
Chapter 4 - Genius applies to all subjects


Minato was surprised at how peaceful and rather "holy" it was, they were at the new Shidou Residence and he could already tell that it was different compared to Kuoh.

Kuoh was a nest of unbridled energy and was pretty chaotic, but at the same time, something in Kuoh was just there that wasn't found in wherever they were.

After all, the church does the place squeaky clean every now and then.

Back to Minato, the first thing they did after unpacking was getting homeschooled Italian.

It's was easy...

Okay, it wasn't easy for Irina.



"Good morning Dad" (AN: Just assume that from here on out, every spoke word is Italian until it obviously isn't or I said it isn't)

Minato said those in perfect Italian, his mother, father and especially sister was looking a little enviously at him but he ignored them.

"So, when am I going to go to school?"

At those words, Touji perked up and eventually took Minato for a private conversation.


In all honesty, Touji wanted to enroll Minato to a private school that acts as a mask for the exorcist school that it was.

But, at the same time, he couldn't just go and damn his own children to a life of perpetual exorcism with a chance for death.

Minato stared back with interest, many theories as to why.

"Minato, do you want to live a normal life?"

Touji expected 2 answers, 'obviously' or 'duh' like every 12 year old would.

However, Minato apparently did not think like a normal 12 year old.

"Not really...?"

Much to Touji's shock, so in turn, he abandoned all pretense and dropped the tsar bomba

"I'll get straight to the point, what if I told you that the supernatural exist"

Minato.exe not found.

Minato's brain shut down for a good few seconds before he returned, his theories consisted of mafioso, hitman, super agent, super scientist, super martial artist, and several other "super" worded jobs.

Not supernatural.

"I'll say 'Dad, please don't drink apple cider before you go to sleep from now on' and proceeding to call 1-1-9"

And then, Minato closed his wide agape mouth, he inhaled the greatest of all inhales.

And exhaled the shittiest of all exhales.

"I've never expected my genius son, that same kid who looked ever calm and humble to open his mouth as wide as you did"

Minato ignored that bit.

"So, I'm planning to enroll you to a private school that acts as a mask for what it really is. A school for exorcist, it has normal education but it's main class is about the true world, the world consisting of the supernatural, so what do you think?"

"Can I say no?"

"Sure, they really only told us to enroll a single child, if not you then it's Irin-"

"Yes. Don't drag Irina into this. If they complain, then I'll quietly show them that I'm worth more than 10 kids"

Minato then left the room slightly angered at his father.

He eventually realized that he was goaded, hook, line and sinker.

Knowing his father, Touji would've probably tried his best NOT to enroll Irina if he could.


A few weeks after their initial moving, Minato was quickly enrolled to the new school, St. George's Private Academy.

And today, it was his first day at school. Keep in mind the Minato resembled an ordinary tanned Englishman if you don't pay too much attention.

Like, I mean, if you don't know his name.

So, contrary to his blown out of proportions expectations of class.

Almost nobody paid any attention to the genius.

He actually liked that but grimaced as he realized that he technically did promise to do his best.

The first thing done was introductions, some other kids had the bearings of nobility while others had the air of talented and boastful.

In the back was Minato, and when it was his turn, there he saw the actual people who cared and not cared.

In this context, not caring is the good one.

"My name is Minato Shidou, I'm originally from Japan but moved in here due to my father's work, despite my looks, I'm Japanese"




"Pfft, Asian hicks"

"Aww, that sucks, here I thought he was a little handsome"

"Is he even christian? He better not bring those fat gold man statues to the class"

"Japanese also believe in Shinto Gods, well, at least they are somehow real"

The class had a variety of complaints but Minato kept a calm and steady smile, not really faking it, he was just imagining how it would feel to pat Irina in the head and most bad voices disappeared.

He sat back down and allowed the order of introductions to continue. Not long after, the next subject came and he had to do it again, over time, the amount of bad voices lessened until eventually all the side comments were gone.

Well, gone until a teacher was the suspect.

"My name is Minato Shidou-"


Minato was taken aback at the sudden skip and stared a little too long at the teacher, the teacher was rather chubby because I'm sterotyping, too lazy to describe cannon fodder OC.

And eventually the teacher made a comment that made what Minato does best be the case.

"What? Can't see too well with those slit lids?"

Many students laughed at it, while others did not, they simply found making fun of others something God will not smile upon, they would interfere in most cases but when they saw Minato, they realized that he didn't need the help.

Yes, Minato had a slight smile, not too bright not too cocky, just a smile.


In the school total score board, many students were doing their best to see their scores, this was the board where the highest and most talented of future exorcist were recorded, contrary to what you think, this was quite literally just the written part of the school, not really the active hands on, because apparently that was for Highschool level students.

Makes sense, Minato thought.

Meanwhile, he didn't need to scuttle and fight for a view, why?

[Rank 1 - Minato Shidou 1000/1000]

Because he just had to raise his head a little.
