
JACK and JILL: when the lovers met

Jillian Don was in a hot pursuit that wet, Stormy night with the bad guys on her tail. She had a gunshot wound and was gasping for air, trying hard to keep running. She was about to give up when a car stop beside her. " Hey jill , let me help you " The man said urgently with a shaky voice. " Who are you? " Jill asked wanting to be sure he's not one of THEM. " I'm Jack mayor " She heard him say before passing out on him

Reemah_Reigns · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

CHAPTER TWENTY: Is this fate?

Jillian's Pov

I watched in great shock as Larry, Diana and Lorie ran out when they hear me screaming.

They ran to me in confusion to know what's going on.

" What? " I heard harry says in surprise when he saw the blood.

Both Diana and Lorie gasp.

" What's going on? Where's han ? " Lorie asked, her face as white as sheet.

I stand still with teary eyes staring into space with many thoughts running in my head.

What if they kill him? I asked myself.

Who took him? And why?

My manager look at me and he began to say

" Jilly let's go inside, i will call the... " But my movement make him stop.

I went inside for another car key.

I ran out towards my other car and get in. The three quickly ran towards me.

" Where are you going ? " Diana asked and i turn to them.

" You can't drive in this state Jilly " Lorie chipped in.

But i wasn't listening.

" Where exactly are you going Jilly " Larry asked with concerned look

" To Jack Mayor " i said before speeding away.

My eyes become blurry and i wipe the tears away angrily.

If anything happens to Han because of my stupidity of fighting with Zach Mike i will surely regret it.

I drove very fast and stop in front of jack mayor's house.

I alighted from the car and ran inside without bothering to ring the doorbell.

No one was in sight so i walk into the kitchen and luckily i met Maureen.

She was so surprised to see me and also confused

" You didn't mention you will visit again " She said sweetly to me , she noticed my sad face and she suddenly stop smiling.

" What's going on ? " She asked me.

I shut my eyes and breath slowly.

Calm down Jilly, nothing's going to happen to han. My inner voice told me.

" Where is jack? " I asked her.

She stare at me for some minutes before answering.

" He went out as soon as you left " i heard her say.

I bit my lips to stifled a sob.

" Can you call him , i need to speak with him " i said to Maureen in a quiet voice and she quickly nodded and walk out of the kitchen stopping all she was doing earlier.

I followed her to the living room where i saw her Calling her brother.

" Okay, Please be fast about it. I think it's very important " Maureen said to Jack on the cellphone and she hung up.

She turned to me and offer me a seat.

I sat down tiredly.

" Would you like any drink ? " She asked and i shook my head.

After fifteen minutes i heard the sound of a car, i quickly stood up to see who it is.

I smile happily, it's jack.

He seems so different today, he wore a Black tailored suit with discreet touches of gold at his cuffs. I smile, everything about Jack practically scream of wealth.

He stepped inside and waited exchanging glances between me and his sister.

" What's going on ? " He asked me faintly.

" It's Han , they took him " i said slowly.

I gain a surprise expression from both the mayors but Jack quickly recover.

He walk up to me.

" How do you mean ? " He asked again softly.

I gulped and tears filled my eyes.

" I think they killed him already because my car is covered in blood " i said weeping.

For an instant i stood there sobbing then i felt a soothing hand on my back.

" It's okay " i heard Maureen says and i realized she's the one who owns the soothing hand.

Jack stood there for some time probably thinking hard what could have gone wrong.

" I do not understand why someone would abduct your chauffeur, he has nothing to do with the Mikes ... Right ? " He said spreading his hand in suggestion.

" He has " i said and he look up at me with surprise.

" Explain " he said coolly.

I sighed softly, i wonder what would be the outcome if i told Jack that Han was working for Mr Mike before he became my chauffeur.

Honestly i do not wish to make Jack get mad but i realized I have to tell him everything since he is the only one i am relying on to save han.

" He worked as a stalker for Mr Mike in the past " i said and Maureen gasp

Jack stare at me with unread Expression and i gulped in fear.

" Do you mean i allow a stalker into my home last night ? " Jack asked silently and i shiver.

" He isn't working as a stalker anymore " i defended han.

I heard Jack laughs dryly.

" Why would i save him ? "

" Because he save your sister, do you know his cover was blown up at the hospital when he save Maureen ? " I flare up.

" How do you mean his cover was blown up ?" Jack asked interestedly.

I sighed as i turn to Maureen , her curious look excite me.

" He was stalking Zach Mike when he was dating Maureen. His partner was that guy who poses as a doctor, the one you punched in the face " i said.

Jack stood still for some minutes before turning slowly to his sister.

" Why would Mr Mike have us stalked by someone ? " I heard Maureen asked.

I wiped away the tears from my face to stare at Jack.

" You need to save him so he could answer your questions " i said and Jack nodded before turning to his sister.

" You must not step outside until i told you so " he ordered and leave without waiting for reply.

He walk up to the stairs dialing up a number.

I turn to Maureen and she flopped on the couch.

" All this is happening because of my stupidity " she says and i sat by her

" No, we should call it fate " i said while caressing her hand.

Jack came down minutes later.

" Give me his cellphone number " he said extending his cellphone and i hastily copied it from my cellphone.

I saw him forwarded the number and he turn to his sister and I.

" Logan, my security guard said he will track his cellphone. I pray the cellphone is still on " he said worriedly and i smile.

" Thanks a lot Jack, his cellphone will be with him because it isn't in my car "

" Good, let's wait then " he said.

I stood up slowly and both the mayor stare at me.

" Where are you going ? " Jack asked me raising an eyebrow.

" Home of course " i replied confused.

Why was he asking an obvious question again.

" No, you don't mean it " he said

" I do, why should i stay longer ? I came here to tell you about han and i did so it's time for me to go " i said to him.

" You can't go, to think i will let you go off to the Mikes after they took han is absurd "

I smile.

" You're worried? Wow, I'm sorry if i make the mighty jack mayor worry but the Mikes will do nothing to me. Remember I'm their super model "

Jack stare at me and wanted to argue more but his cellphone rang and he pick it almost immediately.

He hung up after some minutes and turn to us.

" They found Han "