

"I'm alright now, Nii-san!" I tried

"No. I'm still going to stay by your side whether you like it or not." Madara said, stubbornly while crossing his arms.

You see, ever since the day I've been called ❝𝐃𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭❞ incident happened. Madara wouldn't leave by my side. He even tried following me into Girls Bath.

I even woke up and caught Madara in a few inches with his eyes wide open. It cringes me a bit.

I tried walking away but Madara grabbed me by the hem of my kimono, the one that didn't have a tacky Uchiha Crest.

I even remember that he grabbed me by my hair! I really needed to tie it up in a traditional women's style

Hn.... He didn't leave me alone.

"Go Away!" I said, annoyed

Madara's mouth opened to interject but nothing came out. Then he suddenly released me, as he sat down curled in to a ball and became depressed.

"Izuna... Doesn't want me...." He muttered sadly while sucking his thumb, "Izuna doesn't need me... my sister is growing up..... stop growing."

I sweatdropped when I saw him rocking himself back and forth, Then I used this opportunity to ran away faster as I could do. I bolted to the outer wall of the compound, ran it up and leaped over.

"FREEFALL~" I sang as I fell flat on my face, that's hurt.

I picked up myself mentally using a shadow clone because I'm a bit lazy. I faced the forest that lied and headed.

"DIEE, DAMN GERMS!?" I shouted, requoting Katsuki Bakugo! By the way, I had the same anger issues as like Katsuki Bakugo.

Suddenly, a kunai wheezed past me. I turned around and saw a blur.

'He's fast, wait... I remember that Tobirama Senju is the one who created the Flying Thunder God and it famed because of Minato Namikaze!' I thought

I looked around to see the person, but suddenly a white blur appeared before my eyes and stood in front of me glaring at me while crossing his arms.

'T-tobirama' I thought

"Tobirama. Just Tobirama" Tobirama said coolly.

"Y/N. Y/N L/N" I said, 'I used my real name so he couldn't knew that I'm from the enemy clan' I thought.

"An alias of course, no offense to you." I said, "The times are troubled and it's pretty much an unsaid law to not reveal one's clan."

Tobirama nodded stiffly.

"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Tobirama asked with a hint of geniune curiousity.

"Mm, I'm just admiring the beauty of this foresty" I replied, "With all these battles raging it's easy to overlook the wonders of our surroundings."

Tobirama nodded again, and responded much to my surpised.

"Grown-ups are idiots. If they really want to bring an end to this endless fighting, they need to sit down with one another and reach a truce." Tobirama said sharing his opinion about the wars, "This forest is really something."

'That's my favourite quote!' I thought.

But nonetheless, I forgot about the time that Madara is probably throwing a fit.

"Well, it seems that I forgot the presence of time" I said, laughing. With that Tobirama observed me carefully.

Tobirama blushed. Yes indeed, blushed. As if he realized he was talking to a girl..... An actual GIRL!

'Her laugh is kinda pretty...." Tobirama thought much his own embarrassment, 'Gahh! What am I thinking?'

"Well, see ya later hot stuff!" I winked before I ran off into the distance. Tobirama flushed into a furious shade of Fuschia unlike his eyes. Coughing, he regained his stoic expression with a light pink taunting of his face.

'S-strange girl' He thought aloud.

He hoped, that he'd able to see me again..


I had no discreet to blushed.

'Hot stuff... Hot stuff!?' I thought furious embarassed.

I ran through the forest until the Uchiha Gates in sight. I ran to the right and leaped over the wall.

'I..... need... dango.' I thought.

As I headed to a dango stall, I suddenly froze of the voice.

"IZUNNAAAA!!" A too familliar voice hollered and a figure tuckled me in to a hug.

"M-madara nii!" I said, suprised.

As he released me and returned his cool composture.

"Hn..." He grunted, "I wasn't worried or anything... B-but you should let me know when you're going to wonder."

I blinked, yeah sure you aren't worried and Naruto hates ramen...

"I've realized that you are too strong enough to take of yourself. So... Sorry for clinging on you like that earlier!"

I smiled, "I forgive you after all you were just looking for me!"

"G-great.... I-im sure... I mean lemme treat you a dango.. My treat!"

