
King of All Superhumans

Orphan-turned-bartender Jaime, believed to be ordinary despite a superhuman-creating event, is the most powerful among them, able to mimic and amplify superpowers. With Armageddon approaching, he is destined to be the Superhuman King, standing at the crossroads of a celestial war. Armed with immense powers, he must choose his allegiance between angels or demons, his decision bearing the weight of the universe's fate.

Adam_Aksara · สมัยใหม่
140 Chs

The Gathering of All the Key Figures

Bathed in the pale light of a solitary streetlamp, its glow casting long shadows on the deserted road, I pondered—could Michelle be under Lawrence's enigmatic influence? Given that he could potentially wield powers akin to mine, manipulating Michelle's thoughts wasn't far-fetched. Piercing the veil of her consciousness, I delved into her mind, my eyes narrowing with suspicion. How did she recognize me as Jaime when I was still wearing the guise of Alpha? Could Michelle be an undercover agent from Jushin?


Michelle met my gaze with unflinching eyes, her voice imbued with a chilly certainty. "Stop it, Jaime. No one is manipulating my mind but you—you're the one who's not in his right mind."


Albert, his eyes glittering under the dim illumination, interjected, "Jaime, release Lawrence. You'll come to understand all of this in due time. For now, we're all on the same side, and you have other priorities to attend to."