
King Of Null. {A Tower Of God FF.}

A disgruntled man tired of losing his friends in war received a message on his computer one day. It was a message that changed his life. He was sent over to a world that defies all human logic, all sense. This is the saga of a man who will do more than just shake the tower, no, he would bring its inhabitants to their knees. Disclaimer: I do not own Tower Of God.

Sohioe · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Crown Game. (2)

Immediately after the announcer shouted 'BEGIN', someone boosted towards the throne with incredible speed and retrieved the crown while standing on the throne.

'Who the hell is this blue-haired guy? Just from taking one look at him, I could tell that he's just a cut above the average regulars here. But, I can tell that he's not strong enough to make himself the center of attention like this. Hm, I wonder what trick he's trying to pull?'

Erik wanted to rush at him immediately but he decided to stay back and watch his movements carefully. He knew that something was up.

The blue-haired boy then said in a sarcastic tone, "Is the game over if I sit here with this crown?"

Watching all the nervous reactions around him, the boy continued, "But that's no fun. Let's not make this boring." As he was talking, the blue-haired boy slipped the crown into a small brown bag he was carrying and pulled out a knife.

"Fight me, you weaklings, if you beat me, I'll give you the crown."

Erik couldn't help but chuckle and think, 'Heh, that guy sure is cocky.' He liked how confident he was, especially against this many people but Erik knew that he didn't have the strength to fall back on just in case his bluff didn't work.

And that was when Erik finally decided to stop waiting. He cracked his neck and focused his gaze on the blue-haired boy. As it seemed, a sniper from another team thought the same way and fired at the blue-haired boy after spewing a few insults.


The boy casually blocked it with his bag and said, "Well, on second thought, this is a bit too troublesome, I changed my mind." He grabbed the crown out of his bag and threw it at the rest of the contestants while he sat on the throne.

"There. You guys fight."

Confusion took over most of the crowd as the boy continued, "What? You wanna know why? I gave you the crown, fight amongst yourselves. When you're done fighti- AGHHH!"


The blue-haired boy just barely managed to move his head to the side after Erik charged at him with a full-powered elbow aimed at his face. The back of the throne was utterly destroyed by Erik's tremendous physical strength, causing the blue-haired boy to immediately try and widen the space between them.

'This guy's strength is insane! Could he be from the Ha family? But, his hair...maybe he's from the Eurasia's?'

The blue-haired boy was flabbergasted at this development but he still kept his cool. After all, he wasn't an inexperienced fighter.

'Tch! He managed to dodge. Well, let's try this again. Niko Style: Flashing Steel, Smash!'

Erik dug his feet into the throne and pushed off of it with blazing speed, catching up to the blue-haired boy in no time. Before the boy could even react, Erik punched him in the gut while moving, causing him to spit out a large amount of blood.


"MR. KHUN!!!"

A large talking alligator-like creature that stood on two legs and the same ordinary-looking boy who looked like he was getting bullied earlier shouted at the boy as if they were worried for him.

'Those must be his teammates.', Erik thought to himself.

The alligator angrily threw his spear towards Erik who was still in mid-air with Khun, hoping to take him out with one attack. Erik quickly grabbed the injured Khun, snatched his bag, and threw him in front of the oncoming spear, causing the alligator to shout, "GET OUT OF THE WAY BLUE TURTLE!!"

The ordinary-looking boy outstretched his hands and also shouted with tears building up in his eyes, "NOOOO! MR. KHUNN!!!"


As soon as the boy shouted that, as if the shinsu heeded his commands, it caused the spear to turn off course and Khun's life to be saved. It was nothing short of a miracle for Khun. The ordinary-looking boy and the alligator immediately ran up the injured Khun, checking for injures as soon as they arrived.

Erik looked around and saw the rest of the regulars looking at him in shock while the crown on the ground faded away into nothing.

'I knew it. It was a trick all along.'

Erik had initially attacked so forcefully because he wanted to capitalize on the fact that Khun would be surprised by such a powerful attacker right off the bat and because he had a simple plan.

As soon as had seen Khun throw the crown on the ground, two things came to Erik's mind. It was either Khun was strong enough to fight all of them and he would attack the first one who picked up the crown or the crown was a fake. Everything pointed to the latter option especially as Erik noticed how bold Khun was when he put the crown in and took it out of his bag.

It was like he wanted them to see him do it so that they wouldn't think he's fooling them.

So, Erik decided to just attack him first to steal the bag and check it for himself. If he was wrong, then by the time he was done doing that, the rest of the regulars would've already worn down themselves so much over battling for the other crown that Erik would just clean them up in one fell swoop.

'Heh, sometimes an intricate plan can just be broken with brute force by an idiot strong enough to do so.'

Erik wasted no time and dug his hand into the bag, taking out the real crown shortly after. Jumping from where he was to the remains of the throne in the middle of the room, Erik sat down triumphantly with the crown on his head.{A/N: "Khun is too smart", they said. "He is too frightening", they said. "But look, he's on the ground gasping for air right now", Erik's fist said.}


"Mr. Khun, did we just lose?"

Khun struggled up and looked at Erik with anger in his eyes. Soon after, Khun calmed himself down and responded, "Yes bam, crocodile, we did. It's my fault...I'm so sorry for rushing out there by myself. If only we had acted as a team, we would've-"

Bam put his hands on Khun's shoulder and said with a smile on his face, "Mr.Khun, it's alright. I'm grateful that I have someone as strong as you on my team. Don't worry, we still have the main test as this was just a bonus game. With how reliable you are, im sure we'll pass easily! And believe me, I'm not mad we lost the Black March. We'll get it back from that lizard someday!"

Khun seemed to feel much better, at least mentally, after Bam reassured him. But, he still couldn't help but wonder where Erik came from. In his mind, Erik had to be from one of the great families with that kind of strength.

'What a monster. I hope he wins this game and goes to the next floor so it'll be easier for us to pass the main test. If not, then I'll kill him whenever I get the chance. He's not going to make bam fail the test!'

All the teams then returned to their rooms except for Erik, Laure, and Hatz. Erik couldn't help but look at the two of them with a gloating expression on his face as they walked towards the throne.

"So what do you think, Hatz? Does that lizard compare?"

Unfazed by Erik's attitude, Hatz responded, "Honestly, no she doesn't."

"Then, just join my t-"

"No. Anak and Shibisu are my teammates."

Erik sighed and ultimately decided to give up on getting Hatz to join his team. Laure seemed to be the same way so he didn't even bother asking him. The two of them just sat by the throne and stared at him intently, as if they were expecting something to happen.

"So why are you here then?"

"Just to get a better look at you failing in the next round."

Erik just chuckled a bit before turning his attention back to the main rooms. He was someone who backed up his words by actions so he was ready for the next round to begin. But, even Erik had to admit that this would be where the hard part would begin.

He would have to fend off 2 teams or more at once without moving from the throne and keep the crown on his head at the same time. Using kicks were a bad idea as it would be easy to knock him down while he was mid-air. If he had Anak's weapon, it would be much easier but, all he had were his fists. That was all he needed though.

In a room where a certain team was being held, a one-horned girl said curiously, "That Erik, he seems to have gotten stronger from when we fought not even two hours ago! I doubt even I could destroy the throne to such an extent with less than five punches."

Turning around to face a certain girl, she continued, "By the way, rach- I mean, Michelle, our plan failed. We can't help bam get the crown anymore. What should we do now?"

Looking at Androssi as if everything was under her control, Michelle responded casually, "Simple. We just make sure Erik fails this test instead."


A/N: To those who may be wondering how he's using the Niko style so easily:

1.He has all knowledge of it and he has Yuji's/Sukuna's body.

2. His body is already trained to the peak of human capabilities and some attributes are almost at a superhuman level.

3. He has martial arts intuition. Basically means he's a prodigy of martial arts and he can intuitively understand all of them and use them like he trained for years. It's just that his named techniques are the Niko Style. So for the kengan fans, you might see a blast core or two here and there. It's a spoiler, but not a big one. He'll realize it when he gets the time to really figure out his abilities. And yes, I get that it's a little cheap, but that's the power.