
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

The Curse Of The Sleet Kingdom

After getting far away on a road with desolated wastelands on both sides of the road, with just a few lifeless trees, tall grass, and a few big rocks Emric drove his jeep, Jayden was surprised he never knew about this area which comes when you deep within the woods.

He breathed deeply as he slowed down his jeep "Sleet kingdom, once was a peaceful and calm place in the time of the kings, but some unknown cause cursed this place, no one lives here anymore! Now here an animal can commit a sin if told to, a purest can be corrupted if left alone.

There are said to be cannibals lurking in this area! And this is just what I heard, and we will discover the rest of it after entering" Emric explained.

"And you don't know anything else about this place?" Jayden was worried.

"No, I don't!" Emric pulled the brake and turned his face to Jayden "I have answered your every question! Now you answer me Jayden! What happened back there?" Emric had no anger in his voice he seemed depressed "See Jayden… I want to help you! I do! My sister has been marked by you!

Which means she must serve you! And I will lay down my life for you too… but this is my sister we are talking about! The sister who's not less than a daughter to me... She's connected to you, which means if you die she dies!

And if I am to save you both I think I deserve to know what are we walking in for!" Emric begged as he knew how good he is at keeping secrets, he didn't expect him to open up with him but he still insisted.

"You want me to tell you how bad I messed up? Okay, Emric listen! I messed up! I messed up everything! The problems you are facing are because of me!" Jayden jumped out of the jeep and strode until he reached a rock and sat on it.

Swan placed her hand on Emric's arm, Emric looked down and thought about something, then he got out of his jeep.

As soon as he got closer he placed his hand on Jayden's arm, Jayden pushed his hand away from his arm "Go away!" His voice quavered as he almost yelled.

"Listen!" Emric pulled Jayden close to him when Jayden tried to push him away, he tried multiple times, but in the end, he gave up and Emric hugged him.

Jayden fell on the grown while Emric was still holding him "I haven't only called you brother…. I believe you are! My brother! I just want to help!" Emric whispered.

Jayden was crying without making any sound, not trying to catch any attention, but Emric knew, "I am sorry I won't push you again" He patted Jayden on his back.

Jayden couldn't tell him that he wasn't the cause of his anger, it was Jayden himself.

"Guys!" Swan yelled and waved her hand from a distance.

Both Jayden and Emric rushed toward the jeep when she showed the darkness appearing around bite marks "I don't think we have enough time left, we got to get going!" She insisted.

They had no choice but to hit the road. Emric boosted his jeep as much as he could.

All three of them were ready to face anything, while their jeep going with the speed of a lightning bolt, slicing through the wind, not knowing what danger awaits them.

When the mountain was visible enough that's when Swan yelled at the top of her lungs "Stop!" His jeep drifted all the way to the edge of the ground, it was misty so he couldn't see the dead end leading them straight into the river. His jeep stopped just in time otherwise they all will be swimming underwater.

But when they caught their senses back, they realized they wouldn't be swimming, instead, they would be freezing to death, the mountain was just across the river and the river was about to freeze, and snow was falling from the sky.

Before the mountain was a big island, but there were no plants, no grass or trees, just plain ground probably cover with ice.

Luckily there was a boat tied to a log stuck in the ground, they untied it loading all their goods in it, and before they knew they were in the middle of the river.

The distance wasn't so long so they reached the island soon.

Swan was the first to land on that Island, as soon as she landed she noticed the place she was standing is neither white sand nor ice or snow, it felt as if it was made of some white glass.

"What kind of ice is this? It's not cold! Is it because I am a wolf now?" Jayden knelt down and touched the surface with two of his fingers.

"Because it is not ice! It is calcite!" Swan sniffed, when she saw Jayden who was looking at her like whatever she said flew over his head.

"Iceland Crystal!" She stood up.

After a few seconds of complete silence, a guttering sound echoed across the island.

They all prepared their weapons, Jayden's hands were shaking, not that he was afraid but he never killed anyone, at least not intentionally, he pulled the string anyway.

The place where they were looking appeared like a wide jaw of a shark with pointy fangs, but it was just the work of nature, or maybe a curse.

After a while in the corner, they saw a shadow slowly coming out of the dark, dragging its feet, when it walked in the light it was a man, there was no part of it that didn't look like an ordinary man but it's wide jaws opening all the way to the end of his jaws, with big teeth in it, his eyes reddened, his nails big like a predator.

He slowly raised his head and sniffed deeply "Human flesh!" his grunting voice left a shiver in their bodies, and within a few seconds that entire area was filled with others like him.

Some of them were jumping to get to them, a few were running faster than normal human beings and while a few of them were walking as fast as they could, most of them were tall.

Jayden felt numb he couldn't shoot the arrow, swan transferred some of her strength into his body and heart.

When one of them jumped toward them, that's when Jayden released the arrow, which landed straight in its throat.

"So this is what a cannibal looks like!" Swan swung her javelin when one attacked her she dodged him by crouching she slashed it with such speed that detached its legs from its knees which made it fall down.