
Kami Senso

A Grand Battle! This is battle of gods itself! A story on universe destruction. The great cycle is coming and no one is present to preserve it! Timeline is messed up. Everything is merge up!

Soda_Kun · แอคชั่น
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Summoning is death

Kaizo is still staring at Brillith for the answer.

"Answer me" Kaizo is still on point.

"Why do you need to know the answer unless you are the witness of that experiment? Is it true, Mr.forgotten your memory?" She mocks Kaizo.

Kaizo stayed silent. What is happening here? Kaizo, why are you so mysterious? Something is wrong with him.

"How do you achieve this feat? Which is not possible in the current time period?" He asked.

"So, an oracle? From whom?" She was now asking questions.

"No, I didn't have any oracles. I am different" he replied.

"We didn't expect this experiment to lead to time travel to be honest" she told us.

"Wait?! So, that means you were buffing about a time travel experiment?!" I ask her.

She nodded her head. "I don't know, the experiment was to communicate with the past and future but something caused an error. That explosion which happened in the research center, the whole experiment turned into an error" she told her.

"I am asking the same thing. How does this experiment work?" I don't know why Kaizo is pushing this matter.

"The experiment was originally to do communication with the past to get to know more about the past civilizations. So, we bend the light effect in a certain space and then we increase the density of gravity and at the same, we make up the less density of gravity at the same value level. Due to this, the whole light starts to bend up in the direction. We then set up spatial coordinates at a fixed point. I don't know the whole details. During that time, my father was the director who had passed away"

Kaizo is not taking her words seriously.

"It makes a hole in the way. A whole path to space-time in the similar manner to gravity. I don't know what I want to say" she threw away her cool nature.

She is really under a lot of pressure, it looks like due to Kaizo questioning her.

"Something is weird here" I speak up unnecessarily.

"What do you mean?" My summon is worrying about me.

"The priestess had caused a massive flame chaos over this place. Then why the heck nobody took up action against us?"

"There is one reason that can explain everything" Kaizo spoke up like he had experienced a territory effect. "It looks like this country has won against several neighboring countries and gained a great victory recently. Due to this, they are trying to stabilize the rules there. Now, you can say that most of the army is not here. They are either on the battlefield or establishing their rules in the foreign cities"

I love Kaizo theory on this. I can't believe that even without memories he can speak good facts. I thought that he was a mindless pervert but I was wrong.

"There is one more reason we can think about. This reason is very dangerous and it is also a bad news for us"

"What is it?" I am interested in this thing.

"Somebody had summoned another Nexarite in this timeline. This can be the main reason why the heck this timeline has changed so much"

Again this term. Nexarite.

"We are here together for how long damn hours I don't know and we are just walking mindlessly. What the heck is wrong here?! Also, what is Nexarite?"

"I still don't know…how you are able to summon one without knowing anything related to the concept" she looked at me.

"Then tell me! I am the boss of this spirit, not you!" I hate her now.

I can't believe that she was my idol!

"Okay. I will tell you everything" she took up a long air vent breath, "Let's begin with everything"

Before she could speak up. Several soldiers come up. (Author is too lazy to even write the whole fighting scene. But he will write.)

I can see there are endless rows of tanks. Some of the anti-tank weapons are a setup to launch at us if it is necessary. I think that they thought that tanks were enough to kill us. Tanks can kill me but can't say about Kaizo and Brillith. Guns were equipped among the soldiers who were not riding up the tanks. A powerful attack happened at us but Kaizo took up that damage head on.

First of all, even if somebody blocks the attack for you then it means you are unharmed by that attack, right? Yes, it is that thing. But what happens if the range of that explosion is greater? Then yeah, you are fucked up on high level. Is there a chance that you can survive the explosion? Maybe yes, or no.

Before that explosion impact can reach us, it starts to get absorbed into Brillith's body as she transforms into flame herself.

"Get out of the way, Nexarite!" She yells.

Without any chant or words. She released her flame from her body at high above the sky. The giant fireball is formed above us.

In the next second, that giant ball scatters into miniature fireballs and directs it towards the tanks. When one tank explodes, parts explode and hit another tank. So, the whole army gets wiped out.

"Did we win?" I ask them.

I can't find Kaizo in those flames.

"Finding me?" Suddenly, Kaizo is behind me.

He really scared me!

"Do you want an explanation on Nexarite?" Brillith asked me.

I nod my head.

"Okay, let me explain to you. Nexarite are the summoned people. They are the living spirits of the dead people. As people say that the body is temporary but the soul is eternal. It is true. In this world, there are many souls whose fame and power surpass anything. People who become legendary warriors who gave some sort of lessons to the world. These beings are Nexarite. As you are probably familiar with the theory of reincarnation, which states that after ending one's life, the soul gets reborn in the new body. But there are many chances where instead of going into the reincarnation path, souls...goes to different paths. Heroes and warriors go to Elysium or you can say Valhalla and some records say that they go to heaven. This is the explanation in records we found. You can say we summon the souls of the people who were heroes in their lives'' she explained.

I look at Kaizo. He is a hero. He is a dead being. Why should I care?

"You are forgetting to tell her one more important thing!" Yusuke's hologram image appears.

"She will be scared," she argued.

"But if we don't tell her then it would cause bigger damage to our alliance" he said.

I look at both of them.

"Tell me the whole thing!" I yell at them.

I don't like that they are keeping secrets even though we are on this dead bed.

"Well, because the universe doesn't hold that much mana compared to past times...due to this, as penalty of using summoning magic, your half of the mana is transferred to Kaizo to keep his existence stable" he told me this thing.

Now, I think about it. I feel something weird in Kaizo. Is this because he is eating up my mana? This is the reason.

"So, what's wrong with it?" I ask them.

I look at Kaizo's face. His face is telling me that they are not telling me the whole story.

"Your half of the life span is snapped up. This is the penalty"

Wait… what? Are they joking right? It can't be. You are telling me that due to me summoning some sort of ancient spirit, my life span has decreased. What the hell?! At most an average human life is that of 100 nowadays. So, I will live up to 100 years.

"Are you serious? How can you be sure about this?" I want an answer.

"My father. He also had summoned a spirit but he died. He was 35 years old. After 15 years… he died. That's what I want to know. We did all the calculations for this. We are ready to take the risk. You shouldn't worry about it. In the AD era, many people died before even getting past 60. This is the sad thing. With all types of medical improvement, we are only able to live 100 lives on average" She spoke like she doesn't care about my age.

She started to go on her own path. Due to the explosion and battle, I can't even guess which part of the town we are in. I can't believe how bad the situation got.

"She really got on my nerves," I said.

"Don't say these things. Brillith can be cold but she is a soft heart girl" Yusuke stopped me.

"What do you mean?"

"Eralith family is the magician family who studied summoning the spirits. For them, it is like life to them. But not anyone can summon Nexarites. Only those with attribute of evil can summon them"

"Am I evil?!" I ask him.

"No! This is just the name of an attribute which is a very rare attribute among humans. Only a few got. Eralith was one of them. But sad thing, Brillith broke the rule. She was born with a fire attribute and her mother died while giving birth to her. Due to this, the new child wasn't born and her father died next. So, Eralith is a dead family. But seeing somebody like you. She is just keeping her position"

"But why?"

"Maybe, it can be that she suspects you to be the illegitimate child of her father," he laughed at me.

The worst joke I ever heard.

Author note!

1. Why in this chapter, Brillith didn't say a chant? Well, because she is the greatest magician with great fame. Of course, she got nonverbal spell from the Harry Potter series!

2. Let's discuss something important. Are attributes inherited or random? Let me talk, your talent can be random but your body is similar to your parents. So, her mother got the fire attribute. That's all.

3. I made a game stats profile for Nexarite characters! I will first show you and then go to explain to you.


Rank: 2 star

Name: Kaizo

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance age: 20


HP: 1200

ATK: C (Average)

DEF: C (Average)

Speed: S (Godly)

Mana: 950 (Average)

Experience: Unknown





Yes, the character profile is complete! Now, let me explain. What does that star mean? They just show rank, that's all. 2 star basically means that Kaizo is just weak. I don't think you need explanation on health point(HP) and attack(ATK). Defense(DEF), for damaging Kaizo, you need B rank ATK. So, one rank higher. Speed is very high for Kaizo as it is S as highest. So, you need 3 star Nexarite speed of E rank to outspeed him. Yes, higher star E rank is above than S rank of lower rank. Mana shows how much you hold mana in your body to use your power. Skills just show your talent and adaption. Experience reference to how many battles they had at war! Powers as you know… Superpowers!

That's all. Thanks for reading my novel! [Not an ending]