
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

The awakening

Joey got up and dashed towards Kilo. "You fool!" Kilo laughed, as he held out both hands.

"Rise and fall!"

Joey was lifted from the ground and slammed back to the ground. His ribs cracked, as he

yelled in pain.

"I like it when you weaklings scream! This bring brings back memories!" Kilo laughed. He grabbed Joey by his hair and picked him up.

"Do you know all of the physical training and pain that are put on our bodies in the Tojo clan!? It's a living hell!" Kilo said in Joey's ear.

"But…when someone like you came into this world…everyone couldn't stop talking about this so-called-Joey! Now we have word that the angles want you dead!" Kilo yelled as he slammed Joey into the ground.

"I didn't ask for any of this! So stop pissing at me about that crap! And from what I know, your clan is truly evil! So screw off!" Joey yelled.

Kilo kicked Joey into a tree. "Being that I'm part of the clan…I'm above you in every single way possible! We work directly under the angles!" Kilo laughed.

Joey pulled out both his pistols and aimed at Kilo. "Shoot it, Joey. I want too see that ugly look on your face of what happens next!" Kilo laughed.

Without hesitation, Joey pulled the triggers and spammed it. All the bullets stopped in place Around Kilo and pointed towards Joey.


Joey got up and dodged all of the bullets. "The gravity…he's using his jinn energy to control gravity! Even when it comes to the mass of my body, mass can't be changed, otherwise I'd just float off…but…that's exactly what he's doing!" Joey whispered to himself.

Kilo pointed at Joey and snapped his fingers.

Joey jumped out of the way and stared in amazement, as the ground beneath him rose.

(The brat's good at dodging…that's for sure!)Kilo thought.

Joey ran behind Kilo and landed a powerful punch to the back of his head. Kilo turned his head slowly and laughed. "That's all?!"

Kilo snapped his fingers at Joey. Joey's arm blew off. Joey went flying and landed head first.

"I'm going to make it a quick death, so don't worry! Ritual: Gravity Crush!"

Joey could feel his whole body getting crushed. (This isn't how I die! I refuse too die!) Joey thought.

Joey closed his eyes and remembered his father's smooth voice.

Baby Joey looked up at a man, who had long blond hair,blue eyes, and a nice smile. "Joey…your not like your sister at all, are you? Haha, that's perfect! I know you probably won't remember this but…if it's passed down to you then, you are without question, the chosen one! Joey, live for me,your mom,Lily,and everyone you meet in your life. I already know your dreams and what's going to happen in the future! So don't give up! You still have that promise you made with Lily, remember? This is the last time I'll see you, my son. Love you with all my heart." The man said as he kissed Joey on the head.

Joey quickly opened his eyes and pointed tow fingers at Kilo. Kilo was shocked to feel the jinn-energy within him disappearing.

"What the hell!?" Kilo looked up too see Joey gone. "This isn't possible! My ritual should put weight on your body! Tons even!"

Kilo felt a sharp pain on his right arm, he looked and noticed his arm missing, as blood splattered everywhere.

Kilo jumped and floated high in the air. "High-level jinn weapon: Tojo's jinn sword!"

A sword with jinn eyeballs on it appeared in Kilo's hand.

Flashes of purple energy zoomed around the open area. Kilo tried desperately to find Joey. "H-this kid is insane!"

Joey quickly stopped, lowered his back and launched himself in the air towards kilo.

(You can't dodge in air, dumbass! It's over now!)

Kilo raised both hands over his head and swung the sword. A trail of jinn-energy traveled towards Joey.

Joey readjusted his body in mid-air and was face-to-face with Kilo.

(He dodged that? And from a high-level jinn weapon!?)

Joey landed a powerful punch that sent Kilo back to the ground. Kilo quickly got up and looked around, as dust covered his vision.

Joey walked slowly towards Kilo. Joey's left eye was covered up by his hair, while the other eye had a crazy look.

A blood trail follow Joey, as his arm was still missing. "Don't you feel pain?" Kilo asked as he coughed up blood.

Joey smiled and stopped in his tracks. "Pain…is what I've known my whole life!" Joey said as he leaned back and laughed.

"Screw this! Im gonna use the attack I should've used to kill you all!" Kilo yelled as he pointed at the sky.

"Gravity manipulation technique: Cursed Ball!"

A giant purple ball made of jinn-energy, formed over Kilo. "How am I struggling a against you? I'm a high-level jinn slayer! You are nothing!" Kilo yelled. "No one has ever survived this attack!"

Joey ran towards Kilo and his energy ball. (What's he doing? Does he want to die?)

Kilo threw the giant ball at Joey. When the ball hit the ground, a powerful beam of light destroyed everything in its path.

Joey jumped to dodge the light. "Diiieee!!!" Kilo laughed.

Joey took a deep breath as he was getting closer to the purple ball. (I'm gonna live a happy life. And I won't let anyone take that from me!) Joey thought as he held both arms to his side.

"Jinn-weapon-hidden ability, reversal technique: Infinity Counter!" Joey's pistols glowed.

(I learned this ability mainly for fighting other Jinn-slayers! Since I haven't fought a jinn in a while, I figured I'd work on other techniques!)

Joeys right arm glowed yellow, as he ran straight towards the ball.

Astor and the other jinn slayers watched from the balcony. Hercules quickly jumped off and plummeted towards Joey and Kilo.

"We can't just stand here! Kilo's going to destroy the whole forest and kill Joey!" He yelled.

Rock and Jinx quickly followed, as Amber and Astor watched.

(No matter what enemies come my way…I have to be strong for my family!) Joey threw a punch with his fist covered in energy at the ball.

(Now it's a battle of brute strength! You can do this, Joey,you can do it!) Joey thought to himself.

Kilo push with all his might. Trying desperately to erase Joey. (What's this new power? The energy in the whole area…is…it's being fed too him! But why? What is this ability!? Why hasn't master of the clan killed him yet!?)

With one hand, Joey lifted the ball and raised it over his head. "All this jinn-energy! This ball is gigantic! It's a ball of energy, all right! It would suck if I launched it back!" Joey mocked.

"You don't have to strength you damn fool!" Kilo laughed.

Joey pointed in the sky and sent the ball higher in the air. The ball covered the shining sun, and sent waves of wind down on the forest.

"Out of everything that's going on…I feel…like I'm really the blesses one to be here." Joey whispered to himself.

Joey pointed at Kilo and sent the ball flying towards him.

Kilo watched in horror, the ball was crashing down through the branches and eighth on top of him.

"I'm from the great slayer clan! Clan Tojo! I refuse to lose to a brat like youu!" Kilo raged.

Before anything else could happen, Hercules jumped in right before it hit Kilo. The impact sent everything in the surrounding area off the ground. A giant crater was in the middle of the forest.

The dust cleared, and Hercules stood high and proud. "That attack was pretty weak…damn these kids aren't strong. hahaha!"

Rock and Jinx landed to check on Kilo's injuries. Hercules ran towards Joey and picked him up.

He grabbed Joey by the head and started shaking him. "Are you alive!?" He asked in a scared tone.

"Y-yes sir." Joey whispered.

Hercules looked at Joey with a smile. "Not bad, not bad at all." He said.

"These two won't be able to fight in the games anymore! Remove them at once!" Rock ordered.

"Yeah." Hercules said.

"There will be a temporary pause to games! Everyone, please stay where you are and do not move until I say start!" Amber said in a mic.

She angrily grabbed Astor by his jacket and tuned his around. "Why is he still breathing!?" She asked.

"Kilo was off today…I don't know why he lost." Astor said with annoyance.

Amber let go of Astor and walked down the hall. "I'll kill him in the nursing room. You just make sure no one is watching me when I do it!" Amber said.


Next chapter: The Dirty Work

Coming in 3 days