
Jewel: The Gem Princess

Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom where all people lived happily. No problems. No harm. No war. The Queen gave birth to her first baby girl named Jewel. The people were overwhelmed. But sadly, the Queen was gone after giving birth to her child. Until then, the King's twin sister attacked their Kingdom. They've killed a lot of people and destroyed everything. In the end, the King's Kingdom still won. But someone took the Princess. Jewel: The Gem Princess By: clln_eris_ • Written in English • Might have grammatical errors

clln_eris_ · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 1: After War

King Oliver's POV


It is not possible. Where is Jewel now? My daughter. I can't lose my daughter.

I forced myself to stand even though I had a foot injury. I am too weak now. My body's hurt so bad. But I have to do something for Jewel. She cannot be lost.

I remembered the mysterious lady. She was holding my child. I hope they're fine and not far from my Kingdom.

"Please, give me back my daughter." I mumbled.

I stood up and started walking but I felt dizzy. My head is aching. I only think of Jewel before I faint.


"Your majesty, please wake up!"

I opened my eyes slowly. I saw a young lady in front of me. My vision is blurry but I can see that she is tiny and has wings.

"Who are you?" I asked. I can see her clearly now and place where we are. This is my bedroom.

"Fairy Gazelle! He's awake!" The tiny girl shouted.

I got up slowly. My head still hurts a bit and also my whole body. What happened? I can't clearly remember everything.

"Your majesty, you're finally awake. How are you feeling? Do you still feel any pain? How was your wounds and bruises?" Another woman asked. She also has wings but she is as big as a human.

Who are they? Why are they here?

"We are the fairies, your majesty. Our Queen sent us here to heal you. I'm fairy Gazelle, by the way." She said and then look at the tiny girl. "And this is Mariposa."

"Jewel." I mumbled.

"What is it, your majesty?" Gazelle asked.

"Jewel. Where is she?" I asked them.

Gazelle and Mariposa stared at each other. They didn't answered my question and they look confused. Where's my daughter?

Gazelle opened the glass box on the top of my bedside table. She took the red heart diamond.

"King Oliver, we don't know what happened during the war last night but this was the only thing that was left for you." Gazelle said.

She handed me the red heart diamond.

"I believe it is a Heart Jewel." Mariposa said.

My tears fell on the Heart Jewel. I remembered everything. My daughter's gone and this diamond was the only thing left for me? Will this replace the life of my daughter?

"Look for her." I command. I feel so angry and mad to the person who took my daughter.

"Who to look for, King Oliver?" Gazelle asked.

"The Princess. Find her and bring her back to the castle. Find her." I command them. I need to find my daughter.

I will never allow anything to be lost to me again, ever.

"Will follow, your majesty." Gazelle said.


Gazelle's POV

All the soldiers of Gemstone Castle gathered. The King wanted me to tell them to look for Princess Jewel throughout the Gemstone Kingdom.

"Fairy Gazelle, I also told the animals in the forest and all the fairies to look for the Princess." Mariposa told me.

"Good. We will look for the Princess too." I said.

We went out of the castle and looked for the missing Princess.

I know the Princess is still alive and she's not far from the Kingdom. I can feel it. I can feel that she's just somewhere here. Princess Jewel will be the first woman to lead the Gemstone Kingdom so she can't be lost.

Mariposa and I entered inside the Enchanted Forest.

"Let's separate so we can find her right away." I said to Mariposa.

I went to the western part of the Enchanted Forest. I hope the Princess is just here. I wish she was just here. My instincts can't be wrong.

Suddenly I heard a shout where Mariposa was. I immediately went back to the way where Mariposa was going earlier.

I saw her panicking and screaming.

"Fairy Gazelle! Fairy Gazelle!" Mariposa shouted repeatedly.

I immediately approached her.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

She pointed to the woman in white hood. I am confused right now. Why is she screaming? Maybe this woman is just lost and needs some help.

But when she remove her hood, I saw our Queen. What is she doing here?

"Gazelle?" She called my name.

"My Queen, what are you doing here? Please don't leave the Fairy Garden unguarded." I said.

"My apologies. But I have to warn you. I know all of the King's men are looking for the Princess. But please be very careful." She said

"Why, your highness? Is there a trouble coming ahead?" I asked her.

"Yes, there will be. But don't tell anyone yet. Just be careful." She said. "The Princess is alive."

"How did you know?" I asked.

The Queen held my hands. "I have something to tell you, fairies. I am not just your Queen. I am also the Queen of the Gemstone Kingdom. The missing Princess is my only daughter."

"No way. Why did you even sent us here to heal the King if you are his wife?" Mariposa asked.

"Because I need to hide. I have to protect the Fairy Garden as well. Don't worry, sooner you will find the Princess. I left her somewhere safe." She said.

"Why are you hiding, my Queen? Why didn't you just returned the Princess?" I asked.

"Once the Dark Shadow Queen finds out that the Princess is still alive, she'll come after her and kill her. Our world is not yet ready again for another war. My daughter is powerful. Wait for the right time. But there's one more problem." She said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Remember the Heart Jewel? That Heart Jewel is really important. You can use it." She said.

"Use where? It's just like something for decoration." Mariposa said.

"No. There will be two young ladies with almost the same features. The other one is an impostor. That's why I'm telling you to be careful. It would be really hard to identify which one is real so you have to use the Heart Jewel when they finally meet each other." She said.

"And how do we know which one is the real Princess?" I asked.

"If any of them hold the Heart Jewel and it shines, she is the real one." She answered.

"We'll look after the Princess, my Queen." I said to her.

The Queen hugged me.

"I'm leaving, Gazelle. Remember everything I told you." She said and she slowly disappeared. No. We need to hear more from her.

"What does he mean, Fairy Gazelle?" Mariposa asked me.

"Let us be careful and look for the real Princess. There will be a fake one." I said. "Let's go back to the castle."

Mariposa and I decided to go back to Gemstone Castle. There are also some soldiers heading back to the castle right now. I really wanted to tell the King about the truth but I have to keep the secret of the Queen.

The soldiers are gathered together inside the Royal Hall.

"We still haven't seen the Princess."

"Our team already searched in the other Kingdoms."

"Still no trace of the Princess."

Those are the news of the soldiers.

The sun had set but we still could not find the Princess. But the Princess will return. We just have to wait longer.

"Don't give up. Find her again tomorrow." King Oliver told the soldiers.

He already allowed the soldiers to leave the Royal Hall.

He felt very sad. The Gemstone Kingdom would not be complete without Princess Jewel. He was holding the Heart Jewel tightly. He's afraid that it might break into pieces.

King Oliver put the Heart Jewel inside a glass box.

"I just wish my sister cursed me. My daughter doesn't deserve it." Said the King while looking at the Heart Jewel.

"Gazelle, watch carefully the Heart Jewel. That's the Princess's life. Don't tell anyone." The King said to me. Now I know the secrets of the King and Queen.

"Yes, your majesty." I said.

He has left the Royal Hall.


This is the fifth day in search of the Princess. But she has not been seen until now. Only the soldiers are looking for Princess Jewel. The King let me rest this time.

I was left here inside the castle and watching the Heart Jewel. Only I, Mariposa and the King know about the Heart Jewel.

Suddenly the large door of the Royal Hall opened and the soldiers entered.

"Dear King! We have found her!" A soldier said cheerfully.

King Oliver immediately stood up when he heard the good news. Finally, the missing Princess is found.

Another soldier entered holding the baby. I smiled but it suddenly disappeared.

The Princess is back. But, is she really Princess Jewel?