
Kurokawa clan

A boy down on his luck is reborn in the world of naruto only a few years from the founding of Konoha, will he be read https://www.patreon .com/lunático1995

Luna1995 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Kekkei Genkai

Time passed slowly, every day I exercised my Chakra by moving it around my body or using it for small activities.

There was nothing else to do during my days, my father would be gone for several days sometimes and would reappear in his black kimono to greet my mother and me.

Every time he left he would take a group of clan ninja with him, so he must have been hired for some mission.

I assumed they were for the governor of Kora City, we lived near that city, so our circle of activities must have it as a center.

Anyway, it's something I would find out about later.

In a few days I would be two years old and it doesn't mean any change for me, I'm sure my training will start at three years.

In the meantime I have only received some exercises to release my Chakra, but I had already unlocked it before I was born, I couldn't hide it.

My mentor was a rather pretty ninja with soft gestures and beautiful green eyes, I think she must have been twenty years old at most, from what I could hear her name was Midori.

She comes almost every day to teach me simple things, showing me how to release Chakra and other things a two year old could do.

Midori: "Okay now let's practice meditation, just keep quiet and close your eyes, don't move and stay in this position crossing your legs."

It's too simple.

Midori: "I don't know why I keep being surprised at how fast you learn, it's obvious you're a smart kid."

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Natsuki : "Sorry to interrupt, I bring some snacks".

Midori : "Thank you so much Natsuki."

Natsuki : "It's nothing, just a small detail considering you come every day to train Aki".

Midori : "No, it's my duty and it was requested by the clan boss, I'm glad to be able to teach such a capable future ninja"

Natsuki : "In the same way I thank you, it's true I heard that you would be leaving tomorrow in the direction of Kora"

Midori: "Yes, the governor wants an escort to take his eldest daughter to Igi, apparently they are going to form an alliance".

Natsuki : "Quite an important mission."

Midori: "I understand that Lord Kano is also going with us, that's how important it is, I think you must know all the details right?"

Natsuki: "Most of them, just be careful it's going to be quite dangerous."

Midori: "It's not first mission Natsuki, don't worry I'll keep an eye on everything that moves".

Natsuki: "Ok, I'm leaving so you can continue with your classes".

Midori: "Thank you"


The next day I heard a lot of movement early in the morning.

Happily I had already learned to walk, when I went out thirty ninjas were formed, all had a blue kasa on their heads and the typical ninja armor of the time in Blue color (similar to the cover, but without shoulder pads), the truth is that it looked pretty good.

It seems that Midori wasn't lying when she said it was an important mission, only a few ninjas will be left to protect the village and the rest will go on the mission.

My father still didn't come out of the house, I had seen his armor on his rack and the truth is that it looked great and I'm sure it was even better when it was put on.

Wou, when I turned around a warrior of one meter and eighty centimeters was near me, his armor was beautiful and his aura exhaled strength.

Kano Kurokawa-ryu: "I will leave for a few days son, take care of the village and your mother, keep practicing your skills, from what I have heard you have great potential, when I return we will start your combat practice".

Aki: "Yes father, I will be waiting for you".

I was happy to finally be trained in something more advanced.

Kano Kurokawa-ryu: "Good, fulfill your responsibilities".

My father was never one to mince words and was always strict, I knew that training with him should not be an easy thing to do.

Kano Kurokawa-ryu:" We are ready to leave gentlemen, Kora city has entrusted us with the responsibility of looking after their interests by protecting their daughter towards Igi, it's time to prove the worthiness of the Kurokawa-ryu clan !!!!! "

Ninjas: "For the clan !!!"

But it seems he's pretty good at making speeches, it wasn't long before all the ninjas disappeared from my sight.

[System Notification: Kekkei Genkai of the Kurokawa-ryu clan awakened]

[System Notification: eight C-rank techniques received ]

This is good news, but I'm not sure because of the context I'm in.

System describes the Kurokawa-ryu clan's Kekkei Genkai

[Kekkei Genkai of the Kurokawa-ryu clan: The members of the clan that have this Kekkei Genkai active, will awaken a mutation of the Yang element, causing a greater vitality, as the Chakra of the person that has the Kekkei Genkai active grows, a part of it will be stored passively every day in a nucleus located in his forehead, when suffering injuries the body will heal passively using the stored Chakra].

It is quite similar to the yin seal created by Tsunade.

[It is similar, but the difference is that the members of the clan do not need to learn sealing techniques or have great control of Chakra, since the core in the forehead of the members is a mutation that stores Chakra naturally and thanks to the affinity with the Yang element that the members have, the healings are passive].

I assume that those with this Kekkei Genkai will be very good at medical ninjutsu.

[Because of the huge reserves of Yang element Chakra he can store it is likely that most of his techniques will have to do with medical ninjutsu].

Well I'd like to start testing, when will my mark appear.

[Thanks to having Chakra at the genin level he has already awakened the core, his mark is green, when he reaches the level of a Chunnin his mark will change color, so progressively as his Chakra level increases, until he reaches the Kage level it will be red color ]

Then you have to try it, he needed a knife.

The kitchen always stops open so it was not difficult to find it, I had never cut myself on purpose, but it is necessary for science.

Oh that was great I think, I feel the Chakra moving from me in front of the wound, I am not even concentrating to move it, it is automatic, it is like having a Bot in charge of the healing.

This is the most useful thing one can ask for, well with only eight thousand coins I mean, that god was not so stingy after all.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The truth is that I would like to keep the Kekkei Genkai hidden for longer, but it is not profitable, this is a clan everything the members do is for the good of the clan and you will not find traitors to the family, normally I say, they are more likely to strive to keep me hidden from the outside world themselves.

Aki: "Mother I have a mark on my forehead."

Natsuki: "Oh dear it must be dirt, let me help you."


Natsuki: "I can't get it out, it's a stain on the skin, when did this appear on you?"

Aki: "A while ago mother, I had cut myself playing with a knife in the kitchen."

Natsuki: "What did I tell you to go into the kitchen?"

Aki: "I'm sorry mother, I got a wound and it started to bleed, but a feeling of Chakra coming out of me in front of the wound appeared and it was closed."


Natsuki: "That's strange, I've never heard of that, keep it covered with this headband."

That wasn't a headband it looked more like a narrow white cloth, it managed to barely cover the diamond on my forehead.

Natsuki: "Later we will go to see the old man, try not to leave the house for now."


Elder's house

Taro: "I haven't heard about that healing ability before."

Natsuki: "He says it appeared after he cut himself."

Taro: "That's interesting, bring your hand closer boy."

Not that I can refuse, now I guess

Taro: "I don't see any scars, I'll have to see the generation for myself."

Oh, you bastard.

Natsuki: "Old man!!!, it wasn't necessary to cut it!"

Taro: "Yes, it was necessary"

the healing ability activated and a light steam came out from the sides of the wound closing it completely, I won't get used to this feeling very fast.

Taro: "ummmmm, that's interesting".

Natsuki: "You know it's Elder."

Taro: "I'm not sure what it's about, but don't share this information with anyone, until Lord Kano comes."

Natsuki: "The only ones who know about this are you and me, I also thought about it being very strange."

Taro: "Some ninja from time to time are born with certain abilities, that are unique to him, Aki awakened his Chakra early, right?"

Natsuki: "Yes when his training started Midori discovered that his Chakra is already flowing through his body".

Taro: "If it's most likely a unique ability, I'll try to consult more about that mark."


In the clan the second in command was the elder, from what I had heard he was my great uncle, he had had two sons, but they died in a battle.

To make sure no one discovered the mark on my forehead, he decided to put two ninjas guarding the house, I was locked in the house for a season.

Now that I had time, I'll go through the C-rank ninjutsu that were given to me.

-System releasing C-rank techniques

[releasing C rank technique]

[Doton: Dochū Senkō]

[Doton: Doroku Gaeshi]

[Doton: Retsudo Tenshō]

[Fūton: Daitotsuba]

[Fūton: Repusshō]

[Suiton: Mizuame Nabara]

[Suiton: Takitsubo no Jutsu]

[Suiton: Teppōdama]

[Jutsu Assimilation at 100%]

-Where do I look for them system?

[Techniques have already been assimilated, as long as you think of the name of the technique, you will remember what the technique is about and how to use it ]

-That's a good service.

Well first we have the earth type techniques, the first one allows me to get underground and move, I guess it's useful for surprise attacks, I really can't think of any other occasion to use it now.

The second one is about using the Chakra to lift a piece of earth of several meters and use it as a shield or throw it, it is much more useful for a direct confrontation.

Then we have the Doton: Retsudo Tenshō which causes cracks in the earth to make it harder for someone to pass, I guess the area affected must be large for it to be useful.

The Fūton Jutsus are only two, one creates a sustained blast of air to push enemies back I'll guess, and the second does the same thing but in a single instant with 4 times the force.

The futon is pretty useless in general in the series only because of the rasengan and its derivatives I can't find another super useful one, but these are okay.

And finally we have the Suiton, Mizuame Nabara throws a puddle of several meters that when the enemy steps on them is trapped in it, the best I've seen so far.

Followed by Takitsubo no Jutsu, quite useless, as it only serves to make waterfalls when you are in an elevated position.

And Teppōdama the most lethal of all, as it releases water bullets at high speed, the bad thing is that Chakra consumption is high.

The techniques in general could be evaluated as good, for a genin of course, it will certainly be able to guarantee my survival in a battle, and with the Kekkei Genkai the probabilities grow, the bad thing is that I don't know how much I can force my restoration.

For now I can not practice these skills, I will wait for the matter of the mark is solved to be trained, anyway the two must wait for my father to return from his mission.