
Jujutsu Kaisen: One Century Later

After the defeat of Sukuna and the sealing of Tengen the modern world is now exposed to cursed energy and jujutsu. 100 years later most humans can now use cursed techniques which causes nuclear weapons and guns to be replaced by jujutsu sorcery. 15-year-old Saigo Akumu is living out his senior high school life until a mysterious man with surgery stitching across his forehead visits his school.

Redist_King · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

New shadow style

It's been 5 hours since Saigo first started training. Since then he has constantly been running around the whole Jujutsu Tech school while Hagone only cheered him on from the sidelines. As he was now he would only be considered a grade 3 sorcerer while his opponent Yukiko was a grade 2 so to close the gap quickly he would need to train his body.

The next day

The teacher Yasei Omo had been reading through the register until he came upon Saigo Akumus' name.

"Has anyone seen Saigo Akumu this morning?", he asked.

Yet for some odd reason, no one had responded. However, when he noticed that everyone had been staring outside the window for some time. He too decided to check out what all the fuss was about. And as he did so his jaw fell to the ground.

It was a sight that no one could believe and at the same time dared not to interfere with. Akumu and Hagone were running outside the central area of the school, but it wasn't what they were doing that terrified them so much but what they were being chased by.

The old lady had been chasing them from late in the night to midday. She did all this while constantly yelling death threats and speaking of the horrors she would do to them if they were caught.

"You can't run for much longer, the second I get my hands back on you two you will be wishing you trained in hell instead", she threatened.

It was no coincidence that this woman lived just outside the school. She was in fact a former Jujutsu sorcerer and former head of staff of the school. The only reason she had left was due to pressure from higher-ups because of her violent nature so she now served as an optional physical teacher for the school.

This was a fact that most students who attended knew. Her demonic training regimen was so intense that even the most physically gifted student in school Dojima quit training under her after only 3 days out of fear for his life.

The cycle of the nightmarish training repeated from the morning to evening and inconsequence the excitement of the ranked match between Akumu and Yukikio only increased. 

By the 2nd day, Hagone had already quit for the sake of his muscles yet Akumu still persisted.

On the third day, Grandma Zen'in forced him to climb a mountain without safety gear, and by the fourth day, he spent it all in the gym only lifting smaller weights before being quickly forced to lift over 50 kilograms.

At the end of the first week, he was finally allowed to rest his muscles.

3 weeks now remain

Thinking about it now Saigo realized this would be the first night he got to spend in his dorm room. Since that first day, he had been living with Grandma Zen'in to carry out his training even in his sleep.

As he opened up the door to room D316 he was met with the sight of a shirtless student swinging a giant sword. The wallpaper in the room was decorated with rips and tears along with the sight of destroyed furniture. Akumu quickly recognized the boy as the blonde-haired one from his class.

As he tries to converse with the man he suddenly strikes a flamboyant pose as he points his sword towards Akumu.

"I already understand what you have to say to me. But I'm sorry as I have already promised my heart Yumeko-chan"

When he opened his eyes however he was not delighted to realize that he had been talking to a man. Suddenly his stature grows lazier and less refined as he introduces himself.

"My name is Auther Pendragon the XVI and I'm gonna need you to leave", he said bluntly.

Akumu slowly closes the door and walks away defeated. He isn't sure if he should be happy or disappointed from the results of that interaction but he is glad that he doesn't have to deal with the mess in that room. He would then spend that night with Grandma Zen'in again.

The next day

Early in the morning, Hagone decides to join Akumu in his early morning sprint session. The two are seen running away and being closely followed by the old demon until Gojo Owari teleports in between the two from seemingly nowhere.

"Hey granny, I'm gonna need to borrow this guy for today?", he said as he hurriedly grabbed akumu by the shoulder. He quickly teleports away before the old demon could deliver a flying kick to his face leaving behind Hagone alone with the now enraged Zen'in.

The Gojo and Saigo reappeared in an empty room surrounded by yellow-stained walls with seemingly no exit. Without wasting time Owari begins the conversation.

"So I caught track of the rumors that's been hanging around the school recently..", Owari said.


"You did what?" Owari asked concerningly.

Then quickly returning to the main subject, "That doesn't matter right now, I have brought you here to help you train."

Akumu then asked in confusion, "I have already been training with Grandma Zen'in for that though?"

He responded, "She can't help you train with cursed energy due to her circumstances so I have decided to step in for her. So anyway are you aware of your cursed technique?"

"It's the black whips isn't it?", Saigo asked.

[Owari] "No, it's not, that's simply the nature of your cursed energy."

[Akumu] "Whats that?"

[Owari"] "Roughly around 1 in 1 million people possess a different nature of cursed energy separate from the rest of the world. You could call it a unique mutation in cursed energy. Yours is sadly on the weaker side but it still allows you to do some pretty unique stuff, unlike us normies. You're the only one in the whole school to my knowledge with one."

Hearing the strongest sorcerer call himself a normie compared to Akumu made him feel as if he had finally accomplished something ever since arriving at this school.

[Owari] "We sadly can't do anything about your cursed technique. That's something you're gonna have to figure out yourself however, I can help you develop a new move."

[Akumu] "If there is still a different way for me to get stronger I would like to know"

Akumus' eyes burned brightly with curiosity upon knowing now that he could get even stronger alongside his body training.

[Owari] "I'm gonna teach you a technique that most of the students of the academy already know, it's called a simple domain a kind of barrier technique."

[Akumu]"what's that?"

[Owari] "Do you live under a rock or do you just not pay attention in class?"

Owari takes note of Akumus' absence from most of his normal, practical, and theory lessons from the Jujutsu school so he promosies to find him a tutor when he's not busy.

[Owari] "Simple domain is an anti-domain technique, you will learn what that is later but for now, just know that it can be a useful move for counter-attacking. Once every two days I'm gonna borrow you from the old hag to help you develop one."

Akumus' eyes began to glow from excitement. He was finally going to learn how to use his cursed energy properly.

Halfway through I got annoyed at adding character expressions every time they talked so I turned it into a kind of script style to make conversations easier for me to get through. Let me know if I should change it back or do it like this from now on in the comments. I'm always open to suggestions on new ways to present this story.

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts