[MC is male] . . . Sometimes, reality can be stranger than fiction, and for Jason, it couldn't be more true. He should be dead, should have had his mind shredded into primordial dust and should have ceased to be. Yet instead, he opens his eyes to see a cowled figure called Death, the VERY being that sees and balances all the known worlds in existence. And shockingly enough, Jason swiftly finds out It will be giving him a second shot at life, but thanks to his luck, it's in a world that isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Jujutsu Kaisen to be exact, and for reasons he might never know, an alternate universe where only female sorcerers can exist. Great. Fortunately, Jason is the exception, and with a Cursed Technique similar to the Opi Opi no mi fruit from one piece, he can hopefully survive. Unfortunately though, his very existence tips the balance, and when new Special Grade Curses begin to make themselves known, the very thing Jason hopes to achieve in this perilous world just got a whole lot harder. At the very least he is surrounded by beautiful women… . . . [Warning! This is a Harem, Romance, Action story with smut.]
[A/N: Hello, and welcome to Jujutsu Kaisen Reborn: A Cursed Women's World. If you have read my other MHA Reborn: World 63 on my other account I forgot the password to, then you might be familiar with the opening chapter and how exactly the story will play out. I really enjoyed writing that story, but due to writer's block and not in the mood to rewrite parts that could be better, I decided on this story instead.
This time around, and instead of swapping genders, everyone is simply female(Except the MC). I get that it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but this is going to be a smut and romance story, so the setting makes it easier and sex plays a more important role than just smut. Although, be forewarned that it may take a while to get to it.
Simply put, this story is 40% action, 30% slice of life, and 30% smut
Next, ages are going to be changed, but the core principles and characters are going to stay the same, even despite being a different gender.
The MC is going to be present in hidden inventory, but if it stuck to canon ages he would be 27 when Itadori enrolls, which due to my morality would have cut off a lot of waifus.
So, Jujutsu high is like a college, the students start at seventeen, Gojo Satoru and the MC will be only 24 when teaching so the cast is around eight-ten already, and Cursed Techniques come in at eight.
That's pretty much it, updates will be sporadic, lengths of chapters will hover between 3k-7k words, and canon will diverge but the stations of it will stay relatively the same, well mostly anyways.
Hope you enjoy! ]
A traffic light turning green, the push of a gas pedal, frantic honking, screeching tires…
Jason's reaction to death finally claiming him was rather stale, only a soft exhale of defeat and a quick nod of acceptance.
Truthfully, his death wasn't anything special, and there were probably plenty of other people who would die just as abruptly as he did.
He had just gotten unlucky, kicking the bucket at the ripe old age of nineteen because of some asshole who decided to run a red light.
Perhaps, if he was being optimistic in the bleakness of his own demise and trying out a 'glass half full' mentality, maybe—just maybe— the truck's brakes failed and couldn't stop in time.
In the end, it didn't really matter, he was dead anyways.
Jason let out another sigh, and in between depressing thoughts of never seeing the people he loved again and countless regrets he would never be able to remedy, he realized something rather obvious all things considered.
Dead people can't sigh, think, and more importantly, realize their eyes are closed.
Holding his breath, he opened them, and was thoroughly thrown for a loop when he saw the environment around him.
Slowly, Jason took in everything. The expanse of black that sucked in all light, the white rectangular platform the leather chair he sat in was situated on, and finally the shadowy hooded figure sitting in an identical chair across from him.
Taking a moment to glance down, he noticed that his hoodie and joggers were gone, replaced by a blank white t-shirt and high cut black shorts.
"It seems you are finally aware." A low hum not male nor female spoke, causing goosebumps to wrap around Jason like a blanket.
He frowned, eyes shooting up and locking onto the cowled figure, his heart rate rising as countless thoughts began to surface.
"Who are you?" he managed to ask practically in a whisper, nerves on end as he carefully observed the figure.
It wore a simple deep black cowl that covered its entire body, had an eerie absence of shoes or feet, a face blanketed in pure darkness to the point Jason wasn't even sure if it had one. And, upon looking closer, he noticed the fabric which hid its features were millions of tiny ethereal black tentacles swaying like grass.
"I go by many names." The hooded figure slowly turned toward Jason, its shadowy face making everything it spoke even more ominous. "Death, God, Hades, The Traveler, The One, Omen of the Black Sands, The Creator, He Who Knocks, Messiah, Savior, Krampus, and many-many more."
Jason furrowed his brow, something inside his head not able to doubt any word Death spoke, almost as if his mind had already accepted it without his input. He understood the words as the ultimate truth deep within his soul, and none of the doubt any sane person should have in his situation was present.
The idea was unsettling, and he would have gotten up to run away or fight, but he had a gut feeling that doing so was the worst course of action he could take.
So, Jason settled for trying to gain any more clues of what his current situation was.
"Why am I here?" He gave the void around him another weary look. "Wherever here is…"
Death slightly cocked its head at his question, "You, as most call it, died. Then you were chosen, nothing more and nothing less."
Jason nodded, then he noticed he was nodding and his frown grew deeper.
Once again, it just sounded right, no matter how much he wished to not believe such heavy statements.
Yet, with just a bit of effort, he could vaguely remember it. The impact of metal on metal, the crunch of his bones as they shattered like glass, and the flash of pain before it all went dark.
"Holy shit, so this is the afterlife, heaven and hell were never real?"
Death shook its head slowly,"No and yes, the heaven you speak of does indeed exist, but not for the reasons you may be thinking. There is no 'afterlife', just the next step in a soul's journey. One does not die, they move on, to where it is up to chance. Well, I suppose not in your case."
"My case?" Jason blurted out as that unsettling feeling he had managed to push away came back in full.
Death's blackened face showed nothing, and its body moved not an inch. No indication of emotion could be found in its voice, as its cadence was a constant calm as it spoke. It was as if the being was there, but blended into nothingness so flawlessly it could go unnoticed if Jason did not focus on it.
He compared its presence to seeing a shadow in his peripheral vision. There had to be something there, but upon looking to find it there would seemingly be nothing, though not long after he lost interest he would notice the same shadowy figure again.
"Your case is special." Death's monotone voice pulled him away from his thoughts. "I must balance existence at all times. For every ounce of misfortune, there must be an equal amount of fortune. For every second of destruction, there must be a mirrored second of prosperity. For every lie, there must be truth. My purpose is to keep all of these things in check. And because of this, you have been given a fortune."
Jason raised a single eyebrow, "A fortune?"
"Indeed, perhaps this is luck, but you will be given a boost in your next life."
Jason was stunned, leaning back into the unnaturally soft leather chair as he soaked in the idea that he would live a second life.
He had just died in a wreck. It felt so surreal to then immediately be told you would live again the next.
It was completely bizarre, but as he sat there in silence, marinating in the feeling he hadn't gotten to work through; he found himself tearing up a bit.
He stared into the darkness and dug his fingers into the armrests, thoughts of his future cut short, never able to see the people he knew and loved, and all the things he had dreamed about.
Then, after swallowing hard, wiping away his few tears, he suddenly laughed harder than he had in a while.
He understood one thing and one thing only.
He was not going to let this be the end of his story, he hadn't gotten his happy ending yet. He didn't care how absurd it was, how naive it would sound if he said it out loud, but damn did he want it.
To die of old age, surrounded by a family who loved him, a great story to tell his kids.
No regrets.
"I want to live again."
The words banished the swirling emotions in his gut, and despite still being unable to accept he had died so abruptly, he was not going to miss this opportunity.
Jason looked at Death and confirmed his resolve, "I want to have my happy ending."
Death said nothing for a while, the darkness of its face unmoving as it seemed to reach into Jason's soul, touch every part of it, and deem some part of him worthy.
"Very well."
"So," Jason continued to wipe away already drying tears. "What now? Do I pass on to a random world as a baby and live a new life without my memories, or are we doing this isekai style and I keep them?"
Instead of answering, something bulged beneath Death's cowl, and a blue transparent screen appeared before Jason. The words displayed on the screen were carefully read by him, and with each word, his eyes widened more and more in shock.
"This…no way. Is this what I think it is?"
"Yes child," Jason had to rip his gaze away from the screen as he met Death's blank face. "And you will also keep your memories. Because if I only gave you a new life, it would be no different from what the other children were given after they move on. You were chosen to have fortune, so in turn, you will be given an appropriate gift."
The idea sounded exciting, however, before Jason could look back at the screen and read everything, another two boxes slid into existence.
One of them had only the options yes or no, while the other had an empty box where he assumed it was to enter the age by the small description it gave.
"Firstly, you will decide if you would like your current body to follow you into your new life, albeit reformed. Any and all negative aliments will be removed, but also any inherent benefits. A clean slate if you will. After deciding that, you will determine the age of your new vessel. You will have no real parents, and will simply be dropped into the world during a key event."
Jason bit his lip as he thought more on his choices, "If I pick no, what will happen?"
"You will be given the right to pick the appearance of your new vessel."
Jason exhaled and mulled over the idea for a bit before deciding to speak his mind, "This is part of my fortune?"
"Yes," A quick and cutthroat response
Jason sighed, looking back at the first screen and wanting to click yes to keep his body. Yet, as he thought more on it, he decided against it.
Truthfully, if he wanted to move on, to accept this new life, he would never come to terms if every time he saw his own reflection he would be reminded of his life on Earth.
If he had a new face, he could take it as a new start and not get strung up on what was and focus on what could be.
He echoed this sentiment as he clicked [NO] and set his age at [15], cementing the fact the old Jason was officially dead in a sense.
"Sorry Mom and Dad, I'll be going first."
The two screens dissolved away, leaving only the first screen with worlds from anime, movies, books, and comics from what Jason could tell from a glance.
"Now, the world you will be dropped into will be randomly picked."
Jason sat stunned, "Excuse me? Randomly? What happened to me being special, what's the point if I don't get to pick?"
"You seem to be mistaken Child," Death's monotone voice cut through Jason's rising frustration like a knife. "You did not earn this, nor did you take this opportunity. You do not get to set the parameters of something gifted to you. You are simply a weight on one side of the scale of the existence I govern, nothing more and nothing less. Do not forget your place."
Swallowing back any more complaints, he simply accepted he had no choice in the matter.
Honestly, Jason did not really want to move mountains or fight fate, all he wanted was to have an end to his life decided by him.
However, if fate stood in his way, then he would do his best to get what he wanted no matter what he had to do; even if he came out the other side a different person.
Chuckling weakly at such heavy thoughts, he decisively dismissed any more of his lingering doubts and nodded at Death.
A moment later, the list of worlds began to blur, nothing discernible as it spun faster and faster.
Finally, after a full minute, it stopped, and the world where he would live his new life was decided.
[Jujutsu Kaisen]
Jason's frown all but touched hell as he read it, eyes glued to those two words that made his heart sink each second he did so. He came to a bitter realization that the happy ending he wanted would be a lot harder to achieve now.
At the very least though, Jujutsu Kaisen was fresh on his mind, since it had been one of the most recent pieces of entertainment he had consumed before dying.
However, it was still Jujutsu Kaisen, and his brows furrowed as he silently read those two words over and over again.
He glanced at the shadowy figure of Death, wanting to sarcastically ask for a second spin, but something told him if he did and it obliged; he would get something much worse.
It looked like he would be dealing with a place where cursed spirits are born from humanity's worst fears, thousand year old plans are a constantly in motion, clans with plenty of power to throw around, Gojo Satoru, plot armor that can bounce from character to character—good or evil—, Sukuna, and a place where death is a common occurrence for anyone associated with the treacherous hidden world of sorcerers and curses.
Bringing him out of his bout of turmoil, Death's eerie voice reached his ears again.
"Now, you will be given a power, one which will conform to the world's laws and become a Cursed Technique."
A screen popped up with many abilities, Jason immediately noticing there was no option to type in what he wanted this time as well.
He was miffed, and readily voiced it as he met Death's void face, "Why can I not choose what power I want either?"
Death cocked its head eerily to the side, "As always, for balance my child, as your benefit is already high enough. I seek to give you fortune, but on the other side of the scale, someone will be cursed and subject to the worst that fate has to offer, while others will be given more than you can fathom."
Jason sunk a bit farther in his chair when he heard that, his eyes no longer focused on Death as he took a moment to stare into the void of darkness.
A few minutes passed in silence, and only then did Jason level his gaze at Death and nod.
The list began to blur just like before, no words discernible as it scrolled faster and faster. It did this for an entire minute as well, and Jason watched with bated breath as it slowly began to stop.
As it did so, he began to see familiar powers such as the [Sharingan], [Schnee Glyphs], [Gate of Babylon], and numerous familiar overpowered abilities or bloodlines.
However, he also saw some that were downright horrible and others which were outright useless.
Those others being the likes of [Poisonous Semen], [Nuclear Headbutt Detonation], [Permanent Banana Odor], [Backwards Flight], and [Object Color Control].
Jason prayed for the first time in his life upon seeing the first one.
A few more tantalizing seconds later, the list came to a crawl, and the power that would determine where he stood in the world of Jujutsu finally appeared.
[Ope Ope no Mi]
A description box popped up underneath it.
[ The Ope Ope no Mi is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit whose ability is to create a spherical domain in which the user can freely rearrange, take apart (without harm), and generally remodel the structure/anatomy of anything and anyone (themself included) in a "surgical" way, making the user a Free Modification Human ]
"Yes!" Jason couldn't hide his utter glee, jumping out of his chair and punching the air like he just won the lottery; and in a sense, he did.
Although, his joy dissipated as he realized he had no one to share it with, Death just ominously staring at him as usual.
Jason just smiled wide, took a few moments to calm down, then sat back down with a thud.
He exhaled, letting it all sink in while stuffing any anxiety or questions about how much of this was actually random and not a scheme by Death away for later.
"Now," Death's unnaturally calm voice made Jason jump a little. "The world will be given a -Mutator-."
Another exhale left his lips, because he just knew there had to be more.
"Why a -Mutator-?"
The cowled being once again cocked it head to the side as if Jason's ignorance was an impossibility in its own mind.
It wasn't his fault he didn't have a manual for this.
"To make it balanced, as all things should be child."
Honestly, if he heard 'balance' or something about it one more time, he might puke.
This guy really needed to add more flare to his image.
"You are not the first to have gotten the Origin World of Jujutsu Kaisen, nor will you be the last. Only one reincarnate may reside within a world, since too many souls not tied by the rivers of time create countless branches that eventually lead to utter destruction. And because of this, the Origin World must be altered enough to be recognized as a new one."
Jason nodded, not even reacting anymore to how easily he understood and agreed with Death, most of his disbelief thrown away already.
In a sense, a -Mutator- was a loophole of sorts. He would still witness the original story yes, but for it to be allowed, some aspects would need to be changed slighty.
But what exactly?
His query was answered not but a second later, a single blue panel materializing before him.
Mutator selected.
A Cursed Women's World- Due to an event in history known as the Red Witch's Rage, only female sorcerers can be born. However, you are the exception to this curse.
Jason was dumb founded, reading it a dozen or so times before he noticed a single word stood out.
He was sure he hadn't done it himself.
"Wait a minute," Jason met the black abyss of Death's face. "Did you choose this?"
Death ignored him completely and spoke, "You will now be reborn, farewell child, may fate guide you to what you seek."
Before Jason could utter a word, the void before him began to crack and splinter as if like glass. He swallowed the sarcastic joke he was going to make, and turned to look at Death one last time.
It was THE being, the one that balanced all things, and the very thing that gifted him his new lease on life.
He was grateful, and he always would be, but his eyes once again glanced at the word "selected" then back at the ominous cowled being, the world only then finally fell away, and his senses dulled.
However, he swore up and down he saw—no felt— that Death winked at him.
Jason responded back with a smile, promising Death and himself that he would have his way, and that nothing short of dying again was going to stop him.
Lastly, for the second time in his life, the void consumed him.
In a room shrouded in darkness, one by one, eight lanterns flickered on from each cardinal direction.
Their soft orange lights were akin to beacons, each flame illuminating a paper door and a dark silhouette behind it.
A ninth lantern was lit, hanging solemnly above the center of the room and revealing a lone figure below.
"Yuki Tsukumo."
Long blonde hair flicked to the side, hips in tight jeans were cocked, bulging arms were folded across breasts squeezed in a black sleeveless shirt, and uninterested brown eyes looked toward the Southeast figure that had spoken her name.
The owner of the voice was clearly old and past her prime, yet her firm demeanor was felt as she continued to speak.
"You refuse to accept the missions we have given you time and time again. That is unacceptable."
Behind Yuki, another dark figure spoke,"Your status gives you benefits and leeway, but it does not beget you not following our orders. We are a society that-"
Yuki rolled her eyes, but stayed silent as the higher ups spoke of her negligence —in a long winded manner mind you— and her failing to help keep the peace of Japan. They rattled on about how many casualties she could have prevented, how she hadn't even answered their summons during urgent times, and finally how ungrateful she had been despite them taking her in when she was young and giving her a way in this harsh world.
All good points, but the blonde sorcerer wasn't going to apologize, as she had long gotten over saying sorry to wrinkled old hags like them.
"Yes yes yes." She huffed with obvious annoyance. "You called me from my mission for what exactly? There's still that Grade 1 to hunt down ya' know. So please, just this once, can we drop your heartfelt criticisms and you guys tell me why I'm here?"
There was a long silence, one heavy and foreboding, yet Yuki could care less as she yawned loudly.
"Very well." The North silhouette solemnly spoke.
Yuki muttered, "Finally," while raising a single eyebrow in mock anticipation. However, as she heard the next sentence, her eyes grew wide and her carefree attitude left her like a flock of startled birds.
"A male sorcerer has been discovered."
She stood there completely stunned, her mind shutting down for a few moments before it powered back in.
It was simply impossible, male sorcerers didn't exist, not since the Red Witch's Curse 900 years ago.
Yet, this had happened before, a single exception in all of Jujutsu history…
The King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, had been the only male sorcerer since the Red Witch's Curse stopped any from being able to be born.
It was an impossibility, and Yuki gathered enough of herself to voice that concern.
"Are you sure? How was he discovered, and when?"
The east silhouette's voice was grim, thinly veiled fear behind each word, "A window discovered him a fortnight ago during an investigation of a Grade 2 Cursed Spirit, the same day we called for your summons. He is but a boy, fifteen years old, very much impressionable, especially so with no identification or family to speak of. He also boasts the highest reserves of Cursed Energy we have ever seen."
Yuki could feel her heartbeat racing, eyes thinning as countless thoughts and ideas bounced around in her head, none staying at the forefront long enough before being quickly replaced by another.
"And? What does this have to do with me?" She asked for formality, but deep down she had already decided to meet him.
The first male sorcerer in five hundred years, there had to be special circumstances, possibly because of the Six Eyes user being alive and with a famed technique tipped the balance?
For the first time this meeting, the South silhouette spoke, clearly a younger woman in regards to the rest of the higher ups, "You will monitor him and ensure we do not have another Sukuna on our hands. As for Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, they have been tasked with safeguarding the newest Star Plasma Vessel; they will be unavailable for this mission. Even then, we must not let Satoru Gojo meet the boy till he is older."
Yuki's brow furrowed, "Why?"
The Northeast figure spoke this time, "Reasons, those you will not be allowed to know."
Yuki clicked her tongue.
"Do you accept?" The West said in a haggard voice.
Yuki bit her lip and frowned, needing more information but ultimately knowing she wasn't going to pass the opportunity up, this was too interesting
"What are my exact duties for this mission?"
There was a pregnant pause before the North spoke again, "You are to protect him from Cursed Users who will try to capture him, to assess his Cursed Technique, to teach the boy only enough not to die to wayward Cursed Spirits, and ensure to make him loyal to Jujutsu Society."
Yuki pursed her lips, right hand bawling into a fist as she could easily read between the lines.
They wanted a loyal male sorcerer that they could use as a bargaining chip for any sorcerers with ambitions.
Most likely a way of appeasement if necessary, especially for a certain white haired person of the Gojo clan that was tearing a war path through tradition after tradition.
If the boy sorcerer grew to be a loyalist, many would flock to his side just because of his uniqueness and the idea of the "second coming of Sukuna", even if he wasn't.
Also, in the worst case scenario where he had a strong technique, then as a breeding prospect for clans.
If the latter was the case, Jujutsu society was sure to change, and the idea excited her more than a little. Her research was getting her nowhere, and the ever illusive sorcerer killer was almost impossible to pin down.
"Alright," Yuki nodded, "I accept."
One by one, each lantern winked out, leaving Yuki the only visible figure in the room once again.
She turned, long blonde hair whipping behind her, only her self control stopped her from running full sprint to see exactly what this male sorcerer was like.
Also, Yuki had to wonder what type of girl was he into, and how exciting would it be if she was his type?
Should I change the genderbent characters names? Such as Satoru Gojo to Sumiko Gojo? Or keep them the same?