
Chapter 10 - The Welcome - Part 1

Within the heart of chaos and destruction, the heroes of Earth found a glimmering shard of hope. The fierce battle against the Apokolips battalion had been grueling, pushing them to their limits. Yet amidst the tumult, a golden opportunity emerged. A chance to strike back at the looming shadow that had cast its darkness over their world. It was a moment that demanded their courage, required their valor, and they seized it unflinchingly.

Superman, the iconic Man of Steel, spearheaded the assault. His eyes, glowing with an indomitable determination, were the embodiment of hope itself. He stood as more than a hero; he was an emblem of resilience, a beacon of steadfast resolve in the face of overwhelming adversity. Standing shoulder to shoulder with him was Wonder Woman, the Princess of Themyscira. Her face, a visage of fierce resolve, exuded an aura of unassailable strength, her every movement a testament to her warrior spirit. The trident-wielding Aquaman, the rightful king of the seven seas, stood at the ready, his weapon shimmering menacingly under the harsh glare of the battlefield lights. And augmenting their force was Cyborg, his technologically advanced body pulsating with raw, untamed power.

Together, they turned their combined might towards Steppenwolf. As they clashed with him, a significant change in their formidable adversary became evident. His reactions were tardier, his movements lacking their usual precision. An uncomfortable grimace marred his face, signaling the discomfort he was under. The intervention of the mysterious alien had clearly affected him, skewing the balance of the battle in their favor.

Cyborg, with his preternatural speed and accuracy, discharged a powerful blast from his arm cannon. The energy projectile struck Steppenwolf squarely in the chest, momentarily destabilizing him. Seizing the fleeting opportunity, Aquaman swiftly maneuvered into position behind him. With a forceful kick, he sent Steppenwolf hurtling through the air towards Superman.

Superman, his muscles bulging with exertion, intercepted Steppenwolf in mid-air. With a grunt of effort, he swung Steppenwolf around and, with a powerful release, sent him flying in Wonder Woman's direction. Steppenwolf's body cleaved through the air, a deadly projectile hurtling towards her.

Wonder Woman remained unflinching. Her eyes, ablaze with a warrior's resolve, remained focused on the incoming body. In one fluid, swift motion, she brandished her mythical blade and cleaved Steppenwolf's body in twain. It was the epitome of coordinated combat, a testament to their seamless teamwork and shared determination.

Their efforts weren't solitary. Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Flash, and Batman were waging their own war against the Apokolips battalion, displaying their formidable might and strategic prowess. They cornered the enemy forces, their combined strength overwhelming the battalion. Each hero, in their unique style and ability, contributed to the eventual victory, their individual endeavors converging into a collective triumph.

The battlefield was a tempest of roars and clashes, a chaotic symphony of forces engaged in a lethal dance of destruction. Amidst this maelstrom, the heroes stood resolute, their determination to protect their world remaining unbroken. Their victory over the Apokolips battalion was a beacon of their fortitude, a shining symbol of hope in an otherwise desolate conflict. It was a hard-earned victory, a triumph wrought from unity, strength, and unwavering resolve.

With the imminent threat finally neutralized, the heroes' attention ominously shifted towards their intriguing new visitor. Fresh from their victory against a formidable enemy, one might have expected a moment of respite, of collective sighs of relief. Yet, an air of unease hung in the atmosphere, their bodies still taut with tension, their senses on high alert. They couldn't afford to relax just yet.

Diana had been consciously dismissing an unsettling sense of oppressiveness emanating from the alien figure. Now was the time to confront it, to face this alien head-on and discern his true intentions. The question hung heavily in the air, a silent echo reverberating in their minds - was he a friend from the stars or another adversary to defeat? Diana found herself hoping fervently for the former scenario. A faint whisper from her dormant divinity suggested she might be on the right path. Nonetheless, she, along with everyone present, had their gazes firmly fixated on the moon-bathed figure, each lost in their thoughts on how to approach him.

The alien's peculiar appearance, too, hadn't escaped their scrutiny. The most notable feature was a tail that initially seemed passive but later sprang into action. It twitched and moved with a life of its own, wrapping itself around the alien's waist like a living belt. To Diana, the tail's movements were almost comical, as if it were brimming with excitement or joy, a stark contrast to the gravity of their situation. This eerie standoff continued for what felt like an eternity, but was in reality, a mere five minutes, before someone finally mustered the courage to step forward.

Green Lantern, as part of the Green Lantern Corps, had visited countless worlds and encountered numerous alien species. Despite his relatively extensive knowledge about the races in the universe, even he found himself at a loss. The alien being they were witnessing didn't match any known race he had encountered before. Undeterred, he took the plunge to initiate contact, his years of experience in interstellar diplomacy guiding him. He moved forward, his steps resolute yet cautious, his eyes never leaving the enigmatic visitor. The air was thick with anticipation, every heartbeat echoing in the silence like a drumbeat, marking the countdown to their first contact with the alien visitor.

Diana stood at the sidelines, her sharp eyes observing as Green Lantern took the lead, striding towards the strange alien with an air of authority and determination. He introduced himself as the Green Lantern of this sector, his voice echoing off the barren landscape.

"Hey there buddy. How are you doing? Enjoying yourself under the moonlight, huh?" he started, his tone light yet firm. "I am Hal Jordan, a member of the Green Lantern Corp. We uphold justice and protect worlds throughout the universe, and I am the one in charge of this sector. Could you introduce yourself and let us know why you're here on this planet?"

His words hung in the air, a question waiting to be answered. But the alien merely stood there, silent and unresponsive, seemingly oblivious to Green Lantern's inquiry. For a fleeting moment, Hal Jordan stood there, confusion etched on his face. Had his translator function malfunctioned? He had been in continuous battle for so long and hadn't had a chance to recharge his ring. Briefly, he glanced at the ring on his finger, only to find it still glowing with power, albeit a little dimmer than usual.

Looking back up, Hal noticed that the alien still hadn't responded. He cleared his throat, drawing attention back to himself, and spoke again, louder this time, his tone echoing with a hint of sternness. "Hey buddy, identify yourself and tell us why you have landed on Earth?" But still, there was no response from the alien. It seemed as though the alien was lost in his own world, oblivious to everything but the moonlight.

This unresponsiveness did not go unnoticed by the others. Each hero and soldier present was on edge, their minds racing with worst-case scenarios. Superman, Batman, and Cyborg were particularly tense. Diana watched as Cyborg seemed to wrestle with himself, his body rigid with restraint. Ever since he had merged with the relic, it had been interacting with him, taking on a life of its own. Diana couldn't help but worry. Was the relic acting up? Was it whispering something to Cyborg, urging him to do something? The tension in the air was palpable, like a tautly pulled string ready to snap at any moment.

Having been ignored twice, Hal's pride was stung. In a final attempt to gain the alien's attention, he resorted to creating a construct, a massive fist, and aimed it at the alien. The construct radiated a bright green light, illuminating the alien and the surrounding area.

"You have only yourself to blame for ignoring me!" shouted Hal, his voice filled with frustration and a hint of anger. With a swift gesture, he sent the giant green fist flying towards the alien, hoping this time, he would get a reaction.

"DON'T DO IT, HAL! HE'S DANGEROUS!" These words tumbled from the metallic lips of Cyborg, a desperate plea filled with an urgency so palpable that it sent icy chills down the spines of everyone present. Cyborg was visibly struggling, his mechanical half emitting an alarming whirring sound and shuddering violently, almost as if it was putting up a fight against an unseen, possibly malignant force. Unfortunately, it was too late. His words had barely escaped his lips and permeated the tension-thick air when their surroundings suddenly spiraled into utter chaos.

The world around them seemed to twist and warp in a grotesque manner, a tangible, oppressive pressure descending upon them like a suffocating blanket smothering every hope of escape. Even the mighty figures of Superman, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl, who were known for standing tall in the face of adversity, crumpled under the unbearable weight of this sudden pressure. Their knees hit the ground with a resounding thud that echoed ominously in the ensuing silence, reminding everyone of their shared vulnerability. These were warriors of legendary strength, and yet they were brought down, forced to bow in submission under the overwhelming force that seemed to crush their resolve.

The other superheroes were not spared either. Most of those present were driven to their knees, their bodies refusing to obey their commands to stand their ground, to fight back. Cyborg, despite being the embodiment of an ancient and powerful relic, was not immune to this force. He gritted his teeth, his body shaking with the extreme effort to resist the gravitational force that threatened to crush him.

Amid the turmoil, Diana felt she could still manage. She was a warrior, a champion of the people, and she had divinity in her. But then, she looked up, and a wave of dread washed over her, chilling her to her very bones. Green Lantern was on his knees, a grimace of intense pain etched onto his usually stoic face. His right shoulder was a horrific sight to behold, blood seeping out to stain his suit, his arm noticeably missing. The sight was a horrifying one, a brutal testament to the severity of the situation they found themselves in.

The sudden realization hit Diana like a punch to the gut - one of her comrades, one of her friends, had suffered such a severe injury, and she hadn't even realized when it had happened. A cold, bone-deep fear clutched at her heart, an emotion she hadn't truly felt in a long while: absolute, undeniable fear. Her breath hitched in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest like a war drum echoing the rhythm of impending doom. This was real. This was happening. And it was far worse than any of them could have ever imagined or prepared for.
