
Chapter 1 - Enrollment at the Academy

"I don't know why my grandfather sent me to this place; I just want to stay behind in the village and help my old folks with work."

Cagnus's grandfather, Kanotoly Aprov, greatly influenced Cangus when he was growing up. He taught him all kinds of stuff, ranging from literacy and chess to even fighting techniques.

Recently, by relying on his connections, Kanotoly managed to enlist Cagnus in one of the empire's most prestigious institutions, the Imperial Chess Academy.

"What's the point in learning chess in the first place? It's just a game. It's not going to put food and water on my table…", Cagnus thought as he stretched out for one final time.

"Mr Marlsen, wake up. We have arrived at our destination.", the carriage driver's voice echoed.

After yawning, he opened his eyes, which immediately widened in surprise and astonishment.

"What the…"

The grand and majestic Imperial Chess Academy loomed before him, its imposing architecture a testament to the centuries of tradition and excellence that it represented. The sprawling complex of buildings, situated in the heart of the capital city, was made up of elegant columns and arches, each one a work of art in its own right.

The main building was a four-story structure made from large blocks of gleaming white marble. Its impressive façade was dominated by an archway with a large clock tower at its centre. On either side of the archway stood two imposing statues, each depicting a different figure in a traditional academic robe. In their hands, they held different chess pieces, the most striking of which was an emaciated old man with a long white beard, who held the King piece in his right hand and a cross in his left.

The grounds of the Imperial Chess Academy were meticulously kept, featuring lush gardens, burbling fountains, and sculptures of all shapes and sizes. It was a place of beauty and serenity, a haven from the hustle and bustle of the city outside its walls.

But the true beauty of the Imperial Chess Academy lay not in its physical splendour but in the knowledge and wisdom that was imparted within its walls. For generations, the greatest minds of the Fide Empire had gathered here to learn the ancient game of chess, honing their skills and strategising for victory. It was a place of learning and competition, where the best and brightest came to test their mettle and rise to the top of the chess world.

As Cagnus gazed upon the magnificent architecture of the Imperial Chess Academy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief. "All of this just to learn chess?" he thought to himself, shaking his head.

But his attention was soon drawn to the imposing clock tower at the centre of the academy. He recognised it immediately as the famous Tower of Justice, the most important landmark in the Fide Empire's capital city.

The Tower of Justice symbolised many things to the people of the Fide Empire: law and order, justice and forgiveness, knowledge and power. Its history stretched back thousands of years, to a time when the Demon Lord and his army had encroached upon humanity's territory, seeking to slaughter and massacre all living beings.

The world had fallen into chaos as blood was spilt across the lands. Humanity was on the brink of extinction, but fortunately, a hero had arisen amongst the common folk. It was Maul Porphy the Great, the Grand Ancestor and Founding Emperor of the Fide Empire.

Maul Porphy had beaten back the Demon Lord's troops and sealed them in the Abyss. He had then founded the Fide Empire, restoring peace and order to the lands and unifying all humans under one banner. And finally, he had built the Tower of Justice to symbolise his prevalence over the Demon Lord's army.

As Cagnus made his way through the gates of the Imperial Chess Academy, he was suddenly confronted by two guards wearing silver armour and holding golden spears. "Stop! Where do you think you're going?" one of the guards barked, blocking Cagnus's path. "This is sacred ground! Not a place for commoners like you!"

Cagnus could feel his anger rising at the guards' arrogant attitudes, but he forced himself to remain calm. His grandfather had warned him to keep a low profile and avoid offending anyone, so he smiled politely and replied, "I'm a student here."

The guards sneered in response. "Hmph, do you think we're fools? A commoner like you is in no way able to afford tuition in the most prestigious academy in the Fide Empire!" one of them said. "Look at your clothes," the other added. "Are you really a student here?"

Cagnus's lips twitched as he fought to keep his cool. He knew that these guards were just trying to goad him, and he refused to be baited. Instead, he reached into his pocket and retrieved his identification badge, presenting it respectfully for the guards to see. "I am indeed a student here," he said calmly. "If you have any doubts, you can verify my enrollment with the academy administration."

"Utter rubbish! This is clearly forged!"

"No way a commoner like you is a student here; let me take a clear look at the badge!"

Just when the guard was about to grab the identification badge to scrutinise it, a carriage stopped in front of the gates, and the entire academy went silent.

As the carriage pulled up to the gates of the academy, the guards who had been looming over Cagnus like explosive, arrogant tigers suddenly transformed into timid cats. They straightened their postures and saluted in unison, their voices forming a chorus of greetings: "We salute Ms. Lyle."

Ms. Lyle, the daughter of Duke Lyle and one of the Fide Empire's most talented young cultivators of magic and alchemy, stepped out of the carriage with all the grace and elegance expected of someone of her status. She was sixteen years old, with long, dark hair that flowed in waves to her waist and hazel eyes that sparkled like the stars. Her complexion was flawless, with a rosy hue that added to her beauty. She wore a dress of the finest fabric and style, a timeless embodiment of elegance.

As she emerged from the carriage, students and professors alike crowded around her, praising and fawning over her. Cagnus, spotting an opportunity in the chaos, slipped past the guards and into the academy.

"Hmm?", Lady Seraphine raised an eyebrow as she caught the "abnormality" out of the corner of her eye.

After making his way to a secluded area, Cagnus let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, that was stressful. Those guards even mistook my badge for a fake!", he muttered to himself.

Cagnus Marlsen was just an ordinary village boy from the outskirts of the Fide Empire. His parents were simple farmers, and his grandfather was a feeble old man who loved nothing more than playing chess. It was only through connections that Cagnus was able to secure a scholarship to the prestigious Imperial Chess Academy. "How did that old geezer manage to get me enrolled here?" he wondered to himself.

In Cagnus' eyes, only nobles with extravagant status and extraordinary magical abilities were fit to attend the academy. Lady Seraphine Lyle was just one example of the type of student who typically attended. "Why is this chess academy so sought after by nobles?" he asked himself.

In the Fide Empire, there were many prestigious academies that young men and women aspired to attend. The Imperial Magicka College and the Holy Knight Temple were two such schools that taught students the ways of the supernatural. The former focused on cultivating magic and supernatural elements within the body, allowing students to summon the power of spirits and wield elements such as fire, water, earth and air. The latter focused on cultivating the body and mind, allowing students to brew internal qi and explode with unprecedented physical prowess.

As far as Cagnus knew, the Imperial Chess Academy simply taught advanced chess. If his grandfather, a commoner living in a remote village, had already taught him all he needed to know about the game, what was the point of these nobles and dukes sending their children to the academy? Surely they could hire better tutors who could teach them even more advanced techniques and openings.

"Sigh… Perhaps there's something special about this academy? I don't have any expectations, though…", If Cagnus, one of the lowest classes of commoners, can get enlisted in this academy, then the education provided here is probably not that amazing. "Perhaps Lady Seraphine is just here to take a scroll or pay a visit to the Tower of Justice before going to the Imperial Magicka College. I've heard she has an amazing magical aptitude." After setting his expectations low, Cagnus headed towards his dorm to prepare for his next class.
