Her eyes followed the line of the shiney tools laid strategically from left to right on the wooden table infront of her. The tips of her fingers wandered over the handles as if trying to decide which one felt like an appropriate tool for her kidnapper to use.
She sat there alone waiting for him to return. So many things were running through her mind. Will she make it out alive? Will officer Brodden find her before it's too late? Would she ever see her mom again? Her train of thought broke as the man came back.
She finally got a glimpse of what he looked like. He was short for what looked like 20,25. He had curly brown hair and a scragally beard. She felt like she knew him from somewhere but she wasnt sure where.
"All those times i told you to listen to me." He started as he fondled with the tools on the table. What was he talking about? She began to grow confused as he continued.
"All i wanted was for you to listen and know that God wants you to do things his way and not yours". He looked at her with his sinister blue eyes. As his smile began to show his crooked stained teeth, it hit her.
She hadn't seen him in a dream. He wasn't just a complete stranger. He was someone she looked up to, she always had. He mentored her in her times of struggle and dispair. He was her childrens pastor from the time she was three up until now.
The thought that someone as close to her as her pastor would do something like this terrified her. "Why are you doing this to me, what did i do?" She said with the salty taste of tears landing on her lips. He looked at her once more as he picked up a syringe that looked like it had been used too many times to count.
He started towards when he decided to answer her question. "Don't you listen? I told you why. I want you to suffer for all the times you disobeyed the one who created you". The response sent shivers down her spine. She tried to breath and make sense of what was happening but failed as she felt the needle potrude her hazel eye.
"Well Kara, this is what Hell is like, are you ready for it?". She thought of all the things she had done as his response began to fully set in. So many memories crossed her mind. So many memories that she thought weren't important enough to come back again.
From stollen pencils in the classroom, to smoking in the backalley with friends. All the things she had ever done came crawling back like a cockroach in a dirty room. Her thoughts stopped when she decided to ask him a question.
"Would God be happy with what you're doing to me?". He paused as his face grew cold and green. He dropped to his knees as his eyes began to swell with tears.
"Kara-". He was cut off by the sound of gunshots and howling dogs. The sounds gre louder as he looked at her with sadness. He opened his mouth to speak when officer Brodden burst into the room breaking his concentration.
"Kara!" Brodden says as he rushes over to her cupping her hazel eye in her hands. "Please just help me" she says to him with strain in her voice. He picked her up off the moldy dentist chair and helped her walk to the door.
"Wait" she says as they begin to exit the room. She turns and walks back to her pastor , putting a hand on his shoulder. "God forgives you and i do too, all you have to do is ask".
She steps back has he begins to whisper his thoughts, tears begining to form with saddness. "God", he begins. "I'm sorry for what i've done. I don't deserve your forgiveness although i am asking for it. Forgive-". He was intterupted by a shot to the heart but went to rest peacefully by the side of the one who created him.