
journey to multiverse a tensura fanfic , Tempest brothers

I write this fanfic for my satisfaction.. [ fanifc which will include world from anime , dongua and novel ] English is my third language and this is my first book. I might make some grammer mistake. so please try to overlook them. Mc is a manas [ from tensura ] this fanfic will include many world. from 1.anime = naruto , mushoku tensei , arifureta, tensura , misfit of demon king , eminence in shadow , boruto , one piece , bleach , genshin impact and honkai imapct 2. dongua = doupo , great ruler , soul land , perfect world , against the god , renegade immortal 3.novels = supreme harem god system, sacred ruin , divine emperor of death , im a heavenly destined villain. suggest on which order should I take. if I got a good response. I will not drop this fanfic. 1st world [ tensura ] 2nd world [ will select from comment section ]

Aditya_Sharma_6664 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
41 Chs

ch 39 < Beginning of war >


The nation was in a state of emergency. Cities were evacuated, and Dwarven soldiers hurriedly fortified defenses based on Rimuru's intel about the approaching tanks. Tension hung thick in the air as legions positioned themselves.

Meanwhile, the first and third legions of Tempest, led by Gobta and Gabil, remained composed, resting before the imminent battle.

Under a parasol, Testarossa and Ultima enjoyed a meal in their custom-made military uniforms, far superior to standard issue. Rimuru's top executives enjoyed the privilege of luxury even on the battlefield.

Veyron, Ultima's personal butler, meticulously prepared the meal. Despite its fine quality, not everyone was entirely satisfied.

"This is quite delicious," Gabiru remarked, savoring each bite.

"I agree, Gabiru-san," Gobta replied with a grin.

"But it can't compare to what my master makes," Testarossa remarked thoughtfully.

"And there's too little variety—everything's smoked or grilled," Ultima added with a hint of critique.

"I apologize. I'll strive to improve next time," Veyron responded, humbly kneeling.

Despite the minor complaints, Veyron did his utmost under the circumstances.

Ultima's eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced at Testarossa, a twinge of jealousy flickering within her. The news of Testarossa becoming Lord Karna's wife hadn't settled well with her.

"Enjoying your newfound status, Testarossa?" Ultima's voice dripped with sarcasm.

Testarossa met her gaze calmly. "Yes, I am."

The air crackled with tension as the two women faced off.

"Ultima, this jealousy is unbecoming," Testarossa said, her expression hardening.

Ultima's eyes flashed with fury. "Don't lecture me!" Both of demoness released their auras.

Surrounding soldiers and officers quickly backed away, giving the two powerful women space.

"This is not the time or place for such conflicts," they heard in their minds.

Both Testarossa and Ultima stopped.

"We are on the brink of war. Unity, not division, is crucial now," Karna reminded them.

"You're right, my lord. We apologize," Testarossa replied, her tone softened.

Karna sighed, aware of their rivalry. "Settle this later. Focus on the battle ahead."

Both Testarossa and Ultima were deployed as observers, with Carrera assigned to monitor the second legion led by Geld. Their directive remained confidential, known only to them and Rimuru.

"Dear, I want you to go and declare war on the Empire. Also, offer them a chance to surrender peacefully," Karna instructed Testarossa.

"Leave it me master," Testarossa responded promptly, her demeanor reflecting their frequent mental exchanges.

Rimuru then convened with the army leaders, including Gabiru, Gobta, and Ultima.

"I hope everyone can hear me. We are declaring war on the Empire. Testarossa will deliver our message. Prepare for battle. I expect the best from each of you. Lead your legions and inspire your soldiers. That is all. Ranga will accompany you, Testarossa."

"Um, wait a minute, Rimuru-sama. Shouldn't I accompany her? Sending a woman alone might not be wise," Ultima interjected, her concern evident.

Testarossa was momentarily surprised by Ultima's unexpected concern, while Ultima seemed to enjoy the spectacle.

"If that's your concern, you should accompany her as well," Rimuru suggested.

"This might be interesting," Karna thought with amusement.



Gastar, leader of the Magitank Corps, sought fame through the defeat of Gazel Dwargo and Dwargon. His ambition drove him to lead the assault instead of targeting the labyrinth.

His unique skill, "Performer", allowed him to detect changes in his surroundings by controlling and listening to nearby sounds. As he lay atop the front tank, an eerie silence descended. The usual sounds of insects and rustling plants abruptly ceased.

"Abort camp preparations. Assume defensive positions," Gastar commanded tersely.

The tanks pivoted towards three approaching figures. Ranga, the formidable pet of the Demon Lord, was notable, but it was the two women seated atop him who seized Gastar's attention.

Their unusual heartbeat and blood flow set off warning bells in Gastar's mind.

"So, you're the emissary sent by the Demon Lord," Gastar remarked with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Indeed. I am Testarossa. Today, I present you with two choices: surrender peacefully or face the consequences," Testarossa declared with unwavering resolve.

Beside her, Ultima stood silently, her presence a blend of rivalrous tension and companionship.

Gastar felt a surge of irritation at Testarossa's words, sensing she underestimated the Empire's strength.

"Take down that woman," Gastar ordered his sniper sharply.

" Understood," came the prompt response.

The sniper aimed and fired at Testarossa. A bullet moving at three times the speed of sound seemed impossible to evade. Or so Gastar thought.

As the shot rang out, Testarossa calmly raised her hand and halted the bullet with her index finger.

"I see. So that's your answer. Try to make it more entertaining next time," Testarossa remarked coolly before turning away.

An explosion of black fire erupted, drawing Gastar's attention.

"That's impossible! How?! Three magic tanks... Taken down by a simple spell?!" Gastar couldn't help but shout in sheer disbelief.

Ultima cackled with amusement. "Three down. A small payback for the broken negotiations. A fair exchange, don't you think?"

Gobta shivered, recalling his harrowing encounter with Ultima's black flames—once was more than enough to understand their terror. Ultima huffed and moved towards Ranga, leaving the area swiftly.

"L-Lieutenant General Gastar, what should we do? Our tanks..." one of his subordinates stammered, clearly rattled.

Gastar wrestled with fear and humiliation, with humiliation ultimately prevailing. "Maintain composure! Don't be deceived by their tricks! We are the glorious Imperial Army. Our victory will be dedicated to His Imperial Majesty! COMMENCE FIRING AS PLANNED!"

At his command, the tanks on the left wing advanced immediately. Testarossa's ultimatum and Ultima's warning were dismissed as the tank unit pushed forward, crossing the boundary—the marker of death.

Rimuru then contact everyone and give his order.

" Listen, everyone! Crush them with all your might. You don't have to go easy on them anymore. If they don't show any mercy, then do the same! Use everything you have and eliminate the enemies! "

the monsters caught on to his words and the tides of the war began to change drastically.

All the monsters unleashed their pent-up strength. Their auras, once carefully controlled to prevent damage to the town, now ran rampant, causing magicules in the air to surge.

After receiving Rimuru's order, another directive came from Benimaru.

"We're abandoning the original plan. Show the enemies the true strength of Tempest."

"Everyone, demonstrate your true power. I leave the riders to you, Gobiichi," Gobta declared, transforming into a large wolf-like monster after merging with Ranga.

"What about you, Testarossa-san?" Gobta inquired, recognizing the terrifying extent of Testarossa's power.

"Since we have the freedom to act as we please, I'll go and enjoy myself," Testarossa replied gracefully before strolling away.

Then came the nightmare for the Imperial army. Ranga and gobta fusion was impervious to the Empire's weapons. He rampaged through the lines of tanks, tossing them around like toys in a fit of rage.

"What a monster..."

"Run away!"

"Aah, save me! Save—"

Some were too shocked to flee, some tried and failed, while most near Ranga met their end. Gobta continued the assault with Dark Lightning. Though the iron tanks were equipped with anti-magic measures, the infantry had no such protection and were reduced to ashes.

But that was just the beginning. The lightning had overheated the tanks' equipment to the point where crews were forced to abandon them.

Those who managed to escape were fortunate. Those who couldn't perished when their tanks exploded from the intense heat.


In the sky, Gabiru and his squad feigned defeat to lure out the enemy's trump cards, enduring the relentless attacks of the Flying Corps—an endurance test that felt like hell for most.

However, upon receiving Rimuru's command, everything changed.

"Everyone, prepare to fight at full power. The test ends here!" Gabiru announced.

"We're free to do as we please".

These thoughts raced through the minds of those subjected to this "test." They would rather exert themselves to the limit and fall than endure further attacks without retaliation.

"Everyone, activate "Dragon Body" and maintain control!" Gabiru commanded.

This intrinsic skill of Dragonewts heightened their ferocity, vastly increasing their offense, defense, and speed. The risk of losing oneself was always present, which had previously prevented its use. Now, they unleashed it fully, having gained some mastery with Midray's help.

The Dragonewts grew larger, using nearby magicules to expand their bodies. Their muscles swelled, and their bluish-purple scales turned jet-black.

"No one has lost themselves. Excellent work, everyone!" Gabiru exclaimed. "Now, each of you must bring down at least one airship!" With a roar, he unleashed his Vortex Crash.

The attack tore through the magic defenses of the airship like a hot knife through butter, sending it plummeting. Others joined in, attacking the remaining airships in coordinated strikes, turning the tables on their adversaries.

**Ultima used Nuclear Flame, which engulfed the battlefield in multicolored black flames, instantly killing 10,000 soldiers.**

**Testarossa crafted a whip of fire and used a tank as practice, her movements as graceful as they were deadly.**

As the battle raged on, the ground forces of Tempest pushed forward with renewed vigor. Gobta, still in his monstrous form, led the charge, tearing through enemy lines with Ranga by his side.

On another front, Testarossa's graceful movements belied the devastation she wrought. Her magic, honed through years of practice and refinement, dismantled the enemy's defenses with precision. Each spell she cast was a testament to her power and prowess.

Ultima, not to be outdone, unleashed her own brand of destruction. Black flames combined with Nuclear magic engulfed enemy positions, leaving only scorched earth in their wake. Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she witnessed the chaos she had wrought.

Every attack of theirs killed hundred of soldiers.

Above imperial soldiers

Gabiru's Dragonewts soared through the sky, engaging the enemy's air fleet with unmatched ferocity. Their immense size and power struck fear into the hearts of the Imperial pilots, who struggled to maintain their formations against the onslaught.

As the day wore on, the tide of battle turned decisively in Tempest's favor. The combined might of monsters and Dragonewts overwhelmed the Imperial forces, forcing them into a desperate retreat.

Victory seemed within reach.

In the command center, Karna and Rimuru watched the unfolding chaos on the screens, their expressions baffled.

"This is beyond anything we expected," Karna muttered, disbelief evident in his voice.

( if they fought like this. The war will be over in few hours. )

Rimuru nodded slowly, his brow furrowed. "Indeed. Testarossa and Ultima are showing levels of power that are... well, frankly, terrifying."

Ramiris, appearing beside them, chimed in with her usual whimsical tone, "We cannot call this a war, can we? It's more like a theatrical display of absolute dominance!"

Kuhahahaha ! Those girls are absolutely devastating out there!" Veldora exclaimed.

"It certainly feels like we're witnessing a spectacle rather than a battle." Karna said while his eyes on screen.

"I should be grateful they're on our side," Rimuru thought in his mind.

As they continued to monitor the unfolding events, each moment brought new revelations of the staggering power wielded by Tempest's forces..