
Keep chasing his pavements


Flower_T · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter one - Incident in the Library

It was an afternoon in the last day of summer. The weather was still warm. My first semester at Phoenix university would start the next day. I had studied hard during the last year to guarantee a seat at the best university in the capital. The city which I also was living.

While I had put a black cap on, I was watching a handsome boy through the shelves and pretending that I was looking for a book. He was the most handsome guy I had ever seen in the real life.

His eyes were mixed of blue and grey. His short black hair and fair skin and his mascular body made him looklike a captain in the army. He had worn a dark blue shirt and a white pants. He was turning the pages over elegantly. It was a new book, I had written the name of books he had read so far and bought most of them to do the same.

Unexpectedly, my best friend ,Beth, shouted:"...what a handsome guy!"

It was so sudden that I got startled and lost my balance and fell on the bookstand next to me and it fell with its books and a loud voice spreaded through entire library.

I felt pain all over my body but I couldn't raise my head from the shame and hoped the ground swallow me!

' you damn fool' I thought.

"are you ok?" It was the librarian, not my friend! Forcefully, I moved and stood up while avoided looking at that handsome guy! Fortunately, no one had got hurt.

"I'm so sorry, I'd help to fix this mess" apologetically told the librarian. He seemed to be in his early twenties with a dark brown and gold eyes and looking too much in his eyes made me forget about my surrendings for a second.

He smiled and told kindly:" there is no need. I will arrange someone to fix it. I hope you haven't been hurt, Miss."

My cheeks got red, I was embarressed. He walked away and called someone to come. Meanwhile, I apologized to everyone and then shoot a glance to Beth. She was silent, unlike always! I could see she was following the librarian with her eyes. I turned my head and looked at that handsome guy, my heart was racing and praying he hadn't notice that we were watching him. His distance was a little far to where we had stood so he hadn't get much affected; however, that bookstand was the nearest to him. He looked indifferent and still was reading the book in front of him; seemed there was no disturbance. I hope it could apply to everyone. Some were looking displeased by the accident which had made lots of Noise. I didn't like to stay there any longer. Every second I was more ashamed. So I called my friend " Beth "

Beth looked at me and finally, remembered what had happened. She shrugged, like it wasn't a big deal. Before she could say anything, I grabbed her hand and said " let's go!"

She nodded and we got out without any hesitation. My heart was beating so fast. When we were outside of the library, she told me:" what an exciting day!" I liked to hit back of her head but resisted to this temptation!

"you fool! you startled me!" I smiled bitterly.

" sorry, Amy! I didn't know your boyfriend will be this handsome!"

I sighed. He wasn't my boyfriend but in Beth's opinion, He was!

There was no need to blame anybody it was an unlucky accident. so I didn't continue this topic.

"let's go home. I think we shouldn't show our face for few days here"

" I don't think it's a big deal and I believe he wouldn't think that you are in love with him. It wasn't like I told you are in love with him"

I smiled bitterly. It was approximately three months that I was going to this library and found this habit to watch him from a corner without making him notice. The first time I saw him, I felt it was a dream so I pinched my wrist. I felt pain. Do people feel pain in their dreams? So I kept watching him everytime he was at library. He didn't come regularly on a specific day at the week. So It was my routine to come to the library everyday. Was this what a stalker do? I wasn't sure. Even if it was, I couldn't help watching him stealthy and chasing him.

Beth looked at her phone and said: "Amy, let's go to the cafe! Amanda told me she has come back to Fox city."

Amanda was my another friend. Although Beth and I were roommates. She was staying with her boyfriend. We usually met each other at VV cafe. We were their regular customers. I tilted my head and glanced at the library for the last time. I felt someone is watching me through the window but there was nobody behind it. I inhaled deeply, felt a little uneasy.

"let's go before I start to have hallucination!"

Beth looked at me suspicously, opened her mouth to tell something but didn't. We took a taxi and went to 357th street where the VV cafe was located.

on the way, I felt something was off. I couldn't point at what it was exactly. I looked at the cars in the street. Nothing looked unordinary. Beth asked me:" Are you ok?" I looked at her and nodded. I continued to watch surroundings 'till we arrived at our destination. Nothing happend. I think I was a little paranoid but a little caution was necessary. I was an unofficial stalker. So who could I blame?!

Note: Hi, my dear friends.

I'd like to thank you all for choosing this novel to read! It's an honor for me to have such a lovely readers. I try my best to provide an entertaining story for you. Just keep chasing this novel with your hearts. Thank you ♡