
Kiss me More

Pearl Smith finally married the love of her life . Unfortunately he hates her , since her father killed his parents. After five years of marriage he asked for a divorce. Surprisingly on the day of the divorce hearing. He refused to divorce Pearl and says " Pearl, baby let's start over . We will have two children a boy and a beautiful girl a spitting image of the love of my life " Aziel Lin pours out his heart kneeling. Pearl feels very overwhelmed...

Asong_Rophine_7347 · สมัยใหม่
39 Chs


 I stared at him , he was his best at public seatings.

        " Rush hour " i said jovially. I added rice to his  empty plate .

       He smiled faintly and added some sausage to his rice .

            The dinner was awfully quiet . I could feel their judgy gaze on me for a while then. 

     Cecilia started her nonsense. We really don't like each other.

        " When are you going to get pregnant ?  I am sure is your ambitiousness that mislead you not to give me a grandchild. For God's sake, you will be thirty in two months"

       I sighed heavily " Cécilia, I will be ready when Aziel is "

       Of course, I would not take the blame alone. It's Aziel's fault. I shamelessly threw myself at him and even begged him to give me a child even if it was through Artificial Insemination but he refused. He swore not to touch me until he was done with me. Someone who refused to kiss me on the altar at our wedding in front of thousands of guests. How was I to get pregnant by, stealing his sperm or drugging him as if that will make them treat me any better  Cecilia sneered while Juilika picked it up? 

         " Now blame my brother who has done nothing but endlessly love and support yours over ambitiousness. You are a fucking bitch, a perfect slut. Look at how you are dressed. You want all the men lusting and gawking over you " she vomited disgustedly.

     I sank in my seat, now realizing how slutty I was dressed as a single lady rather than a married woman. I was tired so I did not shop for a dress but wore what my PA Audrie  gave me.

   " If you want to be a professional, then do it, we will not mind but stop doing your dirty deeds in hiding. "

              I lost my mind, I was fuming. I turned my gaze at Aziel who had not touched the rice I served him. He always supported me against his family and today he is feigning to be focused on the food.

      I swallowed my rude words and took another bite which tasted more bitter with every bite.

          Aziel threw a gaze at me. " Have more "

     He added salad to my plate.

    I pushed the plate in anger. This caused grandma Cecilia to bark more.

     " If you don't get pregnant in two months, you will have to stop that over-ambitiousness or worst divorce my Aziel. He doesn't deserve an ugly slut like you. "

    My blurred gaze averted to Aziel who only clenched his fist he did nothing else to help me. Today he was unexceptionable cold and indifferent. I wondered what went wrong. He would have never let it go this far.

      My eyes swell up in tears, I stood up and left the table in our room in the Lin mansion.

    My face was slapped suddenly by a frail hand. It was Addison, Aziel's cousin. 

    She was blonde and had the most beautiful blue eyes. She wore an oversized denim jacket and skinny jeans. She looked gorgeous even with a frown.

    " How dare you disregarded your elder's présence. Apologize to them. " She pointed her finger at me.

   " Aziel control your little slut of a wife "

    " I'm not a slut " arguing her gaze. I never wanted her to see me in tears.

     She took out her phone from her chest pocket. " Look " it was a photo of me hugging Andrew , him wiping the corners of my mouth. It was clear and very close. It seems a family member posted the pictures on the Lin family WhatsApp group.

    I looked at Aziel who was still calm and wiped his mouth gracefully. He still did not touch the rice I served.

    I ignored them all and left for our room.

   It was at the left of the corridor after the circular stair. I cried my way up as I took big steps.

 Author's note