
Cell City

Over eight hundred years later, a new country was built in the middle of the ocean between Arbok and Titania. It was a perfectly circular man-made island. The entire landmass was made up of a futuristic urban development. This land became known as Cell City.

Cell City is the most technologically advanced country in the world. The country's construction was founded by wealthy nobles from Arbok, descendants of the previous royal family. With no Order for its country, it's instead run by a president, who acts as a king would, only with less political power. The leader of Arbok keeps Cell City's laws in check, while the president enforces them and chooses from a variety of rules and regulations for the citizens to follow.

At the time, Cell City was under martial law. The country was flooded with poor refugees from other countries that were taken in, and a wide arsenal of criminals who saw Cell City as an opportunity for crime. The country was still new and young, so a lot was going wrong.

Cell City is the only country in the world that uses cars and highways as transportation. Crime is thwarted by military officers, who arrest these criminals and jail them. But the innocent people are also oppressed by the military. The general happiness of the citizens here was low.

Here, a boy named Aron was born. At a young age, he showed promise with his abilities. He had a laser power. Aron could use these lasers to resemble almost anything he wished. As a small child, he would make toy cars, or action figures. One time at twelve years old, he accidentally lost control of his powers, and a green light emitted from the windows of his home. The sight was reported by undercover soldiers who were scouting the area. The next day, the military stormed the home of Aron and his parents. They came to take him into custody.

There was only one man there out of the soldiers who wasn't wearing a black, full-face mask. Aron remembered this face well. His name was Medial, General of Cell City's military. He was tall, skinny, with long black hair that reached his shoulders, and soulless black eyes that showed no mercy.

In an attempt to protect their son, Aron's parents told him to run out the back door. As they told him this, Medial started electrocuting them with his power. He nodded upwards toward Aron. "After the kid."

Aron ran as fast as he could. As he left his house, he heard several gunshots. He knew what happened. While he ran through alleys and climbed over walls, trying to get away with tears in his eyes, he heard the explosion.

His house was set on fire.

The firetrucks followed later. His parents were soon announced to be dead.

Ever since that day, Aron had been living his life fleeing from the military, getting stronger so that one day he could kill Medial, and take revenge on those who made his life hell.

Now he was seventeen. Aron had gotten used to his lifestyle. He spent his days taking out as many military officers as he could, slowly gaining information on Medial. When he got in trouble, he'd make a high-tech motorcycle out of his lasers and speed away on the highways. No one could catch him.

Cell City's military used high-tech warfare. Bullets, laser guns, traps, tasers, etc. Things you wouldn't see in other countries. But even after five years, Aron still wasn't captured. He'd get money from whatever the officers had on them, but few restaurants would serve him. If the military found out that someone sold to Aron, they'd get their business shut down. He lived life as a fugitive.

One of these days Aron would defeat one of the strongest heads of the military, Banshee. A large, built man, who was known for his loud war cry and inhuman strength. He wore an exoskeleton suit, which only increased his already inhuman strength. As a reward for defeating him, Banshee gave up all the information Aron needed on the whereabouts of Medial. That same day, Aron headed to the skyscraper on the eastern side of the city where his target was located.

Aron didn't bother with stealth tactics. He crashed straight into the side of the building and singlehandedly took out all of the soldiers on the floor. He soon found out by overhearing a conversation between soldiers that Medial was using his position to influence the president of Cell City. Under Medial's watch, no information was getting leaked out of the island, leading Arbok to believe that everything was working smoothly.

In the basement of the skyscraper, there were rows and rows of prison cells full of children. Aron didn't need an explanation for what was going on. These were all of the children who weren't as lucky as he was five years ago. He broke them all out of their cells, setting off the alarm. When the guards came to investigate, they were met with over a hundred angry and eager children with various powers. The guards were easily overtaken.

Backup came soon, the basement was flooded with one hundred and fifty more guards. Aron found himself fighting back to back with a thirteen year-old kid named Airson.

Airson was stronger than the other kids. He was a yellow-lightning user. That combined with Aron's laser made a great combo.

After the battle to take over the building, Airson insisted that he should go with Aron to defeat Medial. He wanted to get revenge too, for him and his small group of friends. The two shook on it, and Aron became Airson's first friend outside of the cells.

After getting the children out, Aron and Airson found Medial in a room that was several flights of stairs below the basement. He proved to be stronger than they thought. His electric powers totaled the building from the bottom up as it collapsed. When they got out, the sun was still up. Medial revealed that he had another power apart from his electricity; solar absorption. He could feed off the sun's energy. This gave him an infinite source of power. He was unstoppable.

Aron and Airson focused on surviving until the sun went down. This was no easy task. Medial's solar power along with his electricity was almost too much to handle. But they did it. The sun finally set, and Medial could now only use his electricity. Aron and Airson went at him. Medial was far too tired from all the attacking he did prior. Thus, the duo finally beat him together. Medial was killed.

Aron later went to the president's office to contact Arbok about what was happening. The First Order sent Alpha and Beta Squadron Knights over to clean up the mess. The current president was kicked out, and Cell City went through a rehab phase, but they would never have problems like this again.
