
The beginning

August 1 2018:

This day was the day i had began my life with her I'll tell you the name later on..

As i said her she was the most amazing thing that has happened to me we met me and her from a friend this friend had a crush on her he was really into her but she considered him as a neighbor and a friend he reach out to me for help to make her fall in love with him but the tables have turned we seen each other for the first time about a week from the date above she was talking to me by phone the fist word i said to her was beast. Monster. In a way it was to tell her she is a savage a real queen she was so strong outside but not as much on the inside we talked on the phone every day she was waiting for me to post something so she had a reason to talk to me

Anyway time passed we are getting closer together we laughed we talked we were always online talking just talking as friends talk but then something happend i felt that she is a great girl and she should be with me not with that guy and besides she told me he is like a brother to her

Then i had my faith and tried to tell her my feeling's but it was too late...

She already has her mind set and wanted to be more then friends so we were officially bf. And gf. At the date above i was happy she was too our first date was at an amusement park we had fun we played games we had fun we were so happy and the flower i bought her was as beautiful as she was i surprised her i remember everything her face she was in love but she was scared her friends scared her of me i was older by a lot 11 years she was a kid to me but we fought it together and we survived our love was stronger many days past our 1 month anniversaries were kicking our true love was blossoming and we were happy having fun playing around talking taking care of each other loving i left a lot my friends my job wasn't taking care of my business cause she was more important to me than everything and everyone she was my light and still is but it's complicated i will do anything for her just to see her smile her eyes are like the night black and lovely they shine when she looked at me i love that glare we had our laugh's our food ohhh she loves food i took her everywhere i could everywhere she wanted we had memories everywhere we engraved our initials on a tree near her grandpa's house we were so in love i still love her till this day and will always do.

When we first talked her neighbor friend told me if you hurt her ill kill you i told him you will see what i will do and you decide I'm sorry i did you bad but it happend quickly he was so sad but happy inside he couldn't interfere we we're together he gave up and we lived happy for about 2 years and 3 month we were happy until .....

Her friends where short and she had no job but all changed when she got accepted at a company to work.. but i was always beside her then came the lockdown. she works at supermarket she was amazing at her work and everyone liked her she was making friends she was happy she was very happy but she didn't have time for me alot but it was ok i was supporting her she loved her work and loved her friends but she loved me more... Then what happend between us is tragic ..

We had a fight together cuz i was getting jelous of her friend his name i cannot say cause even his name makes me sad and angry well her friend was hetting close too close i was mad and there were talking alot i had my hopes that she loved me and i was her truly love as I'm hers but she was empty inside she wasn't feeling for me anymore and she hid that from me she was angry and sad and wasn't sure what she wanted then her friend came and made her comfortable she told me that she was going with him in his car to take a little break i was furious i told her to take her stuff i was so angry i could kill him then he told me she loves me and not you i was devastated broken alone shattered and she was far she left me alone in my darkness i was so sad i lost 12 kilos and didn't take care of myself i was devastated and then something happend.

The details of the story cannot be said but you will get the picture ..

She told me she can't lose me i was her man and stood by her but she needs a break from everything and till this day the idea that she will be with him hunt's me like a ghost from the past

I couldn't sleep i wasn't happy with everything she left me she needs space i get it but they were together and they were close like we were why would i believe that she will pick him over me cuz i have hurt her i was stupid jellousy took over me.my love my true love my only love *ELISSA* she is the sun to my day the moon to my night my butterfly my heart . She is always with him at work talking at night having fun going places and when we agreed to be friends me and her she told me of course we are a family but each time i go and ask her to go with me she has plans or makes excuses she is afraid or she doesn't want to hurt me cause inside she is sweet and caring i cannot know maybe you can know what is she thinking can she really be over with a guy like me one that loved her more than himself...

If you could know then you have been through this story with more details but i cannot speak im hurt im really hurt my heart my brain and my whole body can't stop thinking about her the best 2 years of my life my life was ruin's and she picked em up i was broken she fixed me she made me look to see life is worth living for her smile eyes and smell i cannot live without her so may god bring her back to her lover cause no man will love her more than me i wish i could only wish that this story has made you believe that true love is real.