
killer vacation

Chapter 1

"Hurry up, we're going to be late!" yelled Paris.

Jenna was still packing her bags, she was trying to find the perfect outfits so she could look nice during the trip. Ben was downstairs on the couch watching television. Liam was in his room doing push-ups like usual. Paris was waiting for everyone to come downstairs so they could leave for their trip.

Jasper was putting everything in the car. He was still waiting for Jenna 's luggage. Jenna yelled, " Jasper I have my luggage but be careful with them!". Jasper rolled his eyes and grabbed her luggage and threw it in the car.

The group of friends were driving for more than three hours. Ben looked out the window and all he could see was dirt and mountains.

Ben is skinny but handsome, he has hazel eyes and he is wearing a blue and black checkered shirt.

Liam is devilishly handsome, he has brown eyes and he plays football. Jasper is a well-groomed person and he has a sixth-grader sense of humor. Jenna is arrogant, she has long blonde hair and she is beautiful. Paris is a smart individual. She is also a good artist. But she is a better artist than Jasper.

"How long is this trip?" asked Ben.

"We'll be there just be patient'' replied Liam.

"Liam, do you even know where you're going!" yelled Jenna .

He looked at them and sighed. He gave his attention to the road. He reached for the GPS for further directions then it stopped.

"Damn it!" he muttered under his breath.

"What happened now?" Paris said, annoyed. He didn't answer her question, instead, he pulled up to a gas station. The gas station was run down and the sign was hanging down with wires exposed.

"Come on, let's go," said Liam. They all followed behind Liam.

"I'm not going in there," Ben said in a frightened voice.

"Come on man you're scared of everything" laughed Jasper. Paris glared at Jasper. "Leave him alone Jasper for god sake" yelled Paris.

They were looking around the store. Ben picked up a newspaper and started reading it "Family of five murdered". He was too scared to read further. He walked over to Liam and showed him the article. Liam was reading the newspaper. He was stunned by what he read.

The store owner was staring at the group of friends silently. His gaze was fixed on Paris. The store owner's eyes lacked emotion, His skin was pale. His hair was dull. His facial features were serious and cold.

To Liam, the store owner seemed to have features of a vampire. The man was quiet, his eyes following each person as they would walk around the store. To Ben it was odd. Ben seemed like the only one noticing that the store owner's eyes followed them with every move they would make.

Paris went out to the car for a while to get money. She walked back into the store, she decided to buy lots of snacks because she knew the trip would belong. She was too busy shopping around the store to notice that the man was staring at her.

Paris walked up to the counter and she paid for the stuff. "Can you put twenty on pump five" smiled Paris. The cashier just nodded his head without speaking.

"Excuse me, sir, we need directions to head into the nearest town," said Ben. Ben looked at the man's name tag and it read "Silas". The man stared at him blankly. "Mr. Silas, could you please help us with directions to the nearest town?" said Liam.

Silas looked at Liam and pulled out a map and marked the locations for them. Liam and the rest of his friends walked out of the gas station and went to the car. Ben shivered as he noticed the man watching them from the window of the gas station.

For a while, the car stopped. Liam had some knowledge about cars. He popped open the car's hood and looked at the problem. He was able to fix it right away. The others were in the car laughing and talking about the good times they had.

As Liam was driving Jenna was looking at the locations that Silas had marked. "Here it says to turn right," said Jenna .

Ben was looking out the window, he was thinking to himself about how strange the man acted. Ben had wondered why the man was watching them. Only Ben seemed to notice that Silas was watching Paris.

"Did anybody notice how strange the man was? " said Ben.

Jasper looked at Ben and laughed "You're always thinking that something is wrong with everybody".

"Jasper left Ben alone for the last time, shut up and enjoy the trip," said Liam.

"Liam, are you sure that Jenna knows how to read a map?" asked Jasper.

"Yes she knows how to read a map, we've done this many times" responded Liam.

"Whatever, just keep quiet so I can focus," said Jenna .

Jasper just looked out the window without commenting to Jenna . They have been driving for the past four hours. Jasper was drawing pictures of the mountains that they passed by. Paris was reading a book to pass the time. Ben was thinking about the store owner. Ben was frightened by the man's appearance. Ben just decided not to think about the store owner.

After a while, Jenna was still giving directions on where to go while the others who were in the back seat were sleeping peacefully. Jasper woke up and saw that they were still driving.

Chapter 2

The car stopped for a while as Liam was driving. Liam pulled the car over, he got out of the car and popped open the hood. He was able to fix the problem. Liam went back into the car and started driving again.

It was now dark and their surroundings were pitch black. They were surrounded by enormous trees. Jasper was looking for his art book. He turned on his flashlight and saw that it had been on the floor of the car. He carefully reached for it trying not to disturb the others that were sleeping.

He gently moved Paris' feet and picked up the book. He used the flashlight to start drawing. Jasper was always a joker. He pulled all kinds of different stunts. He had the humor of a sixth-grader. Only he found his menacing jokes funny.

There was one joke he pulled that caused him to get expelled from school. Jasper was thinking about all the good times he had with pulling pranks. He even chuckled to himself.

Ben had woken up and looked out the window.

He saw that there was nothing but darkness all around. He saw that Jenna was still giving directions. He looked over to his right and saw Paris sleeping peacefully. And to his left, he saw Jasper drawing a relaxing masterpiece of a waterfall with many trees surrounded by it.

Jasper reached for a backpack that held their supplies. He grabbed a water bottle and handed it to Jenna . She grabbed the water and thanked him. As soon as she opened the bottle she screamed. The bottle was filled with black liquid which stained her shirt.

Jasper was in the backseat laughing and Jenna was trying to reach for him. But Liam stopped them both.

"Would you two please stop acting like children?" said Liam. They both looked at him. Liam made Jasper apologize to Jenna for ruining her shirt.

As Liam turned right on the isolated road. The car made rapid clicking noises. He parked the car on the side of the road. He turned off the car and started it up again but only to hear the rapid clicking noise. He got out of the car to check what was the problem.

"Fuck this stupid car!" yelled Liam as he kicked the bumper of the car. Jenna got out of the car to see why Liam was so mad.

"Liam what's wrong?" asked Jenna . He spoke to her while looking at the ground.

"Something's wrong with the car, it won't start," he said frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Liam went back into the car and checked his phone but it was dead. He reached for Jasper's phone. He looked at Jenna for a moment and he opened the trunk of his car. She looked at him.

"Liam, what are you doing?" asked Jasper.

"I'm calling for a tow truck," he said. He turned on the phone but it read "No reception." Liam sighed. "Wake up the others. We have to walk," said Liam.

Jasper nodded his and woke the others. They gathered their luggage and started walking to their destination.

They were walking for the past five hours. They were walking towards the woods. As they were walking they heard a twig snap. Jasper immediately looked around and shined his flashlight around. But there was no sign of a person.

They all were frightened. Paris saw footprints in the soil. She tapped Liam and showed him. He stood there for a while without speaking. He was looking around to make sure that nobody was there.

The others were puzzled about his silence. Ben was frightened all he wanted to was go home and have a normal vacation. He didn't understand why there were footprints around at this time of night. He shrugged at his thought.

He had an odd feeling that they were being watched. He kept thinking about the car and going home. He just wanted to see his mom again. He misses her even though they don't get along well.

He didn't want the others to know what he thought. He knew that they would tease him all during the trip. He felt a little uneasy about this place. He heard something move. He immediately looked around and saw a shadow.

He screamed to the top of his lungs. Only to see that it was just a deer. The others looked at him for a while with a serious expression. He did the same also. They looked at each other and laughed.

"I never knew you could hit the high notes like Mariah Carrey '' laughed Jasper.

Ben just looked at Jasper without replying. They started walking again. Jasper was taunting Ben. Ben just ignored Jasper like he usually does. Ben was able to drown out Jasper talking by thinking.

Ben wondered who's shadow the person belonged to. He kept thinking. He didn't realize that they were almost at their destination.

"Ben, hello snap out of it!" yelled Jenna .

Ben looked at her and realized that he had been too caught up in his thoughts to notice they were close to their destination. He looked at Jenna and smiled. To his surprise, Jenna smiled back.

It was his first time seeing her smile. She rarely smiled. In his case, he knew he was lucky to ever see her smile. Jenna was a very rude and arrogant person but deep down inside she was kind and gentle.

Paris looked at them. She was jealous she didn't like it when Ben talked to other girls. Especially Jenna 's type. Jenna was a gorgeous blonde-haired girl. She was very smart and tall. Her looks were breathtaking. While Paris was just a simple pretty girl. She is more of a bookworm.

Jasper noticed Paris' disgusted facial expression. He chuckled at her. He was thinking about teasing her but not this time. He knew not to bother Paris when she was mad.

Chapter 3

After hours of walking, they finally reached their destination. The house was run down and old. It seemed like it had been there for centuries. The house was vacant, there was no sign of anyone living there.

They looked at the house and they were disappointed by its appearance. Paris fished out her keys. She unlocked the door and everyone walked in. The inside was just as bad as the outside of the house.

As they walked into the house they looked around, the first item they spotted was a phone. They were excited as if they hadn't seen a phone for centuries. Jasper tried the phone but there was no dial tone. He sighed and threw the phone down and headed upstairs.

The others looked around the house for other things that they might need. Paris went to the kitchen and turned on the sink. To her surprise, it worked.

There was a basement that Jasper decided to check out. He went inside with his flashlight. There was lots of stuff left behind from the previous owners. There was a jewelry box and other valuable things.

Jasper looked around and saw lots of things. He looked around the basement and he was rummaging through the boxes. He found lots of clothes. Most of the clothing seemed to be casual. He saw many old withered photos of the family who lived there before.

Jasper left out of the basement and decided not to explore any further. He left the basement and went downstairs. Paris turned on the lights and went into the living room and turned on the television.

He looked through the photo album. He seemed interested in the photo album. One person looked familiar to him. But he couldn't remember who it was. He sighed. He stopped thinking about the pictures.

He shined his flashlight onto another box that contained art materials. He was really happy to see the art material. He saw a sketchbook that contained a half-drawn picture of a bird.

He was excited so he grabbed a few of the art materials and he started to finish the bird. To his surprise, it was much more complicated to finish since some of the sketches had faded. Due to being old.

Jasper didn't give up; he kept trying. After a while, he finally succeeded. He put all his interest into the drawing. Every time Jasper would draw he would feel like he could escape all his problems and fears.

Even though Jasper liked to joke a lot he had serious problems dealing with his family. Jasper's father and mother would fight constantly. Jasper's older brother had given him an art set before he died. Every time Jasper would draw he would think of his older brother which made his heart sink.

Jasper made a promise to his brother that he would never stop drawing no matter how things got. Jasper kept the first drawing that his brother gave him. Jasper always kept it in his wallet.

Ben heard strange noises outside of his room window. He looked out his window and saw a shadow. Ben came running down the stairs yelling. He nearly fell while coming down the stairs. Everyone looked at him in disbelief.

"Why are you screaming?" asked Jenna .

"I just want to go home. I hate it here, ''he yelled. Paris looked at him and agreed to everything he would say. Ben was telling them what he had seen when he looked out the window. They all looked at him as though he were crazy. Ben and Paris were trying to leave but Liam stopped them.

"Come on guys it's just a storm outside, who knows what Ben saw," Liam said patiently.

"We'll call a mechanic in the morning then we'll be on our way home," Liam said assuringly.

He was able to persuade them to stay until morning. They just listened to Liam and went upstairs.

The paint was peeling off the rooms. The shutters were dry rotted and hanging. The floorboards were squeaking. Some of the floorboards were coming up. As they went upstairs the steps were creaking.

They were getting settled into their rooms. Ben was too scared to sleep by himself. Due to the house being old and enormous. Noises of the storm could be heard. Ben shivered as he felt a cold breeze emerge from the window.

He quickly got up and went to Liam. Ben was trying his best to wake up. Liam was a heavy sleeper. Liam finally woke up and he saw Ben standing in the doorway. He rolled his eyes at Ben for waking him up.

"What are you doing?" asked Liam.

"Nothing but why are the windows open, I didn't open them," said Ben

Liam looked at Ben for a while without saying anything. He looked at Ben and sighed. Liam grabbed his pillow and blanket and went to the others and called them to come downstairs.

They all got comfortable in the living room. They all were sleeping soundly. Ben was looking on his phone which had no service. He sighed and looked at the time. He had grabbed his bag which contained a flashlight.

He took out the flashlight and grabbed a book. Ben was reading for hours and hours. After some time he had fallen asleep, with the book in his hand. Ben woke up at midnight and saw that Jasper was finishing a drawing.

Jasper was absorbed into the drawing. Next to Jasper, there was a pile of unfinished drawings. Ben looked at the drawings. They looked complicated to draw. The pictures contained precise detail. Some of the drawings were faded which made it harder for Jasper to see what the image was.

Ben put the book down and walked over to Jasper. He was watching him draw. Jasper paid too much attention to the drawing to notice Ben seated right next to him. Ben looked at all the details that were in the drawing. He was impressed with the art.

Ben was amazed because he knew that Jasper was very precise with details when it came to drawing. When Jasper would get any details wrong about a drawing he would throw it away and start over.

After Jasper was done with the first drawing he decided to go to sleep. Ben went back to where he was. He set the book down and turned off all the lights. Ben was thinking. Jasper and Ben drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 4

Everyone managed to sleep peacefully despite the storm. The house was quiet as usual. Ben had been snoring loudly. But everyone managed to sleep through his snoring. They all were too tired to say anything.

Everyone was sleeping peacefully. The sound of thunder could be heard from the inside. They heard a loud noise. They all got up and turned on the lights but they didn't work. They tried the electrical box which was located in the garage. The electrical box didn't work.

They looked around the house to see if there was another electric box but there was none. The friends were looking around for their bags to find their flashlights and luggage. They managed to find a flashlight, but not their luggage.

They were all trying to find out where the sound came from. Liam and Jenna went to check upstairs. While Ben and Paris had to check the basement. Ben was scared to go up the stairs that lead to the basement.

Paris looked at him and sighed. She knew that he wouldn't budge because of the situation that they were in. He just stood at the tip of the stairs looking at her.

"Come on, there's nothing up there," said Paris.

"I'm not going up there, not by myself," said Ben in a scared voice. She sighed and she went down the stairs and scolded Ben to go up the stairs. Ben sighed. And he went up the stairs that led to the basement.

The basement was old and smelled of mildew. The wood was shabby and it seemed to grab at their clothes. Ben looked at Paris but she was too focused on looking through the boxes in the old attic.

Ben and Paris looked around the attic and they found the luggage. Paris had instructed Ben to take the luggage downstairs. Ben nodded his head and took the luggage downstairs. After a while, they were done gathering the luggage. They all went back to the living room.

They looked and noticed that there were only three of them. The thunder roared which caused them all to jump. Ben as always was the most frightened. They all huddled together to make sure that no one was scared.

They were scared because they thought that Jasper had been playing a joke on them. They knew Jasper well; they knew that he enjoyed doing pranks in any kind of weather. Jenna remembered when it was snowing Jasper thought it was funny to open all the windows and pour water all over her.

They all decided to look around the house to find Jasper. They all knew since the house was large it would take forever to find Jasper. Paris and Ben looked around the first floor. While Liam and Jenna looked on the second floor.

Paris remembered Jasper going to the basement for the extra drawings. Paris immediately changed her mind after remembering that Ben was too scared to go back to the basement.

Ben was yelling in the house. As he was yelling his voice seemed to echo. Ben was thinking why Jasper would want to prank them during this kind of weather. Ben just wanted to go home and relax with his family.

"Jasper, stop playing this isn't funny" yelled Ben. Paris looked at Ben for a moment. She knew no matter how loud they yelled Jasper wouldn't stop with his jokes.

" Ben yelling isn't going to solve our problem," said Paris.

Ben just looked at her without saying anything. He knew that she was right. They knew that Jasper was stubborn when it came to his pranks.

Liam and Jenna came running down the stairs looking for Ben and Paris. They checked each room but still no sign of Jasper nor Paris or Ben. After searching the house Liam and Jenna finally found them.

Ben turned around and saw Liam and Jenna . He saw their expression which troubled him. They didn't speak for a while. There was nothing but silence between the three of them.

Jenna decided to break the silence "So did you find him?. "We can't find Jasper anywhere," said Paris. The three friends looked at each other and sighed.

"Don't you find this all strange, it's a sign we all are going to die" panicked Ben? Jenna knew that Ben was having a panic attack. "Ben, it's ok just breathe," Jenna said kindly. Ben did as she said.

Jenna was glad that she was able to stop Ben from having a panic attack. Only Ben seemed to be the one paying attention to all the strange things that were happening. Liam was also paying attention to the minor things that happened.

"I want to go home. I don't want to stay here, can't you guys see strange things ever since we came to this house" said Ben.

Liam and Jenna were talking about how things have been every time Ben would panic.

"Don't you think that Ben is overacting?" asked Jenna .

Liam looked at her again with no reply. He knew that she had a point. Ever since they have gone on this trip Ben was continuingly making up excuses to leave the trip.

They were still talking about how Ben was overreacting. Ben was listening to their conversation. He couldn't believe that his own two friends would talk about him behind his back.

"I'm not overreacting about anything. I seem like the only one paying attention" said Ben.

Both Liam and Jenna looked at him. They were surprised to see Ben so mad. They didn't bother to go after Ben because they knew he could stay mad long. Ben didn't speak to Liam nor Jenna .

Instead he ignored them. Every time they would try to speak to he would either leave the room or ignore them. They were still puzzled that Jasper didn't show up. They thought that he was still playing a prank on them.

The storm outside seemed to be getting worse. It was colder inside because the electricity went out.

All that could be heard was the sound of the wind howling. The room was silent, no one said anything. The sound of crickets could be heard in the house. There were a couple of rats running across the floor in the living room. But Liam and others seemed not to care.

The only thing they cared about was getting out of the house and going back home. They were looking at each other. Then Paris pulled out a bag of chips and started eating them. She gave everyone her backpack to look through to find something that they wanted to eat.

Chapter 5

Everyone was still sitting on the living room floor. They were waiting for Jasper to return. They were bored since there was nothing to do in the old house. The electricity was off and they were cold. They all grabbed their blankets and huddled together.

They still were discussing Jasper's strange disappearance. They all were now thinking about the things Ben was saying. They were wondering whether he was right or not. They were wondering about Jasper.

Liam was just looking out the window. It seemed like the thunder storm was getting worse. Paris was thinking about different ways that she would scold Jasper when they found him.

Ben, as usual, was reading a book. He liked reading during thunderstorms; they seemed to relax him. Ben didn't care about Jasper's strange disappearance. All Ben wanted to do was go home and forget about this trip.

Paris was looking over the sketches that Jasper was finishing. She looked over at the faded pictures, and she decided to finish them for him. Everyone was doing something.

After a while they were bored and Liam was being impatient. He just wanted to find Jasper so they could leave and go home.

They all thought they would have the best trip. But they all knew they were wrong. This wasn't quite the vacation they were expecting. They wanted a nice peaceful getaway. Where they can live carelessly.

They all had graduated and they wanted to spend theri break with each other before they went off to college. The entire trip became a total nightmare for them.

They didn't expect to stay in a house that was completely out-dated. They were glad that the house protected them from the harsh thunderstorm outside.

Liam remembered that he promised them that they would leave by morning. He grabbed the blanket and went to sleep. He didn't want to be bothered.

Paris got up and kicked Liam. He sat up and they began to argue. Jenna stopped them from arguing further. Liam started thinking about going back to the gas station to use the phone.

"I can go back to the gas station, it's only a couple of miles from here" said Liam.

Both Paris and Ben begged Liam not to leave during the storm. They both were scared but didn't want to admit it. Liam just rolled his eyes and walked out the door.

As they were walking they tripped over something. Because it was too dark for them to see what they tripped over. Ben ran inside the house and started looking for a flashlight. He came back with a flashlight. They were all in shock at what they saw.

Ben flashed the light at where they had fallen. Liam looked down and saw Jasper's backpack.

Ben said "Come on man this isn't funny". There was no response from Jasper. Ben and the others thought it was another one of Jasper's jokes.

Paris scoffed "Let's just go inside, lets just leave it here"

Liam looked at Jasper's Backpack. He squatted down to check the backpack.. Liam's face turned pale as soon as he looked at the rest of his friends.

"Thereś blood on the backpack," said Liam.

The others looked at him shocked. Ben started to panic. They all ran into the house. They tried to process everything that was happening.

"Jasper's backpack, he would never leave it behind," said Paris.

"Maybe he was attacked by a wolf," said Jenna .

They looked at Ben who was huddled in the corner crying. They walked towards him to try to comfort him. It seemed to work for a while. All Ben could do was cry. He started to believe that his best friend was dead.

"We need to get out of here," said Ben.

"Ben we don't know if he was killed by a person or an animal, we have to stay here" said Jenna .

"Why can't you guys see that our lives are at stake. If we stay here we are more likely to die!" yelled Ben.

They knew deep down inside that Ben was right. They didn't know what was going on. Liam was the oldest in the group so he knew that his job was to protect his little brother Ben. "Alright, we'll head out in the morning, just sleep close to each other and if you hear anything suspicious just wake us," said Liam.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. They all laid down on the floor. Paris decided that she would sleep on the couch.

The couch was tattered and had old stains. Paris didn't mind the couch being partially demolished. She laid down on the couch and fell asleep.

The others couldn't sleep. They were thinking about their friend Jasper. They couldn't believe that he was dead. They had thought that he was joking the entire time. But they were wrong.

They saw Paris sleeping peacefully. Liam, Jenna and Ben were talking about the situation that they were in. After a couple of hours of discussing the situation. They finally went to sleep.

As they were sleeping peacefully a bright light shined onto their faces. Paris got up and woke the others up. It was now morning. Paris went up to the attic and found a box of clothes.

She brung the box into the living room. Everyone picked an outfit and got dressed. They wore overalls with a t-shirt. They were cleaning around the house.

The house was huge which took a lot of time to clean. Jenna was in the woods looking for the shed which contained tools and other necessities that they needed.

As Jenna was walking she saw a shovel and she decided to use the shovel for the garden that was in the backyard. She went back to the house with the tools and shovel.

Everyone was now inside the house. They were cleaning for hours. They finally stopped to take a break. They went into the kitchen to eat.

After they were done they started working on the inside of the house. Liam was pretty handy with tools. His father taught him when he was younger.

Ben on the other hand was never good with tools. Liam would laugh at Ben when they were younger because Ben would bring their father the wrong tools.

This time Liam decided to help Ben and show him what tools were which. It took a while but Ben seemed to learn quickly. Liam was secretly happy to spend time with his little brother.

After they were done eating. They went back to fixing up the house. They were satisfied with the progress of the house. They found the items in the basement quite helpful for them repairing the house.

Even though their vacation wasn't what they expected they were happy that they got to fix the house together. The house seemed easy to fix considering that the previous owners had lots of supplies that they needed. One thing that puzzled them was why did the previous owners would leave such valuable items behind.

They dared not speak of it because they didn't want to ruin the mood. So instead they kept quiet and kept working on the house. They replaced the shutters and other minor things. The house was in good condition considering how long it was sitting there.

There was a room that Paris came upon. She tried the door knob but it was locked. She remembered the keys that they had found. She went to grab the keys. She tried the keys but neither of them fitted. She sighed and gave up. Paris went back outside and started painting the house.

After painting the front of the house Paris went inside with the others and she grabbed a broom and started sweeping the living room. The living room was huge so it took Paris about an hour to clean the living room. She had help from the others to remove the old furniture.

Paris wondered why the door was the only one that was locked. She went to Liam and explained that the door was locked and she couldn't get it open. He grabbed a couple of tools and tried to open the door. After multiple attempts they managed to get the door open. The room was huge. There was new furniture with sheets covered on them.

They were excited that the room contained new furniture and supplies that they needed for the house. They immediately went back to cleaning and repairing things around the house. They still were quite puzzled about Jasper. They wondered what happened to him.

They kept working. The house was coming along quite well. Since they were handy it made the job easier for them to accomplish. Even though the house was old it seemed to be in fair condition. Their job with the house seemed simple to them but to others it would have seemed impossible.

Liam knew a lot about plumbing. There were a lot of plumbing supplies in the basement that were left from the previous owners. He was glad that he didn't have to go to the store which was about ten miles from where they were. It would have been an exhausting walk especially without a car.

Liam began working on the plumbing immediately. Ben was fixing up the kitchen which was pretty easy. He managed to fix the cupboards. Paris was finished with the living room. She was happy about her progress. She found a picture that Jasper had drawn . She picked up the paper and looked for an empty picture frame.

She put the picture into the frame. She hung up the picture and smiled. The rooms in the house were coming along great. Since the house was a mansion there were a lot of rooms. Each person had to do three rooms since it was the four of them.

The front door of the house swung open only to reveal Jasper. He walked in and looked around the house for a minute then he went upstairs. He saw Liam fixing the plumbing.

Liam looked at the doorway and saw Jasper standing there. Liam looked at Jasper in disbelief. "Where the hell were you?" asked Liam.

Jasper just looked at Liam. "All I remember was getting hit in the head with something", said Jasper. He looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" said Liam. Jasper shrugged his shoulders. "Like I said all I remembered was getting hit with something" said Jasper.

Jenna came downstairs and saw Jasper. She nearly bursted into tears when she saw him. Instead she hugged him.

"What the hell is wrong with you pranking us!"she yelled. "I swear I wasn't pranking you" Jasper sighed softly. He didn't remember everything that happened to him.

He tried to remember but he just couldn't. Paris was so happy to see Jasper she ran and hugged him without scolding him. Ben went upstairs to see what was going on then he saw Jasper.

Ben looked at Jasper. He was glad to see Jasper. Ben noticed that Jasper's head was bleeding. "You're bleeding here,'' said Ben as he handed him a towel.

Chapter 6

"I'm fine," said Jasper. Ben seemed to notice that Jasper looked uneasy. Everyone went back to what they were doing. Jasper thought about fixing up the garden.

"I'll do the garden," said Jasper. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They let Jasper do the garden because he really enjoys landscape design.

Everyone went back to what they were doing. Jasper was outside pulling up all the weeds in the garden. It took a while considering that the backyard was huge.

Jasper was outside all day; he didn't go in the house once. Jenna came outside with lunch for Jasper. She was concerned about him.

He was acting strange all day. They knew that something was bothering Jasper. But they dared not say anything because the last time they asked him he had gotten very frustrated.

"Here, Jasper, this is for you," smiled Jenna . He loved Jenna 's smile, in fact he loved her. But he just never wanted to admit it.

"Thanks," said Jasper.

Jenna went back into the house. Jasper sat the food down on a small table. He didn't eat, instead he kept working in the backyard.

Jenna came back with water for Jasper. She saw him working. She looked at the table and noticed that he didn't eat. She sighed and took the plate and handed it to him.

"Jasper, you need to eat something," Jenna said in a concerned tone. She handed him the plate and sat down and watched him eat.

Jasper felt uncomfortable when people watched him eat. He said nothing and continued eating. After he was finished eating. Jenna smiled. She was satisfied that he ate.

She went back into the house to put the plate away. She came back outside and helped Jasper with the backyard. To them the backyard seemed like fun.

Meanwhile Ben Liam and Paris were inside working on the house. Liam was done with working in the restrooms; he was glad that his brother Ben could help.

Paris was mopping the floors. She was disgusted by how dirty the house was. But she also enjoyed cleaning.

Paris was known to have obsessive compulsive disorder. She would clean things over and over until she thought it was clean. Paris hated when things were out of order. She would freak out if they were.

She went to check on Liam and Ben. They were sweeping the rooms. She went to check the other rooms to decide whether or not they were clean enough. The kitchen smelled like fresh paint. Paris thought she'd paint the cupboards.

Paris loved painting. But her father hated when she spent most of her time painting. Her father would treat her wrong. He would blame her for every little mistake she made. Ever since her mother died her father would spend most of his time drinking.

She was glad to move out and go to college soon. The trip seemed to relieve her stress. She spent less time thinking about her father. She didn't care about what would happen to him if she left. All she wanted was freedom.

Ben came downstairs and started to help Paris paint the cupboards. They were finished with the cupboards. They went into the living room. The living room had wallpaper. It was a floral print. Paris laughed because it reminded her of a sitcom that was made in the 60's.

"Maybe, we should paint the other rooms" suggested Ben.

Paris nodded her head in agreement. Ben painted a room upstairs while Paris painted a room down stairs. Liam came and peeked at what Paris was doing. He saw her struggling due to her height. He chuckled to himself.

"You need help?" asked Liam.

Paris looked at the doorway and laughed. "Yeah, here take this and do that wall" Paris said while handing him a paint brush.

Liam started painting. He was glad to help. Paris was glad that Liam was tall because he could paint the places where she couldn't reach.

They were done with painting the rooms. They went to check on Ben but to their surprise he wasn't there. They went downstairs and Ben was removing the wallpaper.

"Wow, you removed all of it" asked Liam.

Ben shook his head no and responded "No, Jenna and Jasper helped me. There was extra supplies in the basement, for wallpaper. So do you want to paint or go with the wallpaper" asked Ben.

"Let's just stick with painting, it's much easier than wallpaper," said Liam.

Jenna walked inside and replied to Ben's answer "This isn't the 60's or the 90's". Ben rolled his eyes and continued with the wallpaper.

"What color for the living room?" asked Ben.

"Let's go with gray or white" said Jasper.

"Yeah he's right it seems more modern also the colors will look nice together" said Liam.

Everyone grabbed a bucket of paint. Each one of them was assigned a room to do. Liam had the living room and Jenna had the dining room.

Jasper was outside. He enjoyed the cool breeze. He remembered when his brother took him to a cabin when he was younger. Remembering his brother made his heart feel empty.

Ever since his brother died that's when Jasper started his mischievous pranks and getting into all kinds of trouble. He had even seen a therapist before but it didn't work for him. At first but as Jasper started talking to the therapist. He was able to do less pranks then he would normally do.

Jasper's therapist had explained to his parents that some children tend to act out when a loved one who is close to them dies.

It was getting late and Jasper was still tending to the garden. He was exhausted from all the work he had done. He kept working even though he was sore. Jenna was in the kitchen looking around for Jasper.

Jenna peeked outside and saw Jasper still working. Jenna went back into the house. She was cooking but she noticed that a knife was missing. She shrugged her shoulders. She thought that maybe Liam or Paris had it.

Jenna was busy cooking to notice that there was someone outside of the window. Paris came downstairs. She headed into the kitchen. She offered to help Jenna. The girls were both in the kitchen cooking. To Paris she was happy to bond with someone on the trip.

Paris had burned her hand on the stove. "Fuck!" she yelled. She ran cold water on her hand to soothe the pain. Jenna gave Paris ointment for her burn. They went back to cooking.

Jasper was looking for the rest of the tools outside. The lights in the backyard went out. All that was heard was a scream.

Chapter 7

They heard the scream. They immediately ran outside and all they could see was darkness. Paris ran and grabbed a flashlight. They went outside and Paris turned on the flashlight.

She screamed. The others ran to her only to see a trail of blood. They followed the trail of blood. At the end of the trail it lead to their dead friend Jasper.

There was a note neatly tucked into Jasper's pocket. The note read "Who's next". They immediately ran inside and locked all the doors including the windows.

They barricaded the door to make sure that they were safe. The friends thought they were safe. Then the phone rang. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes. They've never been more fearful in their entire lives.

To them this vacation seemed more like a nightmare. Ben sat in the corner sobbing. Paris sat by him and tried to comfort him.

Her comfort seemed to work. She assured Ben that they were going to be fine. Ben was still still frightened seeing his friend dead. The phone kept ringing which made them anxious. Liam was annoyed by the sound of the ringing. He answered the phone. But there was no reply. All that was heard was breathing.

Liam's facial expression changed instantly from brave to frightful. The voice on the other line was threatening Liam. Liam turned pale. He had a troubled look on his face. The man's voice was demanding and eerie.

Liam hung up the phone. The others could see the fear in his eyes. He gulped and sat down on the couch. His palms were sweaty. He knew he had to stay strong for the sake of the others. "L-Liam w-who w-a-s t-that" stuttered Ben.

Liam just looked at his brother. He didn't reply to him because he didn't want them to be alarmed about the threats they received. Liam sat by them. He acted brave even though he wasn't.

Liam promised his parents no matter what he would always protect Ben. Liam and Ben weren't exactly close. But they did get along very well. Liam hugged his little brother. He always comforted him whenever he was scared.

Paris handed Ben a bottle of water. He drank it quickly. He seemed to be at ease since Paris and Liam calmed him down. They grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around themselves. They were whispering to each other about the situation.

As they were eating there was a bang on the door. They immediately jumped up out of fear.

Chapter 8

It was dark outside, the storm outside was calm and owls could be heard. Jenna was upstairs in her room. The others were asleep. Jenna turned on her lamp and grabbed a book. She was reading for a while.

She was reading a horror story. She was enjoying the book until she heard a twig snap from the outside of her window.

She peeked out her window and saw nothing. She sighed and closed her window. She got back into her bed and continued reading. There was scratching at her window. She got scared and immediately turned off the lights.

The noise finally stopped and she went to bed. She tossed and turned all night. She heard footsteps in the hall. She got up and locked her door. She was scared. She was crying silently.

The door knob was rattling and then it stopped. The lock on Jenna's window wasn't secured. After a while Jenna fell asleep. Her window was open as Jenna opened her eyes and she saw a figure standing above her.

She tried to scream but she couldn't due to her sore throat. She tried to fight the man but it was no use. He was stronger than her. The man grabbed a pillow and started smothering Jenna. The man stopped as soon as he saw that she wasn't moving.

The man checked her pulse and there was nothing. The man smiled, satisfied he left a note on the dresser and left out of the window.

Paris came into Jenna's room. Paris was half asleep. She saw the window was cracked. Paris sighed and closed the window. Paris went to her room and went to sleep.

It was six in the morning. Liam got up and went into the kitchen. He went into the refrigerator and started to look for items to use to make breakfast. Liam wanted to be a chef. When Liam was in highschool he wanted to be a chef. He was accepted into Culinary school.

Liam was happy that he was a full time chef now. He loved cooking. It seemed to take his mind away from all the negative things that he encountered. Liam was cooking for himself. He saw the box of tea on the counter.

He thought about making Jenna tea for her sore throat. He immediately changed his mind because he didn't want to wake her. After a while Liam was done cooking. He grabbed a plate for him. Then Paris came downstairs.

She saw Liam. She peeked and saw that he had made crepes. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a plate. Liam looked at her and rolled his eyes. He snatched the plate from her, and put the crepe on the plate and handed it to her.

Paris smiled and sat down. She tasted the crepe and to her surprise it was good. She was quiet. Which Liam thought wasn't normal for her. He was wondering why Paris was quiet.

"Anything wrong?" asked Liam.

"No, I'm fine," replied Paris.

"I was just making sure because usually you aren't this quiet" said Liam.

"I was quiet so the other two won't come stampeding down the stairs begging for food" laughed Paris.

Liam nodded. He sat his plate down and he grabbed the orange juice from the refrigerator. Liam and Paris were talking about random things. Paris was finished eating and she put her plate in the sink.

She thanked Liam and went back upstairs to her room. Paris fell asleep. Liam washed the dishes and he went to the living room. He laid down on the couch and he tried to make himself comfortable enough to fall asleep which was no use.

He sighed. He didn't know what to do because he was tired. Liam looked at the walls which were painted perfectly by Paris and Ben. Liam was thinking about all the things he would do, if they managed to escape this nightmare.

Liam soon drifted off to sleep. The sun peeked through the window onto Liam's face. Liam turned the opposite direction and fell on the floor. Him falling caused a loud thud which caused both Paris and Ben to come downstairs.

They saw Liam who was half asleep sitting on the ground looking confused. Paris couldn't control her laughter.

Ben helped Liam up. Liam got up and sat down on the couch. He fell asleep again. Ben tapped his brother to try to wake him up. Liam opened his eyes and looked at Ben.

"What" Liam said in a sleepy voice.

"Why are you not up

eight in the morning?" smiled Ben.

Liam threw the pillow that was on the couch at Ben. Ben dodged the pillow. Liam went back to sleep. Ben picked up the pillow and hit Liam with it.

"Seriously, dude get up!" yelled Ben.

Liam finally got up. Ben went into the bathroom. Liam picked the pillow up and placed it back on the couch. Liam went upstairs to wake Paris.

"Paris, wake up" said Liam.

Paris got up and went downstairs. She was still tired from waking up early. She went into the kitchen.

It was raining outside and the thunder roared. Paris looked out the window and smiled. Despite the storm it seemed like a peaceful day. Paris made coffee. She was enjoying the view of the lake.

Liam came and ruined her mood. Paris rolled her eyes at Liam. He knew she was annoyed. He enjoyed bothering her sometimes.

Liam reminded Paris of Jasper because sometimes they acted alike.

"Where's Jenna" asked Ben.

"She's still sleeping," said Liam.

Paris had a confused look on her face. Liam immediately recognized her look. It was odd for Jenna to sleep that long.

"Something isn't right," said Ben.

"Just forget maybe I'm paranoid," Paris said in a worried tone.

"Yeah maybe," Ben said quietly.

For the last two nights no one bothered to check on Jenna.

Although they were worried. They knew that she was sick but they didn't want to bother her.

It was a Saturday morning Liam, Ben and Paris finally decided to check on Jenna. They opened the door. There was an awful smell. It smelled of rotted meat. The putrid smell of decay was too strong for them to handle.

Ben saw the note and grabbed it before leaving the room. Paris covered her nose.

She checked Jenna's pulse but there was no sign of her breathing. Paris cried. "S-she" Paris couldn't finish her sentence.

Liam looked at her facial expression. Liam immediately teared up. He couldn't hold in his emotions.

He stood there and cried for the death of his friend. They left the room and closed the door.

There was a knock at the door. Liam looked at both Paris and Ben.

Then the doorbell rang. Ben looked out the window and saw a man standing in the rain. The man seemed strange. Ben noticed that the man had something in his hand.

Ben noticed that the man standing outside wasn't a police officer. The man looked familiar but Ben couldn't remember where the man was from.

The man outside was holding something. But they couldn't see what it was.

Ben as usual would always panic. The man outside had blood on his shirt. The man was looking through the window. His smile was crooked. The man was drenched in the rain. Ben just stood there looking at the man. He was paralyzed with fear.

Chapter 9

The man saw Ben looking at the window. The man had a manic grin on his face. Which sent shivers down his spine.

Ben looked away for a second and the man was gone. Ben panicked. He tried to warn the others but he couldn't. Ben was paralyzed with fear. He couldn't move.

Liam couldn't hide his emotions. He thought he could be strong for Ben and Paris but he was wrong. He cried and cried until he couldn't

His mother always told him never to keep in your emotions. Liam didn't listen to his mother. Instead he held in all of his pain.

Ben didn't warn the others about the man that was outside. Instead Ben stayed quiet. Ben was too scared to mention anything.

Liam walked into the living room. He noticed that the screen door had been torn. He grabbed his coat and peeked outside. It was foggy outside so he couldn't see. Liam walked back into the house.

There were wet footprints on the floor. Liam looked around the house. Liam heard the floor squeak. He immediately went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

Ben came downstairs. He walked into the kitchen. Liam immediately turned around and swung the knife toward Ben.

Ben quickly stumbled back falling onto the floor. His heart was racing. He didn't know what to do. All he could do was look at Liam with a dismayed expression. Liam was shocked that he nearly killed his brother.

"Ben, I'm sorry about that," said Liam. Liam placed the knife on the counter and helped Ben up.

"What the hell was that for?" asked Ben.

"I went to look out the screen door but it was torn" said Liam.

Ben looked at Liam and nodded. Ben's heart was still beating fast. He was having another panic attack. He remembered to just breathe and relax.

Paris came down stairs. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying. Ben went to comfort Paris. She cried and talked to Ben about the good things that happened with her and Jenna.

Paris eventually stopped crying. She wiped her face. They noticed that Paris had changed a lot during the trip. She was more active and involved with them than she would normally do.

"Let's go into the living room and talk," said Liam. They followed him into the living room. They all sat down on the couch and started discussing how strange things were happening.

Liam nor Ben mentioned what they saw. Paris wiped her face again tears were streaming down her face.

The thunder rumbled outside. The rain pattered against the window making a rhythmic beat. The grandfather clock that stood in the corner of the living room went tick- tock. The sound of the clock and the rain sounded more anticipating as if something were going to happen.

Ben seemed to be day dreaming. He was thinking about the man he had seen earlier. He was starting to remember where he saw the man.

As he was remembering where he saw the man. There was a loud thud in the kitchen. Ben and Paris raced into the kitchen. What Ben saw made his heart race. The man that was in their kitchen was Silas, the gas station owner.

Paris and Ben were huddled in the corner of the room. They moved quietly in the room. They opened the window and jumped out of it. It was dark and raining outside. The thunder rumbled loudly outside.

The sound of footsteps approaching could be heard. Paris, Liam and Ben ran to the nearest room. They hid. They heard the door rattle. Their hearts were beating rapidly and they were scared. The footsteps approached the closet.

The sound of footsteps seemed to fade away quickly. Liam looked at Ben and Paris. He could see fear in their eyes. Liam was willing to do anything to keep them both safe. He quickly went out of the closet and closed it back. He tiptoed around the room to make sure that it was safe enough to come out.

The room was dark. Liam took out his flashlight. Liam took out his flashlight which was dull. He moved around the room. It was quiet. The sound of the rain and thunder could be heard. The room was quiet. Liam peeked out the window, all he could see was fog. He saw a light outside. He quickly closed the window.

He opened the closet door and he helped both Ben and Paris out. Liam looked at them with a faint smile. " What are we going to do?" Ben asked. Liam looked at his brother. Liam didn't want to admit that he didn't know what to do.

Liam heard the front door slam. Liam quickly opened the window. Liam heard the front door slam. Liam quickly opened the window. And rushed both Paris and Ben out of the window. As they hopped out of the window, it was Liam's turn, he felt himself being pulled away. Paris and Ben immediately tried to help Liam but it was no use.

"Leave now!" Yelled Liam. Both Paris and Ben immediately listen. "We have to run for the car". Paris nodded her head. They both started running. It was dark and stormy outside the fog seemed to get thicker. Ben tripped over a tree trunk and twisted his ankle.

They knew the killer was behind them. "Leave me here" whispered Ben. Paris came up with an idea. Ben agreed to do it.