

"In order to keep everyone secure, vengeance is required. Although I may have been your slave, who is the slave now?" "As cleaning is currently your only goal, my dear father, I really do hope you like it!" *Whip, Whip* "Oh father, you're so filthy. You ought to be cleaning, not making everything dirtier."

asdsdaasd · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


It was a pleasant sensation to awaken while resting close to the crown prince, with his body next to mine. However, this time we took our time getting ready for breakfast. While they appeared to be dressed well on the outside, we took our time entering the bathroom, washing and changing into what appeared to be comfortable attire. We appeared to be getting ready to go for the other kingdom today. Since I didn't want to look bad while we had breakfast with the emperor and empress, I finished combing my hair.

We entered the dining room by a back entrance, where everyone was waiting for us. We were seated apart from one another, and they both turned to look at us. It was really odd that nobody was chatting as everyone started to eat. My original family probably didn't communicate much unless they were suffering financial problems. Unavoidably, I had the impression that everyone was staring at me. Despite the strangeness, I continued to eat without glancing up because I wasn't used to being seen when I was eating. Although I really wanted to flee and hide behind the crown prince's arms, I realized it would only make us both seem bad.

"So you two are traveling to the magical kingdom, huh?" The empress fixed her gaze on both of us as she awaited a response. Her tone made it difficult to determine whether she was delighted or sad that we were leaving.

"Yes, I should have asked permission, but I'm confident there won't be any problems. Although it's distant, using the teleportation method should allow us to arrive by tonight. However, that depends on whether you permit us to utilize it." The crown prince stated that he was not requesting permission but rather demanding it as he stared emotionlessly at the empress.

"You are certainly welcome to visit the magic kingdom. Since there are no planned parties in the area this month, there is nothing better to do. You are permitted to use the teleport method. But are you certain he can withstand being subjected to magic? Some people have bodies that are incapable of handling the presence of magic from birth. But that is something you two should consider."

"I am aware that, although it appears we have both finished breakfast, we will be getting ready to leave in an hour. You two, empress and emperor, I'll see you later." When we stepped back into the crown prince's chamber after eating, I hadn't quite finished eating when I felt him take my hand. Although nothing the emperor said was harsh, it seemed like he was somewhat out of it. I couldn't understand why he was becoming furious, so. Maybe they don't get along.


Since it appeared that we would be staying in the other country for several days or possibly weeks, I sat on the bed while the crown prince started packing some belongings. I was unable to pack anything because I lacked even clothes for this trip. I was wearing crown prince attire, which was very huge but not significantly so.

"Since it appears that you don't have any clothing here, I'll acquire you more while we're in the other realm. Do you have any experience with mana, I must ask? Or are you weak to mana; in that case, we might have to take a horseback ride the entire way. Which, although not very horrible, is pretty risky." As he closed his suit bag and waited for my response, the crown prince replied.

"I'm not sure—in fact, before you mentioned it, I had no idea what mana was—but I'm confident I can manage it. Or we could always put it to the test; after all, how would we know if others could manage to be around mana without putting it to the test?" I was trembling a bit because I didn't want to let him down, but I also didn't want to tell him the truth and then die. His deep blue eyes met mine with the appearance of a light bulb lighting up over his head, which I presume was an idea.

"Let's go now, and while we wait for the carriage to be ready for travel, I'll ask a wizard to perform a test. Even if you are unable to handle the mana, it won't kill you; nonetheless, you may experience discomfort. Mages are prepared for these kinds of tests." After walking outside to the main door, where we had been standing two days before, we both down the steps. In the light, the entryway appeared more beautiful than it did at night.

As we waited for the carriage, I saw a hooded figure approach us. He was carrying what appeared to be a wooden stick with a green crystal in the middle. The wood was a pretty lovely shade of white—possibly painted white—rather than brown. The individual pulled back his hood to show a man with elf-like ears, white hair, and green eyes. An elf that I had only ever seen in fairy tales was standing in front of me.

"Is this the person whom you want me to test if he can handle being around mana?"

"Ah, yes he is the one I want you to test since we were planning to teleport to a kingdom."

He put his palm on my forehead and seemed to be muttering something to himself that I couldn't understand. My body began to feel as though something was moving about in it. I could sense a tiny ball of mana and longed to touch it, but it was hidden inside of me. I kept wanting more mana within; I couldn't help myself. It was just like the last time I was hungry and overate despite still wanting more. The sensation was the same, except this time it was mana rather than food.

"What are you doing, why were you attempting to drain my mana?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I simply wanted more mana inside of me since it feels so good inside of my body. This has undoubtedly occurred before, am I right?"

"It is the first time that this has occurred; no one has ever dared attempt to steal mana from a wizard while they are being tested. Regarding the test, it appears you aren't really concerned about mana because you won't suffer any harm around mana. However, I must advise you to avoid doing this around other individuals. Being impolite by stealing and exploiting someone else's mana is what criminals do."

I and the crown prince boarded the carriage as it was now parked next to the magical bridge and two mages were standing on either side of it, casting what appeared to be a spell. We were surrounded by so much mana that I could see the balls of mana outside the carriage's windows; it was a lovely sight to behold, but suddenly a dazzling light came as it appeared that we were now on a trail way.

We were now traveling in the direction of the kingdom, which appeared to be nearby based on a flag I could make out from a distance. The trail was surrounded by what appeared to be trees and mushrooms; they were enormous and had a wide variety of colors.