
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

Pecking Order

Not even after taking more than two steps into the academy Saigo is immediately met with a fist filled with cursed energy that aims directly into his left rib cage. He quickly blocks it with his black whips but is still sent flying into a nearby wall taking some heavy damage.

"It hasn't even been 5 minutes and I'm already in a conflict??"

Saigo suddenly remembered a piece of advice that he had received from Owari the day prior to his attendance.

"This school is incredibly competitive so don't be surprised if you get into one or two fights on your first day. They enjoy establishing some kind of hierarchy so try not to die M'kay? ", Owari advised him.

Snapping back to reality Akumu quickly conjures up a small area of black whips to surround himself and begins to analyze the enemy. This man was very much like your typical delinquent. Slick blonde hair that reached to his neck, a rough and hard face with a plaster that rested atop his nose. His build was big and bulky while his uniforms jacket rested atop his shoulders as if it was some kind of cape.

Eventually, a small crowd gathered around the scene to witness the beatdown that was about to unfold. This was a natural occurrence at the Tokyo Jujutsu Technical College.


The crowds' whispers and murmurs intensified. Akumu had already been branded as an outcast long before entering the school.

The roaring statement shattered the boys' ears. Misoto always liked to brag about his older brother attending this school as if he were his most prized possession. He never got to meet him as he was always away on missions or busy on campus but if there was one thing he was sure about. It was that he was incredibly strong. 

The Older Dojima dashed towards the defending Akumu at an insane speed. But thankfully this man was nowhere near as fast as Senjuro. When he got close he used his black whips to grab a hold of the man's attacking wrists. Then like a bullfighter using his muleta,1 he swiftly dodges the man's strike and directs him back into the wall he crashed into earlier.

The surrounding crowd began to cheer loudly for Saigo. He had defeated the brute that seemingly attacked him out of anger. He truly thought he had defeated the delinquent and that his place in the school could be changed. But unknowingly he had not realised the cheers of the crowd were not meant for him.

As the dust settled Dojima still wrapped in the black whips slowly began to move.

"If this is all you have then I don't even need to use my cursed technique against you."

The man begins to power up as a wave of cursed energy emits from his body. The black whips simultaneously break apart as the man dashed towards him one last time. Saigo prepares to maneuver around him again but the pain from being slammed into the wall earlier finally kicks in. A decent further distance away a woman with snow-white hair along with a much smaller orange-haired boy began to walk away from the scenery as if knowing the end of the battle was near.

The last thing Saigo sees before his world fades away is the mighty fist of vengeance making contact with his face.

A couple hours later the boy wakes up in the same hospital bed as he did once before. This time Jihi had sat next to him, waiting for his re-awakening. 

She breathed a sigh of disappointment before she spoke, "You hadn't even had your first practical and you have already ended up here". The woman spoke from experience.

Saigo reflected on himself, on his first day he had already been branded a loser and a victim. He thought things were finally changing but he was wrong, either way, this incident had not discouraged him from his goal of revenge.

"It looks like your all better now so when you decide to get out of bed go to dormitory room D316, that will be your new home." before she leaves she hands Saigo a single key.

Later that day Akumu had finally gotten out of bed. It was already nightfall when he realized he had missed his first day of the lesson. 

He struggled to navigate through the campus but he quickly recalled the small bits and pieces of information he had read on a flier before arriving. The school was split into 5 blocks:

A block as the main school building

B block as the main cafeteria

C block as the main arena for fights

D block as the main dormitory and finally

E block as then Cursed tool workshop area

Luckily for him, he quickly navigates through the giant-sized maze and makes it to the D block.

He sees a group of people waiting outside the entrance to the dorms. During a time when most of the students were meant to be asleep, Saigo recognized the group as the people who followed Dojima before he was attacked. Figuring that they would try to cause trouble too he hurriedly sprints into another side of D block that contained an equally massive building. However, in his rush, he had failed to notice the sign that read the following:

Girls Dormitory men not allowed.

He quickly navigated his way through the halls of repetitive doors and stairs before arriving at a door that had a number corresponding to his key D316. Funnily enough, the door had been left unlocked so he freely walked in as he pleased.

The room was nicely organized with a pair of beds, desks, and mirrors all on opposite sides of the room. Staring into one of the mirrors Saigo takes note of his messy appearance and the unusual strand of white hair that stood out among the rest. This was his first time seeing himself since the incident at his old school. Deciding to finally take this time to clean himself up he goes to take a shower.

However, as if god hadn't punished the man enough times today a girl wearing nothing but a bath towel with an average-sized chest stretches out her hand while aiming at the boy. She then screamed


A blast of wind then emerges from her hands as Saigo is blasted out of the room through a window. He quickly utilizes his black whip to latch onto the balcony but it isn't enough to break his fall. He crashed into the pavement below from the third floor but was grateful as all his bones remained intact.

The woman then emerged onto a balcony and continued to scream more slurs at him while throwing many blades of wind that tore through the ground easily. And as if to only add more chaos to the situation the lights and balcony doors opened up across several of the rooms of the building all filled with girls who also joined in the fray.

Alas, his first night concludes, as the lowest in the pecking order with the reputation of a creep.

the story was getting depressing so I added some comedy

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts