
Chapter 13: Experiment

Sukuna's amusement lingered in the mental space as he responded to Yuji's request, "Why do you think I need to help you? I don't gain anything from assisting you, Itadori. In fact, I'd find it rather entertaining if those curses taught you a lesson or two."

Yuji, undeterred by Sukuna's reluctance, grinned, "Come on, Sukuna, we may not be the best of friends, but a little cooperation wouldn't hurt. Besides, I'm not asking for charity. I'm sure there's something you'd find amusing in all of this."

Sukuna sighed, "You really don't get it, do you? I thrive on chaos, on the struggles of humans. And I don't see a reason to tell you the whereabouts of curses. You are my enemy if anything."

"Alright, Grumpy, I will make a deal that you can't resist."

"I'm listening, Itadori. Make it quick, and remember, I don't do charity deals," Sukuna replied with a tone that oozed impatience.

A mischievous glint sparkled in Yuji's eyes as he proposed, "How about this? You give me a hint about the curses, and in return, I will teach you some spells."

"Spells? What's that? Didn't you just say that you can't use any of the abilities?" Sukuna asked.

Yuji chuckled, "I said, I can't use anything that goes against the flow of the world. And Dark and Demonic mana are still within the line of world rules—as they are also negative energy."

"And, I might not have found a way to use cursed energy yet, but I do know a thing or two about spells from my previous life. I can share some basic spells with you, just for the fun of it. Think of it as a little entertainment during our collaboration."

"And do you remember the strength reduction you felt during the fight? That's because of the debuff spell I cast on you."

Sukuna's interest was piqued, "Spells, you say? Fine, I'm intrigued. But make sure they're worth my time."

Yuji grinned, "You won't be disappointed, Sukuna. Let's seal the deal then. Give me a hint about the curses, and I'll share some basic spells with you after I'm done experimenting with curses."

Sukuna grunted in reluctant agreement, "Very well, Itadori. Head towards the Grave behind the abandoned building—the same place Gojo took you. There, you might find what you're looking for."

Yuji's grin widened, "Perfect! Now, let's go." With an air of confidence, he began to walk towards his destination.

"Curses here I come."

As Yuji headed towards the abandoned building, Sukuna's presence lingered in the mental space, a silent observer of the unfolding collaboration. The atmosphere between them was a delicate balance of necessity and mutual interest.


As Yuji ventured alone towards the graveyard, the atmosphere grew tense with the anticipation of encountering curses. Sukuna's amusement lingered in the mental space, watching with a detached curiosity.

The moon cast eerie shadows on the neglected gravestones as Yuji approached the graveyard behind the abandoned building. The air was thick with an otherworldly presence, and the unsettling stillness heightened his senses.

"Such a nice environment. It smells like death." Yuji said.

Suddenly, a group of curses materialized from the darkness, their twisted forms revealing their malevolence.

Sukuna's amusement resonated in the mental space as he observed, "It seems you've found some playmates, Itadori. Let's see how well those spells of yours hold up."

"Let's see, {Veil of Shadows Abyss}." Yuji chanted.

A dark spell that cloaks an area in an impenetrable veil of shadows, obscuring vision and creating an environment of eerie darkness.

As the spell taps into dark mana for its power, so he doesn't have to stress about messing with the world. Using dark mana shields him from the usual worries about changing things around. But, a word of warning, using this strong magic a lot might lead to some small side effects. Still, these effects are usually not a big deal compared to the powerful magic Yuji can wield.

As Yuji chanted the incantation for {Veil of Shadows Abyss}, a shroud of dark energy enveloped him, blending seamlessly with the eerie surroundings. The curses hesitated for a moment, sensing an ominous shift in the air.

The Veil of Shadows Abyss manifested as an intangible barrier, distorting the perception of the curses. They stumbled in confusion, their twisted forms temporarily obscured within the depths of the spell.

Sukuna's detached amusement in the mental space evolved into a subtle curiosity. "Impressive, Itadori. Let's see if your spells are more than just a fleeting distraction."

"Oh, Sukuna, you seem like a child who found a lollipop."

"Shut up, Nanny, And show me what you got."

"Alright, Calm down, Angry bird, I am just going to do that," Yuji said as he walked towards the confused curses.

Curses appeared from the shadows, taking on creepy shapes. Their bodies looked like a scary mix of human and monster parts—some had long limbs with sharp claws, and others had twisted faces with wicked eyes. The weird moonlight made their unsettling features stand out even more, casting spooky shadows as they lingered in Yuji's {Veil of Shadows Abyss} spell.

"Looks like your brothers, Sukuna." Yuji's sound attracted the curses as they launched attacks towards his direction.

"{Ensnaring Shadows}" Yuji chanted as dark tendrils emerged from the shadows, reaching out with a sinister intent. The curses, drawn by Yuji's taunt, found themselves entangled within the inky grasp of the Ensnaring Shadows.

The tendrils coiled around the curses, restricting their movements and leaving them vulnerable.

"Look at them; they don't seem to have any intelligence, Sukuna. Are you sure they are not your relatives?"

"No, but they have that ugly face just like yours, so maybe they are related to you," Sukuna replied with the same tune as Yuji.

Yuji smirked at Sukuna's retort, his focus unwavering as he continued to observe the curses. The curses, ensnared in the inky shadows, struggled futilely against the dark tendrils.

With a swift motion, Yuji raised his hand, and the shadows tightened their grip on the curses. "I couldn't get a proper look at them in the afternoon because Gojo was watching. But seeing them up close, they do have a resemblance to demons. Do they have a weakness to holy elements? Only one way to find out."


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