
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Town Of Hell

Kilo kept an eye on the classroom door as a swift scent of flower came into the room. "What's taking you so long?" He whispered to himself.

Jackson went to go get information about the meeting. Kilo just had to be himself and make sure the teacher didn't suspect anything.

What is this feeling? It's like…I'm unease. What…what's going to happen? It's just another day in this weird town. We haven't blown our cover, everyone in this little group is doing their jobs, Jackson is getting info, and yet….I still feel uneasy, Kilo thought to himself.

An hour went by and the bell ringed to let students transfer to their next classes. The halls were flooded with people as no one said a single word. "The hell?" Kilo whispered to himself.

Jackson walked down the hall with Wraith by his side. "Did you get it!?" Kilo yelled out. Everyone in the hall stopped and stared at the three. "You dumbass". Jackson whispered.

"What's going on here? I haven't heard anything that loud in a while". A familiar voice whispered in Jackson's ear. Jackson jumped back and noticed the same girl from yesterday.

Wraith pulled Jackson away as the crowd of people blocked Kilo's view. While being pushed and shoved by the crowd, Jackson and the girl made and held eye contact for the first time. For the first time…Jackson didn't feel any fear towards the young woman.

"Those eyes….wait, you're-"

"I know all about your little plan, Jackson and his little jinn slayers!" The girl laughed as she quickly pulled a blade from her pocket.

She knows!? How!? Jackson thought as he jumped back.

The crowd of people made it difficult for Jackson to see. He turned around and noticed Wraith gone.


The girl came from behind Jackson and stabbed him repeatedly in the throat. The crowd suddenly stopped and grabbed Wraith and Kilo.

Jackson tried to speak but couldn't as blood poured from his mouth. Keep…pressure or you'll die! He thought to himself as he fell to the ground.

"JACKSON!!" Wraith screamed.

"Mission is blown!" Kilo yelled as he summoned his jinn weapon.

I had no idea it was you…Elizebeth! Jackson thought as Elizabeth walked right over him and approached Kilo.

"Tojo clan scum". She scuffed. Elizabeth threw her blade to the side and closed her eyes. "Wraith, hurry up and teleport everyone out of the building! Get our crew and run-"

Before Kilo could finish, both his arms has been completely ripped off with brute strength.

Kilo let out a yell in pain as he fell, back against the wall. "Run away". He said as Wraith made a portal and got away right in time.

"I've already killed more than half of your group. You all were foolish to think I would let you ruin our beautiful night". Elizabeth scuffed.

"Go screw yourself!" Kilo laughed.

Elizabeth snapped her fingers. In that instant, everyone in the hall halted their movements and faced her. "Kill the remaining people". She ordered.

Thousands of students left the school and began looking for Wraith and other survivors.

Elizabeth took a knee and looked Kilo in his eyes. "Do you have any last words?" She asked as a giant sword was summoned. Elizabeth had unlocked a legendary jinn weapon called, "Angel Slayer"

"Yeah. Look behind you". Kilo scuffed.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and noticed Jackson getting to his feet. "Elizabeth. It was you? You were behind all of this!?" Jackson asked tearfully.

"Give me your demon sword". She demanded as she held out a hand. "So that and I'll let Kilo live for a little while longer." She said.

"Your working with Kebushie? He wants my sword for some reason".

"Kebushie? You mean that….that weak man and his little jinns? I could've killed them all easily. But…I want the sword so I can stop his plan from interfering with mine". Elizabeth explained.

"Maybe we can help each other!-"

"My goal is to destroy the Tojo clan and bring honor to my family who served them. That…is all I want." She explained.

Kilo's eyes grew big.

Jackson summoned his demon sword and gripped it tight in his hand. "I refuse…to let you massacre a whole clan! They did nothing to you! Why kill us!? Your not Elizabeth, there's no damn way! Your being possessed!" Jackson yelled.

"Possessed? Nothing to me? Believe me, Jackson I'm the best version of me I could possibly be! Trust me babe…I'm going to kill all of you! Then you can meet Charlie and your family".


"Dry your tears. I have no choice but to do this…or I won't have my answers".

"Why do you want Joey?" Jackson asked.

Silence fell between the two as Elizabeth took a deep breath. "I'll need Joey to lure Ahana to us." Elizabeth said.

"You can't defeat her. What's the point?"

"I can't? Based off of what I learned and know about jinn slayers…I would be classified as a insane-level fighter." Elizabeth laughed as she grabbed Kilo by the throat and lifted him from the ground.

Insane-level!? The same level as Ahana!? Where did she unlock all this power!? Who is she working with!? Why does she want the Tojo clan dead!? Thought flooded Jackson's mind as he jumped towards Elizabeth.

"Your loosing lots of blood. Try to stand still". Elizabeth advised while jumping in the air and kicked Jackson back to the floor.

Jackson lay on the ground and talked to himself slowly. "Damn it Jackson. Move your body! Do it or Kilo will…"

Kilo looked at Jackson. Jackson read Kilo's lips carefully. "It's okay. Go with the plan tonight and stop the meeting. I'm counting on you, Jackson."

Wraith had came back and scooped Jackson up from the floor with Spider. "Why are you guys doing!? Get Kilo! KILO!!!"

Jackson watched as Elizabeth punched through Kilo and ripped out his heart.

This is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dreammm, Jackson thought. Jackson was teleported in Joey's room with the others.


"Jackson…he's gone. You and me seen it! She punched right through him". Spider said while gasping for air.

Jackson fell to his knees and wailed uncontrollably. Only f people where in Joey's room. Elizabeth had killed the rest of the group.

Jackson,Wraith, Spider, Natalia, Flock, and Jaden were the only ones left. "There was no one else in the school? She killed everyone else!?" Natalia asked.

"Just us…we're the only ones left". Wraith admitted.

"Jackson….we should abandon the mission! She's obviously working with a jinn and has power equal to Ahana! This is a battle we cannot win!" Jaden admitted.

Spider tended to Jackson's injuries. "So…you want us to just…run away?" Jackson asked.

"It would be the wise thing to do. She easily killed Kilo, probably the strongest fighter we had. Plus she swiftly killed other jinn slayers right under our noses". Jaden explained.

"I won't run away. This threat just came across us and the spirit jinn slayers knew this was coming! We need to press them about what they know and why they aren't here! I'm not just fighting for answers. I'm fighting for my home, family, and friends. The only one who knew this would happen…is Ahana".


Joey and everyone stared at the giant eggs. Zuri moved in closer to study the wild discovery. "Amazing. These are literally jinn eggs, Astor! I've never seen anything like it before!" Zuri laughed.

"So jinns are in there? Let's smash-"

"We don't know what would happen if we smash them. It would be best to burn them". Jinx suggested.

"I agree". Zuri scuffed as she grabbed a stick and lit it on fire with a touch of her finger.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard humming in the cave. "Everyone get down and take cover!" Duce whispered as Zuri quickly blew out the fire.

A pale woman with a stance so strong, made Joey want to vomit stepped into the clearing. "My beautiful children. Just wait! You'll be able to help me conquer this whole island! It all starts with you!" The woman laughed as she hugged the six eggs.

"All six of you…will be born as high-levels!"

*sorry about the late release. Had technical issues.

Next chapter: The Sinister Six