
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

The Daihatsu Family

A couple of hours after the group split up

Kenji shouted, "Hey Taori where are we even going??"

For the last 5 hours, Taori had been dragging Kenji all across Izumos city. She had no clue where to go or what to do, and it was apparent how stressed she was. Kenji then called out to her, "If something is bothering you then you should speak up instead of just taking your frustration out on others. You even brought your Katana as if you were gonna fight something."

Hearing those words Taori then shouts, "I'm just worried. I feel like I have this heavy weight on my chest that just won't come off."

Kenji then smirks while grabbing her hand, "I know the perfect place to get rid of this feeling."

A couple of minutes later, the two could be found eating in a fast-food restaurant. After a couple minutes of waiting a waiter approaches them with a tray carrying two bowels. She gently places them down before leaving. 

As Kenji hurriedly grabbed the bowl he began to explain this heavenly dish.

"Whenever I was feeling down, my mom would make a bowel of Katsudon1 for me and my brother. C'mon, give it a try."

As Taori hesitated she bore witness to the thick layer of golden sauce that blanketed over the equally golden fried pork chop, that was cut into multiple slices. The thinly cut green spring onions seemingly dissolved into the food as it all rested on top of a portion of pure white rice.

She slowly picked up her chopsticks before picking up one of the pork slices, that oozed with a golden liquid. As she slowly put it in her mouth a strange warm feeling began to burst from her stomach as she shouted.

"The fantastic minced onion sauce perfectly matches, and dissolves into the pork's soft texture creating an explosion of flavours that fills the mouth. With every bite I take I only seem to get hungrier and hungrier??? What's happening to me?"

As she ate the rice she then noticed the odd purple texture hidden under the sauce. Kenji then explains,

"I had the chef add my mother's secret ingredient. Pickled Plum paste!"

Taori then says flabbergasted, "The acidic taste of the pickled plum rice, creates a refreshing aftertaste in the mouth which makes more room for the flavour explosion?? This food is unlike anything that I have eaten before!"

"My mother taught me and my brother that this dish represents, a bright and warm soul. Its washing-after-taste flavour represents the cleansing of the soul, while the golden sauce and pork, represent the happiness and joys of life that can replace it. I only ate this bowl to help cope with my brother's death, and now I'm here with you guys."

He took a long breather before finishing, "I guess what I'm trying to say is that, whenever you experience great sadness there is always stronger happiness out there somewhere, just waiting to be found."

As the two ate and finished, Kenji struggled to move after finishing his fifth bowl. Taori told him that she was going to take a breather outside, and would wait for him to finish.

It was already dark and so many of the stores had either shut in for the night or were now at their busiest hours.

Taori stood next to a towering street lamp before saying, "You can come out from your hiding place now, Mitsuki."

Just as she said that a smaller boy wearing a black cloak and hood appeared from the lamp's shadow almost instantly. The upper half of his face was covered in a dark mask, but you could still make out his black hair.

He then said, "You're still as perceptive as ever. The only ones that have ever noticed me when I used my cursed technique were you, Father, and now that black-haired boy that you came here with."

Taori bluntly asked him, "What do you want."

The boy then asked, "Have you finally come back home Taori?"

Taori then declared, "I have no intention of returning back to the family. My real home is at Jujutsu Tech, where I live and help people who genuinely care about me."

Mitsuki then said, "So you have deluded yourself into playing the good guys with those man-children? Me and some of the other children cared about you too ya know."

"If you really cared then you would have come with me Mitsuki. But instead, you decided to follow whatever orders Botan barked at you", Toari countered.

He then reminded her, "Botan is your father. It's our duty as his children to do as he commands. And since your the one that he entrusted the Muramasa with, you have an even higher duty as his personal blade!"

Taori then shouted at him, "That man is not my father anymore. The whole reason why I left was because I managed to break free from his brainwashing. That whole orphanage is just a stupid front for his scheme. Tell me how many people has he had you kill since I left? 20, 30 maybe even 50?

Mitsuki then said sadly, "You're not coming back are you."

"I have already made that choice a long time ago.", Taori said calmly.

Mitsuki then told her, "Im going to have to inform Botan that you're here you know?"

Taori then said, "I have strong and dependable friends here with me, we aren't going to let anyone interfere with our vacation."

Mituski silently disappeared into the night, leaving Taori alone in the dark. She sighed heavily before receiving a jump scare from her vibrating phone.

As she picked up the phone she was greeted with the loud sound of Yumenos's voice, "WHERE ARE YOU TAORI-SAN? IF WE DON'T GET THERE QUICKLY THE HOT SPRINGS GONNA CLOSE."

Suddenly, Kenji bursted out of the store while holding his phone. "We gotta get back to the resort quick, Taori. The others are gonna kill us if we are late!"

The two then sprinted back to Izumo Hotel Resort at great speeds.

Meanwhile shortly after Taoris's encounter with Mitsuki.

A lavish throne room decorated with golden pillars, and white marble sat hidden away somewhere. It contained a view of the outside world, from what appeared to be a great height from the ground, granting a stunning view of the whole city of Izumo.

From its entrance rolled a wide red carpet that reached all the way up to a giant golden throne complemented by red cushions. On top of it sat, an elderly man distinguished by his massive, extremely muscular physique, untarnished despite his advanced age. The man had long light hair which is tidily gathered on the back of his head and tied in a braid, which reached down below his middle back. his outfit on the other hand was a short, mildly loose and dark kimono with light edges and cuffs, secured around his waist by a light sash tied on the front with a simple knot, whose right side is casually left hanging over the side of his corresponding leg, revealing part of the man's muscular torso. 

Next to him stood a much younger woman, who wore a professional black, suit with the typical black necktie and shirt. Atypical of her, however, her hair was an incredibly dark purple as she also possessed an incredibly obvious mole below her left eye socket. Aside from that she was gorgeous, stunning even.

Then suddenly Mitsuki teleports in front of the two while kneeling down on one knee. "I greet my father Botan and the elder dragon, Ling Xiaoyu."

Xiaoyu then scolded him, "I told you to stop calling me that it makes me feel old when I'm only 25."

Botan who sat in his chair then commanded him, "Make your report first, then I will give to you your next assassination target."

Mitsuki then said, "Taori has returned to Izumo, and she has brought some annoying pests with her."

Botan then asked him, "Does she intend to return to the Daihatsu Family?"

Mitsuki hesitated before delivering a straightforward answer, "No..."

Botan then thought for a moment before shouting, "NAGATO, YOU MAY ENTER"

Then suddenly a slightly older male entered the room from the two red gates, immediately bowing.

His face was wrapped, in a myriad of bandages that were slowly falling off revealing, tattered skin underneath. aside from his mostly hidden face, he wore a dark blue headband with a moon logo above it. His outfit was a long blue cloak that hid two blade-like scimitars.

Botan then shouted at him, "There is a certain man that I would like you to kill. He bears the status of a special-grade sorcerer, but the bounty he has is worth 10 billion Yen. He appears to be staying at one of the organisation-run hotels, so you can set up your signature barrier once he goes to sleep."

Nagoto simply nodded before leaving the room. Botan then continued, "And then there is you, Mitsuki. I sense hesitation in your voice, are thinking of going against me?"

Mitsuki shook his head violently while shouting, "I could never betray you, father. If it wasn't for you, me and the other kids in the orphanage would have starved to death by now."

Botan then commanded him, "Then I demand that you kill Taori, and recover the Muramasa blade that she stole! If you are successful then you may take the vacant spot that she left as the blade of the Daihatsu family."

His face suddenly gleamed with excitement as he shouted, "Yes father!"