
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs


It was Ivy, no one could possibly doubt her, She always played an innocent and dumb girl, who always needed saving.

Rose pushed herself off the ground and stood up "You are the creature of darkness?" Rose stumbled as she stubbed her toe on the edge of the casket and fell down.

"I was!" Ivy smirked "Now you are!" She smiled as she stepped into the light.

"What?" Rose looked at Hawkbone innocently, as he had a devilish smirk on his face again "I trusted you!" She had tears in her eyes.

"Yes! But didn't I tell you not to trust anyone?" He smiled, reaching out to Ivy, and extending his hand to help her get down the steps "Come my little girl!"

She held his hand and started walking toward the entrance.

Rose quickly stood up and attacked her biting Ivy on her neck.

"Ah! You…" Ivy pulled her away with her hair and slapped her many times until Hawkbone stopped her "Sweetie! Leave her be, she's already done for."

He was successful in stopping her and then he turned his face back to Rose "Don't hurt my daughter, ever... Again!" His eyes had so much inhumanity in them that she couldn't look in them anymore.

She collapsed down, and dragged herself until she was closer to the wall, she sat by the wall resting her head on it.

When Hawkbone and Ivy were almost out of the door Rose called out to him "Why did you call me a creature of the night?" she asked but they had left the room already, all she heard was his voice coming from a distance "You will know soon enough!" He said.

What they came up with was maybe they all are creatures of the night because they can never face the sun anymore.

Whoever knelt in front of Rose was now against her, they thought she was the reason why they became so vulnerable, They noticed the metal they were wearing turned darker, it seemed rustier than the rust itself, and it could turn into dust if forced.

Rose was left alone not of any use to Hawkbone or to any vampire, she was just a tool for Hawkbone to perform the ritual, and after that, he threw her away like she was nothing.

Somehow the day passed and the time came when the sun was almost gone, that's when someone slipped inside the church it was Ryanne and luckily he reached on time, if he hadn't he wouldn't be able to find a sign of her.

Every vampire around was looking at her with such hatred that made her nervous and then there was one of them who was going to attack her and there was not a single person who was standing against him.

Luckily, Ryanne reached on time and pulled him away.

"What do you think you are doing?" He yelled.

"She is the one who is responsible for all that's happened to us! Let her pay the price!" One of them yelled.

"Excuse me? How was she responsible for what happened? Didn't you know we were being called by Hawkbone? It wasn't Rose who called us. And you knelt before her! Because he said he pledged his loyalty to her! She didn't ask for it!" He was weak too but he was still screaming his lungs out, to let Rose know that she wasn't alone.

"She is young but we have seen decades, we still fell for Hawkbone's false promises, so why is she responsible while we aren't?" He rubbed his chest, his heart was getting heavier.

His point was sensible and that made things less scary for Rose who wasn't even afraid to face consequences anymore "Are you okay?" He approached her.

She nodded with hesitation and stared at the ground "I am sorry… I…" She was ashamed of herself, she had no words to express how bad she was feeling about what happened.

"I thought he thinks of me as his own daughter, I had no idea he'd use me against my own kind!" She sat on the stairs by the casket.

"It's not about our kind Rose, we all have good and bad people amongst us, I never had any personal grudge against any werewolf, I only knew what I heard from our ancestors, maybe their ancestors had hate stories to tell too!" He wiped her tears.

This is when her eyes fell on Ryanne's arm, he had a bite mark on his arm, that was bleeding "Why aren't you healing?" Rose asked, holding his hand.

"I guess we are not vampires any more?" He shrugged "Speaking of, It's not just our kind who's in trouble!" Ryanne said.

Rose couldn't understand why he said that what he meant by not just our kind, but she was sure whatever happened must have done something more than putting the Vampires in danger, and she was right.

Swan reached Emric, who was guarding Brigid's chamber.

"No wolf has returned to their homes yet! I don't know what are we going to do!" She panicked.

"This means… Jayden!" Emric was extremely worried about him but it was only just the beginning.

"It's not just the wolves who are in trouble!" Jinx stepped in.

"What do you mean?" Emric asked when she swished her hand trying to make the light sparrow but there was just a spark of golden light around her fingers and she failed to do any magic.

"If this is the case I think we should check up on Brigid and Patricia!" Emric suggested but Swan stared at the door

"That won't be necessary," she said and the door to Brigid's chamber opened.

"We might have found something!" It was Patricia, she took them inside.

"I am going to find Jayden, you can fill me up when I get back!" Swan left the sanatorium.

"Wait!" Emric reached out to her to stop her but she wasn't ready to stay.

"No matter what I do my heart is so restless that if I don't reach him in time something bad could happen! I'll be back I promise!" She started running toward the exit.

"There's nothing about breaking the curse in the tome of might! But there are a few pages ripped out from it, so maybe there is a way to undo it… but for that, we need to find the missing pages" Brigid handed over the locket back to Patricia.

"Only if someone hadn't burned those pages" Emric combed back his hair with his fingers.

"No that's impossible! The pages of the tome of might can never be burned down! It is made of a combination of Scurium Salt and some other chemicals! It won't burn and if someone sets it on fire it will stay unharmed" Patricia explained.

"Let's get to the point, what do we do till then?" Emric asked when Patricia and Brigid stared at each other "What is it? Why are you looking at each other like that?"

"We can't leave everyone like that, especially not the werewolves, if they'll stay like that they will go out on a killing spree, their humanity will be lost forever.

We also know that we can't undo the ritual until we find those pages so here's what I say 'We cast another curse!' We do all those rituals that were performed for the first time to put everything back to order!" Brigid explained as much as she could until Emric interrupted.

"Wait, Wait! You aren't suggesting that we perform the first ever ritual which was performed to activate the werewolf curse are you?" Emric couldn't allow it, the river pack was sent on earth to stop any wolf from killing an innocent, how could he allow such an act, not to mention the three sins?