
K Idols AU stories

This is only work of fiction. The writer do not intend to harm or insult the fandom and the artists as well. Plagiarism is a crime. I know that my works are kinda trashy but I give all my best and put my heart on it so don't repost. Feel free to unfollow me if you're not comfortable with same sex relationship, but no reporting, I'm begging you. This contains grammatical, spelling errors, and words that are not appropriate to young readers. Kgroups: Mamamoo, (G)I-dle, Oneus, and Onewe

sunhwi_writes · คนดัง
14 Chs

Approval II (MMM WheeSa)

Approval (Mamamoo OT4 AU)

[Part 2 of 4 - Third person point of view]

👉 Pairings: This part, Wheesa only

👉 Genre: Romance, General Fiction

Wheein put her school uniform and pulled her shoulder bag.

"I'm.... READYYY!" she shouted.

"What the hell?", Hyejin just came out from toilet of their room. "So freakin annoying, so noisy early in the morning."

"It's just, I'm excited. New uniform, new school, everything is new." She smiled very bright, as she could replace the sun's brightness.

But Hyejin didn't bother. "Hey, when we got there, don't you ever brag about us, that we know each other, understood?"

"Don't HEY me." She imitated Hyejin's voice. "My name is Wheein. And I'm older than you. You should be, you know, a little polite?" she crossed her arms.

Hyejin gave her a sullen look. "Yeah, whatever. Now go out cause I'll change my clothes."

"Okay okay." Wheein hurriedly walked out the door. But she seems to see a swollen bite on Hyejin's shoulder.

She closed the door and said, "Is that, hickey?"

Everything is new to her, and different to Wheein. She can't stop thinking about what happened few days ago.

She went to the dining room and saw her mother drinking her coffee. "Wheein ah, good morning."

Solar came out the kitchen to see you. "Sweetie, you're looking good at your new uniform." It was still awkward to see them together. She still can't believe the relationship they have.

"T-thanks...auntie." They invited Wheein to join them to eat breakfast. But Hyejin on the other hand, didn't want to. "I'm going first."

She glared to Wheein. "Eat quickly. Don't you want to be late in your first day, pig?"

Solar shouted, "HYEJIN! Manners."

Wheein hurriedly drink her choco. "Bye. Mom, and auntie."

They hopped in the bus as soon it stopped at the waiting area. "I told you, my name is Wheein."

Hyejin sighed and said, "FINE. Just, shut up. When we get there, mind your business. You're not a preschooler."


As soon as they got to their school, Hyejin gave Wheein a reminder. "5 pm sharp here, or else I will left you. Understand?"

She nodded. They part ways and went to their specific rooms.

A lot happened that day and when the class dismissed at 4 pm, Wheein went to music room located at the second floor of that building too.

The door opened and two of her classmates were there. "So you chose, music club?"


Outside the window, you can clearly see the open hall stage, and the dance club members were practicing. From there, she saw Hyejin, with a boy beside her, caressing her shoulder. She looks like a bit uncomfortable. "Geez."

At five o'clock, Wheein went outside and didn't she Hyejin. "Did she left me already? But I'm not that late."

"You're waiting for someone?" Mrs. Kim said, Wheein's music club adviser.

"I'm waiting for my sister---" She covers her mouth when she remembered Hyejin told her not to tell anyone.

"I SAID FCK OFF. I told you, we're not dating anymore, so let go of me."

Wheein heard Hyejin's voice.

"But I'm not letting you go. We almost did that, remember?" He caressing Hyejin's shoulder.

She slapped him. "This is why I have to broke up with you. I hate you that much." She threw spit on his face that made him shocked.


He was about to grip Hyejin's collar but a girl stopped him.

"I'm sorry for intruding. But we will go home now."

"Wheein." Hyejin was shocked what Wheein did.

"Don't lay a single finger on her, or else."

"Else what?"

"You'll get reprimanded." Mrs. Kim said. "I guess I'm having overtime. We'll talk about this at the office."

The two girls went home. "Wheein ah, Hyejin ah. Welcome home."

Solar pat their head. "How's school?"

"It's tiring as usual." Hyejin answered and look away.

"Auntie, I had fun. I made a lot of friends." she showed her hand holding Hyejin's hand to Solar and smiled.

Solar couldn't hold her feelings towards the cutemess of the two girls. "REALLY? That's good! I'm so happy. Now change your clothes, and I'll prepare our dinner."

The moment they went in the room, Hyejin grabbed her arms and hugged her so tight.

"Wheein, thank you so much. To be honest, I am scared of him." Hyejin held her arms and look at her eyes.

She's starting to unbutton her uniform.

Wheein blushed and closed her eyes. "H-Hey! Wha-what are you doing? Stop--"

"Look closely." She opened her eyes. Hyejin showed her shoulder.

"He made this. I decided to broke up with him cause we almost did that."

"I think it will heal soon. From now on, I will protect you at all cost."

"Why? Why will you do that? I didn't treat you nice, so why?"

"Cause, I'm your... friend and... a sister? I guess."

-end of part II-