
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · อื่นๆ
10 Chs

Chapter 8: Regret

~Last year~

(Blaze's POV)

I had changed my name when I was sixteen, I am now 17 Jeff is now nineteen. I miss Jeff a lot, I miss being by his side, I miss the way he would make me happy; I miss the way he would comfort me; I miss hanging out with him, I miss his love his affection his voice. God I just want to do everything I can just to be with him and be by his side for eternity and be his partner in crime.


~Later that day~


(No-ones POV)

It was late at night I felt cold I woke up to my window being open I got up I closed it I went back to bed but I as I laid down, I had a strange feeling I was being watched so I sat up looked around and I saw Him the ominous unknown killer still at large the Jeff the Killer was in my room my childhood friend


(Blaze's POV)

I just sat up in bed just having a good old staring contest with a killer who cannot even blink duh he has no eye lids or him to be able to blink. He said it has been a while has it not Shadow. I froze at that name and all the people I killed with that name I looked down at my hands I started to shake a little bit I was about to have a panic attack I heard Jeff's comforting voice next to my ear I calmed down and laid my head on his shoulder he asked my what my new name was I whispered it's Blaze now. Jeff eyes widen he planted a kiss down on the top of my head I smiled at that Jeff laid down and pulling me on top of him I soon fell asleep in his hold I buried my ace into his neck here and there to get comfortable and to reposition myself on him.


(Jeff's POV)

I climbed through a random window I didn't know It would be Shadow's house I just stared at them lovingly after Shadow saw me, we just stared at each other for like 15 minutes until they looked away I saw they we're about to have a panic attack after I said their biological name I walked over there and comforted them until I laid down and pulled them on top of me they fell asleep in my arms they moved around a few times trying to get comfy.


~the next day~


(Blaze's POV)

I woke up on top of jeff the next morning I lightly blushed I got up without trying to wake him up I got ready I brushed my teeth took a shower and grab all the tools I need, or my daily life and I went to school I wrote a note or Jeff.


Note: I'm at school XXXX High School If you want to see me you must wear a different colored hoodie and a mask that covers your whole entire mouth and carved smile my bus gets here at 7:45 Am and It comes at 3:30 is when school ends at 3:55 Pm is when it gets here to drop me o from school. PS. I know I never say this to anyone, but You are a good friend in the past and you still are I am thankful that I met you I am thankful that I could help you and you help me in some ways a little bit. 

 Love, Shadow/Blaze.


(Jeff's POV)

I woke up an hour later to Blaze not on top of me so I sat up in bed I saw a note on the night stand next to the bed I read it and I switched out my hoodie for a different colored one that wasn't white I put an ace mask on and I brushed my hair and left to go to XXXX High School I told the front desk lady that I was new I said Alan Redwood 


It was the new year she let me go and I went to my classes that Blaze was in and I either sat next to him or behind him in class.



In the morning: Get up, get dressed pack my stuff for school put my jacket gloves or anything to keep me warm on my shoes and get my laptop together and head out to the door for my bus.


On the bus on the route for other kids to be picked up after me and after like 15 to 20 minutes we are on our way to school


At school: We pull into the school do our normal drop off routine and walk to the school and in takes 5-to-10-minute walk from the buses to the front entrance and walk in

Breakfast or not: I do not have money now to get breakfast, so I eat something at home, or I bring my own breakfast if need to be.


Morning bells go to 1st Block: 9th Literature Mrs. Gilbert which is 90 minutes long. The first dismissal bell rang.


The second morning bell: Algebra 1 Mr. Grant and Ms. N also 90 minutes long the second dismissal bell rang.


The 3rd Morning bell rang: World Geography 3rd block with Mr. Hobby 2 and a half hours long and then the first afternoon dismissal bell rang.


The first afternoon bell rang for: Audio Video Technology and Film with Mr. Bembury the last afternoon bell for actual dismissal to go home rings at 3:30 you have 5 minutes to get to the buses, so they do not leave without you.


And you are on the long 15-to-20-minute bus ride because there are kids before you that get on and off in the start of the route.


Its was the next day. Blaze was playing an Electric guitar and singing This is your sign by Citizen Soldier with his 3 other friends practicing for The Battle of the Bands that was happening soon we practiced 12 hours for 7 days until the Battle of the Bands day arrived quicker than we have thought it was gonna be a blast because a lot of kids that went to my groups school where all going through a hard time and we wanted to show them that there are people out in the world who care for them after my group finished the other groups went and it wasn't anything like ours the others got like 1 or 2 people clapping for them 


Jeff Pov: I was in a corner letting the shadow's swallow me up I was crying heavily after Blaze's group left to go home that night I followed blaze home and to my surprised he didn't look back so when Blaze walked into his front door and locked it I climbed up onto his roof and slipped into his bedroom quietly and went to the corner near his closet doors Blaze soon walked in and laid down on h8s bed I wanted him to see me but to my surprise he said something I didn't hear what I heard my name I look up Blaze saw movement he shook his head and opened his arms open for me I was confused so I titled my head at him.


Blaze's Pov: I sighed while holding my arms open for jeff because I knew he started following me and climbed into my bedroom I said hid name and I said it again with him looking up this time. What I said to him which he did not hear was and I said it again with his attention now. Jeff, I know you in the corner Im looking at come over here and cuddle me. I said when I heard him sigh and spoke calmly Jeff: You knew I followed you didn't you Blaze shook his head up and down and I walked over to him laid down on top of him and started crying again gripping onto Blaze's clothes while cuddling him Blaze was starting to comfort me Blaze wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead with love and I soon fell asleep and Blaze was already a sleeping cute mess. 


Blaze Pov: 

I woke up the next morning with a sleeping JeFf next to me I smiled, and I turned to my side and jeff buried his face into my bare chest I blushed and wrapped my arms around him again falling back to sleep again 


[ An hour later ]

Jeff woke up an hour later I was still sleeping while holding jeff again Jeff broke his own self and he shook me awake I woke up and said groggily Hey jeff I yawned after I said that I kissed him on top of his head and slowly letting him go what I didn't know is that he had an unexpected surprise for me in that instant Jeff looked up and kissed me on the lips after 8 years I kissed him back I switched our spots on the bed I was on top of him like I was 8 years ago I kept kissing him passionately but sadly he switched our places he started making out with me and grinding his hips against I moaned softly into the kisses he was giving me I wrapped my arms around his neck jeff sat up took his hoodie and shirt off and helped me with my shirt he laid back down and kept kissing me later we had our clothes off and under the blankets cuddling together cause we "did it"


(A/N for the lemon just think of what it's gonna be like cause my IRL Dad says no for me to write lemon when Im in college I'll write lemons if ya blow this fanfic book up that would be amazing and if you're a writer yourself can you give me ideas on what to do next I'll post the list of Fanfic's I'll do in the future as for now enjoy this on going book if you want a second book to this current one please vote on your Favorite Chapter in this book which everyone gets the most vote's I'll do a second book to this current one)


Chapter 9 The End of this book

Jeff Pov:

After we did it, whole again it was the best time I ever had in my life and to be honest it was with the person I loved for 10 to 13 years ago when we first met each other I would want to do. I loved Blaze all my life and to be Blaze's partner in Crime for eternity I stroked Blaze's hair while he slept on me with his head buried into my neck I sighed, and I soon let darkness take me away to a long night slumber with my new and lovely made boyfriend.



A/N: This will be the end of this book I hoped you liked it and I hoped you want more of these related Creepypasta x Reader stories please let me know which one you want next the list will be put down below vote on which one you want me to work on next thank you