
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: JojoFate.

What happens when a no-life gamer otaku virgin gets transmigrated during the events of fate/zero in the body of a 7-year-old. First, he has an orgasm. Second, he Nigerundayo's the s#it out of there. Third, he gets hit by a car, passes out, then wakes in the Einzbern's castle while the meeting between Rider, Archer, and Saber and then he gets noticed by Archer aka Gilgamesh. It was at this moment that he knew he f**ked up. ---- The Story starts from Fate/Zero. There will be Stand users and a final boss villain along with the barrage of Stand users before reaching him because that's what Jojo is all about. MC will be slightly(a lot) Op after the boss fight of Fate/Stay Night. Go and read now. And Praise the Sun while rejoice for a new Fanfic.

Dio_Za_Editor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Dio Over Heaven v/s Gilgamesh but with PTSD.

"Is that... a servant?" Waver questioned looking at Saber and Rider for answers but all he got was a serious aura from Rider and constant shivering from Saber.

"Saber, what is going on?" Irisviel asked.

Saber clenched her teeth and tighten her grip around her blade.

"The man that just appeared..." Saber said almost shouting it out loud.

"...Wears a Crown of Thrones..."

"...and bears two holes in each of his hands." The faces of Irisviel and Waver went pale as a sheet of paper hearing Saber's words.

"...It can't be right... There is no way such a thing could happen... I mean... I MEAN!!" Waver's panic was evident in his words as he fell on his butt.

For a while, silence ensued as if they were in the abyss and everyone could clearly hear a low growl coming from the boy.


The boy slowly got up from the man's embrace and started walking to his cut-off hand and picked it up.

"Za Wārudo Ōbā Hebun" The boy muttered in a low voice but everyone could hear it.

And then a Stand came out completely different from the one before, its color scheme consists of an angelic white base with golden accessories. Its eyes were inverted, producing black sclera, white irises, and pupils. A heart motif on its belt and its knees had a large letter D on them, and its chin had a circle. It additionally has white circles on the back of its hands, with the large letter D.

(A/N: Search 'The World Over Heaven' for more details and a pic.)

The Stand then picked up the cut-off arm and attached it back. After which it punched the arm and let go.

The arm didn't fall off, it had been healed spotless.

The boy then took a lick of the blood from his previously injured arm.

"Hehehehehe...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" He started laughing.

"This is the taste of blood, my blood and this," He started jumping up and down.

"This is gravity," Then he tore off his clothing and looked at the base of his neck.

"This is a star mark on the base of my neck." He then opened his closed eyes to reveal a black sclera, white irises, and pupils.

(A/N: Just imagine Jougan from Boruto but instead the blue part in the middle is white.)

"These... These are the Eyes of Freedom, the All seeing Eyes, the Eyes of Heaven."

"This feeling of freedom and struggle, the beating of my heart, this nostalgia... To this world I announce."

"I DIO HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!!" He was about to say more but was interrupted by a sword which was punched away by his Stand.

"That is enough nonsense mongrel. Your words are but a boring play. Die" Gilgamesh sent a volley of projectiles his way.

Dio smirked seeing all the weapons coming his way.

"Za Wārudo Ōbā Hebun. Stop Time." was the last words he muttered before all the projectiles landed and Gilgamesh's face was smashed in, as he went tumbling to the ground with blood coming out of his nose and mouth.

""What just happened?"" Waver and Irisviel questioned.

"Just now he said, stop time, and then he disappeared." Rider answered as he continued to observe.

Gilgamesh heard footsteps behind him as he turned back. He saw the boy who had just announced himself as Dio, slowly walking towards him with one hand on his swaying hips.

Gilgamesh tried to attack again but before he could Dio disappeared and he felt a warm something trail across his cheeks.

"That is some nice quality blood you have there." he heard a child's voice whisper into his ears.

Gilgamesh looked behind but saw nothing.

"Why to be so afraid... we are friends... aren't we...Gigglemesh-kun."

Gilgamesh fired some weapons directly behind him, from where the voice came.

"Why so aggressive," Gilgamesh felt a touch on his butt.

"We can take it slow, you know." Gilgamesh started breathing heavily as a warm breath touched his ears.

Fear. No, he felt no fear.

Anger. Yes, he was angry.


He couldn't describe this feeling gripping his heart, which felt like it was about to be crushed.

Gilgamesh hadn't realized it yet, but, eventually, he would. He would one day realize, that at that moment. He had been affected by Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD for short.

In his adolescence, Gilgamesh would take the virginity of a newly married woman before even her husband could touch her.

He enjoyed it. The anguish in their eyes while he assaulted them.

And now, as if fate itself had decided, Karma came as he was being assaulted... by a man.

Gilgamesh swiftly opened the Gate of Babylon as Enkidu: Chains of Heaven came out of them to bind Dio but again he disappeared.

Gilgamesh then took out the Sword of Rupture: Ea and charged it.

"An eye for an eye, and an arm for an arm, you took my arm, hence, I shall take yours." as the words were spoken, Dio's Stand chopped off Gilgamesh's arm holding Ea.

Dio then in front of Gilgamesh drank his blood straight out of the arms using it as a wine glass.

"Although this body is no longer that of a vampire, I can still enjoy the taste of blood and yours is my favorite."

"Also nice weapon there, I think I shall keep it." The World Over Heaven came out and punched Ea.

"Now then, it's about time I finished my meal." The next moment Gilgamesh was sent flying through the air with a gaping hole in his abdomen.

"Tokiomi, I order you to order me to come back." Gilgamesh then disappeared.

Dio took one last look at the rest of the servants before disappearing himself.


Tohsaka Rin was in her mother's car going back from Fuyuki City when she heard a thud sound and look outside from the car's back window, but she found nothing.

What she didn't know was a boy was hanging on to the car's back. After they made it out of Fuyuki City the boy let go and crashed to the ground.

"Hehehe~ That power, that freedom... I want it." It was non-other than Jouichirou who had recovered from being possessed by Dio Over Heaven.

He had seen it all and that sparked a fire in his heart. An ambition to reach Heaven, to reach that power, and be free.


This event Jouichirou vs Gilgamesh was made with the sole purpose of making an ambition for Jouichirou to follow and give him a reason to intervene in the story and the world of Fate instead of leaving everything in the protagonist's hands.

Dio taking Ea has completely changed the plot and now he will have to intervene no matter what. So yeah Fate/Zero is the base and the foundation of this Fanfic.

Also Note, although he has Ea he doesn't have the necessary Mana to use it. So no he is not OP just yet and this mode is like a one time thing I will not do it again.

Give me thou power stones.