
Jujutsu Kaisen: Devour

ObserverNDCreator · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 1


The sound of a body hitting the ground was heard in a large dojo, followed by a low groan.

"You let your guard down again" a tall muscular man with mid length straight black hair and a sharp scar on the right side of his mouth said.

"I apalogize, it's just that you said you would go easy on me today, so I kinda laid back a bit, I'll make sure to never do it again, sensei" a young but cold voice replied.

The voice belonged to a young boy the age of four who had long black hair that reached the middle of his neck.

He also had two scars adorned on his face, one going down the left side of his face from the left center of his forehead down to his cheek and a x-shaped one on the right side of his forehead.

"Of course you'll never do it again, especially since I'm the one trainin ya" the man said as the boy got up from the floor.

As the boy fully gets up, the man moved speeds faster then the human eyes can see and before the boy could put his guard up the man appeared in front of him punching him in the stomach sending him flying into a wall.

"You did it again, you should have been able to dodge that" the man said walking towards the boy who had fell from the wall onto the floor.

"Get up" the man voice seemed to had gotten colder as he commanded the boy to stand once again.

The boy struggled a little but had finally come to his feet as the man had arrived in front of him, only to receive another punch from the man.

"You are weak" the man said delivering another punch. "I've trained you for almost an entire year and you still are to weak to receive my real training" the man continued as he kept punching the boy a couple more times.

The man finally had stopped hitting the boy after beating him into unconsciousness, he then dragged the boy onto a mat that was close by.

'It should take a day for him to fully heal with that unnatural healing process his body possesses. I say he's weak but he's not, he's as strong as me when I was his age but it's like his body won't let him learn anything that I teach him" the man said looking at the boy laying on the mat as his body was healing itself at a visible rate.

'Maybe if I keep training him, his body will eventually accept it' the man thought as he start to walk out of the dojo.

The man then abruptly stops as he feels a menacing aura coming from behind him. He turns around as he looks at the boy and sees a red aura with a black outline coming from the boy.

'This huge amount of cursed energy it's comparable to a special grade sorcerer and it seems to be still growing' the man thought as his eyes widened a bit before going back to normal.

A wide sinister smile had now been plastered on the man's face as he thought of the near future where he would basically torture the boy.

Then a cold glint had appeared in the man's eyes as he sensed someone unknown coming inside the dojo.

"Zen'in Toji" the deep voice called out. "Who would have thought that you were harboring something so impressive as a child with immense amount of cursed energy" the man continued.

"I don't go by that name anymore, and who are you? You best give a satisfying answer" the man whose name was revealed to be Zen'in Toji said.

"My name is irrelevant at the momen-" before the unknown man could finish his head was disconnected from his body as Toji appeared behind him.

"I told you to give me a satisfying answer, and I go by Fushiguro now. I've thrown away that disgusting name" Toji said with a scowl as blood spared out of the man's neck covering the dojo entrance in blood.

"Damn I have to clean this up" He said

[The Next Day]


A loud boom could be heard throughout the dojo as the boy who had finally woke up was hurled into a wall by Toji who had increased the boy's training.

"From now on I'm increasing your training. I made a important discovery yesterday while you were unconscious and well let's just say you'll be living in hell for the rest of your years training with me" Toji said as the boy recovered and came at him again.

[3 years later]

In a large dojo you could see two figures fighting each other. If any inexperienced fighter or martial artist was to look upon the two fighting they would say the two were even.

But any experienced fighter would obviously see that the statement would be completely off. They would see that the man named Toji was winning by a large margin.

"You are still weak but you are learning, now that I have taught you about the immense amount of cursed energy you have, you've become to confident in your ability but all of it is useless in front of me" Toji said delivering more punches to the boy.

A couple of minutes later the boy was breathing heavily as he lay on the floor of the dojo. If anyone who didn't know the boy was to see him they would mistake him for being around 12 or 13.

They would never that the boy was only 7 years old.

"Get up we are not finished" Toji told the boy

"Sensei" the boy said as he got up of the ground.

"Could you give me a name?" The boy asked

"Hmm, why all of a sudden?" Toji said

"Well, I was always alone until you found me 3 years ago and I have never known my name. I need a name so when I meet other people they know what to address me by and when I become stronger even people who haven't met me before know of me, my name, and my strength" The boy replied.

"Well that is a good answer. How about Taishoku Fushiguro. Taishoku meaning gluttonous as you are unconsciously absorbing the cursed energy around here, I'm surprised your body hasn't broken down yet and Fushiguro, the name I gave myself" Toji answered

"Thank you, sensei" the boy now named Taishoku Fushiguro said

"Now, before we start training again. I have been training you for 3 years now and never have you used cursed energy, but you were never hiding it so every now and then people come here because of it. I'm not to fluent in the use of curse energy as I have none so I brought you a teacher to help in that area. Until they arrive I'll work you even harder. Now Come" Toji finished with a smile as Taishoku rushed towards him.

[half a year later]

These past 6 months Taishoku had gotten the trading he needed to utilize his cursed energy, but Toji forbade him from using his cursed energy as he didn't want him to rely to much on it.

Taishoku had awakened an ability after 2 months of training on his cursed energy. It appeared in the form of hundreds if not thousands of snakes that came out of his body.

He named the ability Devouring Snakes and one use of these snakes is as the name suggest they devour cursed energy and add it to the already immense amount that Taishoku posses.

He also possesses the ability to divide himself into little snakes or one giant snake. Toji almost killed him the first time he turned as it was by accident and he turned into a huge black snake. Now we are at this point in time

"Tai, come over I have something to tell you" Toji called him over by the nickname he gave him

"Yes sensei" Taishoku answered as he ran over to where Toji was and it you were to look closer you could see a distinct difference in his face as he had snake like pupils and small scales on the side of his eyes.

"At the end of the year I'm leaving. It's boring here and I want to go back to fully doing jobs for money and not half timing it. It's getting boring and you are strong enough to train by yourself.

So for the next 6 months you'll hunt cursed spirits to get the attention of the jujutsu sorcerers, you can join up with them or not it's up to you…oh and before I forget…we'll I did forget but it came back to me but I have a son he's maybe, no he is 4 years younger then you.

I forgot what I named him but his family name is the same as ours so if you ever meet him we'll I don't know greet him or something" Toji finished

"Yes sensei" Taishoku bowed a little

"Alright back to training" saud Toji punching Taishoku in the stomach

[Yet another time skip]

Over the next 6 months, Taishoku did exactly as Toji instructed and went out to hunt cursed spirits gaining the attention of jujutsu sorcerers in the process.

At the end of the year Toji did exactly as he said he would and left Taishoku to continue training on his own but Toji told him before leaving to keep

hunting cursed spirits and maybe a little jujutsu sorcerers to get stronger by experiencing life threading battle even though he was already in life threatening battles with Toji to begin with.

Over the next couple of months Taishoku kept training and hunting cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers until one day while out hunting he heard that his sensei and caretaker had been killed in battle.

He was devastated but knew his sensei wouldn't want him to be in that mood so he kept doing what he knows most training.

Taishoku increased his training even more knowing there were people out there who could kill his master and him being weaker then his master they could easily kill him.

So for the next couple of years he trained himself every single day with no breaks unless it was to eat or use the bathroom, not even sleeping as his cursed energy had seemed to give him the energy he need to replace sleeping.

One day someone came to him saying that they were jujutsu sorcerers and they invite him to the a jujutsu academy called Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.

He thought about what his master said and accepted the offer but said he need a little more training before enrolling. The sorcerer let him train a little longer before they meet up again a he enrolled.

"So this is where my journey really begins" a deep voice belonging to Taishoku said as he stared at the large foundation that was going to be his first school.


Lots of time skips since I'm tryna get the actual story started but hope you enjoyed this first chapter.

I'm working on the next chapter at the moment and may even be finished by the time one of you are reading it.

But like I said before hope you enjoyed.