
Juged To Hell

"- How long has it been? Years, maybe decades? No, much more..." "- I don't even remember who I was or how I lived my life, but I remember that creature!" "- The one who put me in this eternal suffering!" "- No matter how long it takes or how difficult the journey could be, I will climb hell itself if necessaries to rip off the head of the being that stole everything from me!"

OnlyForFun · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Who am I?

"- Damn it!" A single curse, shouted at the top of his lungs, breaks an endless silence.

Following the sound, one can see a man of approximately 25 years old, with long black hair and eyes as dark as the night, lying on a scorching dune. He breathes aggressively and sweats uncontrollably as if he had just emerged from the worst nightmare possible.

"- Where the hell am I?" he said, still gasping and completely disoriented. No answer was heard.

Carefully rising to get a better view of the surroundings, the young man beheld a landscape, unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was an endless desert, with immense dunes and small ancient structures scattered randomly. However, the most surprising aspect of this place was the sky. Unlike a typical blue sky, it was completely covered by a scorching sun enveloped in dense reddish smoke.

"What kind of clothes are these? What happened to me?" As he looked at himself, the man realized he was wearing a loose, flowery hospital gown made of fine material.

"I don't remember wearing something like this when I..." As he tried to recall why he was wearing something so unusual and how he ended up in that bizarre place, his mind went blank. He couldn't remember anything, as if specific parts of his memories had been stolen.

The young man seemed to remember the knowledge he had acquired throughout his life, from basic skills like reading and writing to advanced chemistry and stock market-related financial matters. However, despite remembering all that as if it were yesterday, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall anything about his identity or personal life.

In disbelief, he continued to search every corner of his mind for something about himself and his past, but the result was what he feared the most—he found nothing.

"- Who... Who am I?" said the man, completely disbelieving and almost voiceless, as if his lungs lacked air.

Looking at the red ceiling, he began to ponder an extreme fear about what was happening. After all, how could he wake up in a place like that without even remembering his name?

"This must be a dream, it can only be," he thought, trying to escape his situation.

"- Yes, that's it, it can't be anything else!" In a desperate act, he picked up a small stone in the sand and struck his wrist with all his might.

"I shouldn't be able to feel pain..." As he looked at his bleeding hand, the young man realized he was not dreaming, thus falling into despair once again. He began to scream and cry, gazing at the red smoke above his head. It was then that, suddenly, his moment of pain and shouts was interrupted by a faint whistle coming from the east of the immense dunes.

"A sound!" Even though it was extremely soft and low, the man somehow managed to hear it as if he was destined to.

Upon hearing the faint whistle, he stood up and ran desperately towards the sound. Until that moment, only his screams and cries made any noise among the desert dunes. A new sound could only indicate that he was not alone in that desert and that he might finally get some explanation of what was happening.

As he ran toward the whistle, he incessantly cried out for help. His feet burned from the scorching heat of the sand, and his muscles grew weary with every step, but none of it mattered. The desire to escape that emptiness and regain his lost memories was greater than anything else for him at that moment.

Climbing up and down the sand dunes, he finally arrived at the spot where the sound seemed to have come from. However, to increase his confusion, the only thing he saw was a huge black and gray pyramid with symbols on the edges that his mind couldn't comprehend. On top of it, all that strange red smoke that had covered the sky before seemed to be sucked inside endlessly.

Besides the pyramid, there was a massive statue of a creature resembling a human, except that instead of a human face, it had a crow-like head. Moreover, the statue was entirely made of the same stones as the pyramid, with spots of thick and dry red sticking to its composition. The most striking feature was an immense rusty scale in its hands.

With no way out or anywhere else to go, the man decided to approach the pyramid to find any person or object that could help him understand his situation.

"It's sealed." Upon getting closer, he realized that the pyramid was closed off by a massive dark stone and thick chains. He even searched for another entrance among the worn-out stones of the structure but to no avail. Finding no other entrance, the young man decided to head toward the sinister statue that awaited him on the other side of the monument.

"- What is this now?" he scoffed when he noticed that at the feet of the statue, there was something resembling a very old book. The book was so deteriorated that most of its pages had been lost, and those that remained had almost illegible writing. Despite its pitiful state, the man began to read what he could decipher.

"Please have mercy... Please have mercy... Please have mercy..." And so it continued for two more complete pages. What intrigued him the most was not the content itself, but the fact that the book was written in a language he could understand, unlike the symbols on the edges of the pyramid. It was as if it had been made especially for him, making the whole situation even more suspicious. Despite his doubts, he continued reading, hoping to gain some clarity about everything.


As he turned the last remaining page in the book, he came across a massive phrase written with what appeared to be fresh blood, as if it had been written recently.

"What does this mean?" the man wondered until he was interrupted by an unusual sound in the desert.


The silence that once reigned among the dunes was now replaced by a deafening gong sound coming from above.

As he looked up at the sky, instead of the hot sun and the red smoke that had covered the horizon before, there was now nothing but a pitch-black void. All that strange red smoke seemed to have been sucked into the pyramid, which began to tremble uncontrollably as it collapsed completely due to an enormous earthquake forming at its base.

"- What the hell is happening!" shouted the indignant young man, as he saw all the sand beneath his feet loosen along with the earthquake of unprecedented magnitude.

At that moment, his body only thought about running with all its might when suddenly the man felt something behind him that made him stop immediately. It was a sensation that cannot be described in simple words, a terror, an endless grandeur, almost like an ant about to be crushed by a human being. All emanating from a single being, a being so great and glorious that it could be called a ... god.