
Act 11: Kaitou Academy!

Just as the night was coming to its end, the first ray of light entered Yuichi's room. Yuichi was still deeply asleep, however.

" Yu, wake up!"

Yuichi wouldn't wake up no matter how many times Ayame tried waking him up. Ayame watches him sleep some more, as it was the last time she was seeing his sleeping face, and also wakes him up in the morning.

Ten minutes later, Yuichi slowly opened his eyes and saw his sister watching him.

" What is it, Aya?"

Ayame stood up from his bed and as she turned around, she said:" Now that you're awake, I'll take my leave. Shower quickly and come down for breakfast."

Ayame wouldn't look into his eyes. When she was about to walk away from there, Yuichi grabbed her hand firmly.

" Would you sit down for a minute?"

" I have things to do."

" Pretty please!"

Ayame gave in to Yuichi's pleas and sat back down.

" I'll write to you every day, and you do the same too. I'll be living in a new environment, but I promise you I'll give it my best, so you can be proud of me."

" I'll make this world a better place where everyone will live together in harmony. Once that goal is attained, I'll come back to you."

The siblings shared a warm hug which lasted indefinitely for both of them.

Two hours later, after having breakfast, the moment to separate came at last.

The Hanagawa family was getting emotional as to Yuichi's departure. Even Grandpa Alex came to see him off.

" This is it! I'm leaving."

Yuichi dropped a tear before hugging his dad, sister, and grandpa as hard as he could.

" Take care of yourself, Yu!"

" Good luck out there! You've got it!"

" Make all of us proud, my little trickster!"

" I will. I will make all of you proud."

Their separation was heartbreaking and emotional. Just like that, Yuichi left the Hanagawa household and headed toward his future.

On the tramway to Kaitou Academy, Yuichi thought about all he'd been through and started getting a little anxious.

(I'm leaving this city and everything else behind. Will I be okay on my own)

Meanwhile, a couple of blocks away, at around a hundred kilometers away, in Jade City and more precisely at Kaitou Academy, some teachers were conversing among themselves.

" This year's students are gems, don't you think?"

" We might even find some talents."

" All I say is that it's going to be troublesome as hell. Who in their right mind would adamantly want to become thieves?"

" You're one to talk. Why are you even here if you dislike it so much?"

" That's different and you know it. I didn't want to work a boring job without any aim. Besides, kicking some butts is what's best in this job."

" Aha------- kicking butts, you say. Don't be mean to the new students!"

" Whatever!"

In Yoshu City, Ayame wondered if her brother had already reached the school or not.

" Kaitou Academy is pretty far, as your grandpa said. Yuichi shouldn't reach there until tomorrow afternoon at the least."

" I know you're worried about your brother. This is the first time he had gone far away from us, but it'll be okay. Yuichi is a natural, and I'm sure, he'll make lots of friends in no time.

" Yuichi gave up his dream for the greater good. Will he be happy with that decision he took?"

" That's what worries me, dad! Yuichi will have to do things that are against his nature and character. Will he be okay?"

Ayame was worried about her brother's hasty decision. Mr. Hanagawa could in no way refute his daughter's sayings.

Back in the tramway, Yuichi had slept temporarily and woke up. He looked by the window and realized he was no longer in Yoshu City.

He fixed his ring and looked around to make sure everyone was sleeping before opening his bag. He opened the grimoire and was shocked to discover that a new spell had been written inside.

(A new spell?)

The grimoire, the spells, the spirit cards, all of that were still a deep mystery to Yuichi. Although he had figured out how to use the magic book, many things made no sense to him.

(What's this?)

Yuichi saw a tiny crest designed on his right hand that wasn't there before. He freaked out, wondering what it could be.

He looked for cloth in his suitcase to erase the crest with. No matter in what manner he tried to erase it, nothing seemed to work. More than anything, it would grow the more he wanted to erase it. After many failed attempts, he decided to leave it alone.

(It's probably nothing. I'm sure it'll go away on its own.)

Yuichi put the grimoire back inside and slept some more. The next time he awoke, it was already morning.

For a moment there, he thought he was at home, before realizing later on that he wasn't. He became nostalgic as a result.

(That's right! I left home yesterday-------- I'm heading to "Kaitou Academy" for the next round of the entrance examination.)

Five hours later, the tramway stopped as it had reached its destination.

People started getting out of the tramway one by one. When it was Yuichi's turn to exit the tramway, he asked--------

" Excuse me!"

" Yes!"

" —---Is this 'Kaitou Academy'?"

" Yes, it is! Look over there--------- It's written in bigger characters.

Yuichi looked in the direction pointed to and saw the name of the school written in more prominent characters.

" Sorry and Thank you!"

Yuichi quickly got out of the tramway before it drove away.

(What a fool I am? If I had looked, I would have seen the name written.)

Once the tramway was nowhere in sight, Yuichi wondered where exactly he had landed.

(Where is this? This is like a castle. Is this truly an institution?)

The school was so grand that it looked like a castle. It was hard to imagine it was just a school and not an extravagant mansion.

(I should get inside. I can't stay out here.)

Yuichi entered the school and was even more impressed by the inside than the outside.

(This can't be a school, right? There's no way this is a school.)

" Excuse me, young man!"

" Yes!"

One of the staff approached me to lend me assistance.

" Would you happen to be Yuichi Hanagawa?"

" Yes, that's me!"

" Follow me, please! The arrangement had been made for your stay. This way!"


(Arrangement? What is he talking about?)

(Come to think of it, when grandpa came to deliver the news for the upcoming round, he said--------------)

Forty-eight hours before Yuichi's departure

" About your lodging, I've taken care of it."

" Lodging? Am I not to stay in the dorms like the other students?"

" Of course, you'll be staying in the dorms, just like all the other students. I could've helped prepare your dorm myself."


" You'll understand what I mean once you get there."


To the present day

" We've arrived!"

I looked around the residential area. It was grand and beautiful. The residential area itself looked nothing much. It was more average than anything on the outside. The inside wasn't too extravagant as the school was, so to say, it was okay.

" Right this way!"

Following the guide, we finally reached what would be my new home from now on until graduation.

(The door is normal and there's nothing extravagant to it. Grandpa must have been pulling my leg.)

I changed my mind however once I got inside.

" What the------ What's all this?"

The room was entirely decorated. What got me surprised and startled was the way it was decorated. The inside of my dorm was identical to my room. It had all my furniture and accessories.

(So, this is what grandpa meant when he said he had taken care of my lodging. Thanks, grandpa!)

Overwhelmed by emotion, a tear dropped from my eyes to the floor.

" I'll be coming to fetch you tomorrow. I believe you don't know your way around here."

" Yes--------- Thank you!"

" Have some rest! I'll see you tomorrow."

The gentleman who had politely guided me left the room. I took a glance at the room once more, and it was just as surreal.

(I can't believe grandpa did all this for me. He might have transformed the aspect of the room, so I wouldn't feel lonely. Thank you very much for bringing my room to me!)

I lay on the big flatbed, which looked like mine back home. I had the impression of being home and not at school. It didn't take me long to shut my eyes and fall into a profound sleep.

The following morning, I heard a knock on the door and forgot for a second where I was.

As I headed towards the door and opened it, without looking at the person who had knocked, I muttered:" Aya, why would you always come so early to wake me up when you know I like sleeping more, especially in the morning."

" Young man!"


Hearing a familiar voice, I was brought back to reality as I came to realize where I was.

" Sorry! Sorry! I didn't know it was you at the door."

" It's okay! You're homesick, I can understand."

" Would you give me ten minutes to get ready?"

" Sure! Take all the time you need!"

Ten minutes later, Yuichi was ready to leave to whatever unfamiliar place he was to be brought to.

" Where are we going?"

" First, we'll go to the eatery, so you can eat something. Next, we'll be going to the event hall where the next phase of the entrance exam is to be held."

While they were heading to the eatery, Yuichi was wondering about the theme. He was thinking about how the theme would be employed.

Once at the eatery, Yuichi had no idea what to order. Fortunately, the kind gentleman suggested something to him.

A couple of minutes later, Yuichi was done eating.

" Are you full or would you like more?"

" I'm full. I've eaten plenty."

" Then, let's go!"

After leaving the eatery, we went to the event hall where the next phase of the preliminary round was to be held.

" This is it! You should be okay from here, right?"

" Yes! Thank you for guiding me and everything!"

" You're welcome!"

" I'll be off. Good luck!"

" Thank you!"
