

GodOFGames12 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs


201 Freja's advice

*Clap, Clap, Clap* Freja clapped her hands after hearing Elysia's side of the story, impressed that she was willing to take a step forward where only few would be willing.

"This is one major step forward for you, but are you sure you are ready for such a thing? If you jump into things too fast, it could very well end up ruining your friendship" Freja dropped her laid-back attitude, emphasizing that this was no joking matter.

"Y-yes, The only reason I was able to do this in the first place was that Shaman allowed it." Elysia saw no reason to hide from Freja her new insights as to how her emotions worked.

"Oh?" Freja knew there was a new development regarding Elysia's emotions, but hadn't gotten any of the details yet.

"As long as Shaman is the one doing it, or is at least okay with it, then I don't feel any rage or intent to kill bubble up in me."

"Hmm, I see, well that solves the problem of you pouncing on Clara. However, communication is important even more than ever, especially for you Shaman. One misunderstanding can cause an apocalypse." Freja looked over to Shaman who was sitting by the door with Kiruya who joined in while Elysia was giving her explanation.

Shaman nodded her head. She was still worried it would be too hard and eventually the relationship would fall apart.

"I know what you are thinking. What if I fail? Can I really do it? How long will it last? These are all valid concerns, but remember Shaman, getting there takes time and there will be hiccups along the way. If things do go wrong you need to stay calm and talk about it like adults. Don't go into a fit of rage destroying everything." Freja quickly glanced at Elysia after her last comment as it wouldn't be a surprise if she did just that.

Elysia lowered her head since she had no good retort as what Freja said was true.


"I understand." Shaman felt better about the situation, but still had some lingering fears.

"My advice applies to you as well, Elysia and Clara. If you ever feel uncomfortable or do not like something, speak immediately. The worst thing you could do is wait until one of you cracks just because you didn't say anything." Freja being through this before knew exactly what it was like, so she hoped they took her advice to heart.

Elysia and Clara nodded, trying to engrave Freja's message in their minds as they could tell she was extremely serious about the matter.

"There is also one thing I want you to do. Since this is going to be a rather unique relationship, you need to get used to each other." Freja smirked as what she had planned would most likely cause a bit of a commotion.

The girls, seeing the smirk, felt a little afraid of what Freja could possibly be planning.

"I want you, Elysia to… Kiss Clara." Freja paused for suspense and, once she revealed what her plans were, everyone froze.

Elysia shook a little as she knew this was inevitable, but it had to be done. She tried looking over to Shaman, but before she could, a blood claw grabbed her face.

"No looking at Shaman, I want you to be able to do it without needing her confirmation." Freja wanted to test out Elysia's emotional state, seeing if her anger would come out.

"Fine." Elysia took a deep breath, telling herself how everything is okay, and Shaman is fine with it.

'Shaman isn't yelling or disagreeing so it's fine, it is something she wants.' Convincing herself, she looked directly at Clara in the eyes, readying herself. Clara swallowed her saliva. She was well aware that although they had agreed to enter a relationship, feelings hadn't quite formed yet for Elysia.

"I'm waiting~." Freja put on the pressure, trying to push the limits of Elysia as much as she could.

Elysia hesitated for a moment, but not wanting to linger on her feelings, she pulled Clara in.

Kissing Clara, Elysia kept it going for some time, even getting a bit more intense the longer they held it. This sparked something in both of them and no longer was there an air of awkwardness between them.

Freja raised an eyebrow as she did not expect Elysia to pull it off, so it came as a pleasant surprise that she did it.

Shaman, seeing the scene, squirmed a little. It was not out of jealousy, but because it was rather hot to watch.

Freja saw Shaman squirm a little which was perfect material for Freja to tease her.

Finally pulling away from each other, they looked deeply into each other's eyes for a moment.

"Well done~, How did it feel?" Freja clapped again, happy with the results as the look in their eyes said it all.

"I-it was a lot better than I thought. Honestly, I think I can truly accept Clara now." Elysia expressed how she felt about the situation and Clara couldn't be happier hearing those words.

"Mhm, I feel a lot more comfortable after this." Clara smiled, no longer feeling like an outsider or an exception, but more like a part of the group.

"Good, with everything all sorted, I should head back home and let you continue your mission." Freja had no reason to stay anymore, so she got up and went to leave.

"Oh okay, bye then?" Elysia felt it was a bit sudden for her to leave, but she couldn't complain, especially with how much help Freja gave.

"Thank you Freja." Shaman did a small bow as Freja walked past and in return got headpats.

"I leave it up to you now, just know you can ask for advice whenever you need it." Freja smiled and opened the bedroom's door. However, with the door open, she now noticed Silver and Elanor eavesdropping on the other side.

"Silver has a girlfriend?" Freja was surprised to see someone else in the hideout and seeing her with Silver made Freja jump to conclusions.

"Huh?" Elanor looked up in shock, as it was a completely wrong judgment. Not to mention that with their age gap, it would feel extremely gross.

*Sigh* "That's Elanor, we helped her deal with some shitty nobles and are currently trying to get her back to her family." Shaman quickly explained, trying to ignore what Freja said, not ready at all to discuss Silver having a relationship.

'My innocent boy.' Crying internally, she hoped her explanation was enough to change the subject.

"Elanor? The thrown-away princess?" Freja knew who the black haired elf was, but needed to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

"Geh." Elanor did not like hearing her new moniker, but it was indeed her.

"You know her?" Shaman was surprised to hear Freya knew her but realized that Kiruya also knew of Elanor, so it was not far-fetched that Freya was aware of her.

"Oh my, you have grown so much since the last time I have seen you." Freja grabbed Elanor by the face and examined her entire body.

"U-umm." Elanor didn't know what to do as she didn't recognize the blonde she-wolf in front of her.

"Sorry, didn't mean to get up in your face." Freja quickly stepped back as it was rather rude of her to grab Elanor's face.

"T-that's fine, but… you know me?" Elanor didn't remember much of when she was younger since it was buried with many other horrible memories.

"Yes, since I worked with your father before. I wish I could have helped you when you got kicked out, but the damn old bastard banned me from visiting." Freja gritted her teeth as it was completely unjust, but it was only a matter of time before she could come back.

"It's okay. I have managed to survive on my own and, thanks to everyone here, I will finally be able to see father again." Elanor looked gratefully at Shaman and everyone else, as without them, she probably would have been turned into a slave or killed.

"I see, it was good to see you again and I hope your situation gets better. You should be allowed back soon, so even if this doesn't work out, just wait for a bit longer." Freja also patted Elanor on the head before finally walking out of the room. Kiruya followed Freja out of the room as she wanted to personally say goodbye before she went back.

"So umm, how are things?" Silver wanted to know what was happening since Freja's sudden appearance was a surprise.

"Silver, you have a third mother now, to put it simply." Shaman didn't want to beat around the bush as it would be impossible to hide in the first place.

"Ehhhh!!!!" Silver felt like he just got smacked in the face as it was something he did not expect to hear. Even Elanor was shocked, struggling to make sense of it all, as having 3 mothers did not sound right.

"Hey~." Clara waved at Silver feeling a little indifferent about Silver being her son now.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Clara whispered in Elysia's ear, wondering if it was even okay to be considered a mother now.

"I don't see why not, plus I think it would make him happy since he has grown a little bit of an attachment to you." Elysia threw discretion out the window, speaking her mind loud and clear.

"Clara? Mother Clara?" Silver was still processing the information, but once it clicked, he ran up and jumped into Clara's arms.

"Hehehe~." Silver wasn't going to complain and, in fact, was super happy since he really liked Clara.

"Oh haha~." Clara wasn't sure what to do, but she hugged Silver while patting his head.

Shaman and Elysia smiled, glad it turned out really well with no issues at all.

202 Next level of the dungeon

After Freja left and Shaman explained the situation to Elanor, they got ready to head to the dungeon.

Standing in front of the dungeon doors, Shaman felt a little bit of fear that the same dark elf would be there once again.

"Ready everyone?" Kiruya did one last round of checks to make sure everyone was okay before they entered. Everyone nodded their heads knowing what to expect this time.

"Hopefully we can get tier 6 with this run." Elysia was itching to go wild and destroy the entire place this time.

"Haha not quite, we also need some kills." Shaman poked Elysia in the side as they still need about 60 levels each, which would not be possible with the number of dark elves in the dungeon.

"Grrr." Either way, Elysia still wanted to let loose and fulfil destructive urges.



Shaman flicked Elysia in the head, instantly diffusing her urges for destruction.


"pfft, enough you too." Clara shook her head while chuckling.

"You finished?" Kiruya was about to explain something, but they kept getting distracted which made her irritable.

"Yes." Shaman saw the look and tone, so she did not try to talk back or continue teasing Elysia.

"Okay, I was about to say that if you want, you can enter the lower part of the dungeon. However, I don't recommend this yet since it is tier 7 territory." Kiruya believed they could probably do it, so she wanted to give them the opportunity.

"Oh?" This caught the attention of everyone as they didn't expect Kiruya to let them go so soon.

"Are you sure? Because I can already see Eli sprinting straight for it." Shaman spotted the excitement in Elysia's eyes when hearing the news.

*Sigh* "You guys are abnormal for tier 5, so I believe with the skills you have you could do it. But still, there will be a difficulty spike, do not underestimate the power difference of an entire tier." Kiruya wanted them to challenge themselves, but did not want them to die in the process, hence why she recommended they don't.

"I understand, I say it's worth a shot seeing what it is like, but if it's too dangerous we will get out immediately." Shaman didn't want to make Kiruya worried or risk anyone's lives, so she preferred to first test whether they were 100% ready to take on that part of the dungeon.

"Good, and as always I will be in the shadows, ready to help if you need me."

With the explanation finished, they made their way inside the dungeon for round 2.


[Shaman Shiroi]

Level: 124 -> 132

[Elysia Dahlia]

Level: 120 -> 131

[Silver Shiroi]

Level: 117 -> 128

[Clara ???]

Level: 122 -> 131

Shaman, Elysia, Clara and Silver were in the middle of the dark elf town with many dead bodies littered all over the place. Unlike last time, the commander did not pose much of a threat at all since its weakness was fire which was easy pickings for Elysia.

"Well, that was easy." Shaman was rather disappointed since she hadn't gotten the chance to use the new bloodline arts she got.

"I think we should try the tier 7 floor." Elysia was eager to keep going as they all had plenty of mana left and still had many hours left to spare.

"I agree." Clara felt the same and was starting to understand how Elysia felt when it came to fighting.

"Are you sure?" Silver, however, felt uneasy and wasn't confident in his chances at handling tier 7 opponents.

"Mmmm." Shaman, hearing Silver's concern, felt conflicted on whether they should call it off for now.

'Silver is the weakest out of us all, but he can stay with Kiruya if it is an issue.' Shaman didn't want to hold the whole team back, so leaving Silver with Kiruya was the best option.

'Ahh, that means he will get left behind in levels.' Another dilemma came up, raising a strong argument to not continue the dungeon.

"It should be fine, we can protect you Silver if you are not confident in facing them." Clara trusted Kiruya's words that they could do it, so protecting Silver shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

"Kiruya! Can you keep Silver with you or be his guardian?" Elysia knew it would be difficult to keep track of Silver while fighting, so she figured why not use the person who is looking over them to focus on Silver.

"I can do that, but Instead I will help Silver." Kiruya didn't mind intervening, especially since it was Silver.

"Alright with that settled let's go." Elysia clapped her hands together and looked over to the castle remembering the secret entrance.

Shaman was left speechless as all her effort to come up with a solution was for naught.

'Maybe I overthink things too much.'


Arriving at the secret entrance Shaman and Elysia found, they burnt the wooden roots covering the entrance. Entering the long tunnel only lit by the few torches on the wall, they hastily made it to the other end.

Greeted with the world tree of the dungeon and a pool that came directly from it, they were finally on to the next level. In front of them, many elves were busy bathing in the pool. They were gearless and distracted, making it the perfect opportunity for a surprise attack.

"Wait! Before we move forward, would we be able to take something from this tree?" Shaman assumed the world tree here must have some kind of power they could hopefully make their own.

"Uhh… What if I tell you that it's just a large tree and the religion here is all fake." Kiruya thought it would be funny to let them find out on their own, but she didn't want to waste their time.

"Huh?" This confused Shaman as the large tree truly did seem mystical in nature.

"Yep you heard correctly, this tree is just a…. tree." Kiruya saying it out loud found it hard to not laugh.

"I-I see." Shaman felt incredibly disappointed and wondered if the tree outside of the dungeon was real.

"Anyway, since we have the advantage, try to take them out in one blow." Seeing the disappointed look, Kiruya decided to quickly move on as they didn't have much time before the guards came.

Shaman snapped out of it, and everyone prepared themselves. Each picked a target that was in the pool while they waited for Kiruya's signal.


As they sprinted toward the pool, the dark elves finally noticed their presence, but since they were unprepared, the dark elves could not retaliate.

Shaman cleanly cut off the head of one of the elves and their body slumped into the pool, turning it red as blood spewed from their neck.

Elysia, going for a more savage approach, grabbed the elf by the neck. Flames burst out of her hand engulfing the elf's head, giving them a very painful death.

Clara, just like Shaman, was a bit cleaner and used her whip blades to kill the elf. Wrapping them around the neck of the elf, she strangled them while slowly slitting their throat open.

Silver was nervous when approaching the elf as he knew that they were at a much higher level. However, knowing that Kiruya was behind him provided him the confidence to push through. Running up to the elf Silver spun on his feet while swinging his scythe. The elf was cut cleanly in half, infecting the pool with its blood as well.

Everyone finished up with their targets, but now the remaining elves in the pool were ready to fight. Many managed to grab themselves a weapon as some of them were guards to begin with. Their eyes glowed red as they focused on the group of people that ambushed them.

"Alright everyone, stay focused, they can all use magic." Kiruya yelled out a warning before they began the fight in earnest just so there were no surprises.

Everyone nodded their heads in acknowledgement as the information was super important.

The elves were first to make a move and charged at the group with some starting off on casting their magic. The regular elves used the wood element to create their own weapons while the guards used both wood and wind to enhance their spears.

The group readied themselves activating their own elements while waiting for the elves to get closer.


"Your highness, the noble failed to kill Elanor." A hooded elf was kneeling before a rather old-looking elf lying in bed.

"What?!" *Cough* *Cough* The old elf shot up from his bed, only to be racked with coughs, having exerted his extremely weak body.

"There seemed to be some outsiders who interfered." Explaining the situation did not help with the old man's confusion.


"We are not sure, the only suspects we have are 2 half-foxes, a half-cheetah, a demon and a half-wolf." The hooded elf knew their identities as it was the same elf sent to watch over them. However, he did not like the person in front of him and followed the current king's advice to withhold as much information as he could.

"Tsk, kill them as well." The old elf leaned back into bed, not wanting to bother with this subject any longer.

"Well, sir the other nobles have pulled out of the deal so I'm af-." Before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off.

"I. Said. Kill them! I don't care how you do it, just do it!" The old elf released a bit of pressure forcing the hooded elf to be pushed to the ground.

"Yes." Not daring to question his orders again, he quickly left the room.

'Tch that old king should just die already.' The hooded elf shook his head as the old man's request was unreasonable. There was simply no way that he alone could fight them.

'I need to report this back to the king.' Intending to inform what the old king's intentions were, he quickly made his way to the throne room.

203 Not ready?

The small group of at least 20 elves rushed at the girls, splitting into groups of 5 with at least 1 guard in each.

Shaman and the others spread out to give themselves some space so they don't accidentally hit each other.

In the first group of elves the guard was the first to attack, thrusting at a great speed toward Shaman. Intending to dodge the spear, she was about to sidestep when suddenly a wooden wall arose from the ground to block her path.

Behind the guard, one of the regular elves had their hands on the ground, clearly responsible for the sudden wall trap.

'Shit!' Being forced to block the spear, Shaman held Kotetsu in front of her bracing for the strike. The Spear hit Kotetsu, launching Shaman back where another wooden wall rose to meet her. Going right through it, Shaman continued to fly through the air until she hit the concrete wall.

"AH!" *Cough* *Cough* Getting stuck deep in the wall, Shaman was surprised at the difference in enemy strength.

"We are definitely retreating after this." Shaman knew this would be way too difficult and couldn't imagine how much stronger the boss would be.

The elves once again charged at Shaman intending to finish the job. Meanwhile, the spear in the guard's hand had become much bigger. Encasing the spear in wood and conjuring a swirling ball of wind at its blunt end, the elf was preparing for a throw while the other elves rushed to restrain Shaman.

For Shaman however, this was the perfect opportunity to test her [Bloodline arts], which would be a much-needed power boost.


Activating the skill, Shaman's body quickly transformed into her hybrid-fox form. The tips of Shaman's hair were attuned to her stardust, making them shine like the stars.

The elves paid no attention to the sudden change and attempted to trap Shaman by binding her with tree roots to the wall. The guard, being impatient, threw the spear before Shaman was fully restrained. The ball of wind lagging behind the spear burst to propel the spear to much higher speeds.

"Heh." Shaman hoped this would happen as she opened a rift in front of her. The spear entered the [Spatial rift] which confused the guard as it vanished from thin air. What he did not expect was for a portal to suddenly open up behind him with the spear blasting out of it.

Not having any time to react, the spear pierced through the guard's chest armour. A clean hole opened in the elf guard's chest, killing him instantly.

Shaman, while redirecting the spear, escaped into her stardust dimension, avoiding all the wooden restraints.

Appearing behind one of the elves, Shaman grabbed the elf by the back of the neck, crushing it. After the elf went limp, Shaman came back to her senses, now realising she was in some sort of beastly trance.

'Hmm, so the side effects of using this form seem to make me more savage and brutal.' Shaman looked over at another elf and the urge to brutally murder it filled her, confirming there was some sort of new bestial instincts within her.

The elf closest to Shaman began running at her, however just then the spear from the guard came flying, hitting the elf in the head.

"Heh." Shaman still didn't mean to time it, but it was quite the amusing scene to watch the elf's head vanish.

Looking over to the guard to confirm it was dead, Shaman was happy her plan worked out.

'Now for the last two.' Having 2 more elves to deal with she dashed in their direction while they tried to put up walls to protect themselves. This was pointless as Shaman simply opened up a portal on her side of the wall and easily came out the other.

Completely bypassing the wooden wall, the elves were shocked and were unable to react.

Shaman swung Kotetsu at their heads sending a fire slash. In one last desperate attempt, they tried to dodge it, but Shaman was too close and the fire slashes easily hit them, setting them ablaze. Creating a chain reaction, the conjured wood shortly caught on fire as well.

Quickly exiting the area so as to not get trapped in her own flames, Shaman looked over at how the others were doing.

Having activated her [Bloodline arts] right off the bat, Elysia did not have the initial struggle like Shaman. Elysia targeted the normal elves first as she did not want to have any nuisances during her fight with the guard.

Using her bow, Elysia aimed up into the sky and activated [Arrow storm]. The elves covered themselves in wood to stop the arrows, but the fire was easily able to burn them. To make things worse, Elysia's flames now sucked the vitality out of things so the wood quickly became withered and weak.

2 of the normal elves were killed this way, being unable to avoid the arrows. The guard was able to maneuver itself much better so dodging the rain of arrows was not a problem for it.

Still focusing on the normal elves, Elysia didn't want to waste too much energy so she prepared a strong explosive arrow. Activating [multi-shot] Elysia let go of the arrow that split it into two, each aimed at one of the normal elves. She also activated [power shot] which increased the speed of the arrow, making it unavoidable.

Small explosions went off killing the elves, leaving only her and the guard.

Smiling at the guard, Elysia swapped out the bow for her spear and spun it around before sticking it into the ground. Blood red flames swirled around as she activated a new bloodline skill she got.

[Blood flame field]

A wave of fire spread over the ground, creating a small 20-metre radius fiery zone around her. The guard prepared to jump away, expecting the flames to do damage but once they reached him he found them to be harmless.Unfortunately for him, this was not really the case, as suddenly the guard's legs began to wither as if he was aging faster.

Quickly creating a wooden tower from below him, the elf got himself out of the red flames, his legs slowly coming back to life as blood circulated in them once more. The tower would not last long though as the wood was slowly withering and breaking apart.

'This skill seems way too strong.' Elysia was surprised at how effective it was and thought it was too powerful. She pondered if there may be a drawback, but even if there was, she has yet to find it.

The elven guard, not having a choice as his platform was slowly being destroyed, tried to jump off it and get out of the domain.

Elysia took this opportunity to attack the elf while he was in the air. Pulling the spear out of the ground, she dashed forwards, quickly appearing below the elf before he landed. Elysia then slashed upwards, trying to slice him in half, yet the elf managed to block the spear.

This surprised Elysia as she didn't expect the elf to still have so much strength.

The elf used Elysia as a way to push himself further away and secure his landing outside of the domain.

"Tsk, get back here." Elysia wasn't happy that she was used as a bounce pad, so this time she threw her spear. As she was throwing it, Elysia created an explosion of fire at the flat end of the spear, vastly increasing the power of the throw.

Sailing through the air, the elf moved to block it again, but due to the extra strength from the explosion, he was not able to stop the spear.

Getting pushed through the air while his own spear cracked, he crashed into the tree which was the last push to break his weapon. Elysia's spear on the other hand kept its momentum, piercing deep into the heart of the elf and lodging itself in the tree behind him.

The elf's body hung from the tree as its blood dripped into the pool below, further tainting it red.

"Phew that wasn't too bad, but I have to say I can't imagine fighting more than one at once." Elysia didn't struggle too much, but it felt like a boss in and of itself, as she had to use quite a lot of mana to power her spells enough to do damage.

"Kiruya wasn't lying, it is quite the jump, we definitely need to get to tier 6 before we start clearing this fully." Elysia still thought that if they all worked together it would be okay, but felt she would be more comfortable to first raise their strength so that any one of them could clear it up to at least the final boss of the dungeon.

'I should make sure Clara and Silver are okay since they are not as well versed.' Elysia knew Shaman would be okay since she had a wide range of skills. The same could not be said for Clara and Silver so their fights would likely take longer.

Just to make sure, Elysia quickly glanced over to Shaman's area and saw that she was about to finish up.

"Perfect." Not having to worry, she quickly made her way over to Silver and Clara.

204 Duo

Clara and Silver, knowing they were on the lower end of the group's power, decided to team up.

"Silver, I want you to go around taking out the regular elves while I distract the 2 guards." Clara explained her plan, yet Silver was a bit sceptical whether she could handle it.

"Are you sure you can handle two of them Mother?" Silver felt a bit awkward calling Clara mother, but he knew it would only be a matter of time before he got used to it.

"O-oh y-yes I should be fine." Getting stunned by being called mother, it actually gave her quite the motivation boost to do her best.

"Okay, I will trust you." Silver gripped his scythe, trusting things would be okay by the time he was done.

"Alright, let's go." Clara dashed forward into the group of elves with her whip blades dragging behind her flickering with lightning. Silver descended into the shadows and made his way to the rear end of the elves.

Clara halted her steps just before the guards and observed that there was a noticeable difference between them. Instead of the usual spear, one had a great sword and the other had dual blades. Their weapons were covered in wood with swirling balls of wind at the bottom of the handle just like the spears users had.

Clara felt her heart waver for a moment as it seemed like they may be stronger than the normal guards.


'Let's hope it's just a difference in weapon.' Clara hoped that despite the different weapons, their combat power would equal that of the spear users from before. The armour they wore also reinforced this point as they did not look like a commander or some kind of officer.

The elves that were trying to surround Clara were slowly being picked off, which gave her some confidence as Silver should be back to help soon.

'Just have to hold them off for at least 5 minutes.' Giving herself an estimate, she then cracked her whips and engulfed them in lightning. She also imbued lightning into her body which made her movements faster.

The first elf to attack was the one with the dual blades, dashing forward at a speed greater than the elves from before.

Clara didn't anticipate the speed and so when she blocked the attack, her form was thrown off. The elf's blades were encased in swirling wind, creating a chainsaw effect as the blades slashed at Clara's sides.

Retracting her whips to their sword form, she covered both her sides barely stopping the blades. Still, Clara's grip was wavering as the chainsaw-like winds crashed against her whip blades.

While Clara was struggling, the other elf made his move and appeared behind Clara about to swing down with his greatsword.

"Shit!" Clara was trapped as both her front and back were covered by the elves. She couldn't move to the sides because of the blades and was essentially locked in place.

'I need to move before he swings.' Clara gritted her teeth in pain as it was getting unbearable to hold her blades.

Lightning flicked from her feet and shortly after a flash went off, blinding the two elves. Clara stored the whip blades in her inventory and in that brief moment where she could move dodged the wooden chainsaw blades.

Now directly in front of the dual-bladed elf, Clara covered her hand in lightning and aimed for the neck, hoping to paralyse the elf. However, just before her hand made contact, she was kicked away, sending her directly into the elf with the great sword.

Still in position for a big swing, the elf saw Clara was back in range and so he swung down with his greatsword.

Pulling out her whip blades from her inventory, Clara managed to redirect the strike, but she felt her arms crack.

"Arghh!" Backing away from the elves, Clara stored her blades and held her arms to her chest, trying to recover them through her regeneration. Quickly glancing around, the number of regular elves was only down to two.

'Just a bit more.' Clara didn't want to resort to using her demon form as it would consume too much energy and it felt like it would be cheating.

The elves grumbled in disappointment as Clara was still standing having survived their attacks.

Feeling well enough to move her arms, Clara grabbed her whip blades once again and waited for them to make their move.

Being more prepared this time for the elf's speed, Clara carefully placed a few lightning traps around her. She did this by concentrating on a string of lightning that came out from her feet and placing condensed spots around her that would erupt on touch.

The elves did not notice this and so they went for a similar approach to their last attack with the dual-bladed elf dashing in first to get close to Clara. However, this time when he arrived in front of Clara, a lightning bolt struck where he stood, paralysing him.

The elf with the great sword user did not sit still. Knowing his fellow elf was in danger, he threw his great sword at Clara. Easily dodging the blade, Clara lamented losing her chance at going for a killing blow on the stunned elf. However, one thing the elves completely forgot about was Silver who just finished cleaning up.

Appearing behind the paralysed elf, he wrapped his scythe around the elf's neck and cleanly cut the head off.

The greatsword elf turned around in shock while throwing a punch by instinct, but instead of hitting silver, he ruptured the chest of its dead companion.

This only infuriated the elf, the muscles on his body suddenly growing in size. Clara had gone on the offensive and slashed at the elf with her whip blades, but they were no longer effective. As if his skin turned to metal, physical attacks achieved nothing and even the lightning on her blade wasn't good enough.

Silver tried using his shadows to try to cut into the elf's skin, but it was also ineffective. Though Silver did notice something peculiar, as when his shadow scythe got close to the elf, its mana became hazy.

Quickly appearing next to Clara, he reported his findings as it may be just a mana negating barrier.

"When my attack reached his body, it was as if it became a haze, essentially dulling my blade." Having a brief moment to regroup and talk, Clara took a moment to think about what Silver said.

"I think it's his wind, not a barrier, so what I think is happening there is a constant swirling of wind around him, but only a very thin layer of it. It takes an immense amount of concentration and I normally wouldn't think these elves have that capacity, unless…" Clara turned her head to the pool and, just as she suspected, there was a different elf covered in robes.

"Silver, I think we found our culprit." Gesturing to where she was looking, Silver glanced over.

"Want me to go?" Silver knew he would have the easiest time getting over, but before a decision was reached some more people arrived at the scene.

"Silver! Clara!" Shaman, carrying Elysia in her arms, came to help as it seemed like things got complicated.

"You see the thing is…" Clara gave a brief rundown of what was happening, but it would be cut short by the greatsword elf.

The Elf smashed the ground causing a crack between the group, forcing them to back away from each other. Now that the elf has grown double in size, the thin wind barrier was much more notable as leaves and dust were being picked up, creating a small tornado.

"So that priest elf is why this guy is beefed up like crazy!" Shaman summarised the important details and Clara nodded her head.

"Got it, I will go deal with the priest with Silver." Shaman put down Elysia while glancing at Silver to get his confirmation.

"Eli, your priority is to protect Clara while I go deal with the priest okay?" Shaman wanted to confirm with Elysia that she knew what to do before going.

"Yes I know, don't worry." Elysia understood the worry Shaman had, but she had no animosity towards Clara anymore and it was quite to the contrary even. In fact, after they were forced to kiss by Freja, she felt willing to accept Clara as a potential partner.

That being the case, She now felt that the other side of her that would usually get aggravated has begun to change to include Clara. This became apparent just a moment ago when Shaman and Elysia were making their way over. When she saw Clara in a bit of trouble, the same rage flared up just as it would for Shaman.

"Good, Silver let's go." Shaman entered [Shadow walk] and so did Silver. Making their way towards the priest that was half submerged in the water seemingly praying.

"Alright Clara, we just need to hold out until they finish." Elysia quickly ran over to Clara while pulling out her spear.

"Got it." Clara felt much safer with Elysia by her side, especially when dealing with a monster.


205 Elf priest

Shaman and Silver were fast approaching the priest that was submerged in the pool.

'Why the hell is he in there?' Shaman was rather perplexed by why the elf would choose such a location and could only think that it had something to do with the tree.

'There must be something magical about the tree and if not, then the water.' Despite Kiruya saying the big tree was just a normal tree, Shaman started to suspect it wasn't the case.

'I can figure that out after we kill the priest.' Shaman was now in position behind the priest waiting for Silver to be ready.


Getting a message from Rea that Silver was in position, they could now begin their attack.

Shaman came out of the shadow and propelled herself straight towards the priest using her wind.

Silver managed to get up on the tree and was falling from above with a massive shadow scythe too big for him to carry.

Still in her hybrid fox-hybrid form, Shaman made it to the priest in a matter of seconds and slashed down with Kotetsu. Coating it in fire, she was about to reach the priest's head when a transparent barrier blocked her.


For a moment nothing happened, but eventually, a force equal to that of Shaman's attack was reflected back sending her flying.

"Shit it's a reflection barrier. Silver let go of your scythe!" Shaman, figuring out what it was, knew that Silver's attack would have quite the impact, so she yelled for him to let go.

Hearing his mother's orders, Silver did as he was told and let the scythe fall onto the priest on its own. A massive splash of water erupted, and yet the scythe that Silver dropped was sent flying back up, dissipated into nothingness.

Silver landed in the water close by the priest and upon emerging heard that it was chanting something.

"T??????r???????e?????_??e??¯"? ???~??o????f?????? ???t???h?????e?????? ??`¯?g?????o?¯??¸??d??????? ??¨??_??p???´_l?????e?"???a????s????????e??_??? ?"`???p?¨??????r???¸o??`????t??¸e????c??????t?~???? ??^????u??¯^??s??????."

Hearing something completely incomprehensible, Silver thought it must be the incantation to the barrier and whatever is buffing the greatsword elf.

While Silver was lost in thought, Shaman was sliding on the water leaving a thin layer of ice under her feet wherever she went. Sliding past Silver, Shaman picked him up and got away from the priest as she was concerned for Silver's safety.

"I don't think magic will work, so try to use normal attacks to see if it will get past the barrier." Shaman knew there had to be a weakness and so she figured using an attack with no magic at all might work.

Silver nodded his head. Once they got to the edge of the pool, Shaman dropped him off and continued her way back towards the priest.

Now having an idea of what to do, Shaman approached the priest again, only this time she did not coat her sword in any element.

Slashing down once again, this time there was no deflection and a crack in the barrier was made. This grabbed the attention of the priest that has been ignoring them the entire time, making the barrier flicker.

Silver saw how Shaman was skating and, wanting to do something similar, managed to do it with his shadows. Instead of sliding silver was hovering over the water and glided across it.

Using his shadow as a springboard, Silver jumped up into the air while pulling out his scythe.

Seeing that Shaman's attack was effective, Silver did not hold back and swung as hard as he could.

The scythe lodged itself in the barrier, almost reaching the head of the priest. The elf looked up in shock and fell over into the water beneath.

Due to his concentration being broken, the barrier shattered, allowing Shaman to deliver the final blow.

Quickly putting her hand to the water, she froze it over so the elf could not move. The priest's head stuck out of the ice, wiggling to get his body out while also casting some fire spells.

Shaman slid along the ice winding up Kotetsu to go for the elf's neck. The ice surrounding the priest did begin to melt, but before he could make the gap big enough for him to move, Shaman swung at his neck.

In a desperate attempt, the elf tried to put up another barrier, but this time for physical attacks. However, Shaman coated her sword in wind, replicating the chainsaw effect the dual-wielding elf used.

The barrier broke in an instant and the elf's head was cut cleanly off, coating the surrounding ice red.

"Quickly back to Clara and Elysia." Shaman knew the greatsword elf would be much harder to deal with and the fact no explosions were going off during their fight, she started to become worried.


The greatsword elf stood in front of the two girls with a glowing aura, its transformation finally done.

The greatsword it used now looked like a normal sword in its hands, which was terrifying, as the power of its swings will likely be much greater.

"Whatever you do, do not try to block it." Elysia already saw them getting crushed easily, so their best option was to deflect or avoid it altogether.

"Do you want to go long range while I try to keep its attention?" Clara could keep a safe distance with her whips, so her plan was to whittle down the elf till it died.

"If you are confident that you can, that's fine. I will fire whenever it seems like it is getting too much." Elysia agreed and took a step back to prepare a few arrows.

The elf was seemingly done with its transformation as now it was preparing to attack. The greatsword rested on his shoulder and the ground under its feet caved in.

Dashing forward the elf slashed down intending to cut Clara in half. However, using her lightning-enhanced speed, she dodged out to the side. The greatsword crashed into the ground sending dirt everywhere and showing off how impactful the hits were.

'Made the right call to not block.' Clara felt her arms tingle as she could imagine her bones shattering from taking such an impact.

Clara, now standing to the side of the elf, aimed for the ribs with her whips. As they were about to connect, the elf grabbed them with his other hand. Blood seeped through its fingers, but he still yanked on them, pulling Clara close.

However, Elysia fired a few fire arrows that hit both the hand holding Clara's whips as well as the elf's face. Stunning the elf for a brief moment, Clara was able to roll away and get back on her feet while retracting her whips.

Getting back to a safe distance, Clara concluded that going for any attack without distracting it first is going to be futile.

The elf extinguished the flames on its body and shifted its attention to Elysia. Seeing the elf rushing towards her, Elysia freaked out for a moment as she didn't expect to get the attention of the elf.

Clara saw the opportunity to attack and tried to keep up with the elf. Just before the elf could reach Elysia, Clara swung her whips aiming for its feet, intending to trip him.

Successfully wrapping the ankle of the elf with her whip she managed to make him lose his balance and fall forward. This allowed Elysia to move away in time while also firing a few arrows at the elf to see if she could kill it.

Unfortunately, Elysia's fire arrows were not enough and only left slight burn marks despite the fire still going strong.

Getting up from the ground, it seemed like the elf was even bigger and angrier. Smashing its foot into the ground, he propelled himself up in the air.Seeing the gigantic elf hurtling towards her, Clara's first thoughts were of how devastating the strike would be.

As Clara jumped away with all her strength, the elf hit the ground with his sword, causing an explosion of shattered stones. One large chunk of stone hurtled towards Clara and hit her on the back, trapping her on the ground.

Clara got to work on pushing off the rock, but the elf already made his way over and was about to swing down.

"Clara!" Elysia screamed out as she fired explosive arrows, but they did nothing, cementing her fears.

Kiruya was about to jump in and stop the attack from happening, but suddenly a drastic change occurred in the elf. his enhanced body had returned back to normal and the swing it was throwing lost most of its strength.

The strike hit the rock, only cracking it due to the elf's weakened state and actually helped Clara to get out from under it.

Escaping the grip of the rock, Clara took a moment to breathe as she felt like she just had a heart attack.

Shortly afterwards, Shaman and Silver came running to Clara's side, confirming the demise of the priest.

"How are things?" Shaman noticed the rather disheveled look of Clara and gathered that she had it rough.

"Well since you killed that priest the elf is now a lot weaker, just need to finish the job." Clara pointed at the elf, but as she did a large ball of fire engulfed the elf.

"Well, looks like Elysia has got that covered." Shaman chuckled, surprised a little that Elysia didn't start with this move to begin with.

206 Rinse and repeat

Elysia, seeing the weakened state of the elf and ensuring Clara was far enough away, decided to use a fully-powered arrow.

Pulling the arrow back all the way until her hands were shaking, she let go of the string and sent the arrow surging through the air. Making contact with the back of the greatsword elf, the arrow exploded, engulfing his entire body and turning him to ash shortly after.

A few sounds rang in Elysia's ears, telling her that she levelled up from the kill. Feeling great about getting the final blow, she flicked her hair.

[Great work Elysia, Everyone else is waiting for you.]

'Rea?' Elysia was shocked to hear Rea suddenly in her head as it had been a while.

[Oh sorry, just wanted to say something since it has gotten pretty lonely.]

'Ehh? You know you can always chip in when you want, no need to hide.' Elysia felt bad as it seemed like Rea felt excluded. Although it was partly her own fault as well as the others' for not talking to her, it couldn't be helped as they can't see her. They have also been using the system less as they do not require to bring up any menus as it can all be done mentally.

[Really? It just seemed like I wasn't needed anymore.]

'Come on, don't be so afraid.' Elysia hoped her encouragement helped Rea since at least to Elysia she was a part of their group.


[Okay.] It was clear Rea was nervous as her voice was shaky, but she still complied.

Elysia made her way over to everyone else who were seemingly waiting for her.

"Were you daydreaming?" Shaman found Elysia's behaviour a little odd as she stood still for a couple of minutes not doing anything.

"Oh don't worry, I was just helping a shy little system." Elysia smiled, giving Rea the queue to talk.


"Ohhh Rea, sorry I haven't been keeping up with you like I promised, things have just been so hectic lately." Shaman realising she forgot the small promise she made the other day to Rea and couldn't help but apologise.

[N-no it's fine, I could see you were busy, it's my fault for not speaking up.] Rea didn't want Shaman to blame herself as it was reasonable for her to forget.

"Very hard when we can't see you, but please talk more, your input is well appreciated." Shaman felt relieved that Rea was okay and it even seemed like she was trying to be more assertive.

"Rea?" Kiruya was very confused as she couldn't hear the person they were talking to.

"Oh, you don't have a system assistant?" Clara thought Kiruya would have one as well as it was clear she had her own system thanks to Freja.

"No? Freja said she had a voice in her head, but I didn't know it was linked to the system." This was news to Kiruya. Although she had her own version of the system, she never encountered an assistant.

"Rea, can you connect to Kiruya?" Shaman figured it wouldn't hurt to allow Kiruya to hear Rea.

[Well umm there is a problem. Since Kiruya is under Freja's system I can't extend my voice to her since it would cause conflict with some other people.] Rea clearly hid some key details, but Shaman wasn't going to fight it as the last time Rea slipped up she was muted for a few days.

"Hmm I see, looks like she won't be able to talk to you." Shaman was a bit disappointed, but they can work around it.

"That's fine, it isn't a problem." Kiruya wasn't going to be a part of the group for long so it didn't matter if she couldn't hear Rea.

"Shouldn't we get out of here?" Silver was looking around, worried that more elves would come.

"Oh true, we should leave before we continue talking." Shaman understood Silver's worries and agreed that it is rather stupid of them to be dawdling around.

Everyone nodded and headed to the exit of the dungeon.


"Hmm, we still have a lot of time. Do you guys want to keep repeating and grinding some levels? I am confident you can go in alone as long as you don't go into the deeper section and I can go back to check on Elanor." Kiruya didn't feel the need to watch over them anymore and, knowing Elanor was a concern, she didn't mind heading back to protect her just in case.

"We tried conserving our mana this time, so we should be able to do a few more runs." Elysia was consciously trying to save her mana hence why she did not go all out on the greatsword elf.

"I like the sound of it, we will go back in while Kiruya heads back to Elanor. Rea, are you able to send a message to Elanor?" Shaman wanted to ensure that if a time comes that they really need help, they could send a message to Elanor to inform Kiruya.

[Yep!] Happy that she was being called upon for a change, she was now in a very good mood.

"Alright let's head back in." Clara didn't have any issues and was happy to farm some levels as the feeling of powering up was satisfying.

Silver nodded his head, finally free from worries as he began to work out the kind of fighting style he should focus on.

"Take care." Kiruya waved as she watched the group make their way back inside, hoping it was the right decision to let them go alone.


"Hmm?" Elanor sat alone on the couch, finding herself rather worried. So, in an attempt to distract herself she tried to fall asleep. However, before she could let her sleepiness take over, she heard some noise, a sign that someone was coming in.

Peeking over the couch, she waited for whoever was coming in.

Shortly afterwards Kiruya came. Elanor expected the others to follow, but was left disappointed.

"Kiruya? Where are the others?" Elanor felt a wave of stress as something bad could have happened prompting Kiruya's return.

"Oh don't worry, they are re-doing the dungeon and should be back in a few hours." Kiruya saw the panic on Elanor's face which was understandable.

"Oh I see, thank god." Elanor trusted Kiruya's word and let relief wash over her.

"Just wait patiently for their return and know that you will get a message if they need help." Kiruya wasn't sure if she should tell Elanor about the system, but since Freja had a standing order to keep her silence, she decided to avoid it.

"Message?" Elanor thought it would be by talisman or some other means, but usually, those items are hard to come to buy unless you know someone that can make them.

"You will know." Kiruya hoped Elanor wouldn't question further as explaining it is rather complicated.

"Oh okay." Elanor assumed it was some communication device and since she saw them as sort of heroes it did not surprise her.


"Ren, the guests will be arriving in the next few days, I hope you are ready." The current elf king was in his office looking through some papers while his son Ren sat in a chair.

"I know, but are you sure I should go with them? I mean, it's basically a full girl group." Ren was not excited for their arrival even though his father tried painting it as an exciting chance to gain experience.

"It was at the request of Freja and you know I can't go against her right now, plus you need to be more social." Still not even looking up at Ren, he sifted through a stack of papers until he found something and presented it to Ren.

"Hmm?" Looking over, Ren read the piece of paper that seemed to be a letter directed to the king.

Dear Rein,

I have sent over a few of mine, who are currently on an adventure to get stronger and I have given them a letter to hand you with very, very important information. So in return for this, I would love it if you got your son to join them. I know how long he has been locked up there and I think it would be great to send him off. This is also redeeming that favour you owe me so it isn't like you have a choice. Oh, and if that old bastard stops you tell him I will come personally.

Your ever so dear Freja~

"I-I see." Ren was a bit shocked, but it seemed like whoever this person was, they could even take down his father.

"Good, because I don't have a choice…." He looks around for a brief moment.

"I also want you to get out so we are not under your grandfather's control." Looking around once more he let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh?" Ren was extremely confused as he thought his grandfather was no longer in the picture.

"The walls have ears! Just know that until he is gone I can't properly treat you like a son." Rein's face turned dark as he despised being chained down, but luckily soon they will be free.

207 Close to the next tier

*Heavy breathing* "Please tell me we are finished." Clara was on her hands and knees, out of breath as this was their 10th time running the dungeon.

"Don't worry we are done." Shaman was lying on the ground covered in blood and dirt in a similar state to Clara. Elysia found herself on top of Shaman almost falling asleep from exhaustion.

Silver was leaning on his scythe to keep his balance while looking over everyone.

"Does anybody know any healing spells?" Shaman wondered if anyone else could use one as she did not feel like moving at all.

"Nope, I believe you are the only one with a healing spell." Clara had her demonic regeneration, but nothing that could heal anyone else.

"Oh wait, Elysia, wake your ass up!" Shaman recalled the life-stealing flame which should be able to help with their fatigue, so she slapped Elysia's ass to wake her up.

"Ah~!" Shooting up awake with a moan, she looked around wondering what the hell happened.

"Can you use your flame to help with this fatigue?" Shaman got straight to the point, leaving Elysia a little disappointed as she expected a surprise when she woke up.


"Finnnee~, but you are carrying me back." Elysia pouted and proposed her deal, but before Shaman could agree or decline, Elysia had already used her flame.

"I-I… Damnit." Shaman wanted to decline, but Elysia was too quick, letting her flames engulf everyone. Although it looked like it should have hurt, the flames were warm and had a nice satisfying feeling.

"That feels nice." Clara and Silver were basking in the warmth and felt the pain in their muscles diminish, allowing them to move properly.

Getting up from the ground, Shaman carried Elysia in a princess carry, the latter having a cheeky smile on her face.

*Sigh* "Anyway, how much progress did we make?" Shaman opened up a system menu showing everyone's levels.

[Shaman Shiroi]

Wind – Tier 4 -> 5

Fire – Tier 4 -> 5

Water – tier 4 -> 5

Ice – tier 4 -> 5

Level 132 -> 170

[Elysia Dahlia]

Level 131 -> 169

[Silver Shiroi]

Level 128 -> 166

[Clara ???]

Level 131 -> 169

Satisfied with the results, it would only require a day or two of grinding to reach tier 6 and they will finally be comfortable moving to the next floor.

"I'm sure Elanor and Kiruya are worried, we have been in here for… how long now?" Shaman didn't keep track of the time and assumed they would simply grind until they reached the brink of exhaustion.

"I think we have been here for 5 hours." Silver kept better track of the time, but he wasn't sure and so only gave an estimation.

[6 hours.] Rea's voice echoed in everyone's head, making them come to a halt as they realised they had stayed for an extra 2 hours.

"Okay, we realllllly need to go." Clara could foresee the earful they will get from Kiruya and can already imagine her standing outside the dungeon waiting.

With that said they all rushed out to the entrance, hoping Kiruya isn't going to be mad at them.


Making it back into the adventurers guild, Shaman looked around for Kiruya and luckily she was nowhere to be found.

"Phew, let's head back to the hideout." Knowing the lecture is yet to come, they were relieved to at least have some time to prepare before they returned.

Approaching the exit, still cautious of a potential lurking Kiruya, the group felt safer the closer they got to the exit.

"Ummm, Shaman." Elysia looked worryingly at Shaman trying to tell her something.

"Hmm?" Wondering what could be wrong, she looked at Elysia and saw her point. Turning around to see what it was, she was met with an annoyed-looking Kiruya.

"Oh fuck!" Getting jump-scared by the sudden appearance of Kiruya, Shaman tried to run away. However, her tail was grabbed by Kiruya and Clara was grabbed by the horn. Silver didn't dare move as he didn't want to be the only one to escape.

"Kyaa~!" Both Shaman and Clara screamed out from their most sensitive body parts being grabbed.

"Silver run while you can!" Shaman yelled to get Silver to run, but Kiruya glared at him, threatening him not to move.

"I… Ummm." Silver was frozen in place, conflicted about what he should do and wondering about the consequences of running away.

"You are coming with me, you made Elanor worried sick." Kiruya wasn't too angry, but they made Elanor extremely worried, so Kiruya took this opportunity to teach them to be more aware of the people around them.

"Y-yes." Shaman complied, giving up any thought of fighting back or running away. Silver in the end did not dare to leave and obediently stayed listening to Kiruya.

Elysia, who was not restrained, contemplated escaping and taking Silver with her, but she didn't want to leave Shaman and Clara. Plus there would be consequences if she did run away since it would only be a matter of time until she faced Kiruya.

Kiruya saw that they all nodded and dragged them back to the hideout.


Everyone was on their knees in front of Kiruya, looking like they were about to be lectured.

Kiruya let out a sigh as she felt bad since they realistically didn't do anything wrong, but it was still irresponsible to not let her know if they were okay.

"I don't want to yell at you all, but please let me know you are okay. You have people outside the dungeon awaiting your return." Kiruya saw the relief on their faces, which made her happy, but she still hoped her message got across.

"Sorry, we lost track of time and only realised after we were on the ground exhausted." Shaman explained what had happened and all Kiruya could do was shake her head.

"It's okay, but be more aware of your surroundings next time." Kiruya made her way over to the bedrooms as Elanor was still waiting in her room.

"Elanor! They are back." Calling out her name, shuffling sounds came from one of the rooms and Elanor stumbled out.

"Shaman! Clara!" Elanor rushed towards them, giving Clara and Shaman a hug which incited a reaction from Elysia.

"Grrrr!" Growling at Elanor, she realised what she was doing and quickly backed off.

"Oop sorry, didn't mean anything by it haha~." Awkwardly laughing, Elanor realised she let her emotions get the better of her. Shaman on the other hand gave Elysia a brief glare of reproach.

"It's okay Elanor, Elysia is just a bit…. Possessive." Shaman didn't want to make it sound bad as it has gotten a lot better recently, especially with accepting Clara into the relationship.

"O-oh I see." Elanor could see it and was a bit terrified of Elysia, now seeing that she can get very hostile.

"Elysia, Elanor is allowed to hug us okay, if you're that envious, just join in." Shaman didn't want to deny Elanor some affection as she hardly has any friends let alone a family.

"Hmph, fine." Pouting and turning her head away, Elysia didn't want to watch the hug.

Shaman opened up her arms and offered Elanor a hug, but she looked over to Elysia hesitant if she should.

"Don't worry about her, I will put her on a leash if I have to." Shaman saw Elysia's ears perk up for a moment, but she still refused to look.

"O-okay." Accepting the hug, it felt awkward, but it was very comforting and reminded her of the times she was hugged as a kid. This almost made her start crying, but she held on as she didn't want to be seen crying, plus it would be a hit to her pride after staying strong for so long.

Elanor backed away satisfied and Kiruya smiled, glad that everyone was now okay.

"Alright if you're all good, I am heading to bed, just grab whatever you want to eat and I will see you all tomorrow." Kiruya was tired and she still needed to report to Freja today.

"Goodnight." The girls waved at Kiruya and said their goodnights as she left the living room.

"I guess I should start cooking." Elysia got over her emotions and made her way to the kitchen.

"Do you want a hand with cooking?" Shaman never thought to ask, but she wondered if Elysia wanted some help.

"NO! I mean… It's okay, I can do it myself." Elysia was afraid that Shaman would set fire to the kitchen as her cooking abilities only went as far as 2-minute noodles.

"Oh okay." Shaman didn't dare retort back as she knew how passionate Elysia was about her cooking and didn't want to intrude on that.

"Instead I will take Silver, I want to teach him some things." Elysia if anything wanted to teach her son how to cook just in case and figured it would be some good bonding time.

"Me?" Silver was confused and didn't expect to be invited to cook, but he wasn't going to say no.

'Let's hope he hasn't inherited Shaman's lack of cooking skills.' Knowing Silver had some of Shaman's genes, she hoped he did not take after Shaman's lazy side when it came to cooking.

"Yes, now come, mother will show you some tricks." Elysia smiled while gesturing at Silver to come over.

Shaman was jealous but she knew Elysia would shut her down if she said anything.

"It's okay Shaman, we have some skills to assign anyway." Clara tried to comfort Shaman as they still had things to do.

208 Tier 6

A few more days had gone by and it was time for everyone to evolve to the next tier. Shaman also assigned all of her stat points just before evolving.


Unused: 2100 -> 0

Vitality: 700 -> 1050

Agility: 750 -> 1100

Intelligence: 810 -> 1160

Strength: 800 -> 1150

Dexterity: 760 -> 1110

Defence: 700 -> 1050


As they all sat in the living room Shaman looked over everyone's stats and was happy they reached level 200.

As usual, the next tier upgrade required tier 6 leader cores, which they had plenty of.

"Alright everyone, grab 2 cores and we can begin entering the next tier." Nothing was stopping them from evolving and Shaman wanted to start on the next dungeon floor quickly.

"Enjoy this while it lasts, this is one of the final tiers where you can easily evolve. It is especially hard when trying to get to tier 8 and up." Kiruya, who was stuck at tier 8, struggled to find tier 9 monsters to kill which stunted her growth. This was also in part because of her work with Freja which didn't leave her much time to find the right creatures to kill.

"There aren't any tier 9 or 10 dungeons?" Shaman was rather curious as she assumed there would be a dungeon for every tier.

"Nope! tier 8 is the highest a dungeon can go, well at least from what has been discovered." Kiruya assumed there were higher-tier dungeons, but they had yet to be found.

"Oh, they might be deep underground or something." Clara figured they would be in some sort of extreme terrain that even high-tier people would find hard to traverse.

"Wait, how did Freja reach tier 10?" Elysia realised that people still managed to reach such a monstrous tier so there had to be some way.

"Oh, she killed a creature years ago which was a threat to the entire continent." Kiruya was surprised they hadn't been told the story, but it happened quite a while ago before the current pope came into power which fractured a lot of the friendly relationships.

"Eh? Is it like some massive squid creature that was going to destroy everything?" Silver's imagination went a bit crazy as he remembered some of the horror stories Shaman recalled from her old world.

"Haha no, it wasn't that big, probably about the size of a few houses." Kiruya didn't know too much about what it looked like as she wasn't around at the time and therefore found it hard to describe.

"So it was an extremely strong monster and Freja was able to kill it?" Clara figured it was as simple as that.

"As far as I know, yes, it was a fire type monster and that is actually how she obtained her hell special flame element." Kiruya panicked for a moment after speaking as she wasn't sure if she was allowed to discuss this subject.

"Oh that's cool, but there is one thing that doesn't seem to add up. Why does nobody talk about it? I haven't seen any information relating to this event." Shaman thought it would be a much more known event, especially since it involved saving the continent from destruction.

"I-I can't answer that." Kiruya knew why, but she was worried that if she told the girls and silver the full truth behind the event, they would end up disliking Freja.

"Hmm, I see." Shaman became suspicious, entertaining the thought that maybe Freja summoned the creature in the first place, but that sounded way too insane.

"We should probably get this evolution over with." Elysia was losing interest in the topic and wanted to get to tier 6 already.

"Yes, you're right, we can talk after. Kiruya, make sure to look over us!" Shaman knew they were safe in the hideout, but getting Kiruya's confirmation made it reassuring.

"Don't worry, I will keep the place safe." Kiruya nodded her head and stood back to watch them begin the process.

"Everyone ready?" Shaman looked around and saw that the group were nodding their heads.

"Alright go!" Shaman gave the signal and they all pressed yes in their system menu. Shortly after, they each got engulfed in an egg.

Kiruya was a bit confused as the way she evolved was a lot different than how they did.

'Maybe it's a system thing.' Remembering that she was under some different type of system, Kiruya suspected it may have affected how she evolves.

'Doesn't matter now, I just need to wait for them to wake up. Hopefully, they don't take too long.' Kiruya hoped to be entering the Elf palace soon as Freja was urging them to finish.


Kiruya found herself asleep on one of the wooden chairs while looking over the eggs in the living room. Even though she could have gone to bed, she wanted to make sure she was close by just in case.

At one point, Elanor had come out and was shocked to see all the eggs laying around. Her first thought when seeing them was that they were food the group found while hunting. However, before she could touch the eggs Kiruya stopped her, freaking out that she might take them to the kitchen.

It was around the afternoon when the eggs finally started to crack, waking Kiruya up.

"It's time." Getting up still in a daze, Kiruya quickly tidied herself up and went to go get Elanor.

As Kiruya walked back out with Elanor, the group was already out of their eggs, but there was a glaring difference in their demeanour. Each and every one of them looked older and even Silver looked more mature now, seemingly in his late teens.

Surprisingly, Shaman had the most development with her now looking as if she was in her early 20s. Her body gained a lot more curves, becoming almost unrecognisable if it wasn't for her familiar face and unique hair.

Elysia also followed this same path, but she did not look too different from how she usually is.

The one with the least changes was Clara as she was already quite older than the others, so she already had a developed body. With the evolution though, she gained a more refined look which she couldn't complain about.

"Woah." Elanor was stunned by this as it felt like she suddenly time travelled to the future.

*Yawn* "Damn, I hate how it always makes me hungry." Shaman felt her stomach rumble and just like the previous times ate her eggshell. Elysia, Clara and Silver also did the same thing, enjoying the surprisingly sweet taste.

Kiruya was concerned seeing this as she would have thought the eggshell would just cut their mouth.

"Ohhh Shaaamaann, you look so much more…. Sexier." Elysia looked over to Shaman after finishing the eggshell and was pleasantly surprised by the new looks.

"Oh wow, you're not wrong Elysia." Clara looked over from behind Elysia and couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"Hehe~ finally." Shaman felt extremely happy. Although she hadn't yet looked in the mirror, hearing Clara and Elysia's reactions made Shaman confident.

"Wait, are we ignoring the fact you just ate an eggshell?!" Elanor did not want to let this point fly by as it was extremely weird.

"Hmm? Did you want to try them? They are sweet." Shaman still had some pieces left she was about to finish, but she didn't mind sharing them with Elanor.

"I d-don't know if that's safe." Elanor was sceptical, but it was a tempting offer as the expressions everyone made while eating said otherwise.

"Here, come try." Shaman lifted up a piece towards Elanor while gesturing for her to come over.

"F-fine." Walking up to Shaman, Elanor took the piece from her and took a small bite.

Expecting it to be fragile, Elanor found the shell surprisingly gummy and a sweet taste invaded her mouth. However, she suddenly felt mana flow through her and got a sense of newfound strength.

"What?" Elanor was still trying to understand this new feeling when suddenly a little bit of wind swirled around her body, shocking everyone.

"I knew the eggshell gave a little boost, but I didn't expect them to have such an effect on other people." What Shaman didn't realise was that the eggshell was infused with tier 6 mana, so for someone like Elanor who is at tier 3 it will have a major effect.

"Still though, this is great." Elysia gathered up the small pieces she had left and passed them to Shaman.

"The eggs you guys were in are imbued with mana?" Kiruya rubbed her head trying to make sense of the situation as it seemed way too ridiculous.

"This is a first for me, but I don't feel much from eating it. It just tastes nice." Clara having this be her first evolution found it odd Elanor was having such a response.

[Well it's because she is much weaker, so she got a power boost from absorbing some of your mana which was infused with the cores.] Rea came in with an explanation that answered all of Shaman's questions.

"Ohhh that makes sense." Shaman, now understanding what happened, recited what Rea said which put Elanor at ease as she was panicking about what was going on.

"If that's the case should you give her more?" Kiruya wrapped her head around what was going on and, seeing how it had such a positive effect, figured they should give her the rest.

"That's the plan." Shaman gathered the remaining pieces from Silver and Clara. Placing them on the table, she turned to Elanor who's swirling winds finally calmed down.

"Alright Elanor, I want you to slowly eat these." Shaman had an idea and hoped that what they had remaining was enough to give a significant boost to Elanor's power.

209 Power boost

Elanor finished the remaining eggshell pieces, and Shaman quickly opened up Elanor's status.


[Mid Tier 4]

Due to Elanor not having a system she isn't assigned a level but an estimation is made.

"Oh my, you have gone up an entire tier." Shaman was more than impressed with the results and couldn't imagine how much stronger Elanor could have gotten by eating all four eggs.

"Wait really?" Elanor was shocked as she thought it was impossible for her to progress her tier, especially since she had been told her hair was what prevented it.

"Seems like it pushed you past your limit." Clara looked over to see Elanor's stats as well.

"Could we give her a system?" Elysia whispered into Shaman's ear, wondering if it was a good idea.

"Hmm I'm thinking the same thing, but I'm not sure if we should take her with us…. At least not yet." Shaman wasn't sure if it would be a good idea to bring Elanor along since she is weaker and it will be quite some time before they can get her more eggshells.


"Let's wait until after we finish her request." Clara knew Elanor wanted to return to the elf palace so it was best to see what will happen after that to decide.

"Mhm." Shaman agreed as she didn't want to put Elanor through any more trouble.

"What's wrong?" Elanor finished cleaning up after the small meal and saw them all whispering.

"It's fine, just gauging how strong you are now." Shaman didn't want to mention Elanor joining to avoid distracting her from her current goal.

"Oh okay, is there anything else?" Elanor was full of energy and felt like doing something so she hoped she could come along.

"Do you think we should try the next floor, Kiruya?" Elysia quickly interjected knowing that if they were, Elanor would most likely come along as the entrance to the palace was in the dungeon.

"Yes, but we can do that tomorrow. I want to make some preparations before entering the palace in case we make it to the boss." Kiruya didn't doubt they would make it to the boss so she wanted to make sure they were ready to enter.

"Wait, tomorrow?" Elanor, realising what Elysia was implying, was shocked to hear they could be heading to the palace tomorrow.

"Seems like it." Shaman didn't mind waiting, plus she still felt lethargic after evolving so resting was ideal.

"Ahhh I'm not ready at all." Elanor started to freak out as she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"You will be fine, don't worry about it." Silver walked up to Elanor and gave her light pats which were surprisingly soothing.

Elanor looked up and took a moment to process Silver's new looks as he was a lot more mature now. This made her blush, but she quickly shook her head as he was still way too young even if he may look 18 now.

"Damn, our son is smooth." Clara couldn't help but comment on this as Elanor's small moment of blushing didn't go unnoticed.

"Grrrr, she better not develop anything, he is still too young." Shaman would refuse any women that tried to approach him, especially considering Silver's mental age.

"Well, if we take Elanor along then maybe it won't be so bad." Elysia, being more open minded, figured taking Elanor along would help Shaman be at ease.

"Even then that would be too much." Shaman now had the opposite problem as although it sounded appealing, she didn't want to see or hear the kinds of things they would do.

*Sigh* "I guess we just have to wait and see. After all, you can't be looming over his shoulder all the time." Clara knew Silver hadn't even been around for a year, so for him to grow up so fast would definitely be an odd feeling.

"Hmph." Shaman didn't want to think about it so she tried ignoring her team member's troublesome opinions.

"If you need me I'll be in my room." Kiruya, knowing the plan, decided to leave them to do whatever they wanted.


"Is she still alive?" In a vast open throne room, a woman with a pair of red horns was speaking with a butler. The demoness wore a black and gold cape covering most of her body, yet it showed no effort to hide her well endowed chest or her spiked teeth. Where the cape opened up to reveal her hands, the edges of old scars peeked from under her sleeves.

"From the reports of our scouts, Clara has resurfaced." The butler bowed as he gave his report.

"Tch." The demoness clicked her tongue and stood up from her throne.

"Do you wish for her to be dealt with?"

"Where is she right now?" Interested in the butler's offer, she looked down at him awaiting his response.

"She was last seen heading to Elfheim." This instantly made the demoness lose interest as attacking such a place from so far would cost too many resources.

"There is no point unless she is in the human's domain. We shall simply wait for her to come here. I'm sure it's bound to happen if she knows who she is." Disappointed, the demoness sat back down. Knowing Clara was out there was enough news for the time being.

"As you wish, Demon Lord." The butler did another bow and turned to leave the room.

As soon as he exited the throne room the Demon lord vanished as well, appearing in a room that had a portrait of a family.

"After running away and abandoning the people, finally we will have your daughter pay the price of your shame." Putting her hand on the drawing and over the young Clara's face, she burnt the painting.

"Maybe I should hunt her." Considering going outside the demon lands herself, she quickly dismissed the idea.

"Need to keep it discreet like we have been for years, me going out will cause too much commotion." While the reputation of the demon lands was that of an inactive country, the truth was quite to the contrary. This all stemmed from the diplomatic silence and lack of any real external conflicts, following which the Demon lord ordered they shut down the borders.

"Maybe we should finally reveal ourselves. That Pope is too dangerous and may start getting greedy for land. Arghhh, I don't want to ruin this 200-year-long plan, we are so close."


"Have we found Himeko?" The Pope in his usual completely white outfit of hoodie and jeans sat in a chair looking at a piece of paper.

"No my Lord, we have not found an exact location, but it seems she may be in the demon lands. We do not know exactly why or where, but the mana trail left after she used her skill led us in that direction." A short old man wearing a coat was trembling as he spoke, hoping his report would satisfy the Pope.

"Dammit, how does that bitch even have a spot in the demon lands, the place is bloody dead." Even though he liked that there was news, the fact that it was in the demon lands made him angry.

"Well Lord, we can try to take over the place seeing how inactive it's been." Even though the old man suggested the most logical answer, the Pope still looked at him weirdly.

"What do you mean inactive?"

"As you said the place is dead, wouldn't that suggest no one is there anymore?" Confused as to why the Pope was questioning him, the old man took a step back.

"Oh no, there are people, there is still a ruler present, but they have stayed closed off for as long as I can remember. However, I doubt any of them are strong, seeing as there has been no movements coming from their territory." The more he thought about invading, the more appealing it seemed, especially since it would double the size of his land.

'Then Himeko won't be able to run.'

"My Lord, sorry to interrupt, but what about the incoming attack from the Fox Realm?" One of his personal guards brought up a great point as it was common knowledge that a war may break out soon.

"Oh don't worry about that, I will gather the commanders and we will enter the demon's lands ourselves and set up a teleportation network." A grin appeared on the Pope's face as he expected to destroy whatever is left there.

"Get in contact with the commanders, we will aim to leave in a few weeks time." Having given his orders, a few of the knights left the room to communicate the message to the other city commanders.

'Let's see if they can withstand an attack from the strongest race on the planet.'


"So ummm, Shaman and Elysia! While we have some time, is i-it alright if we have a s-session." Clara fidgeted while sitting across from Shaman and Elysia in their room.

"Oh? Didn't expect this." Elysia was shocked as they are not exactly alone in the hideout.

"Haha well ever since I have been accepted and I had that kiss with Elysia I found myself unable to think of anything else." Clara, having suppressed her urges up to now, couldn't hold it anymore.

"Hmm, we can, but we will be heard." Shaman didn't mind, but she was worried about Silver and Elanor.

"It is still daytime so if they don't want to hear it, they can go outside." Elysia saw no issues as it was as simple as leaving if they couldn't handle it.

"That's fine." Clara blushed a bit as being heard was extremely embarrassing, but it didn't matter to her anymore. All she wanted was to be with Shaman and Elysia.

"Alright then, come here Clara~"

210 In the meantime (R-18)

While important decisions were being made and forces were starting to move, Shaman, Elysia and Clara decided to have a little fun.

Shaman Pulled Clara in for a kiss and moved to the middle of the bed. Elysia undressed herself leaving only her stockings on. She also started to undress Clara while the latter was kissing Shaman.

Clara was now only in her purple underwear which looked expensive. Now only Shaman was left to undress, but because she was under Clara, she couldn't quite get her clothes off. As such, Elysia stole the kiss to let Shaman undress.

With all of them now half naked, Shaman broke up the kiss between Clara and Elysia. Sitting up at the bed's headboard, She gestured for both of them to come over while unclipping her white bra.

Elysia and Clara went to either side and started sucking on Shaman's breasts.

"Ahh~!" Moaning softly, Shaman enjoyed the new sensation which she could now experience thanks to having an extra person.

Elysia and Clara leaned in closer and started to caress Shaman's thigh, causing her to shiver a little.

However, Shaman was able to reach around and sneak her hand underneath their underwear. As she slowly inserted her fingers into their pussies, Elysia and Clara moaned, making them stop for a moment.

Continuing to suck on Shaman's nipples while she fingered them, they all kept going for a minute.


Shaman was panting, the desire in her eyes telling Elysia and Clara it was time to move on to something else.

Shaman saw them get off her and decided to pull out the strap-on that Freja gave her when they were at the mansion. Clara was a bit stunned to see Shaman pull one out of her inventory as she didn't think Shaman would have one.

"So who is first~?" Shaman laid flat, offering for one of them to get on first. Elysia was the first to pounce and sat on top of Shaman with the dildo just in front of her pussy.

"Come sit on my face Clara." Shaman gestured for Clara to come over, so she quickly took off her panties and did just as Shaman said. Her pussy was directly in line with her mouth and suddenly felt a tongue enter it.

"Ahhh~!" Moaning from the sudden shock of pleasure, She held on to Elysia to support herself.

Elysia had unclipped her bra and undid Clara's as well while she was leaning over. Elysia then lifted herself up and slowly went to put the dildo inside her pussy, but as she did, Shaman decided to thrust.

"Anghh~!" Elysia felt a wave of pain but did not complain as it was shortly replaced with pleasure.

Elysia, also needing support, grabbed onto Clara's hand and intertwined their fingers together. They then both moved their hips at the same pace and moaned in unison.

After a minute, they started increasing their pace as they felt close to coming.

Elysia let go of Clara's hands and instead used Shaman's stomach to support herself. As Shaman thrusted harder into Elysia, her legs began to shake and cramp the closer she got to cumming.

Clara on the other hand was pushing harder into Shaman wanting her tongue to go even deeper.

"Anwww~!" Clara came, squirting directly into Shaman's mouth and filling it up. Shaman lifted Clara up to get air while also swallowing the juices in her mouth.

"AHHH~!" Elysia slammed down her hips for one last thrust and moaned loudly, her moans echoing throughout the room. She leaned forward into Clara, letting the dildo slip out of her pussy and allowing her juices to flow out now that they were no longer trapped in there.

Elysia needed a small breather so she laid down next to Shaman.

"Your turn~." Shaman took this opportunity to push Clara forward, forcing her to go on all fours.

Shaman kneeled behind Clara and rubbed the tip of the dildo on Clara's pussy. This was Clara's first time and she wasn't sure if she would be able to handle it. However, she wouldn't have any time to voice her concerns as Shaman started penetrating.

"Anghhh~." Gritting her teeth from the rush of pain, a bit of blood leaked out from her pussy. Shaman was aware it was Clara's first time so she went slow, making sure she was okay.

"Ready?" Shaman was about to start moving and wanted to make sure Clara was ready.

"Keep going~." Clara didn't want to stop as she had already gotten this far and a bit of pain wasn't going to stop her.

Shaman, getting Clara's confirmation, started to move her hips.

Every part of Clara's body felt tingly, a sensation she wanted to never stop. Shaman picked up the pace as time went on. Clara's moans got progressively louder the more she lost herself in the pleasure.

Also, due to this being Clara's first time, she already came, but Shaman didn't stop as she wanted to give Clara more of an experience.

"Ahh~ fuck~!" Clara's hips also started moving on their own as she wanted it to go deeper. Shaman took this chance to grab Clara by the horns, which were super sensitive. This made her feel like she wasn't in her body anymore, leaving Shaman with full control of her body.

Shaman knew Clara was about to cum so she did one last thrust while pulling on Clara's horns forcing her to sit up. Letting out an extremely loud moan, Clara's body shook as she found her consciousness slipping.

Slowly pulling out the strap-on, Shaman let go of Clara's horns, letting her fall back on the bed.

Being completely exhausted, Clara knew she was done so she dragged herself to the edge of the bed to let Shaman and Elysia continue.

Shaman, now wanting her own turn, passed over the strap-on to Elysia who was fully recovered.

"Clara~ come lay on top of Shaman~." Elysia had an idea and wasn't going to let Clara off so easily.

"What?" Clara was dazed and a bit confused about what Elysia wanted.

"If your eyes are still open you can keep going~." Elysia licked her lips and gestured for Clara to come over.

Reluctantly crawling over, she got on top of Shaman wondering What Elysia was going to do.

"Come here~." Shaman grabbed Clara by the face and pulled her in for a kiss to distract her from Elysia.

Elysia knew Clara was a bit too exhausted so she started to penetrate Shaman first. Moaning into Clara's mouth, Shaman held the kiss without breaking it.

Elysia went hard and fast knowing Shaman could take it and her continued moans were proof of that.

Clara jumped for a moment as her breasts started getting fondled by Shaman while they kissed. Elysia also started to finger Clara and the overwhelming amount of pleasure was getting to her head.

"I don't know if I can keep going." Clara broke the kiss as her head was spinning, and so she fell on top of Shaman.

Elysia quickly pulled out of Shaman and switched to Clara, this instantly woke her up and sent her back up on her hands. Already close to climaxing, Elysia went faster and after a minute Clara came. This time she passed out and was truly finished with the session.

"Good girl~." Shaman patted Clara on the head and carefully moved her to the side, leaving only Shaman and Elysia.

Staring at each other in the eyes they both smiled, letting each other know they are ready to continue.

Shaman sat up and got on Elysia's lap while inserting the dildo. This allowed Shaman to wrap herself around Elysia and lock them in place.

Leaning in for a kiss, Shaman began to move up and down as fast as she could, intending to finish quickly. Elysia tried to get back a bit of control and tried to push Shaman down, but before Elysia made her move Shaman grabbed her tail. This froze Elysia in place. She struggled a bit, but any movement she tried to make would cause Shaman to pull.

"Grr-." Elysia tried to growl but was stopped by Shaman's tongue entering her mouth.

"Be a good fox and don't move~." Shaman kept pounding on the dildo for a couple of minutes and was close to climaxing.

"AHHH~!" Moaning loudly, Shaman pulled on Elysia's tail tightly causing her to moan as well.

Breathing heavily Shaman got off Elysia, letting her free of her entrapment.

"Heh~." Elysia wanted to get revenge so she turned Shaman on her back and grabbed her tail.

This made Shaman perk up and surprisingly turned her on even more, to the point she started wagging her ass. Shaman seemingly switched from her dominant side and was now completely submissive.

Elysia then penetrated Shaman and they continued their fun, switching places until they both could no longer move.


Shaman and Elysia laid on top of each other taking deep breaths and on the verge of passing out. Their muscle spasms were the only things keeping them awake as they had constant pain in their thighs.

"Hopefully… we can… walk tomorrow." Shaman thought about how tomorrow morning will feel and wasn't sure if they would be able to walk.

"Oh well, an extra day won't hurt." Elysia didn't care and if she could, would do what they just did every day.

"Ha, we do have priorities. Also need to get Clara's stamina up, she is missing out on a lot." Shaman looked over to the sleeping Clara, surprised she didn't wake up from all the noise they were making.

"I mean I can train her up in my spare time~." Elysia froze after speaking as it was something she never thought she would ever say.

"Damn never thought that would come out of your mouth." Shaman also realised what Elysia said and couldn't help but comment about it.

"Well I didn't either, after finding a way around my negative emotions I feel a lot calmer now." Having more time to think about her relationship towards Clara, Elysia was able to put into words what it was like.

"Haha well you can just do as you want, it won't bother me. Just don't forget to invite me sometime~." Shaman gave a kiss to Elysia as a sign that it was okay for her and Clara to do things themselves.

"Thankyou~, we should sleep, the pain is finally dying down." Elysia felt the pain in her legs dying down and was starting to fall asleep.

"Agreed." Shaman felt the same and was unable to stop herself from passing out.