
Chapter Nine: Cut of one head two more shall take it place.

We arrived in our destination, the museum is completely replica of everything, Gods statues, heroes, monsters, weapons, armors, shields, boots, and everything ancients into medieval times are replica.

"Hey Veronica, your mother great Athena." Trevor belaud said in Veronica, but Veronica stopped Trevor in praising and said "It just a statue and I don't know what she really looks like... Praising these replica status of gods and goddesses is false."

"Hey, people worshipping Jesus Christ now a days!" He said. Veronica gaped at Trevor and sternly ask him "WHAT!!? How these people dare believe in such false god?"

I retorted and expounded that churches and Jesus Christ or Almighty God is a god of everything that all man worshipping. I also explain that we have a divine blood that similar in Jesus, that Jesus is a son of a God. A man and a God in the same time. It just Veronica is faithful to the gods and goddesses since birth.

Not like me who believe also in Jesus, but that's before. She calmed and looked at the people and question me "Chase, are you worshipping that Jesus Christ?"

I stammering answered that question yes, as she's snuffy turn away and sit down in the verge.

"Dude? Really?" Trevor teasingly said.

"Enought pwche! I lived in here and went in church before every sunday right? And actually before I really thought that greek gods and goddesses are just statues. But it's not." I expounded.

I actually the one who apologize to Veronica instead of her but then she sighed and chortled. "Are you dumb? I just acting like I'm anger. Gotcha!"

"WHAT THE!!? That was an act?" I sighed and shrugged while I'm facepalmed and Trevor giggling and mumbling something...

"Dude! Veronica was Christian before Hahaha" He said. I want to hit him but then The shining light appeared in the top of Athena's statue.

"Guys.. A orb!" I pointed at the forehead of Athena. "Of course! Athena was born in Zeus's head, and that's why she's the cleverest goddess of the gods. And that's why the orb is here hidden." Veronica said.

"But how can we get there?" Trevor asked. I suggest about the winged sneakers, "Yeah but who gonna suit it up?" Trevor asked.

"I am!" I sternly said. They laughed and replied "Calixtro gave it to me because he knew you can't use it properly because Zeus have an eyes on you, meaning he's angry on you and maybe he will control the air and the winged sneakers can't fly." Trevor expounded.

"I'll fly through there! By the way I'm the daughter of Athena. favorite child of Great Zeus, my grandfather." Veronica snobbish said.

"Let's lay low for now, there's too many people here, lets go back midnight and when the guards are tired." Chase said.

"Sounds you have a plan, son of Poseidon!" She smirked and we exit the museum and wait for night.

It's 11:47pm, and we're sneaking in the museum Veronica have to put asleep the guards, and take a fly once they sleep.

She take a shot to make the guards sleep, Trevor whispered "Did you kill them?" Veronica signed and mumbled "It's not! Duh" she jeered smiled.

"Here suit up!" I said and gave the winged sneakers. She hold it tight while we holding her, while she already wearing it she flew and said "I going to get it fast!"

A statue cracks, and growling at us that's what I knew. "VERONICA!!" I shouted and she look at me and sees the monstrously head of Hydra. It's growls so loud and destroy the museum, and attack them.

We ran and the orb it tossed and it went in a hole. "The orb is there!" Veronica ordered me bossy "GET IT!"

The Hydra breathe fire and Trevor and Veronica distract the Hydra while I getting the orb, but it's hard when a head of an hydra is near at me both Trevor and Veronica Shouted.

As I swiftly cut his heads of and shocked, "YES!! I Killed it!" I shouted. "You don't kill it dumb! You make it worse.." Veronica said sternly.


"Cut off one head two more shall take it place" She said while looking at the heads, and Chase and Trevor both said "Oh SHIT!"

"Veronica! GO AND DISTRACT IT!" I command her. As she wear her invisible Yankees cap and secretly pointing the targets, her daggers are seven, and its she have arrows of twenty enough to distract the hydra heads.

She threw three daggers in seven and third heads to blind it, and shot an arrows.

I run fast and furious to get the orb but the hudra burst massive fire as Trevor cut and rope the first head in the top. Trevor is good he use the winged sneakers and draw his weapon and a sword he brought all along and that's his kalimba.

It's transformed into giant dual blade sword that cut the hydra heads in pieces again and again while Trev hanged the first head in the roof.

There's a voice I heard again and I knew it's my father Poseidon "Use your power, Control the water. Use It!"

Actually I did it I control it and use the water to flood the whole museum, and Veronica sees Medusa's statue cracks and her eyes and snake hairs growling as I command the water to get the orb, to give it to me as they did it, but Veronica jumped and whispered "stay stoop! Medusa's alive! I got a plan is that clear?"

We stoop walking while we picked the glass and looking there to see Medusa, as I activated my riptide and cut her head as Veronica get her last dagger and threw it into Medusa's head as Trevor Stabbed her back repeatedly, as Medusa body cut in pieces. Trev dropped his weapon and he shouted "Close your EYES!!" as the Hydra burning the places and all statues are falling.. As Hydra see Medusa eyes, Hydra turned into stone and destroy by my riptide.

We all gasped and we heard the siren of police as Veronica says that we must gather so then she will use one of the item that can be useful that Mr. Firenze gave, an emergency Teleportation scroll. Trev picked up Medusa's head as Veronica ordered as we gathered and teleport in somewhere.

"Where are we?" Trevor asked. Veronica replied "I don't know, but Teleportation scroll will teleport us whenever you want to go and I think about Paris! And I think we're Paris!"

I facepalmed and snickered said "Seriously why you think about Paris?"

"I just think about a place and we must go in rush right? Just let's go and have searched for a hotel to rest okay." She said.

We walked and find where's is the nearest town. We found a cab while we are walking in nowhere, the driver asked where are we going, Trevor answered "In the nearest town." The driver whimsical said "Just hop in!" in my mind how we can trust people if some monsters can shapeshift. But Veronica and Trevor put trust on that driver.

"You know what it's 2:00am are you guys taking drugs? If I'm you're father I'll be angry.. Anyway I'm Charles." Charles ridiculous said he's kind and chatty. He bring us nearest town and don't take our money he says that he glad to serve and drive a teenagers safety.

But actually I drop two hundred dollars in the window and we wave as sign of goodbye and respect.