
Labrados High

Maliq,a nineteen year old and his mother moved to a town called Labrados after he killed his abusive father. No one knew his dark secret. He got enrolled into the town High school where he experienced more darkness. Will his secret catch up with him? Will he live a normal life?

Authororb · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs


Everyone was shocked. Their eyes followed Doug as he landed a few feet away. Their attention shifted back to the person who kicked him. It was Maliq.

They coud not believe anyone had the guts to kick Doug so hard that he would be in pain considering the fact that he is muscular.

Doug was still to recover from the pain on his chest when Maliq walked towards him and stood in front of him.

"Do not use the fact that you have a wealthy father or that you are muscular to bully anyone you know or you might just get another kick like that" Maliq warned him.

"You fool;you how dare you touch me"

Doug pushed Maliq aback. He grabbed a food tray and slammed it unto Maliq's face.

Maliq's lower lip was bursted and it started bleeding. Anger flushed through him as he rushed towards Doug and threw a punch at him.

Doug saw the punch coming and wanted to duck it bit it was too late as the punch caught his jaw.

The both of them was about to start another heated fight when the crowd gathered around them split into two and the school Principal;Percy walked in on them.

Percy looked at both of them. They were both with swollen face and were panting heavily.

He also saw Luke on the ground. He knew what had happened.

"Both of you in my office;now!"he barked at them.

Maliq and Doug followed Percy into the principal office. Percy sat by the edge of the table and gestured for Maliq and Doug to take a sit.

"Just three days and you two already have a fight"

"It was Maliq that--

" I have no intention in knowing what happened because I know you are always the first to start trouble Doug"

Percy knew Doug is the stubborn type but he keeps getting off trouble because of his influential father who does alot for the school and also because Doug is the only school quarterback.

Maliq kept mum the whole time.

"Tell me what happened Maliq" Percy asked.

"I stood up for a friend he bullied"Maliq replied

Percy didn't say anything. He knew Doug started the fight but he couldn't let them off.

The school punishment for anyone who fought in school was expulsion because of the standard of the school.

Percy did not want to expell them. Maliq lived next door and Doug was the son of the wealthiest man in Labrados.

The school would not want to lose him because of the help Doug's rich father had rendered to the school in the past.

He was confused on what to do about both of them. Giving them a suspension is the only thing he could do.

"Both of you are going to be given a suspension for three days to think about what you did"

"Please pardon us Mr.Sullivan,my mum is going to be really disappointed"Maliq pleased.

"Thank you Mr.Sullivan"Doug said non-challantly and left.

Maliq stood up and made to leave when Percy talked.

"Maliq,I know you didn't start that fight but I have no other choice than to give you a suspension. Go and wash your face and treat your wounds. I will call Karen and explain everything to her okay?"

"Okay"Maliq replied and left.

When Doug came out;he met Maddy waiting outside the principal's office. His walked up to her.

"Are you waiting for that douchebag?"

"He is not a douchebag;he is far better than you and if not for your inhumane actions,he would not be in there"

"Do you even care about me Maddy?"

"No I don't,not a bit. I tried being your friend but you are not fit to be in that space" Maddy replied sharply.

"So you like him?"

"Yes I do" Maddy said coldly.

"Right,I see"Doug said and walked away.

Maliq came out of the principal office looking downcast and sober. Maddy immediately ran towards him.

"Is it an expulsion?"

"Nope;it is a suspension of three days. My mum is going to be really disappointed"Maliq said clenching his fists so tight.

"Sorry about that Maliq"

"Its cool"

"Oh!" Maddy said pointing to Maliq's face.

"What?" Maliq asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"Blood is dripping out your nose"

Maliq dabbed his nose with his face towel and it was blood stained.

"I will go and blow my nose;see you at home" Maliq said and dashed towards the boys restroom.

Luke just came out of the boys restroom after washing and cleaning his bloody and swollen face.

He saw Maliq coming towards the restroom and Luke ran towards him.

"Maliq;I am very sorry for the problem I caused you;you really should not have done that for me"

" Why not? You are a really nice person and should not be treated like that;how is your face?"

"It's okay,thanks for standing up for me Maliq;I really appreciate it"

Luke's guilt conscience was bothering him but he was scared to tell Maliq that he went through his phone. He watched Maliq till he left the school premises.

Karen was doing a paperwork at work when she received a call from Percy.

"Hello Karen,good afternoon"

"Afternoon Percy;what's wrong? Is Maliq okay?"Karen asked worriedly.

" Maliq got into a fight in school"

"Whatttt!! Is he okay?"

"Yes he is,but he got suspended,I suspended him for three days and I won't want you to get angry at him. He did not start the fight?

" I see;I will talk to him when I get back from work. I am very sorry for his behavior Percy and I promise he would not be such a spoiled sport again"

She hung up and her mind was at unrest.

"Why would Maliq get into a fight?" She thought.

Maliq got home and the house felt empty. It wasn't time for Karen to be back from work so he took his bike for ride and rode to the town park.

He got to the park and looked for a spot that was enclosed and brought out the marijuana he had neatly wrapped and smoked. The breeze was chilly and he felt it in his bones.

While he was enjoying the breeze under the tree;he received a text from Charlotte.

"Hey handsome"

"Is she not Doug's girlfriend?"he thought.

"He ignored her text and continued enjoying the breeze.

"That's my spot young man" someone said beside him.

He turned and saw a man. He seemed to be in his late sixties. He was wearing a trench coat with a scarf tied around his neck and a black baggy trouser.

He had a glasses on his face and a walking stick in his hand.

"Oh!I am so sorry" Maliq said making to leave the spot.

"No!no! It is okay;we can share"the man said settling down on the grass beside Maliq.


"What may your name be young man?"


"Nice name"

"Yes;what can I call you Mr?"

"Call me Julius"

"Okay Sir"

"Kindly pass me that marijuana will you?it is so chilly out here"

Maliq passed the stick to Julius.

"How old are you if may ask"

"I am nineteen years of age"

"Ha ha!you are a man already"

Maliq chuckled. He felt comfortable around this man.

"Can I tell you something Julius?"

"If you plan to share it with me;I am all ears"Julius replied.

"I stood up for a weak friend in school today who was being bullied and got suspended;do you think I should have done that?"

"I think you are a good person for what you did,you should just trust whatever comes to your mind when making desicions"

Maliq sighed. Julius was right. He rested on the ground and after enjoying the breeze for some hours,Julius made to leave.

"I think I should leave now;it is already dusk" Julius said standing up and dusting his trouser.

"Wait Julius,how can I see you again it I want to?"

"How about we see again another day;I own a music store just uptown"

"No problem,I will come and see you another day"

Julius left and after a little time,Maliq also left the park and pedalled into town. He knew Karen would be back by then.

He entered the house and what he was expecting was not what he saw. Karen was smiling as soon as she saw him.

She knew if she was angry at him,he would not tell her what caused the fight. She also knew Maliq would not start a fight in school.

"Evening sweetie,dinner is ready"

Maliq knew that Percy had called her about the incident at school. He wondered why she was not mad at him.

Maliq could not resist the aroma of the meal she cooked as he had already started salivating.

"Okay mum" he said as he sat down on the dinning chair"

"Percy called me today"

"I am so sorry about tha--

"You don't have to be sorry Maliq;I know you are not the troublesome type and Percy also told me,I just want to know what really happened"

"Okay,a friend of mine was being bullied by a very arrogant and proud boy in my class,Doug Huxley so I confronted him"

"Huxley? My boss name is Huxley same as the company's name too"Karen said.

"Are you saying Doug Huxley is your boss son?"

"I don't know but I will ask my boss tommorow;just be careful Maliq,we just got here"

"Okay mum,thanks" He said as he pecked Karen on the cheeks and packed the plates to wash them.

After a while they said good nights and retreated to their rooms. Karen was fast asleep in her room.

Maliq just came out from the bathroom after having a shower when Maddy called.

"I am at your door"

Maliq went downstairs and opened the door. Maddy was wearing a pink pyjamas.

"I am really sorry about today"

"You don't have to be,it's cool,come in and mind you,my mum is asleep so I wouldn't want us to wake her up" Maliq ushered her into the house.

They sneaked upstairs into Maliq's room. Maliq wondered if Percy allowed her to come over by that time of the night.

"Is your dad cool with you being here?"

"I sneaked out while he was sleeping so he had no idea"

"Oh that's cool" he said sitting down by her side on the bed.

"Okay,so how are you holding up with the suspension?"

"I don't know,I will just be at home all day for three days"

"That's okay" Maddy shrugged.

The room became silent for a moment.

"I have feelings for you Maliq" Maddy said facing him.

"I also do"

Maliq said placing his hand on top of hers. They both stared onto each others eyes for a while.

"I really care about you Maliq;right since the day I met you"

Maliq had feelings for her but thought she was just flirting with him.

"I know"

"I really wish to spend a lot of time wit--

Maliq leaned forward and sealed her lips with a kiss. Their tongues tangled and went to war in their locked mouths, battling madly for dominance.

Their kiss was a long one. Maliq held her tight and closely. They both felt burning desire for each other.

After a long snog;they both stopped and stared at each other. Maddy went for his trouser and unbuttoned it.

She dipped her hands into his trousers and felt his shaft. It was rock hard.

Maliq stopped her hands from going any further.

" I would love to do this but not now;not like this. I want it to be a special moment,okay?"


"I love you Maddy"

"I love you too Maliq"

They both shared another long kiss.

That moment they both knew they were in love with each other.

"Maddy;would you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes" she leaned on him and gave him a kiss. It was a long night as they both cuddled and watched movies.

When it was midnight;Maliq told her to go to her house to rest because she had school the next day.




Labrados High is now on Wattpad and Webnovel. I would love my readers to comment and engage with my book as it gives me confidence boost. Follow me on IG @𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯_𝔬𝔯𝔟. Thanks to my loyal readers.