Reincarnated as a pregnant mother, she tries to make her child's life just a bit better. But the world of ninja is hard to survive in much less to be able to thrive in.
Waking up again, when you were very sure that you were dead is not ideal. Waking up again and suddenly being hit by a bunch of memories that are not yours is never ideal. Waking up again as a pregnant mother is by far the worst thing to ever happen to someone.
Yet here she was, one month pregnant with the father of the children being dead, after he r*ped her.
Yes, she was currently a single soon-to-be mother.
Did she already mention that she was reborn in an anime/manga called Naruto? And the fact that she was an Uzumaki living in Uzushio, which would be attacked by three great ninja villages and every single Uzumaki would be hunted down so that there will be hardly any left?
"Well, this is going to be one hell of a life."
The teenage pregnant girl slowly stood up, getting used to her new body. Firstly, she stretched her limbs and made some food.
'I've spent about... 2 hours getting all the memories from this body. Which would mean that by now it's probably midnight.
First things first, I need an escape plan from Uzushio.'
It was too late to try and stop the attack on the village now. The second ninja war was already happening and with Uzushio actively participating this time, it wasn't that much time left before the villages band together to destroy the clan.
Taking in a deep breath, she tried to activate the storage seal, which worked as a fridge because of the extra cooling effect which was added by the original host, which, fortunately, worked.
Picking out the things she wanted, she did the same thing as before and watched as the rest of the food went back in the storage seal. She messed around with the rest of the seals in the house. Apparently, these all were as common as clothes in the village.
'I should be able to take these seals with me, they'll hardly take up much space.'
She decided that after the attack it would be better to keep moving and only settle down after the war had died down. She guessed that she would need to find some wigs or dye her hair to a different color before she escaped though. Which would be quite easy to do as there were some little pranksters in the village who always had some on hand.
The next thing she would need would be money.
She could get some if she could make basic seals like the previous host, however, it would take time for her to master them. She shrugged it off for now, she could think of that if she did manage to successfully leave the island.
'The original's parents have a boat I could use to escape however, I could get found easily by the shinobi then...'
She tried to not think about her own parents. These people who the original called 'parents' could never be hers. Her parents actually cared about their children. They would never drive any of their children to suicide.
She glanced at her belly, her emotions clearly visible on her face.
'Not my face. Never my face.'
She sighed and wondered if she was going crazy. Perhaps this was all just a long dream she was having. Perhaps she wasn't even in the world she'd come to know in the anime she'd watched.
Who was she kidding? Of course this wasn't world she'd known once. This was reality. There were actual monsters running around here.
'I almost forgot. I need access to my mind's eye of the Kagura soon.'
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Minds eye of the Kagura: It was an Uzumaki clan ability shown by Karin. It allows her to sense her targets chakra over long distances.