

Dive into the life of Siquioce, a member of a water-dwelling race known as Samanians as he tries to find his place in life.

WebberRB · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Ore Hunting

With that, the group went right inside the cave, where they were met with a wondrous sight of lustrous gems, sparkling jewels, and twinkling stones.

Kantuta squealed with glee as she looked around, her eyes sparkling in accordance with her surroundings. "Just look at all of these precious rocks! For a quarry, this place is chock-full of treasure!"

"Feh," said Yuchauzh as he shielded his face, "This stuff's too bright for me."

Rolling her eyes, Kantuta replied, "Well, if you're so uncomfortable, you can sit your behind outside. As for you…" she turned towards Siquioce, "How do you feel about helping me gather some materials?"

Although he himself was somewhat adverse to the vast amount of light being reflected at him, Siquioce answered, "I'm up for it."

"Perfect." Kantuta replied, "Well, let's get going then, shall we?"

So, the two began their trek through the cave, leaving Yuchauzh to curl up his round body and bury his face in his thick arms.

As Kantuta and Siquioce walked around the area, the former caught notice of a jagged crystal that was emitting bright green rays of light. Running over to it, she gushed, "Oh, Peron, it's a shard of luminite! This stuff's one of the rarest materials in Kodalia, or at least at this level!" Filled with excitement, she eagerly gripped the base of the stone and pulled at it, grunting with exertion as she did so. "Just gotta…get it out first…."

Seeing that his friend was struggling, Lumiose asked, "Do you need some help?"

"Oh, you want to have a go at it?" Kantuta gladly released the rock and stepped aside, giving Siquioce the go-ahead to extract the crystal, "Well, be my guest!"

So, Siquioce walked over to the luminite, shaking his hands to remove some moisture before wrapping his large hands around the rock.

As her ally began tugging away, Kantuta said, "Luminite is a very fascinating element, you know. It's one of the only rocks that can produce its own light! Well, maybe that's not entirely accurate; it's more like the light created by crystalloluminescence is stored and reflected back and forth through the inner surface's of the crystal's facets. Eventually, some of that light escapes, and because of the crystal's elements and minor chemical impurities, green light is extracted from the inside and emitted for us all to see! Thanks to these rocks, caves like these can be illuminated from the inside, allowing us to…"

At that moment, after some effort, Siquioce successfully dislodged the luminite.

"Oh, you're done?"

"Yeah, I am. It wasn't too difficult."

"Huh. Well, uh, good job! I guess we don't need pickaxes with you around." Kantuta twiddled her thumbs, looking off to the side with a slight blush, "I didn't…bore you with my spouting, did I?"

"No, not really. It was actually kind of relaxing."

Kantuta's eyes widened, "Relaxing? That's one way to describe it…" She smiled a bit to herself, pulling off her hat and holding the rim tightly as she continued, "No one's ever been that accepting of my nerdy rants before…"

"I don't see why they wouldn't be. Even though I didn't exactly know what you were talking about, most of what you were saying was very informative."

"You…you think so?" Kantuta's face reddened some more as her heart rate increased, "Well, uh, I can keep on giving you facts while we collect the rest of these rocks, if you want!"

"Sure, I'm okay with that."

Smiling broadly, Kantuta put back on her hat and responded, "Okay, great! I have quite a lot of information to share..."