
Jeff The Killer X Reader

If your under the age of 13 or 18 be warned that this story does contain Smut for you little Jeff simps out there feel free to read this is for you lovely's out there I myself IS a JTK simp so I high wear that as a patch on my banner

20wilbursoot24 · อื่นๆ
10 Chs

Chapter 1: The Incident

~Jeff the killer's past/POV~

One day in summer of July 22nd, 1998, I moved to a neighborhood I did not want to move I just wanted school to just start so I can get this over and with.

~one week later~

It's the first day of school me and my brother Liu where walking to the bus we got to the bus stop and sat down 3 kids jumped over our knees we both got up and confronted them that was dangerous they said their names fat kid: Troy Lanky and slim kid: Keith and the Red head: Randy they took my brothers money and I stood up for him I fought with them taking Randy's knife by snapping his right wrist stabbing him and Keith I punched Troy so hard in the stomach that he vomited.


After I saw what happened me and my brother ran to school that is when we meet someone who could keep them away from us but unlike me, I refused their help.


Unknown person POV:

I saw the two new students at my school I asked if they wanted to be friends the one on the white hoodie said no, I was surprised and liked his behavior towards me his brother I presumed got onto him that they could help with randy and his friends. I was watching his brother speak about those three. I started to walk away the white hoodie was watching me with those cold eyes I knew he would be the one to snap soon. I yelled over my shoulder: My request is always open I'm always free at the end of the school days I will be at the arcade on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays I then ran to my friends before the bell rung the two boys were in all my classes I sat in the back on my phone the white hoodie looked to his right hos eyes widened in shock to see me.


[later that day]


Jeff POV: I tugged on his shirt I held my hand out and said my names Jeffrey Woods, you can call me Jeff for short Shadow took Jeff's hand and said the names Shadow His brother said the names Liu woods I saw shadow smiling I blushed I hid my face with my hoodie.

Shadows POV: 

I saw Jeff blush when I smiled the bell rung dismissing us from our 4th block all three of us walk back home the two boys didn't turn then kept walking in the same direction as me my parents and their mom were talking I mumbled to myself not again I was tapping my foot Jeff saw this and asked what was wrong I pointed Liu yelled you live next to us. I sigh and nod. 


We all walked up to our moms Shadow's mom: this is shadow. Me: h-hi Mrs. woods Jeff's and Liu's mom: this is Jeff and Liu I rolled my eyes my mother scolded me: If you are going to be rude to Jeff and Liu then I cut her off- Ma I already met them I just needed to meet the parents' shadows mom: when did u met them. Shadow: this morning I did not get their names until fourth block -I walked inside Jeff and Liu following- 

Shadow POV: 

I laid down on the couch they turned the tv on and watched tv I made dinner for everyone Jeff ate all his food in like 5 minutes he was standing next to me with his head on my chest I was frozen to the spot blushing a very deep red and I had a nosebleed of how cute Jeff was being.

I picked him up asked his mom if it was okay for him to stay the night she said okay I smiled and walked up the stairs placed Jeff in my bed and walked over the my coach and fell asleep I was cold but I'm used to it Jeff woke up and laid next to me on the coach cause he was cold I woke up the next day with Jeff in my arms it was a Saturday I buried my head in Jeff's neck I was lightly blushing I fell back to sleep Jeff woke up an hour later in my arms he also lightly blushed at the position we were in. 


~Monday morning~

Jeff stayed over until Sunday night. I was half way down the road until somebody jumped onto my back I saw Jeff laughing I carried him all the way Jeff was shocked that my grip didn't falter once we were at the school entrance I let him drop he walked behind me I held him close we walked into class sat down with him in my lap and I feel asleep and everyone was gossiping about me and Jeff dating one of my friends Lunar asked me if we were dating I said I'll ask him soon me and Jeff where really good friends we were friends for 2 months I asked him to be my boyfriends he said a good damn fucking yes we kissed I held him close I told Lunar we were officially dating and to tell everyone and I then told him If anyone bullies him I will not hesitate to find where they live and kill them in their sleep. Jeff heard this he smiled and was scared I saw him I hugged him he hugs back slowly I kissed him on the lips softly and passionately he calmed down after. Jeff said I love you shadow I was frozen to the stop 2 minutes later I said I love you too Jeff.


Billy's birthday party blah blah blah kid asks Jeff to play Jeff refuses kid gives Jeff puppy dog eyes randy and his two friends come beat Jeff up randy smashes vodka on Jeff randy beats Jeff more. Jeff sanity snaps he lunges at randy punching him repeatedly and again then punches him in the chest directly above the heart randy dies. Troy and Keith go help him Jeff runs up the stairs troy and Keith fire at him troy goes up the stairs first troy gets wacked with a towel rack poll and dies Keith and Jeff fight. Bleach gets knocked off the shelf and falls onto Jeff and Keith. Keith then pulls out a lighter and flicks it on Keith starts laughing Jeff asked "what's so funny" Keith: your covered in bleach and alcohol and he throws the lighter at Jeff and Jeff ignites in flames and runs downstairs then passes out and is now in the hospital.