Izuku Midoryia, better known as Deku, tried to commit suicide multiple times, but what happened when he jumped? What future will he have?
Izuku Pov
One jump can end it all, no one will care if I die right now, why?
First my mother gave up on me once I was told quirkless, second my 'friends' who bully me like every other person and last my idol, all might.
Today is the last day of middle school, I'm standing at the roof before classes started, I left a note and send a text to my mom. I just took my shoes, and left my phone there too.
I stand on the edge of the roof, only watching them go in classes, and think to my self, would I be happy if I had a quirk? All my suicide attempts failed, but now I know for sure that I will finally end my suffering.
I just see Katsuki Bakugo entering school ground, that was the moment, I jumped, and while a was falling, everything seemed so slow, I felt happy and alive for a moment and when I fell, a crack was heard, but I was still alive, I smiled while I was in the middle of the blood pool.
Katsuki Pov
What the fuck, the nerd jumped, I just need to call and ambulance.
"991, what's the emergency?"
"a student jumped of the roof right now, he's breathing, aldera junior high school"
"we're right on the way sir"
Fuck what did I do, I shouldn't had told him to jump.
3rd person pov
"Detective Tsukiachi, fell free to interrogation and investigate, we need to prevent teenagers suicide attempts"
"hello principal, don't worry first I wanna see the roof, the boy didn't had shoes, so I assume he left a note and only after that I would like to ask some questions to his classmates"
With that, Detective Tsukiachi left the principal of Aldera junior High school and went to the roof, to find a pair of shoes, a papper and a phone.
First thing he put on some plastic gloves and picked up the papper, and he read it.
I don't know who is reading it, but who is reading it, forget me, I'm just a waste of space, I'm quirkless, no one care for a quirkless nobody.
I don't know what I did to deserve bullying and the number one hero to tell me to give up on my life, and after that, my dreams.
If it's all might or Katsuki Bakugo, know that, I hate you both, if I'm a ghost I'll make your life miserable.
Deku or Izuku Midoryia"
His self phone was full of calls from his mom, this was a serious case, Tsukiachi knew it. A few days had passed, the boy was in coma, no one knew when he was gonna wake up, he had several cracks on his skull, and slot of broken bones.
coming soon