
[4] A Collar for Cute Pet~

Are the chapters short? I'm always aiming to write between 2000 and 3000 words. I still have three more fan-fics that I haven't released yet, and one of them has 5k words per chapter. Which length is best?

(Yoo! Got the new character in Honkai Impact 3rd. She looks awesome bro...)

Anyway, Enjoy the chapter.


Both Kurumi and Kuroka slowly walked towards the bedroom. In the whole villa, only their footsteps and breaths could be heard. The moonlight streamed in through the windows, casting an ethereal glow upon them as they walked, giving them the appearance of eternal beauties, both of them unaware of the scene they were creating, lost in their own world.

After what felt like an eternity, both of them were snapped out of their reverie. Kurumi realized she had arrived at the door of her room, while Kuroka noticed that Kurumi had stopped walking.


Kuroka didn't know how long they had been walking, but she was certain of one thing: this villa was magical. Not in the normal sense—it was literally magical. The lamps in the corridor were powered by mana, a fact she could feel distinctly. As Kurumi walked, the doors automatically opened, but when Kuroka tried one of them, it didn't budge at all.

It was as if they knew who their owner was, like living beings. Kuroka was going to dwell on this more, but the halt in Kurumi's steps caught her attention more, so she dismissed those thoughts.

- (If you didn't understand, this is a p.o.v when they were walking to Kurumi's room.)

"Here, welcome to my bedroom. It's not the best, but I like it nonetheless," Kurumi said as her bedroom door opened when she stopped in front of it. 

The room was nothing special. Everything you need in a bedroom was there, not what you would expect from a sadist like Kurumi. 

Kuroka slowly looked around the bedroom when she entered it. Like Kurumi said, the room was nothing special, except that everything was black and red. 

In the middle of the room was Kurumi's queen-sized bed. The blanket was black and red, and surprisingly, they fit really well together. On the right side of the bedroom, there was another door, and to the left of the door, there was a wardrobe. Kuroka concluded that the door probably led to the washroom and shower. Lastly, on the left side of the bedroom, there was a windowed door leading to a large balcony. The windows on the left side of the bedroom gave it an unfathomable beauty as the moon's rays hit the room, mesmerizing Kuroka in the process.

"Hehe~ Is it to your liking, Kuroka-Chan~?" Without Kuroka's knowledge, Kurumi sneaked up behind her and hugged her suddenly, capturing all of Kuroka's attention in the process. 

After being hugged by Kurumi, Kuroka let out a cute 'Kya~!', eliciting a light chuckle from Kurumi. Kuroka, once again, found herself unable to resist this girl's antics, prompting her to pout in response.

"Stop teasing me, Nya~!" Kuroka said as she stumbled, knowing she was acting like a child, but not particularly caring. Despite only having met Kurumi two hours ago, Kuroka found herself inexplicably trusting her.

It was weird, Kuroka knew. But she didn't fear the weirdness. She recognized that she was a criminal, but seeing Kurumi, who chuckled before her, engaged in similar acts of killing and torture, made her question what the problem truly was. Kuroka convinced herself to trust Kurumi, her delusional thoughts overtaking her rationality as she justified her decision.

'Just for the head pats! Yeah, nothing more, nothing less, Nya~'


"Hahaha... Hahh... It's been a while since I laughed like this," Kurumi said, holding her stomach with one hand and wiping away tears with the other. It had truly been a long time since she laughed so sincerely. Every other laugh she'd had was fake, motivated by ulterior motives. She had almost forgotten what her genuine laugh sounded like. Grateful for finding Kuroka, Kurumi was suddenly surprised by the voice of Lilith echoing in her mind.

[Host unlocked an achievement! 'A Pet? Or An Eternal Partner?'] [2]

[Achievements are a Chat Group function. Every user can unlock achievements when they fulfill certain conditions, though they can see the achievement names, they can't see the conditions required to unlock them. This function was supposed to unlock when every user of the Chat Group was invited and joined. However, the Host unlocked this function much earlier and received an extra reward: 'Collar - (Only usable on Individual Kuroka)']

'Huh? This is quite an interesting function to have,' Kurumi exclaimed, surprise evident on her face. But what caught Kurumi's attention most was the collar the system had given her.


Item: Collar - (T2)

Usage: A Collar that, when used, allows you to track and locate the person wearing it. You can also communicate with them and vice versa. Simple yet effective collar.

Note: This Collar is upgradeable under certain conditions.

Upgrade Condition: The pet you use the collar on needs to love you obsessively.


"Hehe~ This is one of the best gifts I've received. Thank you, system~" Kurumi was filled with excitement. This was truly one of the best gifts she had received so far. After all, who wouldn't want to have a pet like Kuroka, right?

"Kuroka-Chan~ You are my pet now, right?" Kurumi said, her joy overflowing. Kuroka, hearing Kurumi's exclamation, suddenly got goosebumps, sensing that something was amiss but unable to pinpoint what it was.

"Y-Yes? Why do you ask, Nya~?" Kuroka answered, her voice trembling yet curious, wanting to know why Kurumi had asked such a question.

"Then come here, I have a gift for you~" Kurumi said, gesturing to the space between her legs. While speaking to Kuroka, she sat down at the edge of her bed, indicating that Kuroka should sit down between her legs like a cat.

Kuroka obviously understood the intention behind Kurumi's gesture, but she couldn't bring herself to refuse it, as it aroused her. It felt like this was how she needed to be treated.

Slowly, Kuroka walked towards Kurumi and stopped in front of her. Kurumi looked at her intensely, silently urging her to do it quickly, but didn't say anything. After a while, Kuroka finally knelt down between Kurumi's legs and positioned herself like a cat should, her legs below her hips and her head resting on Kurumi's thighs, resembling a cat seeking affection from its owner.

"Good Cat~" Kurumi couldn't help but pat Kuroka's head after seeing her actions. Meanwhile, Kuroka, embarrassed, couldn't help but feel joyful when Kurumi patted her head slowly.

After Kurumi had patted Kuroka's head for a while, she withdrew her hand, leaving Kuroka feeling a little disappointed, but she quickly brushed it off, knowing that Kurumi had something to tell her.

"Okay, the gift I got you is this~!" Kurumi said as she suddenly held out the collar.

Kuroka looked at the collar in shock. After all, in the middle of the collar was her name! They had only met two hours ago, so how did Kurumi have a collar with her name on it?

"H-Huh?" Kuroka was so shocked that she even forgot to say 'Nya' as usual. For a straight five minutes, she just looked at the collar and then at Kurumi, her head moving like a panicked cat. Kurumi couldn't help but look at her with a small chuckle, though she quickly covered her mouth to avoid embarrassing Kuroka.

"What is this, Nya~?" Kuroka said doubtfully after recovering from her shock. She knew what it was, but she asked Kurumi to confirm her suspicions.

"Ara~ I thought you knew? It's a collar, my dear. You are my pet, right? A pet needs to wear its collar so everyone knows that you belong to me~" Kurumi was possessive of her belongings, whether objects or people. It was a selfish desire, and she knew it, but she didn't care. In this world, where strength ruled, Kurumi believed she could do whatever she wanted as long as she was strong.

"Ah..." That was all Kuroka could say after hearing Kurumi's explanation. She dropped her head, looking at the ground. If someone saw her like this instead of Kurumi, they might have thought she had received devastating news. But Kuroka wasn't sad; instead, she was aroused. She didn't know why—something like this had never happened before. She was a sadist, not a masochist! Yet, thinking of herself as a pet while kneeling in front of Kurumi, she couldn't help but shudder in bliss.

For Kuroka, it was already too late. It was strange because they had only known each other for a maximum of three hours. Yet here they were, one as master and the other as pet. The world was strange, but not this strange.





The night was as cold as ever, with chilly winds swirling outside while the moon's rays gently illuminated the villa. Inside, two figures lay on a queen-sized bed: Kurumi and Kuroka.

"Do you like it?" Kurumi asked, her gaze fixed on the collar around Kuroka's neck.

The collar, predominantly black with accents of vibrant red, featured an ancient clock design in the center, bearing the inscription 'Belongs to KT' in bold lettering. Kuroka inspected the new collar on her neck and then glanced at Kurumi. Initially skeptical about the collar and the concept of being a pet, Kuroka eventually accepted it. Her desires outweighed her rationality, leading her to accept the collar.

"Mhmm," Kuroka weakly nodded, prompting Kurumi to give her a tight yet warm hug. Although their position on the bed was somewhat intimate, neither of them interpreted it in that way.

"Hehe~ I'm glad you like it. Let's sleep then; I have a lot of work for tomorrow. You too, I presume?" Kurumi remarked, acknowledging the responsibilities they both had.

"Not really... The group I'm working with is quite... well, chaotic. As a result, we don't get missions very often." Kuroka explained her situation to Kurumi. Kurumi didn't mind; who was she to judge Kuroka?

Despite this conversation, Kuroka still didn't divulge details about her past or her missions. They had only met five hours ago, after all. Even though Kuroka was now Kurumi's pet, she didn't fully trust her.


"I see. If you have any problems, feel free to tell me. I'm your master now, after all. It's a master's duty to look after her pet, right?" Kurumi genuinely liked Kuroka, but she, too, shared Kuroka's lack of immediate trust. Kurumi didn't even fully trust Lilith, who had repaired her Zafkiel and granted her those powers. Despite her cheerful demeanor, Kurumi harbored a manipulative and cold personality beneath the surface. Until she gained full control, she couldn't trust anyone completely.

"Okay..." Kuroka couldn't help but feel shy again when she heard the terms 'master' and 'pet', but she nodded nonetheless.

"Good. Let's sleep for real now," Kurumi said, hugging Kuroka and once again burying Kuroka's head in her breasts.

'Right... I forgot to check her status screen. Let's look at it before sleeping.' Kurumi remembered at the last moment that she had forgotten to check Kuroka's status screen. Everything had happened so fast that she had completely overlooked it.


[Name: Kuroka]

[Race: Nekoshou - 100%]

[Age: 21] - (There was no specific age for her as far as I know, so I put a random age between 20s and 30s)

[Mental State: Sadist, masochist (locked), Potential of Yandere]


• [Strength: 385]

• [Endurance: 300]

• [Dexterity: 320]

• [Agility: 384]

• [Magic: 10,000]

• [Concept (Forced): Darkness (Locked), Nature (48%), Life (3%)]

(Low-Tier Ultimate-Class status is 300.)

[Skills:] [Demonic Power] [Youjutsu Master] [Poison Mist] [Illusions] [Senjutsu Master] [Touki] [Kasha] [Master Magician] [Defensive Magic (Sup-Skill of Master Magician)] [Teleportation Magic (Sup-Skill of Master Magician)] [Summoning Magic] [Space Manipulation] [Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant] [Flight] [World Of Darkness (Locked)]

(A/N: Except for the last skill 'World of Darkness', everything I wrote is from the wiki. I will do auxiliary chapters about their descriptions later on.)

[Status End]


Word Count: 2232 (Next chapter will much longer promise.)

The part where Kuroka sits between Kurumi's legs feels a bit rushed. I'm sorry, I don't have any kind of experience in that regard so I wrote it with how I like it. Will try to fix that 'forced' relationship with a few date chapters.

A Fun Fact: This chapter was supposed to be, about Kurumi going to school and meeting with Akeno.

[1: Achievement system. Honestly, I've seen this type of system in some fan fics before, but I can't recall which ones. They left a big impression on me, and I thought, why not add this to my system? This adds a certain purpose to the chat group beyond just rewards; it's also for show. Just imagine them bragging about their achievements in the chat group. I wanted to introduce something simple yet interesting to the system, making it similar to others but also different at the same time.]

[2: For those wondering, the description of the achievement is as follows:

You, who longed for an eternal pet that stays beside you even in the deepest part of hell, finally found your eternal pet and partner. Is she only an eternal pet for you, or is she also an eternal partner?

(I know it sounds stupid, but hey, for me, it looks quite good.)]

[3: I want this type of thing too...]
