stinging pain wrapped it whole. 

But I could not care any less, as my life was more important. 

"We are getting out of here and running to the school building, ", I said firmly as I clutched the doorknob with my bruised fist. 

All three of us were scared and tired. The door was rapidly being damaged which had us on our toes. 

We were in a do-or-die situation and none of us were ready to die just yet. 

We stood still as I closed my eyes and prayed for it all to go well. I slowly turned to look at Ryan, his arms were trembling from the numerous arrows had shot. 

Michel looked scared but I could tell he too understood our situation. 

I grasped the doorknob and with much hesitation, I started the countdown.

"At three"

I said as I swallowed my saliva. 

"One ", the tension grew. 

"two", anxiety and fear gripped us, I could feel the blood run down my head. 

"Three", with that I slammed open the door hitting two goblins in the nose and sprinted out. I didn't have the time to look back as I heard the goblins grunts getting nearer and nearer. 

My vision grew dark as I ran with my heart on my sleeves. Anxiety took over as the world suddenly went dark. I was once again in the dark space. 

The same place where I got my abdomen pierced. 

I came to a halt and looked around in the nothingness when I heard the voice of a little girl pleading for mercy. 

I looked around frantically but all I could see was darkness. 

I ran more, haunted by the blood-curdling screams of a little girl when all of a sudden it stopped. 

What was happening? I wondered as I saw a humanoid figure appear from the shadows. 

It had long black hair and it slowly opened its eyes to reveal two blue iris.

The next thing I knew, I was back in the school courtyard. 

I looked around filled with confusion only to be met with terrified looks from Ryan and Michel who stood at a distance. 

I took a step towards them when I heard a squish. 

I looked down only to find the numerous corpses of goblins.

I looked around frantically at the bloody scene. 

Confused and disoriented and overwhelmed by the situation I stood slowly losing my balance and collapsing on the pile of corpses.

"What happened?", I asked looking at Ryan who seemed on guard towards me which was frightful on its own.