
Jayden King - Rise of The Reegan

A young charming yet mean student bullies a student to his death and suffers consequences he never imagined he would and triggers a curse now he has a destiny, the only path to redeem himself, and the only way to find peace is to follow the path.

Mayali1512 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Hooves of Wind

When Jinx cast the sleeping spell on Swan, Emric was a little less worried about her, he trusted Jinx, and now he just needed to find Jayden so they could discuss about the cure.

In the dark night an hour before dawn, through the shadows of the tall trees, Emric ran, as fast as he could, when he finally crossed the graveyard, he looked back and his eyes fell on a grave that's been dug out, "I will investigate it later" He murmured.

When he reached Jayden's house he saw his window open, he sneaked through and saw Jayden lying on the floor with his head sticking to the wall.

"Who did this to you brother?" He mumbled and carried him.

Luckily he arrived at the sanatorium just a few minutes before dawn.

Maverick was aware of what happened behind his back, as soon as Emric brought Jayden to Jinx, they both were put to bed side by side Jinx called Emric separately to talk about them.

"Listen Emric! You have to get the antidote before it's too late" She held his arm.

"Tell me what I have to do?" Emric asked.

"I will tell you let me first wake them up!" She walked to both Jayden and Swan, she made a sphere with her hands and a ball of light appeared floating in between them, as she closed her eyes the ball shrunk until it disappeared and right then both Swan and Jayden woke up.

Afterward, she placed both of her hands on both their shoulders. She closed her eyes and both became much more stable than earlier, now they were ready to talk.

"Are we healed?" Swan placed her hand on her neck but she still felt pricking.

"No! I managed to reverse the curse and slowed down the effects to give you enough time to find the cure." Jinx said.

"You are talking very fast, slow down!" Swan said.

"No, I can't! You don't have time! You have to go to the Sleet Kingdom! There you will find Naag in his Den! The blue-scaled 8 feet tall weresnake, its tail has a needle, if it touches you it can kill you without giving you enough time to even say 'G' of goodbye!" Jinx was still saying when Jayden looked at her with an arched eyebrow.

"So there's no cure and you want us to die faster?" Jayden was serious.

"He's half snake! And he rarely transforms himself into a snake, and this is your mission! You have to turn him into a snake to get his scale!

But beware of the other things in the sleet kingdom! Otherwise, you must believe me when I say! This Naag will be the least of your concerns! Once you will get there you will feel better because it is a cold place and the cold will slow down the poison spreading in your body! But try avoiding the lower areas!" She quickly guided them and Emric who collected all possible supplies and weapons handed over warm clothes and other things to both Jayden and Swan.

Both Emric and Swan had horses but for this journey, Emric had a feeling about leaving their horses at home, so instead he took out his jeep.

"Aren't wolves supposed to be immune from cold?" Jayden asked taking clothes from his hand.

"Yes but as long as you have this poison in your body? Turning into a wolf is nothing less than killing yourself earlier" Emric held him with his shoulders "Keep it closer!" Emric handed over Jayden's bow in his hand.

They were only a few miles away from the sanatorium when Swan felt the presence of someone else. She asked Emric to stop the jeep and she jumped out, followed by Jayden and Emric.

"We are being followed" She took out her bangle and held it flipped it left to right causing it to turn into a javelin.

Emric took out swords from behind his back, and Jayden tightened his grip over his bow.

They heard rattling it was coming from the woods and soon it turned into the voice of hooves hitting the ground, it kept getting closer and closer, and along with those hooves there was a heavy wind blowing back and forth, not just in one direction Jayden tried to aim but there was no one to aim for.

Swan stepped back and turned here and there to see where is that sound coming from, but she also failed to see.

The sound was now circling around them, along with the wind, then both wind and sound stopped.

All three of them were standing back to back waiting to be attacked but then they heard a squeal, right after they heard hooves again but this time they were running away, in the opposite direction.

They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, and when they were convinced that whatever it was, it left, they eased their grips on their weapons and turned back to their jeep.

After a few hours, Emric stared at Jayden who was lying in the back seat through the rearview mirror "You have questions" He focused back on the path.

"I know what he wants to know first: What is the Sleet Kingdom? Second: What does having green eyes mean" Swan rested her back on her seat.

"Which one do you want me to answer first?" Emric asked.

Jayden placed his feet down and he sat straight "Whichever is more important now?" He shrugged.

"You are the champion! The one who has a cure in one of his ribs, a cure for the most deadly plague that will one day eat everything! You are the last of the Reegan!"

"Reegan? What's that?" He asked.

"This means you are a descendant of the original wolf king... Mr. Jayden King!" Emric paced up his jeep, while Jayden was still thinking about what he just learned.

"How many more shocks do I have to feel?" Jayden asked with an awkward smile on his face, while both the sister and brother smiled at each other.

"We are getting closer!" Emric said when a mountain started appearing far away, "You both have to be very careful in there. You needed to know what Sleet Kingdom is, Right? It's time I should give you a proper answer!" The space between his eyebrows deepened, and his jaws stiffened as he boosted the speed of the jeep, wrapping his fingers around the steering wheel.