
Chapter One

           The night felt long. I slept and woke up thinking that it was time to wake up. Desperately, I stare at the darkness of the room that the night has still been giving. But as always, I felt the need to pee, so I get up from my bed. I walk to the bathroom half angry, the last thing that I want to do is to get out of the comfort of my bed to go pee and walk back, for basically no reason.

            As I stand in front of the toilet, I wonder about the nature of my reality, the room so silence, especially the whole house, got me thinking of what's of me and my life.

            How, why, I have no idea, but I stare to the mirror, wondering what's of me. Not long after, I made my way to the living room to sit on one of the chairs. As I sit there, in complete silence, with only the kitchen light on, I start thinking of my life. Of the things I did that brings more emotions to me, and of the things I wish I could do now. Even the fantasies that I want to happen sexually, but still, I'm sitting on a chair in my living room. I get up to turn on the light, and to get my phone. I get back to sit on the chair.

            There was nothing much to do on my phone, and I found myself staring at the emptiness of the living room. I try to walk around to get my mind away from weird thoughts. But, they were still there, everywhere I went. There were times where I would stay awake through the night to have the peace of the dark. But almost every time, I wondered about my life, my existence, my reality.

             This time I did not want to stay inside and wonder about such things. I tried to get a different experience from my wanderers. So I went to my room to put some pants on, I put on a pair of socks, then put on a pair of shoes, and walked to the door, opened it, walked outside, and made sure to lock it. I felt the freshness; the weather was so lovely that I even wanted to sleep outside.

             I walked down the driveway, making sure that I didn't make loud noises as I walked. Once I reach the street, I made a right turn to where the park is. Even the neighborhood was quiet and empty, no people, no cars coming or going, just the way I like it. I looked up to stare at the stars, there's not that many, but there's enough to admire.

             I would look at the houses, knowing that people are sleeping and unaware of me being outside. Yet the weather made me feel like I was in a dream, like the one I had a while ago. It felt so real that I even felt the air going through my nose and my lungs. As if the wind had a texter to it, I felt different in that dream, and I still remember everything about it. The vast room that I entered had the walls dark blue, almost looking like they were teal. When I got closer to the walls, the walls had made of stone, and the wall was cold, but not the air. Then there was a large open wall, where I was only able to see fog, a thick fog. There was a platform in the middle of the enormous room, was as tall as me, but there was no way to go up. I only stumble around wondering how I got there and where I could go. Then there was a spaceship, or an airplane coming towards me. I ran to one of the corners of the room. I only started the spaceship/ airplane landing on the platform, and it was as big as the platform for what I was able to see.

             The walk on my way to the park was peaceful and relaxing. I might have put too much attention on remembering the dream because I started to realize that something weird around me. I wasn't able to figure it out, place the pieces together at first. I looked around my surroundings, there was nothing indifferent, but when I looked up to the sky, there were no stars. I looked all over around me, made circles to find the stars, but every star seemed like they had disappeared. The whole sky was pitch black, no stars to be around. I didn't know what to think of such things. At first, I thought I was not able to see correctly, and I became more aware of the noises around me. I tried to make sure that there could not be a noise that could be out of place. My walk was no longer relaxing, my heartbeat raised, I panicked, and my first reaction was to go back home.

             But there was something where the community office is, and I couldn't see what it was, the trees across the street I'm standing, looked suspiciously rare. I didn't move, I felt paralyzed, maybe because of my nervousness or from the shock. Everything felt as if everything was in pause, and nothing seems to move, other than me.

             For instance, I saw some creatures coming out of some neighbors yard. It was dark, but with the minimal lighting, there was, I at first thought it was people. They walked almost weird, but all people walk differently, but their heads weren't standard. Bold, they were, and they had a hump, hanging from their heads, and their neck so straight.

             The creatures continue walking but straight to the trees where they were looking rare and unnatural. As much as I wanted to walk away and run back home, I stayed still. I didn't want to run away, even if they might kill me. But it seems that they didn't notice me standing at the corner of the street. As it was already so un-normal, some door opens, hovered in the air, and they started to walk up as if there were stairs towards the door. The light was bright white, and I wasn't able to see anything beyond the brightness. Somehow, the white light did not reflect on the houses, even though it is very bright.

             My heartbeat went up incredibly, my first thought was to walk towards the door, so I didn't want to second thought about it. I became eager to run to the door before it closes; my emotions were already playing with my ability to walk. When the door seemed to move, I didn't want to be able to know what is on the other side of the bright white light, so I started running straight to the door/light. The closer I got, the more colorful and luracint the light became. I tried to run towards the direction where the creatures walked up the hovering white light. The strangest thing was that I started walking up to the brightness of the light, as the closer I got, it seemed to disappear, and I was able to see everything inside it.

             It did not take long for the light to stay on my eyes, it started to dissolve upon my eyes or my vision, everything inside it, all seemed like a boat being able to see what's inside, upon the light, but the only thing that got my attention were the creatures. They're tall, with grey, pale skin, eyes big but looking like a ninety-year-old person, I wasn't able to see their eye color, but so far they look dark — arms of the length of their thighs, hands of five fingers with no or little fingernails. Their legs are muscular, with no body hair to see. The most surprising thing about them is that they weren't wearing anything. Their sexual body parts were exposed, yet not caring or not minding that I was looking at their bodies.

             Currently, my head felt weird, like it was spending and making everything around me feel out of place. Then there was a pressure that I felt on my nose and my fingertips. I started to feel light-headed as the creatures were staring at me, all while one was moving behind them. At this point, I was fascinated by the whole experience, but too late to walk away from it and go home and finally go back to sleep.

            Everything seemed to go in a haze, I looked around, and everything moved so slow before my eyes. As confused as I am, somehow, I was looking for the bright white light and the door, but I wasn't able to find them both. It could have been because there was no such light, or the light was the entrance like a door. And for the first time, I fainted, letting my whole body gave up, and letting the dark consumes my consciousness.

            I don't know how long it might have been, but I finally opened my eyes, looking at the floor of the color grey. My breathing was deep and hard, expending my lungs like I had been meditating. My left cheek felted stick to the floor once I lifted to stand up. Once I was on my knees, I realized that the creatures weren't around, but I did see a window. The light was reflecting on the glass. I immediately struggle to get to my feet, to walk to the window. It could've been my struggle that brought the attention of one of the creatures because it was walking behind me. I became scared, anxious to run away. But what I saw on the other side of the window, shook my whole body.

            The darkness around the spaceship, and at this moment, I did realize it was a spaceship because there was nothing out there. My heart sank in fear, confusion, eagerness, sadness, and grief. I wasn't able to breathe normally, and the only thing I was able to do was to stare around the spaceship in hopes. Tears started to water my eyes, making it hard to see, but it could have been for the best, as there was nothing much to look at. But the only feeling I was then feeling was lost. I felt lost, left to be by myself with creatures that I don't know, yet.
